Chapter 25

To Live for Something


Day 1

Jonghyun shuffled out of his bedroom and he immediately smelt breakfast. He furrowed his brow and wandered into the kitchen only to see onew serving up bacon and eggs for them both. Onew saw him walk in a smiled.

“eat up, we’re heading to minhos today” onew offered him a plate

“uh- ok” jonghyun pressed his lips together and sat down to eat “thankyou”  

Onew joined him and they ate in silence, onew waited for jonghyun to finish and then started cleaning up.

“ill help” jonghyun didn’t know what to do so he decided to help but was stopped by onew pushing him into his room

“no, you are going to get dressed, we are leaving in ten minutes” onew shut the door and jonghyun stared at it until the words clicked and he spun around and headed for his closet.


Onew and jonghyun got to minhos and knocked on the door. Taemin opened it up and smiled as he let them in.

“yay you made it” he bounced as he gave onew a hug

“why the sudden invite” jonghyun asked

“it was onew” minho shrugged “we all know you well enough to know that you’re just going to mope around all week so we arranged a fun little thing for you”

“fun…little…thing?” jonghyun gave them a confused look

“it’s the keep jonghyun happy until key gets back week” taemin clapped and did a little dance

“oh” jonghyun couldn’t help but smile at taemins excitement “well you don’t need to-“

“yea we do, we are your friends jonghyun” onew sat down and ruffled his hair “let us do it for you?”

“ok on one condition” jonghyun started fixing his hair and onew nodded “don’t touch my hair…”

“done!” onew nodded and it was done, the official ‘keep jonghyun happy until key gets back’ week had begun.

“so whats planned?” jonghyun asked, trying to shake off the last of his sleep

“well, we cant go out today because minho is still hurt” taemin explained “but we went to the video store and rented a bunch of movies”

“and we have a fridge, cupboard and bench full of junk-food” onew added with a grin

“so we are all set for any craving” taemin gave a fighting sign

“im not a girl you know, its not my ‘time of month’ you know” jonghyun had to force back a smile

“we know, but-“ onew patted his back “the truth is we didn’t know what junk-food you liked so we got it all”

Jonghyun started laughing, he was so happy that his friends were there for him, even though he would never in his life admit he was depressed because key left yesterday, he was and he was glad that he would have three people distracting him all week so he didn’t have to be alone.

“thankyou guys” jonghyun said after he finished laughing

“no worries, we are happy to do it” minho smiled

“so-“ jonghyun clapped his hands together “-shall we pick a movie?”

Minho nodded and onew pulled out a tall stack of various movies, some were kids movies that everyone still enjoys, some action, some drama, some horror, and some that were just stupid for the heck of it.

“you pick, we have all day” onew told him

“uhhh-“ jonghyun decided to pick randomly “that one!”

.  .  .

“uhggg” jonghyun groaned rubbing his belly when the movie finished “biggest food baby”

Minho and onew laughed “food baby?” the both said

“shut up, it’s a thing” he poked his tongue out at them

“if you say so” the chuckled

It was late, they had been watching movies and eating junk all day and now it was almost midnight.

“so who’s tired?” onew asked with a yawn

“strangely im not” minho answered, he was currently cradling a sleeping taemin on his shoulder “but I think tae is”

“you think?” jonghyun said sarcastically “the kid fell asleep two movies ago”

“I know, but im not waking him up, hes cute” minho smiled to himself

“jonghyun? You tired?” onew asked again

“I am but im not sleeping”

“uh- why?”

“because that fricken horror movie we saw third is still affecting me”

Onew gave a small chuckle “what the demon one?”

“no the fairy one…” jonghyun rolled his eyes “yes the demon one, where they come out at night when you sleep and eat you alive, yea… im not sleeping ever again”

“fair enough” minho chuckled, the movement of his shoulders made taemin stir, he groaned and opened his eyes a little to see minho giving him a warm smile

“morning” he chuckled

“mmmhg” taemin groaned

“come on, ill take you to bed” minho said, guiding him to the bedroom and tucking him in, he kissed him on the head before leaving and joining onew and jonghyun, only to find onew fast asleep on the couch.

“I was gone for like ten seconds…” minho laughed and jonghyun just nodded

“right? Mind if I stay here tonight?” he asked

“that was the plan” minho said starting to pick up junk-food rubbish from the floor so he could set up the pull out bed.

“trust” jonghyun smirked and helped him “so how are you going?”

“im getting there” minho shrugged “slowly”

“does it still hurt?” jonghyun asked noticing he had been sensitive all day “I mean I heard it was pretty bad”

“yea it does, and it was, but its not too bad now, kinda just a dull ache”

“good, don’t want by best friend getting too hurt” he smiled “so what actually happened?”

Jonghyun had never gotten the full story and minho had decided he wasn’t going to, to save him the worry, especially this week.

“just ran into some scary looking people” he lied

“im starting to understand why your scared of outside”

“hey! Im not scared anymore” minho shoved him lightly

“yep ok… sure” jonghyun chuckled before they put the rubbish in the bin and set up a bed.

Minho set it up and gave him blankets and a pillow then they said good night.

“night minho” jonghyun yawned

“night jonghyun” minho turned off the light “and don’t let the demons bite” minho got into bed still smirking at his last comment.

“yea, I hope” jonghyun said looking around the dark room before lying down and trying to get some demon-free sleep.


YAY update, sorry for the delay, i went for a road trip :)

but im baisically giving the updates as days... (day 1, fay 2... etc) untill key gets back

it will be short chapters but they will be more upbeat and happy, for the week of keeping jonghyun happy.


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Chapter 32: what ever happened to this story... I followed it all the way to the end but you never did post the last chapter...
Omigosh this is so amazing!!! Will there be a sequel? Waaahhh I love this story!
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 32: Second last chapter D': I'm gonna miss this fic, and Jongkey is so cute omggggg
Chapter 32: d'aweeeeeeeeeeee onew and changmin r so cute...
Chapter 32: what this is the ending one more chapter?.... but... this came out of nowhere T__T I feel like so much will be left unresolved... T_T I don't want it to end!!
vieroeclipse #7
Chapter 32: This is cute chapter!!! Glad Changnew stay together!!! ;___;
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 31: I just love this fic, it's amazing! *~*
shineeshipper #9