Chapter 17

To Live for Something


“going somewhere?” onew asked, catching jonghyun leaving the apartment

“yea, to minhos, want to come?” jonghyun asked, key was going to be there but minho would have taemin so he could be with key the whole time.

“no, taemin already asked but changmin is coming over with some movies so…”

“I get it, be careful!” jonghyun waved then left

“im almost healed completely” onew pouted and poked his tongue out at the door

Jonghyun legged it to minhos, not just because of key, no he would never admit that, but minho had food and he was starving.




But mostly key.

When he got there minho let him in and he said hello to taemin.

(this is on Tuesday so taemin was at minhos and not with warren like he was when he left minho in the last chapter)

Jonghyun then joined key at the table.

“hey” he smiled and key smiled back then jonghyun remembers he brought a present for key

Key went to write on his notepad but jonghyun took it away quickly and key looked at him confused

Jonghyun put the notepad out of reach then pulled out a small white bored from his bag and placed it in front of key with a hopeful smile

“I thought it would be easier, and less wasteful” he explained then placed a white bored marker next to the board.

Keys face lit up and his heart swelled at the gesture

“do you like it? Or do you prefer-“ jonghyun was cut off when key jumped over and hugged him tight. Jonghyun was shocked at first but then he relaxed into the hug and hugged key back, loving being so close to key.

‘I love it’ key smiled and wrote on his new whitebored

“good” jonghyun smiled and they started talking about random things.

Meanwhile minho and taemin were watching the two bond.

“so jonghyun wont admit he is gay?” taemin whispered

“yep” minho whispered back

“that’s silly, he clearly likes key”

“I know, but he is a bot odd” minho said then they turned around sat down together, then not long after jonghkey joined them.

“hows class minho?” jonghyun asked, having to catch up with his best friend

“good, just like always” minho smiled

‘have you taken taemin yet?’ key wrote and smiled at the two. Taemin bit his lip, not saying anything and looked at minho

“no not yet”

‘yet?’ key wrote

“next week?” he looked at taemin and he nodded

“take me on your Sunday lesson” taemin said, knowing he wouldn’t have to cancel because of warren on a Sunday

“sure” they both smiled and looked at each other, then taemin blushed when minho looked over him and they looked back at key and jonghyun

“what?” minho said when he saw the faces they were pulling

“nothing” jonghyun laughed

‘you two are so cute!!!!’ key signed to taemin and taemin blushed

‘so are you two’ taemin signed back and keys eyes widened and he pressed his lips together then blushed

“ok this is rather annoying” jognhyun said to minho as key and taemin continued to sign to each other

“yea, aren’t you leaning sign?”

“yea but I can have conversations with him like that”

“you have some work to do them” minho teased

“shut up”

‘we’re not together’ key signed to taemin

‘yet’ taemin added

Key pouted and taemin giggled at him before leaning up and whispering in minhos ear “key likes jonghyun so much its so cute”

Minho laughed at taemins attraction to cute things

“shut up minho” taemin poked him in the side for laughing

“so minho” jonghyun suddenly changed the topic “its your birthday soon right?”

“uh yea I guess’ minho blushed

“what?!” taemin was shocked, how come he didn’t know! “when!?”

“next Saturday” minho said softly

“really?” taemin was already planning a present in his head


“why didn’t I know sooner?”

“because I just forgot”

“now I don’t have time to get you a really awesome present!” taemin pouted making everyone laugh

“but you are my present” minho smiled warmly and leaned in and kissed taemins puffed out cheek

“that’s cheezy minho” taemin pouted

“I know but its true”

“yea im still getting you a present”

“really? With what?” minho poked, he knew he shouldn’t have gone there but taemin ignored it, taemins knew it was a harmless joke

“uh-“ but the joke got him stumped

‘ill help out, I need to get a present too!’ key wrote

“really? Key ?”

Key nodded

“I don’t need presents guys”

“yea you do” taemin poked him the  kissed his cheek “please let me get you a present?”

Minho looked to see a cute pouting face and broke “fine”

“YAY!” taemin jumped up and down a few times then settled still smiling

“so is it obvious as to who the youngest is?... or is it just me?” jonghyun teased just getting a tongue from taemin and small chuckle from minho

‘don’t be mean’ key wrote

“im just joking” he shrugged  and key smiled at him.

Key was walking jognhyun home because he wanted to spend more time with him, and so he could see if his presents have been getting there or not.

They walked in and jognhyun the lights, key had never seen his apartment and was amazed at how tidy it was, he didn’t pick jonghyun as the clean type.

“sorry its messy” jonghyun said yawning because it had gotten late

‘no its fine’ key wrote and jonghyun smiled then key caught sight of a back vase in the lounge room with four roses in it, he smiled to himself and blush a little but hid It from jonghyun.

‘im gonna head home, im really tired’ key wrote

“ok, be careful, its dark and this isn’t like your neighbourhood” jonghyun warned him then they said goodbye and key left.

