Chapter 5

To Live for Something


“no no no no no no no” minho begged “please im sick I cant”

“don’t be ridiculous” jonghyun said as he tried to get minho out of his apartment

“please no!” minho resisted

“it has been four weeks!” jonghyun dropped minhos arm and stood up straight, looking him in the eyes “what the hell is going on?”

“sickness!” minho defended, but it was obviously a lie “its not like-“

“SHUT UP! I am your friend and its not healthy to stay in your apartment like a squatter!”

“sorry, im just not up to it”

Jonghyun looked at minho and saw his shift his weight and get incredibly nervous, just because he was near his open door.

“ok” jonghyun pinched the bride of his nose and sighed “I don’t know whats going on but I really need you to come out with me and key”


“just for an hour, then you can come back and I promise I wont force you out for a week” jonghyun looked at minho who was deep in thought

Jonghyun had been spending quite a lot of time with key, he even spend hours last night trying to memorise some sign language. He really had taken a liking to key, he didn’t know why and he wasn’t going to ever think about it, ever. Minho needed to be there because he started getting nervous last time he and key hung out and he needed a ‘safety net’ in a way, someone for key to talk to while jonghyun kicks himself.

“ok” minho agreed

“what?” jonghyun didn’t see that coming

“I said ok, but for an hour, and we go nowhere else but the bakery alright?”

“ok” jonghhyun smiled and nodded then grabbed minhos hand and led him out to his car “plus you have a car”

.  .  .

“wake up” taemin poked the lump on the floor next to the couch “onew?”

Onew had been staying at his apartment for a few weeks, but taemin always found himself waking onew up.

“mmm” the lump groaned

“you need to get up, its work time” he poked the lump again and laughed quietly when it rolled over and onews head poked out and he squinted in the bright light.

“who invented sun anyway?” onew mumbled as he wrestled out of his blanket.

“uh- god” taemin raised a brow, getting up he walked over to the small table and picked up his small envelope with his rent in it, he sighed and turned around “I need to give this to my landlord, ill be back”

Onew watched taemin walk out and stood up rubbing his eyes. He stretched and slipped on some pants before checking if there was any food money left for some breakfast, but there was nothing.

Onew heard the door open again and he looked up to taemin, “ready?” he asked and smiled.

Onew smiled back then nodded. They made their way out.

Onew had managed to stop taemin stealing for about a week, taemin was so used to it, it was so automatic, but he didn’t think it was any good so he help  out by lending some of his pay to taemin so he could pay his rent, and he shared his meal with him. They had become close, and onew was determined to get taemin happy again, he was starting by taking him to his work and attempting to get him a job.

. .  .

Jonghyun and minho walked into the bakery and saw key. Key waved and jonghyun waved back, then rushed over.

He hesitated at first but then brought up his hands and started signing what he memorised last night.

‘hello key’ jonghyun signed ‘how are you?’

Keys face lit up

“sorry if I screw it up ok, I only learnt this last night”

Key nodded to say it was okay

“plus Ive never been good at sign language”

Key smiled wider and he wrote down on his pad then showed jonghyun as minho sat down

‘you know I can hear you, you don’t need to know it, you just need to understand it’ key wrote and chuckled silently

“same difference” jonghyun shrugged

“hey key” minho waved, he was clearly nervous

‘you got him out of his apartment?’ key wrote

“yeah it was hard too, he is incredibly stubborn haha” jonghyun nudged minho with his arm and minho nodded nervously as he looked around

‘how was your weekend?’ key wrote

“good kinda boring though” jonghyun chuckled

Key tilted his head in confusion

“because I couldn’t hang out with you” jonghyun wanted to kick himself, hard. Key blushed madly and looked down “so where were you anyway?”

‘parents anniversary’ key wrote

“you join them?” jonghyun was confused

‘no, Sunday 15 years ago they died’ key wrote and pressed his lips together

“im sorry” minho and jonghyun said at the same time and key shook his head and smiled

“NO!” they all jumped when the manager yelled behind them, key turned to see where the others were looking now.

“please, he doesn’t even need as much as me!” the cleaner onew they met the other day argued back

“I pay you that much, because that’s all I can pay!”

“please! He really needs it!” onew was persistent

Key, minho and jonghyun watched as they kept arguing over something they couldn’t understand, then the manager stormed off and onew followed before the manger turned around and facing him strongly.

