Chapter 15

To Live for Something


Jonghyun had just rocked up to keys house and he couldn’t find key.

“key!” he called out, he stayed quiet for a minute as he made his way through the house, then he could sight of someone, key.

He smiled and ran out to him, key was fixing up a rose bush.

A rose bush…

Rosh bush…


It clicked, the secret admirer had to be key right? He was over joyed and went up to hug hm but then something stoped him, and it hurt.

I don’t like him back

I cant like him back

Those words played over and over in his head until he found himself stepping back, away from key, who still hadn’t seen him. He looked away then turned around to leave and stood still.

I cant- no I don’t like guys, i- i- don’t

Jognhyun took a step to leave but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. He turned around to find key looking at him concerned

“oh- uh – hi” jonghyun said looking away, key didn’t have his note pad with him but he looked at key and knew he was worried as to why he was suddenly leaving

“I have to go” jonghyun lied, he was still overjoyed that key liked him and was sending him gifts but he couldt take all that, he wasn’t supposed to like guys.  Key gave a sad nod and released jonghyuns shoulder


Jonghyun internally screamed, he knew key was still worried, he had always been a ty liar.

“but-“ he said suddenly and key looked down a bit “I guess I can stay for a bit” jonghyun put on a small smile and key lit up.

Key was happy that he didn’t have his notpad, he liked knowing that jonghyun could practically read his thoughts.

Key led him inside and let him sit down at the table as he made some coffee for them and got his notepad.

‘how are you?’ key asked when he sat down with the drinks

“good, you?” jonghyun lied, he was conflicted to the point of spontaneously combusting.

Key went to write something then decided to just turn It around again

‘how are you?’ the same words asked

“I said good” jognhyun was confused

‘how are you?’ key persisted, he knew jonghyun was lying to him

“you know im lying don’t you” jognhyun caught on, key just nodded

“how?” key just shrugged, in truth key didn’t know

“well the coffee helps” jonghyun smiled “its really good” he took a sip and key smiled

‘what if I take your mind off whatever it is?’ key wrote

“sure” jonghyun took another sip

‘remember how I said maybe one day I would tell you about why im mute?’ key asked, he knew he would finally have to tell someone, but he wanted to help jonghyun, plus he trusted jognhyun and liked him enough, he wanted him to know.

“I thought you meant when you were speaking again” jognhyun asked with his head titled

‘I don’t think that’s happening anytime soon’ key pressed his lips together, and silently tried to make some sort of noise, but failed so just kept looking at jognhyun

“ok then” jonghyun smiled softly “only if you’re comfortable”

Key liked that he was worried if he was comfortable or not with telling him, it made his heart swell.

‘don’t worry I want to tell you’

“then go ahead”

Key already saw jonghyun seem better, he was distracted and jonghyun being happy was important to key

‘well it happened when I was five’

“so young”

‘yea, but do you remember that there was an infamous killer around back then?’

“I think so, my parents were paranoid, that’s all”

‘well our house was one of his few last targets’

“im sorry”

‘don’t be, when he came in, we were all having dinner, I had a little brother then too, he was only one, but I don’t remember his name’

Key took a deep breath before continuing

‘he made us all stand up, my brother was crying and so was I, but mum and dad stayed strong’

Jognhyun saw key shaking, but didn’t say anything

‘he had a gun and pointed it at my dad, I remember I screamed and asked him to stop, but then he pointed to gun and me, and said ‘if you make one more sound I will kill them all’’

Jognhyun had to force back tears, he had no idea

‘but I was five, and scared, I accidently said something and the next thing I know my mum, dad and brother were dead. He went to kill me but he had run out of bullets, so just knocked me out and left’

key took another deep breath and jonghyun moved to comfort him but key kept going

‘aparently I was the only one to survive, but they said I had bad post-traumatic stress disorder, they tried everything, but nothing worked, I just refused to speak. Then when I was about 11 I tried speaking, because I wanted to but nothing happened, I guess ive forgotten how’  

The house was silent as they both sat there, jonghyun close by to comfort key and key ripping out the page he just wrote on.

“im sorry” jonghyun whispered and key shook his head

‘its okay, im glad I told you’ key looked up with a smile, he was happy jonhyun knew, not only did he distract jonghyun but he lifted a weight off of his back.

“well I still think you can do it” jonghyun hugged key and keys heart leaped and he blushed, jonghyun thought it was cute but then kicked himself for thinking that.

Suddenly jonghyuns stomach growled

‘hungry?’ key silently laughed

“I reckon”

‘come to lunch with me?’ key wrote with a light blush, jonghyun knew he shouldn’t go, it would confuse him more but key looked cute with that blush, plus he was starving so he went.

They had a friendly lunch at the bakery and said their goodbyes.

Key skipped home because he was so happy and jonghyun walked home, ready to tell onew all about his amazing morning, but then stopped when he realised what he was thinking. So he just walked in silently.

“hey” onew greeted him from the lounge room

“hey” jonghyun waved then caught sight of another box on the kitchen table “is this… for me?”

“yep, it came about an hour ago” onew smiled knowing what it was, and who it was from “any idea who its from?” he played dumb

Jonghyun knew, and he was happy but wouldn’t let it show, ever

“not yet” he lied from the kitchen, he opened up the box and got another white rose with another note.


Jonghyun smiled at the simple word then laughed to himself,  knowing it was key made it that much better.

“anything planned for the rest of the day?” onew asked poking his head in

“work, my manger needs me to work with kai on his voice” jognhyun said not taking his eyes off the rose


“oh- he is another guy he is managing, he dances and sings, and hes not bad, plus he a pretty good friend” jonghyun put the rose in the vase with the other three and left the note beside it then went to get ready.

Still thinkning about key


im updating a few chapter today so they will be shorter but focused mainly on one person really

so comment 


subscibe lovelies <3


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Chapter 32: what ever happened to this story... I followed it all the way to the end but you never did post the last chapter...
Omigosh this is so amazing!!! Will there be a sequel? Waaahhh I love this story!
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 32: Second last chapter D': I'm gonna miss this fic, and Jongkey is so cute omggggg
Chapter 32: d'aweeeeeeeeeeee onew and changmin r so cute...
Chapter 32: what this is the ending one more chapter?.... but... this came out of nowhere T__T I feel like so much will be left unresolved... T_T I don't want it to end!!
vieroeclipse #7
Chapter 32: This is cute chapter!!! Glad Changnew stay together!!! ;___;
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 31: I just love this fic, it's amazing! *~*
shineeshipper #9