Chapter 13

To Live for Something


“he is waking up!” changmin said when the doctor returned from he check “come on!”

Everyone stayed in the hospital overnight except minho who had to go home or he would panic again. The doctor said that his operation went well and they just had to make sure there was no memory loss.

“does he remember us?” jonghyun asked as they all stood up, changmin shrugged and everyones faces dropped and they made their way into onews room.

They filed in onew by one and when they were all in onew looked up, making eye contact with each of them, they all held their breath.

“hey guys” onew said with a small smile

“hey” changmin breathed and then everyone else started breathing again, he remembered

“they said I hit my head pretty hard” onew said waving them closer

“yea, we were worried” jonghyun smiled

‘im glad you’re okay’ key wrote and gave a warm smile

“no need to worry, the doctor said I could go home this afternoon, as long as I stay in bed and don’t move for a while so the bones can heal” onew didn’t want to stay in the hospital, he wanted to get back to taemins apartment and take care of him.

“well you can stay at mine ok” jonghyun offered immediately, he knew the state of taemins apartment, and he didn’t want to offend taemin but it was no place to heal.

“thankyou but I can stay at taemins” onew thanked jonghyun for the offer

‘no you should go’ key wrote, he also knew the state of his apartment, and taemin was still missing so who knows if its safe

Onew looked between everyone

“uh whats happened?” onew caught on and everyone looked down

‘onew, taemins place isn’t one for healing’ key wrote sighing silently

“but what will taemin do?” onew felt like a big brother

“who knows?” jonghyun mumbled making key hit him lightly

“ok what am I missing?” onew asked getting up a little, key rushed over and pushed him back down and looked at jonghyun

“listen, just come and stay at mine okay, we are sorting something out, please?” jonghyun sighed

“fine” onew said and relaxed again

Changmin stayed quiet still blaming himself for the accident.

.  .  .

Minho hadn’t slept well at all, he was worried about onew, and felt bad for having to leave, but also couldn’t stop thinking about taemin being missing.


Minho jumped at his phone and relaxed as he went to pick it up

“hello?” he said calmly

“minho, its jonghyun” came jonghyuns voice

“h-hows onew?” minho preyed it was good news

“yea, he is all good, just banged quite a bit, he will stay at mine till he heals and till he find taemin” jonghyun explained and minho sighed in relief

“oh thank god”

“yea we all pretty much like that too”

“thankyou jonghyun, ill look for taemin ok?” minho said without thinkning

“ok, well I think key is already on his way to taemins, did you want to meet him there?” jonghyun said

“yea sounds good, say hi to onew for me okay?”

“I will, bye”


Minho put his phone away and walked to the door. His heart started thumping so he closed his eyes and pictured taemin, standing there, looking into each other’s eyes, like the first time taemin took him outside.

He put his hand on the handle and opened the door, he has to do this for taemin, he has to be strong.

Minho held his breath and stepped out. He opened his eyes and found himself outside, but no taemin. His heart sped up and he closed them again, clenching his fists and turned to the side, facing taemins building.

“for taemin” he whispered and opened his eyes as he started walking.

He got to taemins apartment door and saw it wasn’t closed all the way, he gave the door a light push and it swung open with a small creak, revealing a broken apartment, small, lit only by the sunlight, a single couch and table and another room where he assumed held the bathroom.

His mouth fell open, he had never seen taemins apartment, so this was a shock.

“taemin?” minho said quietly stepping in, he knew this place was too empty and quiet to have taemin in it but he was hopeful.

“taemin?” he said again and suddenly there was a tap on his shoulder, he spun around to find key looking up at him

“oh key” he said calming down from the scare

‘sorry’ key wrote with a sad smile

“its okay, but I don’t think he is here” minho said and took one last look before they left shutting the door behind them.

‘you okay?’ key wrote worried

“yea just worried for him”

‘no I mean being outside?’

“oh um yea for a while I guess” he said still focused on finding taemin, he couldn’t think about his fear right now

‘ok, where should we look?’

“I have no clue” minho put his face in his hands and key patted his back

‘don’t worry, we will find him’ key wrote

.  .  .

Taemin, warren and warrens new recruit Yunho were in a small building beside the alley, they had just got back from their night of ‘fun’ and taemin was sick of it.

“are we done?” he stood up

“no” warren said

“im leaving” taemin turned to leave

“you cant yet” warren threatened and taemin stopped just before the door, he was just reminded why he was there in the first place. Warren smirked and stood up, knowing taemin wouldn’t leave now.

“please, I did everything you said, I need to go” taemin said softly when he felt warren behind him

“what, got friends?” warren chuckled darkly

“yes actually!” taemin spun around

“oh?” warren only stepped closer making taemin gulp “friends… like me?” warren sliped his hands around taemins waist and under his shirt.

Taemin jumped and pushed warren away as hard as he could then kept his arm out just incase

“is that a no?” warren smirked again

“listen I seriously cant do this! Im not doing this anymore!” taemin yelled, warren was the only person he will let himself get angry with

“why not, it’s the only thing your good at, remember” warren stepped closer

“its not!” taemin said trying to convince himself

“what would your parents think? Huh?”

“don’t talk about them” taemin pushed him away, making warren angry, he slammed taeming against the wall and leaning in close.

“ill do what I want, and you will do what I say or I sent those pictures to the station! Got it!” he spat

Taemin said nothing, and warren smirked taking it as a yes

“Yunho” he said and he came over, warren threw taemin at yunho and waved them off “make sure he gets home, no detours”

“yes” yunho said and grabbed taemins arm as they walked back outside and towards taemins home.

