Chapter two

To Live for Something


Jonghyun managed to avoid having screaming matches with his manager for a few days; this was a new record, four days. He walked into the studio and put his guitar down beside the sofa.

“Hello?” he called, his manager was never late. He looked around briefly before his manager burst through the door and ignored jonghyun, he began gathering his things and looked as though he hadn’t had any sleep.

“Jay?” jonghyun stepped forward cautiously “whats wrong?”

“its my wife” he breathed “she was rushed to hospital last night, and now-“ he was about to cry

“hey calm down ok?” jonghyun grabbed his shoulders, he had never met his wife, but he always talked about her and his daughter so he knew he must be having a hard time.

“i haven’t told Sulli yet” he said holding back tears


“my daughter, I haven’t told her yet, she was at a friend’s house and- how do I tell her?” he begged

“I don’t know” jonghyun sighed sadly

“c-can you take her to her class, ill go to the hospital and- I don’t know ill do something”

“ok- sure I can do that” jonghyun said. Even though they fright and almost kill each other on a daily basis, jonghyun was like a son to Jay, and Jay was like a father to Jonghyun.

“can you bring her to the hospital after? Ill tell her then” he looked down at jonghyun and tried to smile, then nodded “promise” he said, mostly to himself.

“ok, go, ill sort it out” jonghyun passed him his bag and walked outside with him,  Jay introduced his daughter then left them to get to the hospital on time.

… “so” Sulli said awkwardly

“so” jonghyun sighed and turned to face her, picking up his guitar case and smiling “we should go”

“yea, I don’t want to be late, Mr Choi will get mad” Sulli pressed her lips together

“really?” jonghyun asked as they started walking, he didn’t think being late for a karate class would be bad.

“nope” sulli laughed “he will understand, he is really nice”

“is he?” jonghyun raised his brow when he saw her blushing “any reason he is so nice?

“uh well I guess he just is, he has always been” she giggled quietly “plus he is really good looking” she smiled. Jonghyun thought it was a random comment but her ignored the randomness of it and smiled back.

“really? So… you like him?”

“no!” she got defensive “… ok yeah- but im not the only one!”

“what does the whole class love him?” jonghyun laughed

“no” sulli pouted “he is just good looking and super nice, and charming- but”

“but… he is like 30?” jonghyun guessed

“no! he is 22” she laughed “plus he doesn’t like girls”

Jonghyun almost stopped walking, does that mean this man is openly gay?

“you mean he is gay?”

“yeah me and maria reckon he is, he never talks about girls, and we saw him checking out another guy once” sulli laughed again

“seriously?” jonghyun didn’t know what to say, he himself was gay, but he would never admit it, ever. He hated it, hated being that way, no one even knew, and he did his best to convince himself that he wasn’t.

“yeah” Sulli shrugged as they arrived at the studio. Through the windows jonghyun could see her teacher Mr Choi. He was indeed good looking, and tall.

They walked in and found out that they weren’t at all late. Sulli saw her friend and ran over to chat, jonghyun walked over to the teacher.

“excuse me?” jonghyun said to get his attention, the man turned around and looked down at jonghyun because of his height and smiled.

“yes?” minho said

“um- well im picking Sulli up after class so I was wondering when this was done” jonghyun shifted his weight and smiled a little.

“the class is only an hour” minho explained “if you want, you can wait at the café next door?”

Jonghyun nodded and bowed before he left. He was starving so he did in fact got to the café next door and he ordered fries and a coffee.


Without knowing an hour had passed, he looked at his watch then got up, paid and headed out. He froze when he saw his manager standing outside the studio.

“jay?” he said as he walked over “I thought-“

“she had to have surgery so I had time, I thought I would pick her up and take her home to explain everything” his manager explained and jonghyun nodded

“Dad?” Sulli said as she walked out

“Sulli” he said as they hugged “come on, I need to tell you something” he said as they headed towards his car

“bye Mr Choi” sulli waved before she left. Jonghyun furrowed his brow and turned around only to find Mr Choi coming out and locking the doors.

.  .  .

Minho finished locking up and turned to head for his car but stopped when he saw the man he met earlier standing out front.