Just as key had walked a few metres down the road he stopped when he met up with onew.

‘onew, what are you doing out so late?’ he wrote and onew saw him and ran over

“I walked changmin home, did you do the same for jonghyun?” he asked

Key nodded but didn’t have the chance to write anything else down before they were attacked.

One arm wrapped around onew waist and a hand clamped him mouth as he was pulled into the darkness of the alley beside them, key had no time to react before the same was done to him and they were both on the dirty ally floor, pinned by two big strong men with masks on.

Onew tried to scream but nothing came out of his mouth because of the mans hand. He struggled and tried to get up to help key but the man was too strong.

Onew stop moving when the man leant on him the wrong way and made his still healing ribs make a sickening crack.

He felt tears come up when the pain shot through him, the man only laughed at his weakness.

Key was more feisty, since he didn’t have injuries healing he went all out, he kicked and wacked and wriggled with all his might  but the man had him pinned.

“here we are, bored out of our minds, and then you two show up, aren’t we lucky” the man said, key could hear the smirk

“try calling out!” the man yelled in keys face, he knew key was mute because he had seen his and onew’s conversation, so he didn’t bother covering his mouth “oh wait! You cant!” he man laughed and threw his new board against the alley wall making it crack and break in half.

Key felt tears, the man was right, onew was hurt now, and couldn’t do anything besides cry and hope for the best, and key was pinned with no voice.

The man pushed keys hair out of his face and held his chin

“what a looker!” he smirked and key ripped his face away from the mans hands

“still trying to get away? Tis not gonna work darling” key was crying now

Onew kept trying to scream out for jonghyun who was the closest, if he was loud enough he would hear right? The man on onew held him down and onew just had to bear the pain from his ribs, but he was seeing black dots in his vision now, he knew he would pass out soon.

“I got lucky! A looker and a mute” the man on key said “its what every man wants!”

Keys eyes widened when the man started ripping keys shirt off, that when the adrenaline kicked in and he started fighting back harder, he started kicking and wriggling around, as strong as the man was key managed to free his hands and used then to push the man off of him hard, he rolled over quickly and started crawling to get jonghyun so he could help but the man was angry now and grabbed keys leg pulling him back along the concrete floor.

Key clawed at the ground and tried to kick him away and it worked but the man grabbed him again and pulled him back again. He saw that onew had passed out and finally tried screaming for his life, for jonghyun, but like always nothing came out but air.

“try honey, try all you can!” the man laughed ripping keys shirt off completely

Key tried screaming again

And again

He kept trying to get away but was always pulled back along the floor, which hurt more than the mans grip.

He tried again but nothing came out

Jonghyun said it would come back when he needed it, and he needed it now!

He kept trying over and over until his voice hurt from straining so much but doing nothing

“stop being so difficult!” the man said as he pulled him back again then flipped him over, pinning his hands up above him and using the other hand to try and undo his pants.

More adrenaline kicked in and key tried again

And again

The man held his arms tighter and key felt his pants loosen.

He tried one last time before he was ready to give up and something happened

Nothing loud

Nothing helpful

But something happened

It was a broken sound, but it was a sound

Key made a sound

Then he took a deep breath and screamed one last time



Jonghyun was about the get into bed when he heard a scream, and it was his name.

Immediately his mind flashed to key

And he jumped up and ran out of the building as quick as he could

He heard movement from the alley beside his building and ran over, shocked at the picture

But he had no time to freeze

“JONGHYUN!” key screamed out again his voice cracking with the word

The two men looked up and saw jonghyun, they freaked and ran away into the darkness.

When jonghyun was sure they were gone he ran over to key to see he was shirtless and all scratched and bruised from fighting, then there was onew passed out beside him

“key!” he said as key sat up, not pausing for a second before wrapping his arms around jonghyuns neck and crying.

Jonghyun flipped open his phone and texted minho to bring his car so they could get onew to the hospital.

He dropped the phone when he sent the text and hugged key back

“key its okay, its okay” he said trying not to touch any of the bruises on his back but still hugging him back.

Key squeezed tighter and swallowed hard before speaking in a still scratchy voice

“you heard me”



was it ok?



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Chapter 32: what ever happened to this story... I followed it all the way to the end but you never did post the last chapter...
Omigosh this is so amazing!!! Will there be a sequel? Waaahhh I love this story!
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 32: Second last chapter D': I'm gonna miss this fic, and Jongkey is so cute omggggg
Chapter 32: d'aweeeeeeeeeeee onew and changmin r so cute...
Chapter 32: what this is the ending one more chapter?.... but... this came out of nowhere T__T I feel like so much will be left unresolved... T_T I don't want it to end!!
vieroeclipse #7
Chapter 32: This is cute chapter!!! Glad Changnew stay together!!! ;___;
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 31: I just love this fic, it's amazing! *~*
shineeshipper #9