Chapter 12

To Live for Something


Taemin was sitting in his apartment next to onew… who was next to changmin. He got here this morning and ever since they sat down they didn’t stop talking, taemin needed to get out. He felt awkward being a third wheel in his own home.

Then he thought of minho and wondered if he was home from class yet.


Minho finished up his class and had to drive one of his kids back to their house again, once he dropped them off he headed home, listening to the weather on the radio, he made a note of the thunderstorm that was meant to happen tonight.

Then he thought of key and his superstitions about thunderstorms.


Key walked up to the tv and turned it off, he didn’t want to hear more about the weather, especially if he knew there would be a storm. He turned around and sat down on his couch by himself.

Then he thought of jonghyun and wondered if he was going anything that day


Jonghyun was sitting in his apartment by himself playing his guitar lazily, his manger called in to say that he wasn’t available for a few days because his wife is still in hospital and sulli isn’t taking it all too well at all. He thought that if he didn’t have to go to work he would work on his song.

Then he thought of onew, wondering if being mad at him was still ok, he was trying to help


Onew sat on the couch between taemin and changmin, he had been chatting with changmin for about half an hour now and he was loving it.

Then he thought of taemin, he was basically the third wheel and felt bad for him.

“tae” he said as he turned to him and taemin looked up with big eyes “minho should be finished soon, did you want to go over?”

Taemin smiled and nodded then said goodbye and left.

Onew turned back to changmin who suddenly took a photo of onew without warning, onew closed his eyes from the flash and blushed.

“hey!” he said grabbing the camera

“what? I like it its cute” changmin chuckled as onew looked at the picture, he looked like a deer in headlights

“no its not, I look weird” onew pouting

“ok then take one of me, as payback ok?”

Onew lifted the camera and gave a confused look

“the button on top silly” changmin laughed and just as he did onew took a photo.

“hey! I wasn’t ready!” he protested

“neither was I” onew mocked


Taemin had just left and heard onew and changmin playing around, he went to walk down the hall but ran into someone, he was knocked back because the person was big.

“ah just who I was looking for” the man said with a deep voice and grabbed taemins arm pulling him into the room next door.

Taemins heart stopped because he knew who it was as soon as he saw where he was.

“Warren” taemin whispered

“ah so you remember me, my its been a long time” warren smirked

“why are you back” taemin said in a quiet voice, this wasn’t good, not at all

“ran out of money” he said but it wasn’t convincing. Warren was taemins neighbour, they would rob houses together. They were friends as children then when taemins parents left warren and him stuck together and got into trouble, warren was always the one dragging taemin around, so when warren said he was going back to the USA to see his brother taemin was happy, even though he still has to steal to survive he wasn’t getting into as much trouble as he used to, then onew came and he didn’t have to steal at all, but now warren was back and bigger than ever.

“leave me alone” taemin sounded stronger in his head “I don’t want to get involved with you”

“oh taeminnie” taemin flinched at the old nickname “you don’t mean that, you owe me remember” he said with a smirk. And it was true, whenever the police would find them, warren would hide small taemin and take the blame.

“but im not doing that anymore, please” taemin begged, he wanted to stop because he hated it, and he had minho now so he tried to stand up for himself but that clearly didn’t work because warren put a piece of paper in taemins hand and smirked.

“this is an address, meet me there at 4:30 or-“ he pulled out his phone to show a gallery of old photos of taemin in building he shouldn’t be in stealing things he shouldn’t “I think the police will like these”

Taemins eyes widened and he clawed for the phone

“when did you take those?” he asked loudly

“oh long ago, now deal?”

“fine” taemin spat “deal” he tucked the piece of paper in his pocket and left for minhos

.  .  .

Minho had just got home when he heard a knock on the door, he wondered if it was taemin as he opened the door in luck to find just who he wanted, taemin.

“hi” taemin smiled and blushed

“hi” minho smiled back and let him in

“how was class?” taemin asked as he sat down on the couch

“good” minho said sitting beside him

“I would love to come see you teach sometime”

“id like that” minho said as he blushed at the thought of taemin watching him teach.

Suddenly there was another knock on the door, minho got up and opened the door to find jonghyun and key standing there awkwardly.

“oh hi guys whats up?” minho asked confused

“is onew here?” jonghyun asked

“no, why?”

“nothing just wondering” jonghyun said as they pushed past an into the apartment

“so you know how there will be a storm tonight?” jonghyun said on behalf of key who imedietly went over to taemin and they started signing like teenage girls.


“that’s why we came”

“both of you?”