“you need to do your job, get your money then leave, im not hiring another homeless!!” he screamed the last word and onew backed off, upset that he was just screamed at

“he isn’t homelss” onew mumbled but he heard him anyway

“ha! Then what is he?” the manger motioned to the small thin boy sitting at a table not far away. Key looked at how sad he was, jonghyun couldn’t figure out why his was familiar and minhos eyes widened.

“thief” he breathed

“what?” jonghyun asked then it clicked “omg its HIM!”

“that’s not a problem!” onew agrued

“it is, now you can leave”

“im fired?”

“no, im just not in the mood to pay you today, and he isn’t coming back in here if her still wants money!” the manager stormed off and left onew there.

Taemin got up and walked towards the door with onew not far behind “lets just go, thanks for trying” taemin mumbled with his head down

Just before they were about to leave minho finally spoke out

“Oi Thief!” he yelled out and taemin looked behind to lock eyes with minho, he recognised him then hid his face

“are you crazy?” jonghyun whispered to minho “he ‘stole’ from you”

“come here” minho said and waved him and onew over

“you know him?” onew asked as they walked over, taemin still with his head down

“you two wanna join us?” minho asked trying to see taemins face

“w-why?” taemin mumbled

“because you helped me out the other day, plus you look like a tig, plus you’re cute” minho smiled making taemin blush and look down again,

Key raised his brows

‘whats happening there?’ he wrote to jonghyun and he shrugged

Onew and taemin took a seat, all five finally sitting at a table together.

“so whats your name?” jonghyun asked

“t-taemin” taemin said then pointed to onew and introduced him

“ok” jonghyun just decided to roll with it “im jonghyun, that’s minho and this is key”

Taemin and onew bowed and smiled at them, onew noticed a note pad in front of key and got curous

“whats the pad for?” onew asked

‘so I can talk’ key wrote

“you don’t speak?” taemin asked, suddenly interested

Key shook his head and taemin smiled

Taemin pressed his lips together and tried to remember some sign language he learnt from his mother a long time ago. he looked back up and smiled, key waited confused

‘nice to meet you’ taemin signed and key lit up like he did before

‘you know sign?’ key signed back and taemin nodded. Key leaped across the table and hugged taemin. Taemin froze and awkwardly hugged back making minho laughed then turn away when taemin glared at him.

“psst” jonghyun waved minho closer and minho leant in “whats going on, he broke into your house!”

Minho frowned and pressed his lips together “the other day when I was sick, he helped out, I owe him, plus he is cute so…”

“oh ok, let the kid off because he is cute, sure sure”

“ok” minho sat back up to see taemin and key talking to each other via sign language

Jonghyun shook his head and decided he would just ignore the fact the taemin kid was a thief, but then he remembered that minhos neighbours were robbed, and the week after they started getting money under the door, jonghyun looked at taemin and he sighed silently, taemin didn’t look like he would jump up and steal everything, hell he was so little jonghyun just quessed that he only did it to survive.

“so uh- onew” jonghyun said, to distract himself from thinking too much “are you really homeless?” he recalled the argument they witnessed before

“well yea I guess-“ onew was cut off by taemin grabbing his hand under the table

“he was, when he was hired, but now he is living with me” tamein explained and onew nodded, squeezing taemins hand

‘thats sweet, so you’re close?’ key signed to taemin and taemin nodded

“wait, what did you say?” jonghyun asked key, he didn’t like not understanding what he was saying

‘I said he was sweet’ key wrote on his pad and jonghyun made an ‘o’ shape with his mouth

“how do you know sign?” onew asked taemin and taemin looked as though he was holding his breath

“well my mother was deaf so my whole family kinda knew how I guess” taemin shrugged

‘where you close?’ key wrote on his pad, he didn’t want jonghyun to not understand again

“I guess- not really, but we had to communicate right?” everyone nodded and didn’t ask anymore question because taemin looked nervous, but not as nervous as minho did, he was awful quiet and it didn’t go un noticed.

‘is minho okay?’ key wrote to jonghyun and jonghyun looked up and frowned. He didn’t like how key was always worried about minho, but he would never say he was a little jealous of it all. Jonghyun nodded and looked away.

Key frowned and wondered if he said anything wrong ‘are you okay?’ he wrote again

Finally jonghyun thought, he nodded and accidently locked eyes with key, he felt his heart beat faster and he was nervous. Key smiled an blushed from the eye contact. Jonghyun automatically saw key and thought he was perfect.

