Chapter 32

EXO's Stylist Niece


3rd Person's POV~
"Where are we?" Tao quietly asked as he and the others were walking through the woods. "Where did he go?"
"Shhh!" D.O firmly shushed and narrowed his eyes at his surroundings. "It's too dark to see anything."
"Should we use our phones for light?" Xiumin asked, reaching into his pockets for his phone, but Luhan grabbed his hand. 
"He'll see us then if we do. He could be anywhere, watching us," Luhan said and they continued to walk through the dark woods. 
"Do you think Simon's going to be okay?" Tao quietly asked his hyungs. 
"I don't want to doubt it, but I hope so. I mean, he tried saving Ailee when we weren't there," Chen said with a hurt look and sighed. 
"C'mon, lets not think about that right now. It'll only make us slow down by thinking of the negative," Luhan said and so they walked, using the moonlight to he through. 
Kris, Suho and a police officer were slowly walking around the warehouse, seeing nothing. It was spacious and empty. 
"I don't think this is the right place. I mean, it's just one floor and there's no other rooms," Suho whispered as Kris furrowed his eyebrows. 
"It has to be this one. Just exactly how many warehouses can be here?" Kris asked and continued to search the place, desperate to find her. 
Daniel entered the room Ailee was in and smirked. Ailee was half awake, but it wasn't long when she snapped out of it and looked at Daniel. He flicked on the light switch and approached her. 
"How's my girl doing?" he asked in a husky, tired voice. Ailee tried to speak, but the tape had blocked out all her words. Daniel caressed her face and smiled. "This was all planned, did you know?"
She furrowed her eyebrows, confused and frightened. He chuckled and sat on the bed right behind Ailee. She hadn't noticed it till now, since she was pretty much stuck in the dark. 
"You're probably curious, huh?" he asked as she stared at him. "The first time I saw you, I hated you. Why? Because you looked like her."
He pointed to a photo in front of him. She was gorgeous and had caramel hair, but he had poked holes in her face and had covered her in black and red marker. 
"That's my mom," he said with a smirk. "I've always hated her. She abused me and my father while being drunk. You don't know how afraid I was of her, but as I grew older I started to become insane myself. After my father had died from cancer, she got worse. And with all the anger I bottled up inside, I let it all out on her and every girl I met that resembled her. I had tried to kill her, but it didn't work and so I ran away. No one found me and so I wasn't caught. I had thought I was getting better by running away, but because I met Su Ji; I just had to get rid of her. Of course I was planning to kill her after her, but I wanted to let her suffer first from the shame. Then I met you and now it's your lucky day."
Ailee couldn't believe her ears and cried. Daniel got up from the bed and kneeled down to her level. 
"I was also following you home. Since day one, I followed you home. Seeing you scared in that alley almost everyday made me feel better and that my plan was working because the first time I met you, you were a tough girl and I knew it was going to be hard for you to be a softy like every other girl," he said with a nasty smirk. "But then that guy kept picking you up from school at the alley and I became annoyed. I even followed you all to California to know more about him."
He followed us?! It wasn't a vacation?!
Daniel chuckled and stood up. "Did you know Simon was a part of this too? Well, now he's not because he planned to betray us. Seems like we did some good work on him. Would you like to know his condition right now?"
Ailee was desperate to hear how Simon was doing, knowing that he was loosing a lot of blood. 
"You're probably curious, huh?" Daniel said and leaned down into Ailee's ear. 
"What did you say?" Suho softly asked as he pressed his cell up against his ear, talking to Jewels on the other line. 
"H-he died from loosing too much blood!" Jewels cried into the phone. "How can this happen?! He was only trying to help Ailee, how can he die like this?!"
"Calm down Jewels," Suho quietly said, feeling his heart squeeze. 
"What's happening? I could hear Jewels crying, what happened?" Kris asked, anxious. Suho felt his eyes swell up and looked at Kris. 
"Simon didn't make it. He died not too long ago. Doctors couldn't do anything," Suho softly cried and hung his head low. 
"That's impossible," Kris said with wide eyes. He didn't want to believe it at all, but this is reality. "We have to quickly find Ailee before she's next to die."
They walked around the warehouse a bit more when they couldn't find anything. Suho bit his bottom lip with mixed emotions and said, "She's not here. This isn't the right place. What if Simon had told us the wrong place?"
"Simon wouldn't do that. He sacrificed his own life for Ailee," Kris said, irritated and furious. 
"Lets search some place else," the police officer said and they all headed out the door when they heard something in the warehouse. 
"Wait, someone's in here," Kris whispered and dragged the two in hiding. "I know this is the place and that it's Daniel."
They hid in a corner and heard murmurs and rustling in the area. This is it. We finally got you now.
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I'm soooo shocked that your the author !!!!!!!!
I tend to not look at the author name >.<
teleporter97 #2
Chapter 42: Cuteeeee~ Hahaha, so freaking cute! Good job author-nim!! x)
Chapter 42: Omgggg~ so cuteee^^~~
Chapter 42: The last part was cute hehe kris x)
Chapter 11: Lulu fangirling over donald duck made me crack up kwekeke ♡
Goldie #7
Chapter 42: omo! the ending is freaking cute! i love it so much!
dennise #8
Chapter 42: Omo~ So cute! :"> This is amazing. you should get e featured!
Me_kpop_maniac #9
Chapter 42: the ending is so cute :)