Chapter 30

To Live for Something


“we know everything mr lee” the police man took a seat opposite taemin “so there is no need to explain alright?”

“im sorry” taemin mumbled but the officer didn’t hear him

“now I just need some confirmation from you” the man pulled out a piece of paper with questions on it and took a breath “ok first have you been aware that these pictures exist?”

taemin kept his head down “y-yes”

“did you attempt to get rid of them?”


“did you work under a man named warren because he had possession of these photos?”


Taemin felt his breaking point nearing; he was trying so hard not to break down

“did you want to participate in any of the illegal activities?”


“was your life threatened in any way?”


Taemin didn’t want to ask about the atmosphere, it wasn’t hostile like he had imagined, it was… off.

“ok now this is the final official question we need answered, were you aware or suspect at any point in time that these four pictures were fake?”

Taemins head snapped up



“answer the question me lee”

“uh- n-no”

This changed everything in taemins head, he looked down at the pictures and couldn’t find a single flaw.

“thankyou for your cooperation mr lee”

“uh- yeah” taemin was stunned trying to work out if he was still going to jail or not

Just before the man walked out taemin spoke up again “um excuse me?”

The man turned around

“whats going on? You’re not going to arrest me?”

“did you want to be arrested?”

“no no no I was just asking… I mean i- um-“

“calm down ok, we are letting you go kid”

Taemin couldn’t believe it

“but i-“

“a friend of yours out there came to us with the pictures, told us you were in some trouble, we examined the pictures and found they were fake, so we arrested warren, then brought you in for questioning” the man explained

“warrens here?”

“yes and he is in a whole lot more trouble than you kid, not only did he threaten you and your friends, but he has serious blackmail, evasion of the authorities in two different countries and a possible assault and murder on his hands”

Taemins jaw dropped

“listen kid” the officer stepped over “I know we should really charge you for the petty crimes you have done over the years, but we know that you have had no choice, plus you have some powerful people backing you up, you better thank them kid” the officer smiled

“w-who was-“

“a college of mine, Yunho”

.  .  .

Onew and changmin left the station early, before temin left after his questioning.
Onew collapsed onto changmins couch the second they got back.

“you right?” changmin asked from the door way

“yea, just tired” onew said closing his eyes for a nap

“you didn’t sleep well?” changmin said walking over and sitting beside him , onew shook his head to say no “any reason?”

“just thinking too much I guess” onew said with a yawn

“can I ask what about or is it a secret?”

“its not a secret” onew smiled lightly “im just not ready to say anything yet”

“ok, but when you’re ready, let me know, because I don’t like it when Im out of the loop” changmin chuckled lightly and stood up to get a drink “want anything?” he asked but when he got no answer he turned around to see onew fast asleep on the couch.

“of course” he smiled as he put a blanket over him and turned off the lights so onew could get some sleep.

.  .  .

key was at the shops, he decided to see if he could get a shirt he had wanted while jonghyun was a work.

He had just payed for the shirt and was heading out when he ran into someone he didn’t want to.

“kibum?” the short fat man said

Keys eyes went wide as he took a breath accepting that he has bad luck forever


“oh so your speaking again?” keys uncle asked with raised brows, key was ready for anything, since he knew his uncle well enough to know that the man was about to backhand him with an insult soon enough.

“yea I am” key said, trying to stay polite in a shopping centre

“’bout time” his uncle smirked slightly “I thought I would never have the ‘pleasure’ to hear you voice again” he said with his words dripping with sarcasm

Key just gave a fake smile, trying to ignore the rude attitude of his uncle.

“so you still working at that dodgy book shop?”

“no actually” key told him, he hadn’t worked there since he met jonghyun again, he didn’t like the job anyway, the boss was always drunk.

“got another job then?”

“nope” key shifted his weight, he didn’t want the be here at all

“well then how are you still making it by so well huh?” he said motioning to the shopping bag “oh yeah, that’s right, you have all that money from you’re parents still right?”

“maybe, but its none of you’re business” key said ready to take his leave “well then ill be going then, im not really in the mood to have this conversation”

“what? A conversation with your only family left? that’s harsh” his uncle said, stopping him before he left

“you have no right to decide what is and isn’t harsh” key was biting his tongue, he really hated his uncle “and you’re not my family, I stopped putting you in that category when you backhanded me in high school”

“you think I just did it for kicks and s?” his uncle cocked his head to the side “you deserved that”

“I was twelve, please explain the reason I deserved that?”

“you got my sister and her husband killed, you deserved everything you got”

Key could not believe that he was still pulling that card

“you were’t there so you have nothing to say about that night” key spat

“she was my sister, you little brat, why do you get to live? Huh?!”

“im leaving, im done” key threw up his hands and went to walk away but his uncle caught his arm and spun him around

“you know im glad to see you are talking again, it goes to show that you’ve stopped caring”

Key wanted to hit him

“how dare you-“

“what? Say the truth? Do you even care what you did? Do you?!”

“are you kidding?! They were my family too!” key pulled his arm away hard

“yeah and you got them killed, I think you should have gone with them, little !”

“hey!” someone cut in “key? Whats going on?”

Key turned to see changmin standing there with wide eyes

“nothing” key spat at his uncle “just finishing a pointless talk”

His uncle glared at him as key turned and joined chagmin

“can we just go?”

