
Smiling doesn't hurt, does it?

Everyone had known when Meekuns dad went to jail. He had been a very wellknown doctor, very likeable too. Always in a cheery mood, with a reassuring smile on his face. The smuggling case had been something everyone got involved in, not wanting to miss out on a single thing. It was unbelievable that such a nice man could have done something like that. And his poor family! The shame they had to endure! Especially his then 14-year old daughter. Meekun had to go to school with people giving her sympatethic or sour looks. She had been forced to take some of her fathers punishment, since some people took some of their anger out on her. Meekuns mother didn't even leave the house in four months. Some said that she had been in need of treatment, some said that she was too ashamed to show her face outside. And then there were some especially mean persons, saying that both Meekun and her mother had been involved in the smuggling. So Meekun locked herself up in a shell that was close to impossible to burst. It had been her way of surviving the cruel world. Soon, the friends she once had started to fade away, leaving her all to herself. They became faces in the hallway, and she became the loner no one bothered. Meekun liked it best that way. But then a new kid, Lee Jinki, had transfered to their school. He didn't know a single thing about the smuggling scandal. He was a very happy guy, and he made new friends fast, becoming one in the group. The first time Meekun had seen Jinki, she had gotten reminded of her father. The first time Jinki saw Meekun, he felt sorry for her. It couldn't be fun being so lonely. So he started talking to her. Or, he tried to talk to her. Either she just gave him a snappy reply, or complete silence, everytime he said anything to her. But that just made Jinki even more determined to become her friend. He was going to burst that shell of hers. 

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Chapter 27: This was so nice and comforting to read. This was too real for me tbh. I can relate to the main character so much. All I'm missing is a Jinki lol.

Nice story ^^
Chapter 27: Ohmygosh this is so cute, well done!
Chapter 27: I just read this again and it is so good!!! :3
You deserve more than 24 subscribers. Excellent.
Chapter 27: Wow this story was really good!
Chapter 27: This was so good! You are an amazing writer! I started reading today and finished reading today~ I'm so glad I did!
Chapter 27: I think that the ending was very good, i like the fact that it was kind of a summarisation of the following years of her life and that her and Jinki were happy together. The last paragraph shows how Meekun matured as she got older and i am very glad that this story had a happy ending as i cant stand it when things don't work out. I really loved this story a lot and i intend to subscribe to your other work! :3
Chapter 27: awww the ending was a bit short but it was still good.