Chapter 26

To Live for Something

ok before you all read this im going to apologise for the crappiness vibe this chapter is radiating... i was rushed when i was writing because i had t go out and i havent actually read back over it to make sure it makes sense. so i apologise in advance.



Day 4

Minho was finally able to get out of the apartment and walk around with the others, he and taemin would stay at his apartment the last two days because minho wasn’t up for it, so onew and jonghyun went out and saw movies and ate out to keep jonghyun distracted.

But when onew and jonghyun came over minho refused to leave.

“just wait outside” taemin said and pushed onew and jonghyun into the hall “please, ill just talk to him okay?”

They nodded and taemin closed the door and took a deep breath before turning to see minho on the couch, curled up into a ball and avoiding taemins eyes at all costs.

“please?” taemin begged in a cute voice but minho just shook his head and taemin sighed “why not?” he took a seat beside minho.

“I don’t know…” minho mumbled, he was terrified of going outside, just like before, but this time there was an added force keeping him inside, the death threat from warren. He knew the chances of running into him were slim because it was a Sunday and warren never did anything on a Sunday, which was good because It was the like the only day he was guaranteed a whole day with taemin, but there was still a ‘chance’ that he would run into him and he didn’t even want to think about that.

“come on, nothing will happen” taemin tilted his head so he was looking at minhos face and minho bit his lip

“I cant” minho looked away. Taemin shuffled closer and grabbed his arms

“at least relax okay?” taemin gently moved his arms so he would uncurl and sit normally, minho let it happen and was finally sitting like a human being and not like a potato. Taemin then pulled his arms so minho stood up “come on, I know you can do this”

“why?” minhos heart started racing

“because you did it before, remember, you have gone out so many times, and im here”

Minho looked up at him

“and I wont leave your side, I promise” taemin gave a warm smile and minho took a deep breath

“promise?” he had to make sure, if taemin was there it would be better right?

“promise” taemin nodded and got on his toes to peck minho on the cheek “will you come now?”

Minho nodded and taemin let one of his hands go so he could tow minho out into the hallway to meet jonghyun and onew.

“we are all set” taemin smiled when they all met up

“minho? you all good?” jonghyun asked and minho nodded squeezing taemins hand.


“thankyou” onew thanked the cashier as he took their food and went to sit down at their table

“oh good im starving” jonghyun said snatching up his food and digging into it right away making the others laugh

“what? No thankyou minho for paying?” minho chuckled

“-ank-you-“ jonghyun said with food still in his mouth and onew gave him a ‘really?’ look

“yea yea, just swallow before you talk” minho laughed as he started eating too

“so whats the plan for today?” taemin asked onew, since it was his turn to plan what they would do today

“well nothing big, because I felt bad if we had to keep using up minho and jonghyuns money, so I asked changmin if I could use one of his cameras and he said yes so I thought we could just spend a day at the park taking pictures?” onew pulled out a camera from his nag and smiled at them all.

“sounds good” jonghyun nodded after swallowing the last of his food

“yea, I like it” taemin smiled and minho just nodded, he still had a hand gripping taemins under the table, and it may not seem like it was making a difference to anyone else, but for him it was keeping him from having another panic attack.

Onew smiled at them and put the camera away before they all finished up their food and headed out.


“who ever invented cameras needs to be shot” jonghyun groaned as he flicked through the pictures on the camera of him and frowned

“awww why?” onew laughed at him as he glanced at the photos “I think they are cute”

“are you having trouble seeing?” jonghyun looked up at him

“no, why?” onew furrowed his brow

“nevermind” jonghyun shook his head as he deleted a photo of the back of his head “here” he said giving onew the camera “you take it, before I kill it”

Onew took the camera and walked away a few steps them turned and took a picture of jonghyun

“HEY!” jonghyun jumped up and onew ran for it “come back here!”

Minho just watched the two in amusement as jonghyun caught up to onew and demanded he see the picture.

“ew” jonghyun complained then deleted the photo

“aww you’re no fun” onew poked his tongue out and snatched the camera away, then he walked over to taemin and minho and held it up to take a photo of them

“onew” taemin wined and hid his face, minho smiled and onew took the photo of the two.

“ha you two a too cute” onew smiled at them “taemin, you don’t like photos?”

“ive never had a camera, plus I don’t really like having my photo taken” he mumbled the last bit because when he thought of photos of himself all he could think of was the photos warren had of him.

“aw why?” minho pouted, he had finally relaxed and didn’t need to keep holding taemins hand “you are so cute though” he said ruffling taemins hair and taemin ducked away

“just because” he poked his tongue out

“here” minho motioned onew to give him the camera and he did “smile” minho held the camera up and taemin blushed and looked away with a small smile but minho caught him when he as smiling and took the picture, he looked back at it and smiled “cute”

“shut up” taemin said still blushing

“taemin, come here” onew said pulling him up off the seat and making him stand next to him “take one with me?”

“uh- okay” taemin agreed and they put their arms around each other, taemin saw jonghyun walking over and waving him over, jonghyun nodded and hurried to join the two in the picture.

Minho put the camera up in front of his face and looked through the lense to get them all in, he zoomed out to fit jonghyun in “smile” he said and they all smiled at the camera, onew looked goofy, jonghyun looked silly and taemin looked embarrassed but still happy.

Minho put the camera down and looked at the picture and laughed “take another?”

Onew nodded and jonghyun put an arm over taemins shoulders and got in close

Minho brought the camera back up and looked through the lense again and told them to pull a face.

