Their World

Smiling doesn't hurt, does it?

Meekun's POV

When we went our seperate ways, I had to promise Jinki that I would show up in the dress, on time. The rest of the day had been really good, I had to admit that. Jinki didn't seem to be bothered at all by the fact that my dad was a criminal. But what mattered more to me was the fact that he hadn't changed at all. Some people became much nicer to me when they found out who I was, just because the felt sorry for me. I hated it. But Jinki neither became nicer, not that it was possible, or more cold towards me. When I came home, my mother sat in the livingroom, watching tv. I didn't know if she'd even noticed I'd been gone the whole day. I collected all my maturity and walked into the livingroom. My mother glanced at me, so I knew that she'd noticed me, and looked back at the tv.

"I'm going to a party tonight", I said to her.

"Really? Since when do you care about such things?" my mother asked, a little more intrested.

"I'm not. I'm just going to go, because I promised... a friend that I would go", I said, hesitating a little at the word friend.

My mother sat straight in the sofa, and gave me all her attention.

"A friend? Since when do you have a friend?" she asked me.

I knew that it was a fair question. I hadn't had a friend on many years, but it still stung that she was so surprised.

"Since today", I asked, not letting it show that I had gotten hurt.

She leaned back into the sofa and looked at the tv again.

"Okay. Just don't come home too late", she said.

I rolled my eyes and went up to my room. I wondered which one of us was a teenager and who was a parent. I put the bag with the dress in carefully on the bed, and pulled it up. I with gentle fingers over the soft material, admiring the color. It was exactly the same as the clear sky. I couldn't wait another second, so I tried it on. It fit perfectly. A little tighter around my torso, then loosening at the hip and flowing elegantly down to my knees. I hadn't tried it on in the store, but I had known that it was the right size. I my hand over the light fabric, and shivered from the feeling. I wasn't the girl who always did her best to look great, but it was a nice feeling, knowing that you did look great. I didn't really have any shoes for formalties, so I had to take my black, worn out ones, but it didn't really matter. All I could focus on was the dress. It did feel a little heavy at the thought of giving it back to Jinki, but I ignored it for the moment. I collected all my hair in a loose knot, and then I actually was ready to go. I glanced at the clock, that hung over my door, and it showed half passed five. I was to be there at six. I sighed and sat down on my bed. 

As soon I was standing outside his door, I realised what a bad idea it was. I was just about to go back home when the door flung open. Jinki stood in the doorway, smiling widely. He had a white shirt on, and a couple of black pants. 

"Hello! Welcome in", he greeted me.

I gave him a questioning look, and he shrugged.

"I saw you through the window", he explained.

I nodded once and walked into his home. There were already a few people there, and I felt really out of place. I my dress, and got a lot calmer.

"By the way, the dress really looks good on you", I heard Jinki's voice right next to my ear.

I jumped in surprise, and gave him an accusing look. 

"Thank you", I mumbled.

He smiled at me, and then I heard his mom's voice.

"Meekun! You came", she said, and walked over to us, and hugged me.

I didn't get the chance to react before she pulled away. She smiled at me, and I smiled back at her. A man came after her, and I could see in an instant that he was Jinki's father. He was tall and had graying hair. He looked very kind, and when he smiled at me, I smiled back at him. 

"You must be Meekun. I've heard quite alot of you, so it's nice to finally meet you", he said.

"Nice to meet you too", I said and bowed, slightly blushing.

"Well, it's just to take some food and mingle", Jinki's mom said.

I nodded and gave them a fast smile, before I made my escape into the livingroom. I didn't know any of the people there, I only recognised some of Jinki's friends from school. I only remembered two of the guy's names, Choi Minho and Kim Jonghyun, and that was only because I had some classes with the two of them. The other two,  I'd seen passing by in the corridor. All four of them were staring at me, and I felt very uncomfortable. Now it was going to come out that I had been at a party, at Lee Jinki's. I walked over to the foodtable and took a glass of water. I took one sip to calm down my nerves. I already had my father to worry about, I didn't need a tons of girls being mad at me for being invited to a popular guy's house. I jumped for the second time in surprise when I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around, and saw one of Jinki's friends stand there. It was one of them that I didn't know the name of. He was always dressed very fashionable, and that evening was no exception. He smiled friendly at me, and held out his right hand.

"Hello, I'm Kim Kibum, but you can call me Key. You're Park Meekun, right?" he asked me.

I slightly nodded, and looked down at his hand. When I didn't take it, he let it drop. His smile got a little bit more stiff, and he cleared his throat.

"Uhm, so. You got invited by Jinki, right?" he asked.

"No. His mother", I answered shortly.

He nodded a little, as if he understood something. Then he flashed me all of his white teeth in a wide smile.

"Well, it was nice to talk to you", he said, and waved before he walked back to his friends.

I turned my back to them, knowing that they were giving me looks. They didn't think that I fitted into their world. I couldn't do other than to agree with them.

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Chapter 27: This was so nice and comforting to read. This was too real for me tbh. I can relate to the main character so much. All I'm missing is a Jinki lol.

Nice story ^^
Chapter 27: Ohmygosh this is so cute, well done!
Chapter 27: I just read this again and it is so good!!! :3
You deserve more than 24 subscribers. Excellent.
Chapter 27: Wow this story was really good!
Chapter 27: This was so good! You are an amazing writer! I started reading today and finished reading today~ I'm so glad I did!
Chapter 27: I think that the ending was very good, i like the fact that it was kind of a summarisation of the following years of her life and that her and Jinki were happy together. The last paragraph shows how Meekun matured as she got older and i am very glad that this story had a happy ending as i cant stand it when things don't work out. I really loved this story a lot and i intend to subscribe to your other work! :3
Chapter 27: awww the ending was a bit short but it was still good.