Chapter three

To Live for Something


Key walked through the aisles of the shop, he needed some new clothes. For the past week he kept thinking of that guy he met at the store, the one he bought a drink for and then ran off. He looked down and sighed to himself as he remembered he didn’t catch his name, hell the guy didn’t even throw it, so really what was there to catch?

Key began looking through the clothing racks again and picked out a few pieces, he tried them on then bought the ones he likes and walked home. When he got there he put his clothes away and sat down to have something to eat.

Key hadn’t spoken since he was young, and he never told anyone why, mostly because he didn’t want to talk about it, at all. Once he hit age 10 he lost the ability, he just didn’t remember how to speak, he knew he could, but even if he tried, even if he was dying and needed to scream, even if he wanted to talk, he couldn’t, nothing came out.

Key finished eating and sighed as he looked out the window, it was only morning, and he was alone again, not like he was alien to the concept, he could never keep friends, so he was used to being on his own, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt to be. His mind drifted back to the guy he met, on the full moon last week, he could close his eyes and see the spark in the guy’s eyes, that spark he has been looking for his whole life, he was sure it would seem silly to anyone else but he didn’t care, he knew that he was meant to trip and fall then go back just to meet the guy. He wanted to see him again, but hell he had nothing to go on.


Key was working that afternoon, he worked at a book shop, he loved his job, his boss was never around so he hired key to watch over the shop, he got paid and he got to read all day, plus no one ever came in so he didn’t have to speak, and if someone did come in, they either didn’t talk to key or key had a little whiteboard just in case.

Only a few people came in, mostly old people, he only had to use his whiteboard once when the second lady wanted to buy a book. When his shift was over he poked his head around the back and waved to the boss who had come back a few minutes ago, he waved back weirdly and key knew he was drunk.

Always drunk’ key thought as he rolled his eyes and headed out, it was still light out and he could smell the fresh bread from the bakery next door, he loved the bakery, when he finished work he would go over and have something to eat, they knew him well there.

He grabbed the notepad off the table on his way out just in case he got the new employee again, who had no idea how to communicate with someone who didn’t speak. He put on a smile as he wandered over to the bakery and walked into the shop that smelt amazing.

“key!” the manager said when he saw key, he looked up and smiled at him, key waved then walked over to his table and sat down “the usual?” the manager asked and key smiled and nodded.

The manager turned to get his order “hello” the manager smiled at the guy who just walked in then continued to get an order for key.

When key heard the manager greet someone key glanced up and froze. People would call this fate, and lucky key believed in fate.

‘it him! Its HIM!’ key smiled and waved when the guy he had met a week ago looked over at him. The guy smiled and walked over.

“hey” the guy smiled “you’re that key guy right?”

Key nodded

“you bought me my drink” the guy took a seat across from him. Key smiled, nodded then pulled out his notepad.

I knew I would need this

Key turned the pad after writing something and the guy read it: ‘hi J what was your name?’

The guy smiled “its jonghyun” key smiled back and wrote something again

‘I didn’t think I would see you again’

“really? Neither, so any special reason you’re at this bakery?”

‘I work next door, so I come here often’

“oh ok, well im meeting a friend here so… do you mind if we join you?” jonghyun smiled

Of course I don’t mind, key smield back and shook his head. Keys order came out and key gave the manager some money for his food.  But key didn’t want to eat on his own, he decided to wait till jonghyuns friend got there, he didn’t want to seem rude.

Key heard the manager greet someone else and he and jonghyun looked up to see minho, keys jaw dropped and jonghyun stood up to welcome his friend.

.  . .

Jonghyun saw key look up and he turned around to see minho walk in, he greeted the manager and then walked over to jonghyun. He stood up and they hugged, jonghyun saw that minho was looking at key, so he turned around and was confused when he saw key looking at minho too.

“uh- you guys know each other?” jonghyun said sitting back down, key nodded

“key right?” minho said sitting down and key nodded again

“how do you two know each other?” jonghyun asked still confused

“I almost ran him over last week” minho explained, key wrote on his pad and turned it around

‘yea it was just before I met you actually’

“really?” jonghyun and minho said at the same time “that’s just a little weird”

“ill say” minho agreed and called the manager over

“what can I get you?” the manager said

“ill have a coffee and…” he looked at jonghyun

“oh just a coffee to” he smiled and then looked back over at key who smiled at him then started eating his food slowly.

They chatted for about an hour before both key and jonghyun started noticing minhos behaviour.

Minho was sitting with his hands between his knees looked as though he was on edge. And he was, jognhyun had made him leave his apartment and he was okay for a while, only because he was with people he knew, but it was too long, he was starting to panic, bad.

‘hey is he ok?’ key wrote to jonghyun

“no idea” jonghyun whispered back “hey minho” jonghyun reached over and put his hand on minhos shoulder, but minho flinched away and looked at jonghyun with wide eyes.

“hey man whats wrong?” jonghyun pulled his hand back, key gave him a worried look

“nothing- actually im not feeling well, I think I better head off okay” minho said as his breath sped up

“ok, are you sure, want me to come? Make sure-“

“no” minho cut jonghyun off and quickly got up bumping into the person behind him he spun around with wide eyes “i-im sorry” he bowed quickly before running off.

The guy he bumped into just stood there.

