Chapter 21

To Live for Something


Taemin had gone over to jonghyuns to see onew, since key went shopping and jonghyun was at work. They were talking about changmin and how sweet he was to drop off some photos that he had taken of onew.

“im so happy for you two” taemin smiled and hugged onew

“thanks I wish I could say the same but-“

“yea, oh well”

“want to talk about it?”

“not really” taemin put his head down and onew ruffled his hair

“what did I say?” onew make him look up “smile”

Taemin gave onew a smile just as there was a knock at the door.

“jonghyun probably forgot his keys again” onew rolled his eyes, taemin chuckled and got up to get the door. Only to open it to find minho standing there.

“m-minho?” taemin said wide eyed

“tae?” minho was surprised “is jonghyun here?”

“no he went to work” taemin told him

“oh- ok, sorry” minho turned to walk away but taemin caught his arm and held him back



“stay” taemin pulled his arm “please?”

“ok” minho turned back around and walked inside, taemin closed the door and took a deep breath.

“minho?” onew said when he saw him sit down “what are you doing here?”

“I came to see jonghyun but-“

“okay okay” onew understood, then he saw taemin wander in nervously, onew got up quickly and went to taemin “I’ll leave okay, you two sort things out” he gave taemin a quick hug and patted his head then left for changmins house.

“where is he going?” minho asked as he watched onew leave

“changmins” taemin said as he sat down

There was a heavy silence between them for several minutes before they both turned to each other and spoke.

“im sorry” they both said at the same time, then they went silent waiting for the other to speak

“you go” taemin mumbled

“uh- ok, well im sorry” minho said looking at taemin “I was tired, too tired and I wasn’t thinking straight”

“why didn’t you say sooner” taemin was hoping everything would be okay now

“because im still not ready for so much secrecy” minho pressed his lips together

“oh” taemin dropped his head

“taemin, I care about you, a lot” minho moved closer “but you need to sort things out before we can be together”

“im trying-“

“I know tae, but I want you to know that I want to be with you, I really really like you”

“then why cant we just work through it?”

“because you wont tell me anything” minho put a hand on taemins

“im sorry”

“im here when you are ready to talk, but I cant do anything when you wont say anything, I care tae, I really do”

Taemin had to fight back tears, minho still cared about him, minho still wanted him, but it was him, it was his fault.

“so, its my fault right?” taemin mumbled

“what?” minho didn’t hear

“I said its my fault” taemin looked up at him “im the reason you got angry, im the reason you don’t trust me, im the reason right? Its my fault”

“taemin” minho tried to explain “its not, its my fault for blowing up”

“yea but the rest is mine right?”

They both just looked at each other, no one wanted to say anything in case it made things worse.

“im going back to keys” taemin said and stood up to leave, minho couldn’t read him, taemin was closed off completely now.

Minho watched him leave and stood up “happy birthday minho” he said to himself “you screwed it up more”

.  .  .

Jonghyun and key met up that afternoon to go on their ‘date’, they ha deaten at a café and then hung around in the park beside it.

“today was nice” key smiled, they were both sitting on the swings just rocking back and forth quietly

“yea, thankyou” jonghyun smiled back


“for inviting me”

“oh, no worries, I wanted to” key had to look away to hide his light blush “hows the song going?”


“the song you had to write…”

“OH! Yea, its getting there I guess, im still having trouble though”

“how come?”

“just writing about something so alien is hard”

“whats its about?”


Key looked away then laughed lightly “you’ve never loved someone?”

“no, not really”

“not really?”

“I mean ive had crushes, sure, but love is a big thing”

Key heart was racing, he wanted to tell jonghyun how much he liked him but he kept hesitating

“it is” key mumbled “I mean when you love someone, you love their voice, their presence, their shoulders, you love their eyes and smell, when you love someone you love all of them”

Jonghyun looked up at key and key blushed

“sorry, im just-“

“no its fine” jonghyun cut in “how do you know it so well?”

“ive been in love” key said swinging on his swing nervously

“really?” jonghyun liked the idea of being in love but he just didn’t know how

“yea” key looked at him “i think you’ll be able to write the song, just pretend someone loves you, pretend you love them and you are writing it for them”

Key was trying to help but jonghyun just got sad

“jonghyun?” key asked worried when his head was down

“its harder than you think”

“what is?”

“pretending, you say it like its easy, but its not” jonghyun looked up at the sky “when you don’t even know what its like to be loved, how can you pretend?”

Jonghyun was about to cry, he had never been so open before

“writing this song just makes me remember all the years I have had no one, I want love to be in my life, but its just not there”

“jonghyun…” key saw him tear up

“im going home” jonghyun stood up and started to walk away

“wait!” key stopped him

“why?” jonghyun turned around, almost crying pissed him off


“because what?!”

“I love you!” key spat out desperately


“there I said it! Jonghyun you do have love, I love you!”

“b-but I cant”

“cant what?”

“I cant think when you say that!”


“because I don’t know! Because you are a guy!”

“what does my gender have to do with it?”

“nothing, its just people think im-“

“yea well people!” key walked up to him “they should not be the ones that make you think differently, if you like me back then tell me, if you don’t, then tell me”

Jonghyun was crying now, and he hated himself for doing in front of someone

“jonghyun! Forget what people think, they have no right to judge you!” key kept going “when you say you don’t have love it breaks my heart, because you are amazing, you are talented and sweet, and perfect, I want you to know that you have love, even if you don’t like me back, im giving you my heart ok! take it and run!”

Suddenly jonghyun grabbed keys face and kissed him.


dun dun dunnnnnnnn


no silent readers

(sorry i havent edited it)

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Chapter 32: what ever happened to this story... I followed it all the way to the end but you never did post the last chapter...
Omigosh this is so amazing!!! Will there be a sequel? Waaahhh I love this story!
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 32: Second last chapter D': I'm gonna miss this fic, and Jongkey is so cute omggggg
Chapter 32: d'aweeeeeeeeeeee onew and changmin r so cute...
Chapter 32: what this is the ending one more chapter?.... but... this came out of nowhere T__T I feel like so much will be left unresolved... T_T I don't want it to end!!
vieroeclipse #7
Chapter 32: This is cute chapter!!! Glad Changnew stay together!!! ;___;
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 31: I just love this fic, it's amazing! *~*
shineeshipper #9