Chapter 21

EXO's Stylist Niece

Ailee's POV~

I woke up home alone, seeing a note on mirror. 
Ailee, I'm gonna be gone for a few days. It's my turn to go to China with EXO-m, so I'll see you soon okay? Also, Suho will come to check up on you once in a while. D.O will make school lunch before his schedules and he'll make dinner as well. Baekhyun and Chanyeol will walk you half way to school. Kai and Sehun had volunteered to pick you up from school, so please look out for them. Of course they'll be in disguise, so look carefully. If you need anything, they want you to call them right away; especially Suho. Feel free to call me too and I'll come back right away. -Jewels
I smiled at the letter and set it aside. She worries too much about me.
I got dressed for school and headed out the apartment to see two guys in long black coats and sunglasses. I sighed and smiled, walking up to them knowing it was Bacon and Eggyeol. 
"You guys look like erts," I said as they pulled their glasses down. 
"Lets just get you to school safely," Baekyun said and so we walked out the building and to school. Exactly half way, they handed me my lunch box D.O had made and waved me goodbye. 
"If you see two erts roaming around the school area, that's how you'll know it's Kai and Sehun," Chanyeol shouted then walked off with Baekhyun. I giggled and continued to walk to school, seeing Daniel and the others ahead. 
"Daniel oppa!" I shouted as they turned to me. I smiled and skipped to them, feeling more girly than ever. "Where's Simon?"
"He's...he's someone around here," Daniel said, scratching his head. I looked around and didn't see Simon anywhere, so we just kept walking to school. 
"Did you go see Su Ji?" Youngwon asked, earning an elbow in the stomach from Daniel. I had forgotten that its been 3 days since her suicide attempt. 
"I haven't seen her yet. Did you guys go visit her?" I asked as they shook their heads. 
"There's no reason for us to go see her. We don't know her," Daniel said and walked away with Inati following behind. Jeesu and Youngwon stayed with me and they both smiled. 
"I heard your aunt is out of town," Jeesu said as I slowly nodded. 
"That means you're home alone then," Youngwon said as I slightly nodded. "How about we have a little hang out at your place?"
I didn't know if I should answer him or not and how would I answer? Knowing that they're the complete opposite of what everyone sees them as I would say yes, but then things have changed. So I answered, "No."
"Oh come on Ailee," Jeesu said with aegyo. 
"I'm sorry, I can't have visitors when I'm alone," I lied. "And besides, I won't be home alone. Suho and the others will be coming to check up on me."
They pouted and crossed their arms. "What happened to the Ailee we met? The one who was so bossy and confident."
"As time flies by, people change," I said and right then the bell rung. "Well, I'm heading to class. Again, sorry."
I waved them goodbye and went to first period, seeing Simon in his seat with his head hung low. 
"Simon, where were you this mor-"
I lost my words when he looked up with bruises everywhere on his face. A cut lip, bruised eyes and cheeks. 
"S-Simon," I said, shocked. He was still able to smile at me. 
"Good morning Ailee," he said in his soft, sweet voice. "Are you not going to sit down?"
I slowly sat down besides him and couldn't help, but stare at them; wanting to touch them. 
"Does it hurt?" I then asked as he turned to me. "Your bruises. Do they hurt?"
He smiled and shook his head, "It doesn't hurt at all."
"Who did this to you?" I asked as he bit his bottom lip. 
"That's not important," he said and opened his textbook while I just stared. "It's impolite to stare."
"Oh...I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"
"It's fine...I'm fine," he said with the sweetest voice ever and looked at me with a soft look. "You should follow along with us or else you'll get lost. Page 256."
I slightly smiled and opened my textbook, going on and off with what the teacher was saying. 
During lunch Simon didn't show up, leaving me with the four boys. 
"Why isn't Simon here?" I asked them as they shrugged. 
"We can careless about where that nerd is," Daniel said, sipping his drink. I didn't know what was up with Daniel these past few days, he hasn't been as playful as before. "So, I heard you're home alone."
"How did you know?" I asked as he pointed to Jeesu. I made an 'oh' face and nodded. *But how did Jeesu know? He asked me earlier too...*
"Can we come over?" Daniel asked. I felt tense and afraid on how to answer him. "I'm guessing no?"
"It's not that I don't want you guys over, but I don't think Suho they would like that..." I softly said. Daniel turned to me and smiled. 
"Why should they care? It's not their house is it? They don't own it nor they own you," he said, knowing it was true. "We're coming whether you like it or not. We won't damage the house, we're just gonna do a little hang out."
"No buts," Daniel said, his tone a bit firm. I sighed and looked down to my sandwich, feeling myself uncomfortable around them now. Ever since Su Ji's incident, they've been acting weird. 