“hey Sulli just left with her dad” he said walking up the short man

“I know” the man pressed his lips together and looked away

“everything alright?” minho asked, the man looked off, but then he noticed that the man had a guitar case over his shoulder “oh you play?”

“huh- oh yeah, I do, and I sing” the man smiled “im jonghyun” jonghyun held out his hand to be friendly

“minho” minho shook his hand and smiled

“actually Sulli’s father is my manager” jonghyun scratched his neck

“oh, an idol?” minho smirked

“no, nothing like that, its only small stuff, nothing popular” jonghyun explained

“doesn’t matter, you have a manager that’s pretty good”


“yeah” minho shrugged, minho glanced at his car and wanted to get home, he didn’t like being outside apart from the karate stupid, he was starting to panic “well I have to get going”  minho said to excuse himself

“oh of course” jonghyun stepped aside and minho walked to his car “it was nice meeting you”

“you too” minho said and then noticed that jonghyun had started walking, and it was getting dark. Jonghyun was nice, a good character, and he could probably take care of himself, but he still had a heart, and still worried for people he knew. He looked at his car and opened his door, so he wasn’t going to have a panic attack, then decided to invite jonghyun over, he need a friend, but not when he was still outside.

“hey!” he called, putting his bag on the seat, jonghyun turned around “why don’t you come over, ill drive, beats walking plus I wanna hear some songs” he smiled

“uh-“ jonghyun hesitated, thinking that minho could have said a bar or café, but maybe he just liked his home “sure”

“come on” minho said waving him over then getting in his car, he calmed down, he was outside for too long, he only liked the studio, his car and his home, if he didn’t have to leave he didn’t.

Jonghyun got into his car and minho headed for his apartment.


“whoa, it’s a nice building” jonghyun said as they walked to the second floor of the building

“yeah” minho said finally relaxed because he was almost inside his safe place “but there have been some robbery’s recently, the family next door got robbed a few nights ago” minho explained as he unlocked his door

“have you?”

“no” minho said opening his door and letting jonghyun go in first, “but the weird thing is, the family next door have been getting money under the door every night since the robbery” minho said explaining how when he spoke to the neighbours they said that for the last few nights they have had money under the door, little amounts but still.

“really? Maybe the thief felt guilty” jonghyun said sitting on the couch and setting his guitar case down.

“what kind of a thief feels guilty?” minho chuckled

“hey im just saying”

“yeah yeah, you thirsty?”

“just water thanks” jonghyun pulled out his guitar and began tuning it. Minho returned with two glasses of water and set them down.

“so how long have you been playing?” minho asked watching jonghyun tune his guitar.

“all my life really, my dad taught me how, then I just started signing myself and ended up here with a manager and an album coming out soon”

“really? Can I hear a song?” minho smiled taking a sip of water

“sure, but don’t run away ok”

“this is my apartment, if it terrible I won’t run, ill just kick you out” minho laughed, then jonghyun joined in before he started playing a tune and singing.

.  .  .

Taemin slid into the window of the apartment next to the family be stole from a few nights ago, he looked around, double checking that this wasn’t a family again. When he was certain it was fine, he made his way to the fridge first, he needed food. He shoved a few small bottles of milk in his pocket then closed it. Now he was looking for money. He froze when he saw someone on the couch, sleeping, he guess the person who lived here was letting his friend crash here tonight.

On the coffee table he saw a wallet, smiling he picked it up and opened it, seeing some money, he took about half and put it in his pocket then opened the zipper to get some coins so he could pay the family back some more tonight again.

Suddenly the light and taemin looked up like a deer in headlights, there stood a very tall, curly haired man who looked still half asleep, taemin dropped the wallet and the coins made a noise as the fell on the wooden floor boards.

“what do you think you’re doing?!” the man said with wide eyes, taemin was frozen, he had never been caught before


“leave” the man said with eyes like daggers

“what?” taemin was surprised, the man didn’t lunge at him, or yell, he just asked him to leave

“please, just leave” the man begged as he walked over and opened his front door for taemin

Taemin stared at the door then back at the man, he had no idea what this man was up to

“uh- minho” taemin heard a voice from the man sleeping on the couch

“I said leave” minho glared at taemin again and taemin swallowed hard

“just leave?”  taemin asked

“yes, but give back the money you took” minho held out his hand

“o-ok” taemin walked over and pulled out the cash he took, leaving only a tiny bit behind “s-s-sorry” taemin said then walked out.

