Chapter Four

To Live for Something


Minho stood at his window and looked out into the world, it was raining, the only time he would open his curtains, because no one could look into his window and he could only see to the pavement below.

Minho had only left his apartment three times, to work, and even then he would go out, teach then rush home. If anything, his anxiety was getting worse, even if he was in the studio teaching he felt on edge, and it didn’t go un-noticed, but he just brushed it off with he was getting sick.


Minho looked at his phone and picked it up, when he saw it was jonghyun he smiled, his friend.

“hello” minho put the phone to his ear

“hey where have you been? You ok? I haven’t seen you since you ran out of the bakery” 

“oh yeah I guess im okay, I think im getting sick though”

“aww man, well you need to get better, me and key haven’t seen you in so long!” jonghyun laughed and minho chuckled



“so you’ve been seeing key more?” minho knew something was up between them

“yeah so?”

“im just saying, you two seem to like each other a lot” jognhyun caught on to the suggestive tone in minhos voice.

“NO! its nothing like that! We are just having fun hanging out, we are just friends, im not gay!”

“ok ok, geez no need to get so defensive I was just teasing”

“well not something to tease about” jonghyun hung up.

Minho furrowed his brow and put his phone down.

“he really didn’t need to get so defensive” minho said to himself as he went to close the curtains, but stopped when he caught sight of something, no, someone moving down below. He narrowed his eyes to see through the rain.

His eyes widened when he recognised the small figure.


.  .  .

Taemin had just finished taking the things he needed from the apartment, he was on his way out of the window. It was raining, hard so he had to be extra careful, it was the third floor too. He stepped out and gripped onto the window frame and looked down. He held his breath for some alien reason and slowly lowered himself to the ledge below. Thinking his foot was on the ledge he moved his right hand, the shift in weight caused his foot to slip and his left hand to lose it grip on the slippery frame, and he fell towards the pavemet.

He let out a short scream as he fell then groaned when he hit the pavement hard.

.  .  .

Minho watched the boy laying there on the wet ground getting soaked as he tried to move after his fall. Minho turned and ran to his door, the boy was a thief but he needed help.

Minho go to the door step of his building when he froze, his heart raced and his breathing increased, suddenly he stepped back a few steps and bolted for his apartmet again. Once he was inside he tried to calm down.

“why!? Why would I even try!?!?!?!” he yelled at himself as he run a hand through his hair.

.  .  .

Once taemin had gotten to his feet, he stood still in a hunched over stance for a minute, getting even further soaked in the pouring rain. He looked down to see the bread he had taken was soaked and breaking apart, and the banana milk was washing away down the drain.

“great!” he spat to no one. He stood holding his ribs for another minute, he didn’t care about the rain, he felt like dying anyway.

“” he spat through the rain “! !” he screamed to himself he hurt all over and he felt like crap, he couldn’t even eat tonight “WHY AM I EVEN STILL HERE!?” he screamed to the sky

“hey” he heard from behind him

“WHAT!?” taemin spun around and yelled, he was so angry, at himself. But the spinning around was too much for someone who had just fallen three stories and landed on pavement, so taemin hissed in pain and crumbled to the ground with a yelp.

Now he hurt even more, and even more when the person he was yelled at came to help him to his feet.

“no don’t” he said so low that the person could even hear him “please don’t bother” he said again and he looked up to the person and wanted to cry, it was onew. He could see his face clearly because onew had an umbrella with him. Taemin wondered where a homeless man had gotten an umbrella.

He winced in pain when onew tried to lift him up again and onew released him then apologised “come on, you can do it”

“I cant” taemin said “I give up ok”

“no you don’t now get up, im taking you home” onew said with a stern voice

Taemin bit his lip and cooperated with onew.

Taemin told him where his apartment was and when they arrived, still soaking wet, onew set him down on the sofa.

“on the floor” taemin said


“I sleep here” taemin said and onew understood, he helped taemin to the ground and sat down in front of him.

“thankyou” taemin said to the floor

Onew took the time to look around the small apartment, it was dusty and dark, it was breaking and it was definitely not a home, to onew he preferred the street.  Onew looked back at taemin when he heard movement, he saw taemin pull some money from his pockets and pile it on the floor, then split it into two separate piles.

“taemin” onew said and taemin glanced up at him “you steal don’t you?”

