Chapter 30

EXO's Stylist Niece

3rd Person POV~

Jewels skipped in the hallway to her apartment when she saw it slightly opened. She tilted her head and cautiously approached it, seeing that it was completely dark in the apartment. 
"Ailee?" she asked, stepping into the apartment. She set the bag of food down and flicked on the lights to see it a complete mess and a body laying on the ground. She gasped and covered as her eyes immediately began swelling up in tears. She ran to the body and used all her energy to turn him over, seeing that it was Simon. He was heavily bleeding from the head, but still breathing. Jewels cried and ran into Ailee's room to see it destroyed. Clothes everywhere, broken glass frames on the floor and markings on the wall, like Ailee was resisting them.
Jewels cried and ran back to Simon. "Where is she? WHERE IS SHE?!?!?"
"I-I..." Simon didn't have the energy to speak and passed out. Jewels shook him and cried even harder. She then called the police and within seconds, they had arrived at the scene. They took Simon to a hospital while the policeman asked Jewels questions. 
"I don't know," she cried. "I just got home and it was all like this."
"Do you know anyone who would do this?" the policeman asked as Jewels widened her eyes. 
"That boy...Daniel, his name was-"
"Daniel? Chae Daniel?" the policeman asked as Jewels blinked at him. 
"I only know his name," Jewels cried while holding herself. The police officer his dry lips and continued to ask questions while Jewels cooperated and told him everything. 
After all of that, she went to the hospital where Simon was and waited in the hallway for his results while the police were out hunting for Daniel and his friends. Jewels bit her bottom lip and grabbed her cell phone, scanning through her contact list, landing her eyes on Kris's name. 
"He has to know," she softly said and pressed his name, pressing her cell up to her ear; hearing it ring. "Pick up..."
After the 2nd try of calling him, he finally picked up, making Jewels let out a cry. 
"Kris!" she said as he furrowed his eyebrows. EXO was still at the airport, just getting ready to go. 
"Noona? What's wrong?" he asked while sitting with the rest of EXO, who looked at Kris, curious. 
"Ailee...she's gone. I got home and everything was a mess. They beat up Simon and left," she cried as Kris's eye widened and his heart somehow had seemed to have stopped beating. 
"W-what did you say?" he could barely ask. 
"They took her away!" Jewels cried even harder, hurting and her eyes drying up and swelling.
Kris clenched his jaw and stood up, hanging up on Jewels. He got up and started walking when his manager grabbed his arm. 
"Where do you think you're going?" he asked as Kris glared at him and shoved his arm away from his. 
"I'm going to find that sick bastard," Kris said and started walking again when his manager grabbed his wrist. 
"We have a plane to catch-"
"Then leave without me. I'll get the next one," Kris firmly said, pushing his manager's arm away. The EXO members looked at Kris then exchanged looks with each other. Kris and his manager were arguing until Kris had enough. 
"I will do what I want! I want to find Ailee and make sure he doesn't lay a finger on her!" he shouted, making the fans and other people stare. 
"Kris, what's going on?" Suho asked, gettin up from his seat. 
"They took her. Daniel and his friends took her from Jewels apartment. Simon's badly beaten up too," Kris said, panicking. 
"And what are you panning to do?" Suho asked him. 
"The thing I could only do, find them and make sure they stay away from her and anyone else for good," he said and began walking off with s and managers calling after him. Suho thought about it and ran after Kris. 
"Suho! Where are you going?! Come back here NOW!!" their manager shouted, but Suho only ran faster to get to Kris faster. s stood up and watched Suho run, disappearing from their sight. 
"Don't you guys even dare go after them," one of their manager warned, but they didn't listen. Luhan was the next to leave along with Xiumin, then the younger ones followed along; pushing their way through the fans to get out. 
Suho made it in time before Kris had gone into a taxi. He ran to Kris's side and opened the door, taking Kris by surprise. Suho scooted in and shut the door. 
"I'm with him," Suho said to the driver, who didn't really care if he was with Kris or not. 
"What are you doing here?" Kris asked, furrowing his eyebrows. 