“yea, come on” changmin said putting an arm around key and leading him away from his uncle

When they were far enough away they stopped

“you ok? it got pretty heated there” changmin asked with worried eyes

“yeah, don’t worry about it” key took a breath and looked up “what are you doing here?”

“getting dinner” changmin held up a bag of food “onew was asleep so I decided to get some food for when he woke up”

“well you guys have fun, im just going to head home”

“ok, take care” changmin waved then they parted ways.

.  .  .

Minho and yunho waited for taemin to be let go in silence, they exchanged a few looks but didn’t dare speak.

They both stood up when they saw taemin emerge from the room with a stunned look on his face.

Minho and taemin made eye contact and taemin bolted for him.

Minho opened his arms and caught taemin as he jumped up on him.

“I hate you” taemin whispered in his ear “you scared the hell out of me!”

“well-“ minh out him down “it worked out right?”

Taemin nodded then looked over at yunho

“you’re an officer too?” taemin was still absorbing the information

Yunho nodded then sat down the seat next to him, taemin took a seat.

“I told you it would work out right?” yunho gave a warm father-like smile and taemin nodded “you didn’t get any charges did you?”

Taemin shook his head with a smile “thankyou, so much”

“no worries kid” yunho ruffled his hair

“so you were there for warren right?” yunho nodded “why didn’t you arrest me sooner?”

“well-“ yunho took a breath then explained that he had to make sure, and he wanted to get taemin out clean in the process.

“thankyou” taemin repeated over and over as he hugged yunho “I cant thank you enough”

Yunho smiled just before he was called over to another officer for another job.

“you alright?” minho said sliding in beside him and wrapping an arm around him

“I think so, can we go home?” minho chuckled and nodded then they stood up and minho drove them home.

Mid way the situation hit taemin and he began crying silently until they got to minhos.

“why are you crying tae?” minho asked when they got inside “everything okay?”

Taemin nodded “I just realised… im free, its over” taemin wiped his tears and smiled up at minho

“yea it is” minho smiled then turned to head into the lounge room before taemin stopped him

“hey minho?”


“how did you know they were fake pictures?”

Minho turned and smiled “I didn’t”

Taemin chuckled softly “I should hit you for that”

Minho held out his arm “go ahead”

Taemin looked over and grabbed minhos arm, not to hit him, but to pull him in for a kiss.

.  .  .

Key had practically run home, he slammed the door behind him and ran for his room. He grabbed a pillow and immediately screamed his lungs out into it, then fell onto his back onto his head, still holding the pillow.

Stupid stupid stupid man! He has no right!

Key sat up and looked around his room, taking note of the empty walls, where there was no pictures of his family what so ever, it  wasn’t that he didn’t have any, it that he could bare to put them up, because even though his uncle was out of line and wrong in every way, key still secretly blamed himself for what happened to his family.

Key felt tears roll down his cheeks just as his phone rung.

Key wiped his tears and took a breath before picking it up

“hello?” he said quietly

“key everything okay?”

It was jonghyun

“changmin said you had an argument with some man, just wanted to make sure you’re okay”

Key couldn’t speak, if he did he would cry


Key felt tears roll down his cheeks again and bit his lip to keep from making a sound

“you there? Key?”

He wanted to scream that he wasn’t, but he wasn’t going to, not to jonghyun, not now

“that’s it, im coming over key im worried”



“d-don’t-“ key was not holding up well “i-m f-fine”

“no you’re not key you’re crying”

Key was sprung

“im not, don’t worry” key didn’t even believe it himself

“im still coming!”

“don’t-“ key was too late jonghyun had hung up and probably already left now

Key dropped the phone and broke down

he sat crying for a while before opening his draw and picking up an old family photo, he was only young, but he had his brother next to him and his parents standing behind him smiling at the camera.

Tears fell onto the photo then he held it to his chest and closed his eyes.

“its n-not my fault” he sobbed “its not my fault…”

He opened his eyes and looked at the photo “its not my fault… right?” key asked the photo

“right?” he repeated silently

Key squeezed his eyes shut “its not my fault, its not my fault right? Right?!” he said but no sound came out, only sobs as he cried his heart out.



dont hate me...


here is the next chapter, yaya happy 2min :D

im gonna sort out this jongkey thing and this changnew thing then im gonna finsih this up :) sorry but i need to

but i may or may not start another story, (leaning towards not) but ti would be more along the lines of my other story 'roomies'... you know the silly stupid comedy thing. 

but please tell me what you think??

no silent readers

comment and subscibe <3 <3

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Chapter 32: what ever happened to this story... I followed it all the way to the end but you never did post the last chapter...
Omigosh this is so amazing!!! Will there be a sequel? Waaahhh I love this story!
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 32: Second last chapter D': I'm gonna miss this fic, and Jongkey is so cute omggggg
Chapter 32: d'aweeeeeeeeeeee onew and changmin r so cute...
Chapter 32: what this is the ending one more chapter?.... but... this came out of nowhere T__T I feel like so much will be left unresolved... T_T I don't want it to end!!
vieroeclipse #7
Chapter 32: This is cute chapter!!! Glad Changnew stay together!!! ;___;
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 31: I just love this fic, it's amazing! *~*
shineeshipper #9