Chapter 11

To Live for Something


“no no no stop there” jonghyuns manger waved his arms back and forth to tell jonghyun to stop playing.

“what now?” jonghyun rolled his eyes

“I know that you’ve been working hard on these lyrics but we have a deadline and I need them to be… well better” his manger didn’t want to argue because he had been stressed lately but he needed jonghyun to make them more romantic.

“I know I know, im still working on it” jonghyun said and his mind went to key, but he shook the thought away.

“we can work again on it together tomorrow, I need to go” he said and stood up. Jognhyun nodded and stood up with his guitar and said goodbye to his manager, as they were heading out his manger stopped, leaned down and picked up a box from just outside the studio door.

He turned the box around “oh” he said and turned to jonghyun who stopped behind him “its for you” he smiled and handed jonghyun the box, then waved and got in his car.

Jonghyun watched him drive away then looked down at the box, he wondered who could have sent him something, he didn’t order anything, and it wasn’t his birthday soon.


Jonghyun had walked home with his guitar over his shoulder and the box under his arm, he walked into his apartment and sat down on his couch, placed his guitar against the wall and looking at the box, he searched for a name but it just said that it was his.

He sighed and opened it.  

Inside was something wrapped in tissue paper, jonghyun continued and unwrapped his gift. He found two roses inside the tissue paper. They were bright red and smelled fresh.  The roses were tied together with a red string that had a small piece of paper hanging off it. He opened the piece of folded paper and smiled to himself.

‘to jonghyun. Smile’

It wasn’t romantic, except for the roses, it was kind, and loving, and he did smile, he smiled all the way through dinner.

.  .  .

Onew was just sitting in taemin and his apartment, cleaning up a bit when there was a knock at the door.

“hello?” he said from behind the door, just to make sure it wasn’t someone shady.

“hi, uh- onew?” came a voice from the other side

“yea? Who is it?”


Onew smiled and opened the door “changmin? What are you doing here?”

“I told I would drop by didn’t i?” he smiled as he stepped inside

“yea, I just didn’t think you really would” onew blushed and looked down

“why wouldn’t I, you saved me after all” changmin saw onew blush and smiled at him “wanna come grab something to eat? My treat?”

Onew hadn’t gone out with anyone but jongkey or 2min, his heart started beating and he nodded nervously as changmin lead him outside.


So where do you want to go?” changmin asked

“anywhere, im not picky” onew said walking beside him

“ok, well there is this cute café near the park we could go to?”

“yea sounds good’ onew nodded and they headed in that direction.

Onew was so scared changmin would find out that he had no money and that he was homeless for most of his life, so he didn’t speak too much.

They got to the café, had some coffee and muffins then went and sat down in the park.

“so what do you do?” changmin asked

“oh-“ onew hesitated “I work at a bakery” he said, not being entirely honest, but still not lying

“cute” changmin said making onew blush

“what about you?”

“oh, im a photographer” changmin said with a big smile

“really?” onew said, he loved watching people take photos but never met anyone who did it.

“yea, you like photography?”

“of course, photos can be so beautiful” onew smiled warmly

“I know” changmin said watching onew smile.

.  .  .

This is the day, minho knew it was coming ever since that first night with taemin.

“you okay?” taemin asked from the couch, taemin had been spending most of his time at minhos, except when minho went to work. Taemin told minho to get changed and come out, but minho appeared with a deer in the headlights look.

“y-ea… no” minho said as his breathing got heavy and his heart started beating faster as he dreaded what was ahead

“hey hey” taemin jumped up and walked over quickly he stood in front of minho and held his hands “look at me okay” he looked up in minhos eyes and minho looked back at him

“don’t stop looking at me okay, you can do this” taemin gave a small smile and minho nodded

Taemin turned around still holding minhos hand and they walked towards the door, minho held on tight and held his breath as they went through the front door.

A few minutes later they stood inside the doors to the outside world. Minho was stressing and held taemin back from going outside.

“minho?” he asked concerned

“can we not?” minho was shaking

“whats the worst that can happen?”

“I wont like it, and its going to prove that everything I thought was true” minho was honest

Taemin stood facing minho, between him and the front door and he held minhos face in his hands gently, he stood close and they locked eyes.

“minho look at me okay?” taemin really wanted to help minho out, it was least he could do for minho being so kind to him, minho looked at him, right into his eyes.

Taemin held both his hands tightly and smiled reassuringly “minho, don’t look anywhere but me remember, you can do this, I know you can”

Minho calmed down, it was like their first night together, there was nothing but them.

Minho looked into taemins eyes and felt him in his hands, he felt like they were the only people who mattered.

“minho you can do this” taemin said softly and minho watched his eyes, saw the reflection in them, saw himself, he could only see taemins warm brown eyes that calmed him so much, he was so concentrated in taemins eyes that he was oblivious to taemin walking backwards slowly, leading him out the doors and onto the empty sidewalk.

“minho” taemin said once he knew they were fully outside

“yea” minho said still looking into his eyes

“can I kiss you?” taemin asked

“yes” minho said and taemin reached up and kissed minho gently, like minho did their first night. After a few seconds taemin pulled away and looked up at minho who still had his eyes closed.

He smiled because he had just kissed minho and because he had minho outside, and he wasn’t panicking in any way.

“minho, open your eyes” taemin said warmly

Minho opened his eyes and saw the outside world, he squeezed taemins hand and held his breath.

“you did it, see its not so bad” taemin smiled “lets go somewhere okay?”

Minho shook as he nodded once. He held onto taemins hand and they started walking down the road.

The outside world wasn’t too bad, with taemin.


sorry for the late update

and the short chappy but im been bust :(

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Chapter 32: what ever happened to this story... I followed it all the way to the end but you never did post the last chapter...
Omigosh this is so amazing!!! Will there be a sequel? Waaahhh I love this story!
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 32: Second last chapter D': I'm gonna miss this fic, and Jongkey is so cute omggggg
Chapter 32: d'aweeeeeeeeeeee onew and changmin r so cute...
Chapter 32: what this is the ending one more chapter?.... but... this came out of nowhere T__T I feel like so much will be left unresolved... T_T I don't want it to end!!
vieroeclipse #7
Chapter 32: This is cute chapter!!! Glad Changnew stay together!!! ;___;
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 31: I just love this fic, it's amazing! *~*
shineeshipper #9