Chapter 23

To Live for Something


“Uh - excuse me?” minho stepped back, confused. Suddenly the man kneed minho in the stomach making him curl over, the man grabbed his shoulder and made him look up at him

“hi minho” he spat “im warren, happy to finally meet you”

Minho shook his head and straightened up to glare at warren “the !?”

Warren smirked and punched him across the jaw, sending him stumbling back to lean on the wall.

“hasn’t taemin told you?” warren stalked up to him and looked him in the eyes, minhos eyes went wide at taemins name

“taemin?” he breathed

“yes taemin” warren grabbed his shoulders and slammed him against the wall hard making minho groan when his head hit the wall

“what the hell do I have to do with this?!” minho tired not to look like he cared but it broke his heart to say that

“well see, you are currently standing in the way of what I want” warren tightened his hold on minhos shoulders and got closer “I want taemin”


Minho pushed warren back and quickly swung a punch, but warren caught his fist and twisted his arm. Minho cried out and grabbed his arm as warren kept it twisted.

“son of a !” minho spat up at him

“you know, he didn’t protect you” warren knelt down to meet his eye level and grabbed his collar yanking him closer

“what are you talking about?!” minho spat again

“we made a deal, either i wasn’t allowed to go near or touch you, or I wasn’t allowed to touch him, guess which one he chose!” warren punching him across the jaw again and minho fell to the floor.

He chose to protect himself… minho was furious, he knew why taemin chose to protect himself, this man was horrible, he was happy taemin chose him.

“im hoping if he sees how serious I was he will change his mind, because when I want something minho, I get it” warren said with poison dripping from his mouth, then he punched minho again. Minho felt blood pooling in his mouth and spat it out just as warren stood up and kicked him in the gut hard.

“bastard!” minho managed to yell up at warren just as warren walked back into his apartment, leaving minho on the floor, beaten and bloody.

Minho didn’t have the whole story but it was making more sense than before. He rolled onto his back and took a deep breath before sitting up with a groan and wince of intense pain. Right now he had one thing on his mind.


Minho knew taemin enough to know that he would change him mind right away but he wasn’t letting that man lay a hand on taemin, if there was a time to fix everything, it was now.

Minho managed to stand up, he was hunched over and light headed but he was determined and needed to forget about the pain shooting through him.

Minho held his breath and started limping for the stairs. He got down most of them fine but then fell down the final flight. He hit the ground hard and was winded for a moment. No one was around so minho could take his time. He pulled out his phone and dialled keys number.

“hello?” key picked up

“key-“ minho coughed

“minho? where are you?” key wondered because he was taking so long “did you have another panic attack, are you alright?” key was concerned

“key, taemin is still there right?” he said, his voice cracking from the pain when he breathed

“yes why?” key still had concern all over his voice

“don’t let him leave, till I get there, got it”

“i-uh… okay got it” key was confused but minho just had to make sure taemin wasn’t going anywhere before he got there.

“ok, see you soon” minho said then hung up. He wanted to pass out from the pain but he couldn’t, he wasn’t letting himself do it. Minho stood up and got to the door of his car. He got in slowly so he didn’t hurt anything else.

Minho sat in the car for a minute before starting it and driving to keys.

He had to prepare himself before he got out, holding his breath again as he opened the door and limped up to keys door, he knocked and cringed when another shot of pain went through his head.

Key opened the door and his eyes went wide at the image of minho bruised and hunched over in pain.

“minho!” key yelled shocked “what happened? Come in sit down!” key attempted to guid minho in but minho pushed him aside and went straight for taemin, who was in the guest room.

“minho?” key followed to make sure he didn’t pass out

Minho opened the guest room door and exhaled in relief when he saw taemin.

Taemin heard him come in and sat up, coughing a few times from his cold but then he saw minhos condition and jumped out of bed.

“minho!” taemin ran up to him

“tae” minho breathed and pulled taemin in for a hug. He winced at the contact but kept taemin there, closing his eyes.

“minho, what h-happened?” taemin asked in the hug

“I met warren” minho whispered and taemin pushed his away and looked him over

“he did this?” taemin was about to cry

“yes but-“

“I can fix this, I can” taemin said before going to run out the door, minho caught his arm and swung him around to stop him “minho, I can fix it” taemin pleaded


“b-but he hurt you” taemin was on the verge of tears, he kept telling himself it was his fault “its my fault minho!”

“its not” minho brought him closer and wiped the tears that escaped his eyes “I know why, I know about the deal, and you cant change it” minho locked eyes with him

“b-but- why?”

“because I would rather be beaten up every day than to see him lay a finger on you” minho wiped some more tears from taemins face with his thumb. Taemin shook his head, no believing this

“why? Its not worth it” taemin tried to say but minho shook his head quickly

“it is taemin, trust me”


“because I love you taemin” minho confessed “I love you and im sorry for getting mad, I’m never letting anyone hurt you”

Taemin was speechless

“taemin promise me you wont change the deal, we can work this out please?” minho was feeling light headed

Taemin wrapped his arms around minho and hugged him “p-promise” he whispered

Suddenly taemin was holding up all of minhos body weight

“KEY!” taemin panicked “KEY!”

Key ran to them and helped taemin with minhos unconscious body, they lay him on the bed and taemin cried.

“taemin?” key said seeing taemin cry over minho

“he l-loves me” taemin sobbed

Key nodded and hugged taemin “ill go get the first aid kit okay?”

Taemin nodded and let him go, he brushed some hair from minhos face and smiled “I promise” taemin repeated.

.  .  .

Despite what happened with minho, and despite being sick taemin had to go out that night to meet warren and yunho at the alley.

“ah taemin” warren smirked, just waiting for taemin to accuse him and change the deal “glad you could make it”

Taemin glared at him but said nothing

“aw whats wrong Minnie?” warren got closer and yunho could tell that taemin had been crying

“nothing” he lied “im sick”

“aww poor Minnie” warren went to put a hand around taemin but taemin walked away

“don’t touch me” taemin glared at him

“oh yes the deal…” warren was furious, he wanted taemin to change the deal, he needed that

“taemin!” yunho yelled out when he saw warren coming up behind taemin, taemin spun around and only saw warrens face briefly before he was pushed to the side and found himself on the ground. Taemin looked up to see yunho face to face with warren

“yunho” he warned

“you made a deal, and I like to see deals kept” yunho said glancing at taemin who hid his face

“fine” warren spat before he turned to taemin “ill kill him next time I see him”

Taemin opened his mouth to change the deal but then remembered his promise, and closed it again



there i know its a 2min chapter but im putting some onew and key and jonghyun int he next one, i just thought i would sort 2min out in this one


no silent readers!!




<3 <3

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Chapter 32: what ever happened to this story... I followed it all the way to the end but you never did post the last chapter...
Omigosh this is so amazing!!! Will there be a sequel? Waaahhh I love this story!
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 32: Second last chapter D': I'm gonna miss this fic, and Jongkey is so cute omggggg
Chapter 32: d'aweeeeeeeeeeee onew and changmin r so cute...
Chapter 32: what this is the ending one more chapter?.... but... this came out of nowhere T__T I feel like so much will be left unresolved... T_T I don't want it to end!!
vieroeclipse #7
Chapter 32: This is cute chapter!!! Glad Changnew stay together!!! ;___;
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 31: I just love this fic, it's amazing! *~*
shineeshipper #9