Taemin had tears in his eyes as he nodded

“why?” onew asked, he wasn’t judging or trying to turn him in, he just wanted to hear it from taemin, because he knew, just from looking around, but he knows that taemin isn’t that strong at the moment so assuming the worst is not a good path for him to take.

“so survive I guess” taemin pbviously tried to shrug but the pain only allowed him to shiver then wince a little.

“you guess?” onew smiled warmly “you either want to survive or you don’t”  onew a little about wanting to survive.

“well I don’t want to” taemin let a tear roll down his cheek “but im too weak to do anything about it”

Onew wanted to take the boy and wrap him up in a blanket then just hug him till he smiles, but that wasn’t going to happen.

“you’re not weak” onew said as he reached for a cloth that he saw on the floor

“ha” taemin breathed as he started crying “look im even crying” he tried to wipe away his tears but onew pushed his hand away.

“crying is not a sign of weakness, okay” onew used the cloth to dry taemins face, and start drying his hair  “its just a sign that you have had enough”

Taemin looked up at onew and forced a smile

“don’t force smiles” taemins face dropped again “I don’t want to see it unless it is real”

Taemin wanted to cry but he wanted to show onew he was not weak. So he nodded and helped onew out by taking off his soaking wet jacket.

“my god” onew gasped “there really is nothing to you” onew noticed that he was just skin and bones, nothing to him at all

“no wonder you’re fall was so bad” onew moved his jacket away and stood him up “do you have a shower?”

Taemin nodded and pointed to a door a meter away, onew walked him into the bathroom and sat him down on the toilet seat.

“you need to wash up, or dry off, something ok” onew told taemin “it will make you feel better ok”

Taemin nodded and held the towel onew passed him to his chest

“ill wait outside” onew smiled at him and left, closing the door on his way out and the taking a seat on the sofa until he was finished.

When taemin came out he limped over to the sofa and sat down beside onew, he was dry now, with dry clothes and he looked much better now. Onew turned and smiled at him.

“all better?”

“I guess so” taemin sighed “w-why are you being so nice to me?”

“because you helped me out” onew remembered when taemin helped him after he had fallen

“but that was nothing” taemin didn’t understand, onew didn’t need to help him, but he did.

“no it wasn’t, im still thankful for it. And now you need help, so im giving it to you”


“no worries” onew wrapped a blanket around taemin and stood up, he walked over to the two piles of money on the floor and crouched down beside them.  “whats all this for?” onew asked

“that one” taemin pointed to the bigger pile “is for rent and that other is for a- um, its for paying someone back”

“well they cant just sit here, someone might come in tonight and take it” onew picked them up, he turned around and saw a table, with an envelope with the words ‘rent money’ on the front. He put the rent money in the envelope then placed the other pile on the table.

“t-thankyou” taemin said “y-you c-can go if you want, I don’t want to bother you” taemin looked down at his hands.

“are you sure?” onew said, he didn’t want to leave him, one because he was cute and the other because he was so young and so broken, he was like a broken teddy bear and onew wanted to keep him.

“yeah” taemin forced a smile “… actually no, can you stay, I don’t want to be alone again” taemin looked up at onew

Onew walked over and sat beside taemin, taemin curled up beside him and put his head on onews shoulder.

“thankyou” taemin said quietly

“anytime” onew said as they both relaxed and drifted off to sleep.

.  .  .  .  .  .  . . . .  . . . . . .   . . .  .  .   .  

sorry its a short chapter, buti needed to get the ontae friendship on its way

sorry if its crappy, im so tired ;(




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Chapter 32: what ever happened to this story... I followed it all the way to the end but you never did post the last chapter...
Omigosh this is so amazing!!! Will there be a sequel? Waaahhh I love this story!
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 32: Second last chapter D': I'm gonna miss this fic, and Jongkey is so cute omggggg
Chapter 32: d'aweeeeeeeeeeee onew and changmin r so cute...
Chapter 32: what this is the ending one more chapter?.... but... this came out of nowhere T__T I feel like so much will be left unresolved... T_T I don't want it to end!!
vieroeclipse #7
Chapter 32: This is cute chapter!!! Glad Changnew stay together!!! ;___;
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 31: I just love this fic, it's amazing! *~*
shineeshipper #9