Catch Up

Smiling doesn't hurt, does it?

No one's POV

The next day in school, Meekun did her best to avoid Jinki. She managed to do it until lunch, where he did something unbelievable.

Meekun's POV

I sat down at my table, and looked outside the window. There wasn't much to see, just a parking lot and some cars, but it was the sky I focused on. It was very clear that day, showing a clear, blue color. I took a bite of my sandwich, not taking my gaze from the sky. But suddenly someone blocked my sight, and instead of the blue, I saw a grin. Oh, please no. 

"Hi, Meekun! Mind if I sit here?" he asked.

Okay, no he was breaking all the social rules. I always sat alone at lunch, and he always sat at a full table at lunch. No one ever questioned that, and now he had just gone and done what he felt like. Instead of answering him, I glanced at his friends sitting far away. Either they stared confused at me, or surprised at him. I could understand them. First he had walked with me home instead of them, and now he sat with me at lunch. The unfriendly loner. I looked at Jinki, still smiling at me, and raised my eyebrows.

"Sure you want to sit here?" I asked him.

"Why wouldn't I?"

I sighed. He really didn't understand anything, did he? I shook my head, and continued to eat.

"It's a nice day today, huh?" Jinki asked after a while.

I simply shrugged. Jinki went silent again, and I dared to hope that he finally had understood. I glanced up at him, careful, so he wouldn't notice. He was looking absentmindedly at something, and I think that that was the first time I had seen his face without that ridicoulus smile. He did actually look good, with high cheekbones and happy eyes. I caught myself with what I was thinking, and cursed myself. 

I got home soaking wet. The clear sky had disappeard when I left school, and left me no choice but to walk home in the rain. After lunch, I didn't see Jinki again. He had said bye with a smile, but he hadn't tried to talk about the project again at lunch. Maybe he had finally understood and decided to leave me alone. I dropped my bag on the floor, and walked into the kitchen, where my mom sat at the table with a cup of coffee. She looked at me and faintly smiled. Ever since my dad, my mom had turned into a colorless creature, that couldn't stand the silence or the fact that I resembled my dad quite alot. We had the same nose and chin, and I guess smile, but I didn't smile that often. I nodded at her as a greeting and walked up to the fridge. 

"I'm going to visit your dad this friday", she suddenly said, in a very quiet voice.

I froze. My dad had been put in jail three years earlier, because he had smuggled illegal medication from the hospital he used to work at. Neither me or my mom had seen him since the trial. I was thankful that my mom only could see my back. My face was showing a mix of emotions. Hurt, rage, sorrow and a tiny bit of excitement. 

"Really? Why?" I asked, careful not to show any emotions with my voice.

"Well, I haven't seen him in a long time, and it would be nice to... catch up."

I snorted. I slammed the fridge shut and looked at my mom with disbelief in my face. Catch up? We both knew that she still loved him, and didn't hate him like I did because of his betrayal. 

"I hope you get to have a nice chat", I said, in a voice drenched with sarcasm.

I didn't wait for her to answer me, I just left her, and stomped upstairs. Well in my room, I threw myself on the bed and burried my face into a pillow. I wanted to scream my lungs out, but I couldn't find my voice. I had lost it on my way up. Instead, tears stained the white pillow, leaving dark stains. It didn't really matter, as long as I could get my feelings out in some sort of way. 

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Chapter 27: This was so nice and comforting to read. This was too real for me tbh. I can relate to the main character so much. All I'm missing is a Jinki lol.

Nice story ^^
Chapter 27: Ohmygosh this is so cute, well done!
Chapter 27: I just read this again and it is so good!!! :3
You deserve more than 24 subscribers. Excellent.
Chapter 27: Wow this story was really good!
Chapter 27: This was so good! You are an amazing writer! I started reading today and finished reading today~ I'm so glad I did!
Chapter 27: I think that the ending was very good, i like the fact that it was kind of a summarisation of the following years of her life and that her and Jinki were happy together. The last paragraph shows how Meekun matured as she got older and i am very glad that this story had a happy ending as i cant stand it when things don't work out. I really loved this story a lot and i intend to subscribe to your other work! :3
Chapter 27: awww the ending was a bit short but it was still good.