Chapter 18

To Live for Something


The whole group including changmin found themselves at the hospital again. Waiting in the same chairs they were in before.  Minho had come to pick them up and taemin came with then they drove to the hospital and met changmin there.

Everyone stood or looked up with wide eyes when the doctor came out of the room that had both key and onew in it.

“how are they?” jonghyun asked first

“they’re doing well” the doctor smiled and everyone relaxed “onew had to be bandaged up tight again, so nothing that will put stress on his midsection for about four weeks, and key is a bit bruises and beaten but apart from that they can both go home today, as long as someone id there to watch them”

Jonghyun and the others nodded as the doctor walked off to another patient

“you two go in” minho said pushing taemin and jonghyun forward

“why just us?” jonghyun asked

“because you know them the best”

They just nodded and turned to walk into the room.

The second they all saw each other taemin ran to onew and jonghyun ran to key.

Taemin couldn’t hug onew properly but settled with holding his arm tightly “im so happy you’re ok” taemin said, he hadn’t seen onew in a while because of the warren business and onew was at jonghyuns, which he was glad for. So taemin having to see him for the first time in while in such a bad place and in a bad state was heart breaking for taemin.

“haven’t I told you before, im not going anywhere?” onew smiled and ruffled taemins hair, he was happy that he got through all his injuries because the one thing he wanted to prove to everyone was that he could survive anything.

“I know but still I got so worried!” taemin didn’t let go of his arm

Meanwhile jonghyun had run up and hugged key, he hadn’t told anyone about how key had spoken but he wanted key to do it again because he knew key wanted to.

“key are you ok?” he asked “I don’t care what the doctor said I need to know that you are ok”

Key nodded with a small smiled and jonghyun relaxed and hugged him again

Key had nothing to write on now that his board broke and he had no paper so he had to sign, he didn’t even think about jonghyun not understanding.

Key began signing at a million miles an hour and jonghyun stepped back

“key, key hold on” he asked and key stoped “I’m not getting any of that”

Key looked down sad

“im sorry, I know im not catching on fast but you need to take a breath”

Key bit his lip and looked up, he knew he could speak now, but he had stayed silent the whole trip to the hospital

“i-i- im sorry” key said in a scratchy voice

“why are you apologising?” then it hit jonghyun “wait you- still can talk?”

Key nodded then looked over at taemin and onew

“tae-“ his voice cracked before he could say it then he tried again “taemin, onew”

The two looked up at jonghyun but then realised that he didn’t say anything.

“key?” onew asked and he nodded, suddenly taemin jumped up and ran over to key, hugging him close. Onew couldn’t get up so he just smiled like an idiot

“you’re speaking” taemin said with a smile and key nodded again

“I had to” key said

“but you did it” jonghyun smiled “you did it”

.  .  .

Minho drove key, onew , jonghyun and changmin to jonghyuns house, said goodbye then left for his home.

They all got inside and changmin set onew down on his pull out bed and knelt beside him.

“I am so sorry onew” he hung his head “I shouldn’t have let you walk me home when it was that late”

Onew held his hands “no its not your fault, actually it was good I did”

“are you crazy?!”

“there was two of us and two of them, if one wasn’t occupied with me then key would have gotten hurt much worse and it would have turned out a lot worse too”

“I know, but you re-broke your ribs!”

“but im okay now”

Changmin didn’t know what to say anymore so he just sat there

“im okay, okay?” onew said again and changmin nodded “ill always be okay”

Something in changmin moved when onew stopped and suddenly without warning he leaned up and kissed onew.  Onew was surprised but relaxed into it, when changmin pulled away he whispered “promise me that”

“I promise” onew nodded then they kissed again. Changmin sat by onew until he fell asleep.


Jognhyun was making key stay at his house for the night, so he wasn’t alone.

“everything ok?” he asked when he saw key sitting on his bed slouched over

Key wasn’t going to tell jonghyun that he had seen onew and changmin together and got jealous that now onew and minho and taemin had someone to love, and he was stuck in what he could only see as a one sided love. That along with the fact that he was tired and he was still shaky from the attack made him reach the point of just breaking.