“don’t come back” minho said as he closed the door.

“ok” taemin mumbled as the door shut in his face. He had never been caught before, he didn’t know what to do. He still had the milk bottle, so he could eat today, but he only had a few dollars to add to his rent, and pay the family back.

He looked at the money in his hand and split it, so he got two thirds and then he slipped the last third under the door of the family.

“sorry” he said to the door and walked out of the building.

.  .  .

“what just happened?” jonghyun asked minho as he watched him put the money he got from the boy back into his wallet

“I got robbed” minho said

“oh my god, by that kid?!” jonghyun sat up “why didn’t you call the cops”

Minho straightened up, he didn’t call the cops because he didn’t want to deal with the outside world more than he already did that day, not only that, the thief boy was young, and rather pretty, minho had a soft side for pretty boys.

“because he was young, and looked scared, he was probably doing to just to get by” minho made up an explanation, and it sounded good.

“well isn’t your heart just too big for your chest” jonghyun said sarcastically then he laid down and closed his eyes again. Minho turned out the light, locked the door and windows then headed back to bed.

.  .  .

“stupid, stupid” taemin said, cursing himself as he walked home via the back alleys “how, why, god, when did I get so stupid?” taemin continued cursing himself.

“out for a walk again huh?” taemin jumped and spun around to find the homeless man from the other night leaning against the wall.

“yea” taemin didn’t want to talk to anyone, he wanted to go home and kick himself for getting caught, and not getting enough money tonight.

“I was just being nice” the homeless man shrugged, noticing taemins behaviour

“thank you- I guess” taemin said as he hung his head and turned to continue home but he stopped when he heard a gasp, spinning around again he saw the homeless man on the ground holding his leg.

“are you ok?” taemin said running up to the man “what happened?”

“I- I tripped” the man said through his teeth

Taemin knelt down, deciding that helping this man, even if he was a beggar, was the right thing to do, and taemin never did the right thing, so this he was glad to do.

“here let me see” taemin said, pulling the mans hands way from his leg, taemin frowned when he saw blood trickling down his leg.

“oh god I cant look” the man said looking away

“don’t worry” taemin said as he took his jumper off and used the sleeve to clean the wound, when it was clean he helped the man to his feet.

“thankyou” the man said

“no worries, happy to help” helping someone out almost made his forget getting caught “im taemin by the way”

“onew” onew said as he smiled. Taemin helped him back to his ‘house’ and sat him down

“will you be ok?”

“yeah, ill be fine” onew ruffled his hair and wrapped his blanket around him “thankyou again”

Taemin bowed then hurried home, he was hungry and eager to feast on banana milk.

.  .  .  .  .  .   . . .  . .  . . 

ok scond chapter, these are longer than i thought \

oh well right?

anyway i know key isnt in this but i wanted to get the two big friendships going i guess.

yes jonghyun and minho will be best friends and onew and taemin will be too :) yay

the next one will be based moe on key, rather than minho i guess haha

are you liking how they are all 'meeting' by chance,i like it, its fun to write.

it will get more story like, they just need to meet one another i guess haha.

sorry for this long AN :(




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Chapter 32: what ever happened to this story... I followed it all the way to the end but you never did post the last chapter...
Omigosh this is so amazing!!! Will there be a sequel? Waaahhh I love this story!
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 32: Second last chapter D': I'm gonna miss this fic, and Jongkey is so cute omggggg
Chapter 32: d'aweeeeeeeeeeee onew and changmin r so cute...
Chapter 32: what this is the ending one more chapter?.... but... this came out of nowhere T__T I feel like so much will be left unresolved... T_T I don't want it to end!!
vieroeclipse #7
Chapter 32: This is cute chapter!!! Glad Changnew stay together!!! ;___;
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 31: I just love this fic, it's amazing! *~*
shineeshipper #9