After school, Daniel and the others followed me home while I tried to look for Kai and Sehun. Walking into the alley where Kris would pick me up, I saw the two, but they weren't in funky disguises. They were just in casual street clothes and sunglasses, knowing that no one hardly ever comes through the alley. 
"Kai! Sehun!" I shouted, forming a megaphone with my hands. They turned to me and shushed me. 
"You're so loud. What if our fans heard?" Kai whispered, making me giggle. 
"I'm sorry," I whispered back. They looked behind me to see Daniel and them.
"Boyfriends?" Sehun asked as I gasped and frantically shook my head and hands in front of me. 
"Just friends," I said as they nodded. Kai and Sehun eyed the boys suspiciously then looked at me. 
"Shall we get going? The others are waiting for you," Sehun said and wrapped an arm around my neck. "Say bye to your friends."
"We're coming along," Inati said in a tone I've never heard before. It was a bit frightening. Kai and Sehun exchanged looks then looked down at me as I slightly nodded. 
"But there's not enough room in the apartment," Sehun said. 
"I'm sure there is, we just have to make room," I said and walked away with Daniel following along with the others. Kai walked up to me and whispered in my ear. 
"Suho won't like this. You can't be bringing strangers into Jewels house," he whispered. 
"They're not strangers-"
"To us they are," Kai interrupted. "We have to be careful on who we bring home. Even if they're our friends."
"Kai, they're nerds, what exactly could they do?" I whispered and looked back to Daniel, who looked directly at me. 
"I don't know Ailee. No one will because looks can be deceiving," Kai said and walked away from me with Sehun following him; I was left with Daniel and the boys. Arriving at the apartment, all eyes were on us. 
"Who are they?" Baekhyun asked with a mouth full of food. 
"They're my friends," I replied and went straight into my room. 
Suho's POV~
Just with a first impression, they looked like trouble already. They awkwardly stood at the doorway and as guests, I stood up and welcomed them. 
"Feel free to get comfortable. Don't get intimidated by us," I said with a smile and like that, they sat down on the couch. "Would you guys like anything to drink?"
"What's there to drink?" the tall, dark guy said. 
"Jeez, rude much?" D.O muttered as I gave him a warning look. 
"There's water and juice," I answered. 
"I'm fine, no thanks," he said and it went silent. 
"I'm going to the bathroom," Chanyeol said out of no where. 
"I'll go with you," Baekhyun said and followed Chanyeol. We all gave them weird looks, but I knew they went to Ailee's room. 
"Wow, they sure are taking a long time. I'm gonna go check up on them," Kai said and went with Sehun and D.O. I was left alone with the 4 guests. 
"So, you guys are Ailee's friends," I said as they nodded. "May I know your names?"
They said their name one by one and silence took over again. A question then popped up in my head, "None of you is perhaps Ailee's boyfriend, right?"
"None of us are," Jeesu said as I nodded. Why isn't Ailee coming out?
Ailee's POV~
"Yah! Let me out!" I shouted, pushing through the boys as they blocked the door. 
"You can't go out!" Kai said. 
"Let Suho handle them!" Baekhyun said. 
"They're my guests not his," I said, tired from pushing them. I, alone, was no match for them. "Please just let me out."
"Ailee, you should know by now that Jewels hates having other guests over," D.O said as I sighed. 
"She doesn't have to know, unless you guys tell on me," I said as they exchanged looks. 
"We're only doing what's right and if it means for us to get you in trouble then we will," Chanyeol said. 
"Why do you guys always do this to me? Having Kris telling me to stay away from them is enough," I said as they furrowed their eyebrows. 
"Why would Kris tell you to stay away from them? All we want is to respect Jewels house rules," Sehun said. I rolled my eyes and took the opportunity to push them away and headed out to see the living room empty. 
"Where did they go?" I asked as Suho walked into the apartment. 
"They're gone. They said they had other plans and that they'll see you at school," he said. I sighed and heated the others come out from my room. 
"See what you guys did?" I said and stomped into my room. 
"What did we do?" Baekhyun asked as I shut my door. I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling. Daniel isn't that bad. None of them are.
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I'm soooo shocked that your the author !!!!!!!!
I tend to not look at the author name >.<
teleporter97 #2
Chapter 42: Cuteeeee~ Hahaha, so freaking cute! Good job author-nim!! x)
Chapter 42: Omgggg~ so cuteee^^~~
Chapter 42: The last part was cute hehe kris x)
Chapter 11: Lulu fangirling over donald duck made me crack up kwekeke ♡
Goldie #7
Chapter 42: omo! the ending is freaking cute! i love it so much!
dennise #8
Chapter 42: Omo~ So cute! :"> This is amazing. you should get e featured!
Me_kpop_maniac #9
Chapter 42: the ending is so cute :)