“key?” jonghyun said as he sat down next to key.

Key tried to be strong but when he looked up and saw the concern in jonghyuns eyes he broke. He put his arms around jognhyun and cried onto his shoulder.

It broke jonghyuns heart more than normal because all the times key has cried, it had been silent, which does make it better but this time jonghyun was there with key around him, crying loudly, sobbing and crying like a normal person would, because it was vocal jonghyun found it more heartbreaking.

.   .   .  

When minho and taemin got back to minhos apartment something was off, and taemin could feel it in every bone in his body. He looked around like he was paranoid one warren coming out of the shadows. They got to minho bed room and minho went to the bathroom. When minho closed the door taemin spotted a piece of paper on the side table and cautiously opened it, not remembering it being there that morning.

His heart stopped

‘nice place, I see you got yourself a rich boyfriend.
how long do you think this will last huh? Im betting until he finds out that you’re a criminal. Anyway, I know you have some emergency with your ‘buddies’ but we are meeting at 4am same place, be there or either your boyfriend or the police are going to see these pictures’

He swallowed hard and ripped up the letter then threw it out. He climbed into bed and waited for minho to fall asleep when he got out of the bathroom.

Once he was sure minho was asleep he snuck out and ran for the alley.


Minho wasn’t fully asleep when taemin left and felt a pang in his heart when he heard the front door close, he wanted to know where taemin had gone he wanted to follow, and find out. But he wondered if it had something to do with the recent ‘family issue’ so he didn’t want to push him. But the curiosity and worry for taemin grew and he didn’t get any sleep that night.


“oh so you decided to turn up” warren smirked when taemin ran into the building at exactly 4am

“nice timing” yunho said then gave him a ‘im sorry’ look when warren wasn’t looking

“you-“ taemin panted “you!”  he was tired and stressed and hated how warren had broken into minhos home

“me? What have I done?” warren played innocent and taemin balled his fists “oh are you going to hit me?” he teased and stepped towards him

“you broke into his home” taemin said look at the floor angry, warren was the only person he was ok with being angry with, and it still made him even angrier at himself for being angry at someone else.(*mind)

“yea its nice”

“listen you can break into mine and you can make me come here but you cannot go near minho or his home!” taemin yelled

“I thought I could do anything but-“ warren leaned in to kiss taemin and taemin moved away. Realising what he had previously said to warren. Suddenly warren pushed him against the wall hard and yunho got on his feet, ready to push them away from each other if it got bad

“you don’t make the conditions ‘minnie’ I do!” he spat in taemins face “now choose! Are you going to protect you or him!”

This was by far his biggest decision

If he said he would protect minho he was done for, he knew what warren wanted and he was scared out of his mind, he couldn’t let something like that happen to him while he was with minho. But if he protected himself then minho was in danger, minhos home wasn’t a safe place anymore, and taemin was really liking minho, he probably even loved him, he couldn’t bare that minho would get involved.

Taemin bit his lip as warren tightened his grip, fear got the best of him

“me”  taemin whispered and warren smirked

“sticking with your first condition then?”

Taemin nodded “you cant touch me”

Warren dropped him and turned around to explain their next task for the night

Im sorry minho, im so so so sorry



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Chapter 32: what ever happened to this story... I followed it all the way to the end but you never did post the last chapter...
Omigosh this is so amazing!!! Will there be a sequel? Waaahhh I love this story!
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 32: Second last chapter D': I'm gonna miss this fic, and Jongkey is so cute omggggg
Chapter 32: d'aweeeeeeeeeeee onew and changmin r so cute...
Chapter 32: what this is the ending one more chapter?.... but... this came out of nowhere T__T I feel like so much will be left unresolved... T_T I don't want it to end!!
vieroeclipse #7
Chapter 32: This is cute chapter!!! Glad Changnew stay together!!! ;___;
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 31: I just love this fic, it's amazing! *~*
shineeshipper #9