Right Choice

Smiling doesn't hurt, does it?

Meekun's POV

I found out that I'd been found in the middle of the night by my father, and that I had woken up early morning. I stayed in the hospital for the whole weekend, because they wanted to keep me under observation. I didn't really mind, it was better to stay at the hospital with Jinki who kept me company, than go home and start my new life with both my parents. On the monday morning I got to leave, and my father, who tried to become the ultimate parent, had gotten my school uniform and bag on the sunday evening, so it was just for me to check out on the monday. Jinki walked with me to school, but right before we entered the building I stopped him.

"You... haven't told anyone that I was in the hosptial?" I asked him.

"Only Minho", he answered with a smile.

I groaned. If Minho knew, that meant that Yuri knew, and if Yuri knew, the whole school knew. Great. 

"Shouldn't I have done that?" Jinki asked in a worried voice.

"It doesn't really matter now, does it?" I asked him, taking his hand and walked inside.

There were some whispers when I walked by, but to my surprise, all of them was about me and Jinki being together. Apparently, the shock still hadn't settled. On our way to my locker, we bumped into Minho.

"Hey. Are you okay?" he asked, if even a little awkward.

I nodded, and bit my lip. It felt wrong to ask, but I had to know.

"You didn't... tell anyone?" I asked.

"About what?" he asked back.

I raised my eyebrows, and looked at Jinki, who grinned at his friend. I looked back at Minho, and he grinned down at me. Oh. I smiled awkwardly back at him. Maybe he was alright. 

That day, when I got to lunch, I sat down at a empty table. I didn't see Jinki, or any of his friends, and for the first time in a long time, I was alone. But it didn't last very long, soon someone sat down next to me. I looked up and saw Key. Our relation was a bit tense, since I had told him upstraight that I only talked to him for Jinki's sake. 

"Hi", he said.

"Hi", I answered.

Silence. I poked on my food, and tried to ignore the presence beside me. Suddenly he cleared his troath, and I looked at him.

"I just... want to say that I'm sorry if I've been bothersome for you", he mumbled.

I looked at him for a moment. What's with the sudden apology? He glanced at me, waiting for me to reply.

"Okay", I simply said.

"That's it?" he asked me.

"Well, I know that I'm not the most pleasant person to hang with. But you're really annoying. So, for me, we're even", I said.

Key seemed to think my words over, looking a little surprised over my answer. It really wasn't my intention to give him such a long answer, but I was tired. The exhaustion I had experienced at the hospital was still in me, and I really didn't have the will or strength to keep giving people the cold hand. 

"Okay. Even", Key agreed.

I nodded, and then it got silent again. But it didn't last for long, since Jinki and Taemin came too. Me and Jinki exchanged smiles, and Taemin waved eagerly at me. I smiled small at him too, causing him to squeal like a little girl.

"You smiled at me!" he said, breathless.

"Mm", I retorted.

But it felt nice. Smiling and letting people in, it wasn't so bad. Especially when I felt a warm hand around my own. But it wasn't until Yuri came to eat that I really got tested.

"Hi, Meekun", she said, smiling at me.

"Hi", I answered her, for the first time.

She got a shocked look on her face, but then her face lit up in a even bigger smile. It did feel wrong to give her what she wanted, but I hoped that karma would come back at her. Even if she was doing a little double game, someone would surely get back at her. Just not me. I'd had enough drama in my life, I didn't need more. Jinki pressed my hand lightly, and when I looked at him, he gave me a proud smile. I smiled back, and I knew that I'd done the right choice.

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Chapter 27: This was so nice and comforting to read. This was too real for me tbh. I can relate to the main character so much. All I'm missing is a Jinki lol.

Nice story ^^
Chapter 27: Ohmygosh this is so cute, well done!
Chapter 27: I just read this again and it is so good!!! :3
You deserve more than 24 subscribers. Excellent.
Chapter 27: Wow this story was really good!
Chapter 27: This was so good! You are an amazing writer! I started reading today and finished reading today~ I'm so glad I did!
Chapter 27: I think that the ending was very good, i like the fact that it was kind of a summarisation of the following years of her life and that her and Jinki were happy together. The last paragraph shows how Meekun matured as she got older and i am very glad that this story had a happy ending as i cant stand it when things don't work out. I really loved this story a lot and i intend to subscribe to your other work! :3
Chapter 27: awww the ending was a bit short but it was still good.