“hey um- sorry about him, I think he is just feeling off today” jonghyun said to the guy

“no kidding” the guy picked up the broom and smiled at them

“oh you work here?” jongyhyun asked

“uh- yea, im the cleaner” he laughed then held out his hand “im Onew”

“jonghyun” he shook it then motioned to key “this is key”

Key and onew smiled at each other “well sorry to interrupt you all” onew bowed

“don’t worry about al right?” jonghyun said as onew turned to continue cleaning

.  . .

Minho raced home in his car and parked outside his apartment, he got out and shut the door, he didn’t know if he could get home in time before he had a full blown panic attack.

He was right

As soon as he was outside the building he felt like he was having a heart attack, he held his chest and slid down the wall to the ground, he shut his eyes and tried to curl up, he couldn’t think anymore, he felt like he was going insane.

“hey!” he heard someone yell “hey are you okay?” he felt hands on his shoulders and he tried to pull away, he need to get home, he needed to get inside his safe apartment.

“inside” minho tried to say

“uh- o-okay” the person said, they tried lifting him up but failed.

“inside” minho breathed again, still trying to calm himself down, but it was no use, he couldn’t until he was ‘safe’

“ok I need you to help out here okay” he person said. Minho cooperated and the person put an arm around his shoulder and helped him to his feet, sort of, minho still wanted to curl up and run, but the person forced him to move forward and inside.

“which floor?” the person said when they got in the elevator

“third” minho said and the person hit the button

“hold on okay” the person forced him to move again when the door opened “which room”  he said with a scared voice


The person stayed silent as he practically carried minho into his apartment, the person sat minho down on the couch and ran to the kitchen to get his some water.

“hey drink this” he held the cup up to minho but minho was still too shaky to do anything “seriously you need water okay”

Minho shook his head

“you’re inside okay, calm down, deep breaths” the person said

When he said the word inside minho opened his eyes and found himself in his apartment


He looked forward and saw the person who helped him, it was a young boy

“come on, inhale, breathe steady, exhale okay” the boy said and minho repeated, trying to calm himself down.

He had never gone that far, he hadn’t had a panic attack in so long, he was now reminded of how crippling they were

The boy continued to calm minho down and minho eventually did.

They both relaxed

“okay now please drink something” the boy held up the glass of water and minho looked over and took it, he drank some then handed it back

“are you okay now? Is it okay if I leave?” the boy said

Minho looked over and instantly recognised the boy

Its that boy, the thief

“you!” minho sat up and glared at him

“so I can go?” the boy looked scared as he backed away

“you’re the thief!”


“why did you help me?” minho said still with hard eyes

“b-because you-“ the boy looked down then glanced up “you were having an attack, I wasn’t just going to walk by”

“why not, you are a thief-“

“im not heartless!” the boy said through his teeth and minho raised his brows

The air calmed down and minho sighed


“no need” the boy said as he turned to walk out, but minho stood up and grabbed his arm

“no really, thankyou” he said as he turned the boy around “whats your name?”

“t-taemin” taemin said the turned to leave again

“well im minho” minho said as taemin  walked out, closing the door behind him.

Minho was left in silence.

He is really cute…

.  .  .

Jonghyun walked key home and they stood outside keys home and faced each other

‘I had fun’ key wrote

“me too” jonghyun laughed, jonghyun and key had spent the whole time together, they stayed at the bakery till it closed and then they talked more at the park down the road, now they were in front of keys home.

‘we should do it again sometime’  key wrote and smiled

“definetly” jonghyun smiled back “so if you don’t mind me asking… why cant you speak?”

Key froze

“oh don’t stress its ok if you don’t tell me, I was just curious” jonghyun quickly said

Key relaxed and smiled

“so you don’t need to tell me ok” jonghyun put his hands on keys shoulders and smiled

Key quickly smiled then wrote on the last page of his note pad and turned it to show jonghyun.

‘maybe I will tell you someday’

“I hope so” jonghyun said, then pulled key in for a hug, he really liked key, he wanted to know him, he seemed like he needed a friend, and he wanted to be that friend.

Key smiled as they pulled away from one another

“here” jonghyun gave him a piece of paper with his number on it “text me next time your free, we should hang out again”

Key smiled and nodded

“have a good night key” jonghyun said as he waved goodbye and walked home

Key held the paper to his chest and smiled as he jumped up and down, he hadn’t been so happy in so long.

. . . . .  . . .  . . . . . . .  . . . . . .  . . .  . . . . . .  .

sooooo.. ty chapter i know

and i am truely sorry for that

please tell me what you think about the story :) 




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Chapter 32: what ever happened to this story... I followed it all the way to the end but you never did post the last chapter...
Omigosh this is so amazing!!! Will there be a sequel? Waaahhh I love this story!
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 32: Second last chapter D': I'm gonna miss this fic, and Jongkey is so cute omggggg
Chapter 32: d'aweeeeeeeeeeee onew and changmin r so cute...
Chapter 32: what this is the ending one more chapter?.... but... this came out of nowhere T__T I feel like so much will be left unresolved... T_T I don't want it to end!!
vieroeclipse #7
Chapter 32: This is cute chapter!!! Glad Changnew stay together!!! ;___;
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 31: I just love this fic, it's amazing! *~*
shineeshipper #9