“let go!” taemin struggled when they were out in the alley

“wait” yunho said they walked few a few of the back alleys they finally let go, taemin took this chance to run but yunho caught him again

“don’t run, im not going to hurt you” yunho said and taemin stopped just because he had given up and let all his body weight weigh yunho down, and it worked, yunho let taemin drop to the floor, but then knelt down next to him.

“taemin look at me” he said and taemin looked up through wet eyes “im not going to hurt you”

“but- but- he-“ taemin was so close to tears

“its okay, im there for the money ok, not to bully little kids”

“im- im not l-little” taemin sobbed finally

“come on, lets get you home” yunho helped taemin to his feet

“why- why are y-you being nice?” taemin sobbed

“because-  don’t know, im just don’t think you deserve this”

“but I h-have to he has pictures” taemin cried

“I know, we can work this out, ill help you ok?”

“ok” taemin nodded and they started walking.

.  .  .

“any sign of him yet?” jonghyun asked minho on the phone

“no we have been walking for hours, hows onew”

“good, he is still trying to convince changmin it wasn’t his fault, but hes seems ok”

“good, listen we are just going to go back to taemins, wait for him there ok?”

“sounds good, he cant have gone too far right?”

“right” minho said and hung up after saying bye

‘are we heading back?’ key wrote

“yea, its better than walking aimlessly right”

Key nodded and they made their way back.


Minho and key had been waiting for about half an hour before they heard footsteps and talking.

“which number?” a man said

“last one” a soft voice said in reply

Key and minho perked up hearing taemins voice and waited for them to get there.



The door opened slowly and taemin appeared with another man, taemin looked up and saw them, his eyes widened and he tried to leg it but yunho caught him, and held him back.

“HEY!” minho stood up “let go of him!”

“taemin!” yunho said and taemin stopped trying to get away, he held his head down and walked inside with yunho

Key jumped up and hugged taemin tightly surprising yunho.

“mind telling me why taemin went missing last night?” minho said to yunho

“minho don’t get mad at him, he was helping” taemin said still in a key hug

“fine, but I still wanna know”

“taemin was having a… family issue and I just helped him get home, that’s all” yunho defended, lying for taemin

Minho looked over at taemin and taemin nodded

“well then, thankyou” minho bowed and yunho made his way out.

When the door shut minho pulled taemin away from key and hugged him.

“minho I cant breathe” taemin said with a hoarse voice from crying

“are you okay, we were so worried” minho pulled away and led taemin to his couch

“im fine, I just- I don’t wanna talk about it okay” taemin hung his head

Minho opened his mouth to say something up closed it again because he didn’t want to push a family thing

“okay, im just glad you’re all right” minho kissed his forehead

‘me too’ key signed and taemin smiled

“oh god onew!” he looked up at key

“he is fine okay, jonghyun and changmin are with him” minho said calming him down

‘he will stay at jonghyuns btw’ key signed and taemin nodded

“minho” taemin said, trying to change the subject


“you came outside?” he asked with a small smile

“of course I did, I had to find you” minho smiled, taemin blushed and key smiled at the cuteness

“wanna go back to yours?” taemin asked, wanting to distract himself completely from the warren issue, now he knew yunho was on his side, and the others weren’t going to ask he could just forget about it hopefully.

“so much” minho stood up and led the way back to his house.

.  .  .

“come on, the doctor said I could go home now” onew said

“I know, I just need to organise a lift from minho, he is the only one with a car” jonghyun said still texting minho “HA! There done, he will be here in 5” jonghyun smiled and turned around to help onew get ready.


Minho turned up and drove them to jonghyuns apartment, talked for a bit then left them to get inside.

“come on, its on the first floor so no stairs” jonghyun smiled

“good” onew smiled and hobbled along after jonghyun

Jonghyun stopped in front of his door where a box sat, he picked it up and let onew in.

He put the box on the coffee table and got onew into the spare bed, which was in the lounge room.

“comfortable?” he asked and onew nodded


“no worries, if you need anything just ask got it?”

“got it”

“good” jonghyun smiled and went back to the box

“whos that from?” onew asked watching jonghyun eye the box

“I don’t know, I guess the same person who sent me the rose”

“rose?” onew asked

“that one” jognhyun pointed to the side table where a single rose sat in a small vase.

“cute” onew smiled “well open this one” onew had a gut feeling he knew who it was from, but didn’t want to speak up

Jonghyun opened the box and pulled out a smaller long blue box with a ribbon. He smiled at it then undid the ribbon and opened the box.

He smiled as he pulled out another rose, this time it was a pure white rose with a small blue card tied to it.

“that’s sweet, what’s it say?” onew asked still looking on

Jonghyun opened the card and smiled as he read

‘to Jonghyun- now smile again’

Jonghyun kept smiling as he put the rose in the vase and set the card down, he said good night to onew and lay down in bed.

He kept smiling until he fell asleep


sorry i havent updated in ages, packed with work :(

but plese still enjoy

comment and subsribe :D <3

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Chapter 32: what ever happened to this story... I followed it all the way to the end but you never did post the last chapter...
Omigosh this is so amazing!!! Will there be a sequel? Waaahhh I love this story!
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 32: Second last chapter D': I'm gonna miss this fic, and Jongkey is so cute omggggg
Chapter 32: d'aweeeeeeeeeeee onew and changmin r so cute...
Chapter 32: what this is the ending one more chapter?.... but... this came out of nowhere T__T I feel like so much will be left unresolved... T_T I don't want it to end!!
vieroeclipse #7
Chapter 32: This is cute chapter!!! Glad Changnew stay together!!! ;___;
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 31: I just love this fic, it's amazing! *~*
shineeshipper #9