Onew pulled a silly face with his tongue out, taemin pulled a silly looking pout and jonghyun pulled a funny looking angry face. Minho look the photo, the camera flashed and suddenly minho froze.

His face dropped as he kept the camera up, through the lense he could see onew laughing at jonghyuns face, taemin smiling at onews teasing and jonghyun glaring at them, but something else was in the frame, something that only just appeared behind them.

Warren. He was standing a few metres behind the three boys and looking straight at minho with a smirk that annoyed minho but right now it scared the hell out of him.

“minho?” jonghyun asked when he noticed minho had frozen “something wrong?”

The others looked over and taemins head fell to the side with questioning eyes.

“hey” jonghyun waved his hands in front of the camera “earth to minho”

Taemin stepped up to him and minho saw warren glance at taemin then glare at him again and his heart raced.

“minho?” taemin asked in a low voice

Minho slowly brought the camera down and his stomach dropped when he realised the situation was not good at all, minho knew warren was there and that if he got to him he would kill him. But minho was frozen, glued to the spot.

Suddenly warren started moving, towards him.

Minho shook.

“tae” he whispered

“taemin” he said louder “tae!” he said with wide eyes and finally taemin turned around to see what minho was so scared of, and his heart stopped.

“minho run” taemin said and when minho didn’t move he spun around and pushed minho in the opposite direction “MINHO! NOW!”

Taemin knew that warren was serious about him hurting minho and he wasn’t going to let that happen.

When taemin turned back around he took a deep breath and stood in warrens way.

“leave him alone!” taemin said staring up at warren

“change the deal and I might” warren spat then went to run after minho but taemin pushed him back and warren raised his brows “oh, getting angry are we?”

“hey! Back off!” onew said from behind taemin and warren didn’t even look at him

“onew make sure minho gets home” taemin said still watching warren in case he tried to run after minho again.

Onew nodded and ran after minho, hoping he could catch up before minho had an attack.

“taemin?” jonghyun said from the side of them but he went ignored, warren and taemin had a staring match and warren smirked making taemin want to hit him, but knew it would only agitate him more.

Warren broke the stare-off by stepping closer to taemin and taemin stood still

“tomorrow night, 7 o’clock, be there or im going to break the deal altogether” warren said, venom dripping off each word, he knew minho was long gone by now, and all he could do was attack taemin with yet another threat.

Taemin went to say something but warren walked away before he could.

“taemin?” jonghyun said when he could finally walk over, taemin dropped his head and started breathing normally again.

I just stopped warren,’ he thought he could never do that, but he did, and he was happy that minho wasn’t hurt, but he wasn’t happy that warren was threatening to break the deal altogether, which mean neither him or minho were safe.

“taemin!” jonghyuns voice brought him back to reality and taemin looked up “what was all that about?”

Taemin just remembered that jonghyun had no clue about all this “oh- uh nothing, don’t worry about it okay?” taemin wanted to cry and scream for getting himself into this mess but couldn’t because jonghyun was there.

“uh- but-“

“please” he begged and jonghyun sighed


“thankyou” taemin needed to make sure minho got home, but he also needed to stop by keys to water his garden. He knew jonghyun should go to keys because then he would start thinking, but he didn’t want to leave jonghyun to himself, because then he would start thinking then too.

“jonghyun” taemin finally decided what he would do “lets head back to minhos”

“actually, you head back, I need to get home, I have work in the morning” jonghyun said, he didn’t want to leave taemin alone after what happened but he had to get home and get ready for work, he needed to make sure his lyrics were okay.

“oh really?” taemin was happy he didn’t have to avoid going to keys, or leave him alone, well not really alone, he had something to do right?

“yea, but get minho to text me, so I know he is okay” jonghyun gave taemin a hug and taemin nodded before they went their different directions.


Taemin dropped by keys house, and watered the garden then headed back to his place to hand in the rent for the week quickly before finally reaching minhos.

“minho!” he called out when he saw that minho was home and he was fine, he ran up and hugged him tightly and refused to let go

“im so sorry” he whispered

“its not your fault-“

“it is!”

“tae, please don’t be too hard on yourself, im fine see” minho motioned to his body and smiled

Taemin hugged him again and didn’t let im go as he thanked onew who was watching tv for getting him home safe.


Jonghyun finally got to him apartment and unlocked the door. He had a few hours to work on his song before he needed to get some sleep. As he walked into the kitchen and put his bag down he hummed the tune of his song lightly.

He fell onto the couch and went to pick up his guitar but stopped when there was a knock on the door.

“ive been home for three minutes, what could it possibly be?” he mumbled to himself as he walked up to the door.

He opened up to door and froze.



key is back ealry guys... ;)

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Chapter 32: what ever happened to this story... I followed it all the way to the end but you never did post the last chapter...
Omigosh this is so amazing!!! Will there be a sequel? Waaahhh I love this story!
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 32: Second last chapter D': I'm gonna miss this fic, and Jongkey is so cute omggggg
Chapter 32: d'aweeeeeeeeeeee onew and changmin r so cute...
Chapter 32: what this is the ending one more chapter?.... but... this came out of nowhere T__T I feel like so much will be left unresolved... T_T I don't want it to end!!
vieroeclipse #7
Chapter 32: This is cute chapter!!! Glad Changnew stay together!!! ;___;
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 31: I just love this fic, it's amazing! *~*
shineeshipper #9