“well I was coming anyway then ran into key then he told me there would be a storm blah blah blah you know”

Minho just nodded then they both joined taekey on the couches.

‘will onew come?’ one signed to taemin

‘he is with changmin so I guess he will be ok right?’ taemin signed back

‘changmin?’ key signed as his head fell to the side in confusion

“oh” taemin said and everyone looked at him so he bit his lip

“whats wrong?” minho asked

“oh just, none have you have heard about changmin have you?” taemin asked nervously

Everyone shook their heads

“well last storm onew found him outside and helped him out for the night, and then since then they have been pretty close, onew likes him I think” taemin explained

Everyone was surprised, no one knew what was going on until now.

“well then hat explains his absence” jonghyun said

“you are avoiding him for crying out loud” minho said giving him a friendly shove

“shut up” jonghyun pouted making everyone laugh

Suddenly there was a clash of thunder as the sky lit up for a second everyone jumped.

“how late is it?” jonghyun asked

“its only 4” minho said as more thunder and lightling filled the sky

“I thought-“

“me too” minho cut in, they didn’t expect it to be so early. Taemin started getting nervous, because he only had half an hour left and Key silently got up and walked to the window, his eyes widened and he waved everyone over.

“what is it?” jonghyun asked

Key didn’t answer, he was superstitious, and he knew that storms brought something bad. Last time onew found changmin on the street, but this time was different. The storm was heavy, the dark clouds made the whole sky dark, like night, the lightning and thunder there intense. Who knows what could go wrong now.

‘nothing” key mouthed

“what?” jonghyun asked again

“I think he is just surprised at how dark it is” taemin tried to explain for key and key nodded so everyone went back to their seats.

.  .  .

Onew and changmin were walking back to changmins when the storm hit, and now they were running through the heavy rain trying to get to his house before something happened.

They were a block away when they ran across the crossing at the wrong time, changmin got across but onew saw lights out of the corner of his eyes and turned his head to squint through the rain, but he was too slow to realise what it was and suddenly found himself flying backwards with an excruciating pain shooting through his entire body. Then it all went black as he hit the road.


.  .  .

The four were just sitting there watching some tv when the phone rang, minho turned the v off and picked up.


The others watched as minhos expression went blank and then his eyes widened

“what?!” he said upset

“ok ok we are coming now” he hung up and rushed over

“its onew!”

Everyone got up and they rushed out to minhos car.

Taemin knew he had to go, but onew was hurt, he dreaded going because he hated that life, he didn’t want to be there, but the photos, he cant explain that to the police can he?

He had to go

Taemin stood in the shadows as the others ran into minhos car and they sped off. A few tears rolled down his cheeks but he wiped them away.

“I am so sorry onew” taemin whispered as he pulled out the piece of paper and red the address, it wasn’t an address, it was an alley, the old alley they used to meet at before heading off.

He dropped the paper and then ran off through the pouring rain heading for the alley.


Minhoa, key and jonghyun ran in to the hospital and saw changmin sitting on the chairs outside the surgery room.

“changmin?” jonghyun asked

Changmin stood up with tears in his eyes, still drenched from the rain and nodded

“are you his friend’s they called?” he asked

“yes how is he?” minho asked

“not good, he is in surgery” changmin looked at them all then  realised that taemin wasn’t there, he thought taemin would be the first there since they are roommates.

“uh- wasn’t taemin with you?” he asked

“yea he is-“ minho said and turned around to show him but found that he wasn’t there “uh- uys wheres taemin?”

“uh-“ jonghyun thought  “he was with us until the car… oh god we lost him” jonghyun hung his head

Key jumped as another clap of thunder sounded, he looked down the hall to the window and pressed his lips together.

I knew this was a bad storm he thought taemins gone and onew is in surgery 


dun dun dun!!!! the drama starts hehe

i have this all planned im so exited

please comment and subscribe, i want to know if im doing ok <3

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Chapter 32: what ever happened to this story... I followed it all the way to the end but you never did post the last chapter...
Omigosh this is so amazing!!! Will there be a sequel? Waaahhh I love this story!
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 32: Second last chapter D': I'm gonna miss this fic, and Jongkey is so cute omggggg
Chapter 32: d'aweeeeeeeeeeee onew and changmin r so cute...
Chapter 32: what this is the ending one more chapter?.... but... this came out of nowhere T__T I feel like so much will be left unresolved... T_T I don't want it to end!!
vieroeclipse #7
Chapter 32: This is cute chapter!!! Glad Changnew stay together!!! ;___;
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 31: I just love this fic, it's amazing! *~*
shineeshipper #9