“AHH!” jonghyun shook his head and stood up, everyone looked at him with confused eyes

“you okay jonghyun?” onew asked letting taemins hand go

“no-yea just-“ he looked at key who was concerned “I need to go, I forgot I had a meeting” he lied and rushed out

Onew stood up excused himself and rushed out after him, onew had seen what happened and wanted to help out.

“jonghyun!” he said once they were outside and jonghyun spun around

“onew? Why did you come out too?”

“because I saw what happened, im very observant you know” onew put his hands on hips

“what did you notice?” jonghyun was frozen

“key likes you and you like him” onew said bluntly

“sure he’s cool” jonghyun got nervous

“no, like like him” onew stepped closer

“no you’ve got it all wrong”

“I don’t get things wrong jonghyun its obvious”

“no not possible, I like girls, I like girls” jonghyun said trying to convince himself more than onew

“yes and im a pink elephant” onew said sarcastically

“im leaving!” jonghyun stormed down the street. Onwe sighed and ran after him, spinning him around and holding his shoulders

“deny it all you want ok, but doing that with only make things harder! You can like girls ok do hat ever, but that’s what you cant keep running from, you like one another!” onew started hard at jonghyun and jonghyun looked away angry

“im not gay!” jonghyun pulled away

“then don’t label it!”

“how can I not!? People see me walking down the street with another guy and they will judge, nothing good comes from being with a guy!”

Onew got offended, it was the story of his life

“listen, or don’t I don’t care but im not trying to out you, I want to help” onew softened his voice “your right when you say nothing good come from it, hell im homeless because im gay, but you are hanging with four guys that like guys so you need to get used to it okay”

“but I cant deal with the critizism that comes with it all I cant ok, people think im straight, they need me to like girls”

“hey you know, proving people wrong is something im kinda good at, so trust me?” onew smiled warmly “you don’t have to fall into that category of ‘gay’ but key seems like a good guy, and you like him, I want to help you please?”

“how?” jonghyun looked away again “how can you help huh?”

“I can help you two hang out, without it being suss”

“are you sure?”

“what else do I do with my day huh?”

“ok, but this topic is not brought up again! Im not gay!”


Onew smiled and jonghyun shifted his weight

“don’t you have a meeting?” onew said

“uh what- oh yea” jonghyun waved and started walking, onew turned and walked back into the bakery.

“is he okay?” minho asked

“yeah, just stressed I guess” onew shrugged and sat down

‘was it something I did?’ key wrote

“no, its not don’t worry” onew smiled.

Finally minho had almost snapped, he had been here for an hour, and he was ready to have an attack, he was doing  better than he thought because he was with people he knew, plus taemin. Ever since taemin helped him he felt comfortable with him, it was weird and he couldn’t explain it but he wanted to keep taemin around for a while.

“taemin” minho said and taemin looked up at him “im heading out, wanna come?” minho wanted to kick himself because taemin looked confused. Taemin looked at onew and onew shrugged then went back to conversing with key quietly.

“ok sure” taemin smiled slightly and they both stood up. They said their farewells and left.

“ok key” onew turned to key once they were gone “you like jonghyun right?”

Key nodded confused

“I wanna help you two out”


.. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. .  . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . .  ..  .


school has been a . yr 12 haha. ANYWAY!

ill update again today i hope 

ok so just some explination

taemina nd minho ... obvious

onew and taemin, close

jonghyun and minho, close

key and jonghyun, close

onew is gonna get the jongkey going incase that wasnt obvious :P




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Chapter 32: what ever happened to this story... I followed it all the way to the end but you never did post the last chapter...
Omigosh this is so amazing!!! Will there be a sequel? Waaahhh I love this story!
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 32: Second last chapter D': I'm gonna miss this fic, and Jongkey is so cute omggggg
Chapter 32: d'aweeeeeeeeeeee onew and changmin r so cute...
Chapter 32: what this is the ending one more chapter?.... but... this came out of nowhere T__T I feel like so much will be left unresolved... T_T I don't want it to end!!
vieroeclipse #7
Chapter 32: This is cute chapter!!! Glad Changnew stay together!!! ;___;
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 31: I just love this fic, it's amazing! *~*
shineeshipper #9