Moving Back In

Smiling doesn't hurt, does it?

Meekun's POV

When Jinki left, I had a stupid smile on my face that wouldn't go away, no matter what I did. It was like the muscles that were used, were celebrating the movement. We had started to build a plan on how to portray all of the colors in the rainbow. Jinki had thought of puzzling several peices of glass of different color together, but I didn't think that Mr. Hong would be happy if we brought pieces of sharp glass to school. We hadn't really come to a conclusion when he had to go home, but I wasn't worried to get an F anymore. I didn't even think about the fact that my mother had been visiting my father until she got home. I was sitting up in my room, on my bed to be exact, doing homework, when I heard a quiet knock on the door. I looked up as she opened it, and the first thing I detected was her flushed cheeks. She was happy.

"Hi, Honey", she greeted me.

"Hi", I replied.

I didn't want to hear what was going to come next. I could tell by the look on her face that she had forgiven him completely. That was almost a bigger betrayal than the one my father had done. Silence came over us as she was thinking about what she was going to say.

"Uhm... Your dad says hi. He really miss you", she said, and looked carefully at me.

She was actually cute. She was short and really thin, but her chubby cheeks contrasted to the rest of her body. Her eyes were pretty big too. I looked away from her, down at my homework.

"Oh, really?" I coldly answered.

"Yes. He hopes that you'll come along the next time I visit."

I looked up at her. Was she serious? She was going back to him?

"Oh, does he now? Well, he can keep on hoping, because I'm not", I said, slowly, so that my mother would understand.

"Don't be like that. He will be coming out soon, and it would be nice if the two of you met before he moves back in again", she said.

My jaw literally dropped. He would be moving in again?! After what he did to us? 

"No! I'm not going to live under the same roof as him!" 

"Meekun! He's your father!"

"Oh, really? Because he hasn't exactly acted like it", I said.

The respect I once had for that man was long gone, and it was never gonna come back. My mother's happy expression had vanished, and instead she looked tired.

"Maybe he had ha reason for doing what he did", she sad.

I snorted. My father had a job as a doctor, he got wellpaid. How I saw it, it was him being greedy, and wanting more money.

"Please, is that what he told you?" I asked her.

"Don't be like that! You may think that you do, but you do not know everything", my mother snapped.

I looked at her in shock. My mother may not stand the silence, but she wasn't a loud person. She had never gotten mad at me like that before. We had never had a real fight before that.

"I don't think I know everything, I just don't belive that he did that for a reason! You shouldn't fall for his lies so easy!" I snarled back at her.

Her face got red again, but because of rage this time. 

"Okay, fine! Don't believe it, but whether you like it or not, he's coming back", she said coldly, and went out of my room.

She slammed the door after her, and the silence that fell over the room was deafening. I just stared at the door for a while, before I actually had progressed what just had happened. My father was... coming home. Not that instant, but he was coming. I'd never thought that thought before. For me, he'd disappeard for good when he went of to jail. I'd never thought about the fact that he wouldn't be there forever. And now, he was going to live in the same house as me. Everyone at school would know about it, and I would get those looks again. Those judging, blaming looks.  

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Chapter 27: This was so nice and comforting to read. This was too real for me tbh. I can relate to the main character so much. All I'm missing is a Jinki lol.

Nice story ^^
Chapter 27: Ohmygosh this is so cute, well done!
Chapter 27: I just read this again and it is so good!!! :3
You deserve more than 24 subscribers. Excellent.
Chapter 27: Wow this story was really good!
Chapter 27: This was so good! You are an amazing writer! I started reading today and finished reading today~ I'm so glad I did!
Chapter 27: I think that the ending was very good, i like the fact that it was kind of a summarisation of the following years of her life and that her and Jinki were happy together. The last paragraph shows how Meekun matured as she got older and i am very glad that this story had a happy ending as i cant stand it when things don't work out. I really loved this story a lot and i intend to subscribe to your other work! :3
Chapter 27: awww the ending was a bit short but it was still good.