"I'm here to help my hyung out," Suho said with a smile. They looked at each other for a bit then told the driver to take them to the hospital, where Simon and Jewels was at. 
Suho got a call from D.O, saying they also ran away from their managers. 
"Why would you guys do that?!" Suho said, angry. 
"We want to find Ailee too. We care about her just as much as the two of you," D.O replied as he was in a taxi with Kai, Sehun and Luhan. 
"We'll get into serious trouble for this," Suho whispered and looked at Kris. "What are we going to do?"
"Have them go to the apartment to find some evidence or clues," Kris said while looking out the window. 
"But with those guys, they can't find a single thing," Suho stated. 
"It's D.O, right?"
"D.O, Luhan, Sehun and Kai," Suho said as Kris thought. 
"Luhan and D.O can do the job. Sehun and Kai can will just have to use their brains," Kris said and soon they arrived at the hospital. They both headed to the room Simon was in and saw bandages wrapped around his head, his arm and his chest. Jewels was still crying and once she saw the two, she got up and hugged them. 
"What are we going to do? The police can't find them anywhere," she cried as they exchanged looks. 
"Has he not woken up yet?" Suho asked, heading to Simon's side. Blood was already leaking through the bandages. 
"Not once since they brought him in," Jewels said while sniffling. 
"What's his condition?" Kris asked, also standing by Simon's side. 
"Bruised ribs, they said one might be broken. Doctor also said he might have been protecting himself with his arms and that he was curled up in a ball, so they kicked him and they hit his arms, which are also bruised but not broken. They found a shattered vase on the ground with blood covering it, so they're assuming they used it to hit Simon's head," Jewels said, with a hiccup here and there. 
"He will be alright, right?" Suho asked as Jewels shrugged. 
"We don't know yet. Even the doctors can't predict his future," Jewels said. It wasn't long when the other EXO members showed up at the hospital. 
"Simon hyung..." Tao said, his eyes wide and terrified along with the others. 
"W-why are you all here?" Jewels asked as she blew her nose. 
"We're all worried. We have to be here," Baekhyun said and looked at Simon. "He looks like he's in a lot of pain."
"Where is Kai and the others?" Jewels asked, noticing them gone. 
"They're back at the apartment, looking for some clues," Kris said then reached in his pocket for his cell. He thought calling Ailee would help him, but it didn't. Then his cell was ringing and the caller ID was Luhan. 
"Did you guys find anything?!" Kris asked anxious. 
"Nothing. Only blood covering the wall and broken glass everywhere," Luhan said with a sigh. Kris sighed and noticed a slight movement from Simon. He widened his eyes and walked up to him to see Simon slowly lift up his eyelids. 
"Simon," Kris said, catching everyone's attention.
"Who are you?" Simon asked, squinting his eyes only seeing a blur. "Where's Ailee? What have you done with her?!"
"Simon, it's me Kris," he said as Simon felt his eyes tear up. "Where is Ailee?"
"They took her away. I tried to stop them, but it was 4 against one," he said as they all felt sorry for him that he had to go through that. "He might have taken her to the warehouse by the river in the country side."
"Do you know the exact location?" Kris asked as Simon tried to think.
"I just know its surrounded by trees. No one hardly goes there, so he knows no one will find them, but there is a sign in front of the warehouse. It's a sign of a skull, a bit red skull," he said and Kris clenched his fist. "Go. Go and find her before they could do anything with her."
"What about you-"
"We'll stay with him. Just go," Xiumin said as Kris nodded.
"Suho, you come with me," Kris said and they ran out the hospital to find Ailee.
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I'm soooo shocked that your the author !!!!!!!!
I tend to not look at the author name >.<
teleporter97 #2
Chapter 42: Cuteeeee~ Hahaha, so freaking cute! Good job author-nim!! x)
Chapter 42: Omgggg~ so cuteee^^~~
Chapter 42: The last part was cute hehe kris x)
Chapter 11: Lulu fangirling over donald duck made me crack up kwekeke ♡
Goldie #7
Chapter 42: omo! the ending is freaking cute! i love it so much!
dennise #8
Chapter 42: Omo~ So cute! :"> This is amazing. you should get e featured!
Me_kpop_maniac #9
Chapter 42: the ending is so cute :)