Chapter 27

To Live for Something



“hi” key breathed as they just stared at each other for a minute, neither of them had seem each other since they kissed and jonghyun walked away.

Suddenly something took over jonghyun and he slammed the door.

Silence settled and he realised what he had done, swinging the door open again to find key wide eyed and staring at him in disbelief.

“s-sorry” jonghyun rubbed the back of his neck

key bit his lip and took a breath before he stepped forward and grabbed jonghyuns arm, pulling him in close and kissing him.

Jonghyun was shocked, his eyes stayed wide for a second before the situation hit him and he relaxed. This was all too fast for his mind to catch up and start kicking him for doing this.

Key moved them inside and kicked the door shut behind them, then keys back collided with the door and jonghyun began to respond to the kiss.

But the moment was short lived because jonghyuns mind started exploding. He snapped his eyes open and pushed himself away, leaving key leaning up against the door.

They were both panting and key still had his eyes close, after once again being rejected.

Jonghyun ran a hand threw his hair and spun around “crap! Im sorry” he swore

“don’t be” key said in small voice as he opened his eyes

“how can I not be sorry?!” jonghyun faced him

“I don’t know…”

They stood in silence for a moment before key took a deep breath

“do you even like me?” key asked suddenly making jonghyun look up

“of course I-“

“no I mean do you ‘like’ me?”

Jonghyun was a mess inside his head, half of his mind was saying no this is wrong, and the other half was telling him to forget talking a kiss key again.

Key was about to walk out when jonghyun spoke up


Key turned to look at jonghun with wide eyes

“then why all the drama?” key asked stepping forward

“because my mind is trying to sabotage everything”

“you lost me”

“listen, half of me likes you, a lot, like I cant stop thinking about you a lot”

“and the other half…?”

“is kicking me in the for thinking like that, I mean I was brought up to think that being gay was bad, onew was kicked out of his home by his family because of it, I know people I went to school with who have died because they are gay, key everywhere I look all I can see is the bad that comes from it”


“no ‘buts’, this was what I was taught to believe okay? But then you and minho and taemin come along and you all just go against it, you are happy, I mean you’re speaking again, minho has taemin and they are happy together, i- I just don’t know what to think anymore, Im- im-“ jonghyun started sobbing

Key stepped towards him and wrapped his arms around a crying jonghyun, holding him close, he knew jonghyun was confused but not his confused, he was making no sense

“then don’t think” key told him

“its not that easy key”

“I know, I know” key said rubbing circles on his back.

After a moment of crying jonghyun stopped and looked up at key

“key, why do you love me?”

“I don’t know…”

Jonghyun looked back down and just stared at the ground

“im sorry, but I really don’t know, I mean when we first met at the store I fell for you the moment I saw you”


“yea, and I never would have thought that I would be here right now, ‘talking’ to you” key went on “I mean after that night I thought I would never see you again”

“but we did, at the bakery”

Key smiled

“yea, I thought it was fate, and I still think it was” key looked at jonghyun and locked eyes with him “jonghyun I love you and I wish I could help but I don’t know how”

Jonghyun had stopped crying, he thought back to when they met, back when he was trying to get rid of his manager. Key bought him a drink then left, he remembers how he saw that spark in keys eyes that night, it was burnt into his mind.

“then tell me its going to be okay” jonghyun said suddenly, breaking the short silence


“tell me that if I let myself like you im going to okay”

“im not going to tell you, im going to promise you” key gave a small smile

Suddenly jonghyun stepped forward and held keys face as he kissed him.

Jonghyun was terrified, every part of him was scared about every aspect of this, but he was doing it anyway.

Key broke their kiss and looked at jonghyun “you wont leave again right?” he asked

“no” jonghyun shook his head “just don’t let me be alone”

.  .  . 

“do you have to go?” minho said holding onto taemins arm from the couch

“yes” taemin smiled at minhos childish behaviour, he hadn’t told minho about warrens latest threat because he decided it would just cause unwanted stress.

Minho pouted and let taemin go “wake me up when you get back, so I know you’re okay”

“got it” taemin blew him a kiss as he grabbed a jacket and ran out, heading for the alley.

the second the door closed the phone rang. Minho huffed and got up to answer it.

“hello?” he picked it up

“minho?” an unfamiliar voice said

“yes?” minho was trying to pin point who it was

“has taemin left?” when taemin was mentioned minhos eyes went wide

“who is this?!”

“calm down, calm down, im not up to anything, I just need to make sure he has left”

“im not saying anything until-“

“minho, im with warren, he told taemin that if he wasn’t here on time he would break the deal, now listen you need to tell me that he has left because I don’t want to see this deal broken” the man said

Minhos mouth dropped, taemin didn’t mention the threat.

“uh- y-yea he just left” minho heard a sigh of relief from the man “may I ask who it is?”

“my name is yunho-“ minho heard a door slam on the other end “, I gotta go, bye!”

The line dropped and minho stayed there, he was really beginning to hate warren more than he did  before. He put down the phone and walked back over to the couch.

“geez tae” he said to himself as he ran a hand through his hair “we need to sort this out soon”

.  .  .

Onew has stayed at changmins for the night and returned to jonghyuns the next day only to see key sitting in the kitchen.

“uh… key?” onew said walking into the room

“onew!” key jumped up and gave him a hug

“what are you doing back… and here?”

“I came back early, I got here last night and talked with jonghyun” key smiled

“you look too happy, did you work it out?” onew got hopeful

“we did!” key jumped up and down “I mean there were tears but more importantly kissing, there was a lot of kissing-“

“okay, okay, im glad it worked out, I don’t need the details” onew laughed at keys giddiness “where is the drama queen?”

“shower” key pointed to the bathroom and onew nodded “so apparently you guys ran into warren yesterday?”

“oh- uh yea we did” onew looked down, knowing that jonghyun must have told him about the event

“is taemin okay?”

“more like minho, he was ready to kill the guy”

“oh my god!”

“don’t worry, he ran”

“so no one got hurt?”

“nope, if anything it just made everyone hate everyone even more” onew laughed

“oh goodie” key rolled his eyes

Onew grabbed a drink and sat back down

“how was your holiday?”

“good, it got boring though”

“aw why?”

“because I didn’t have you guys around to keep me entertained”

They both laughed as jonghyun came out of the bathroom in a towel, key looked away blushing and onew chuckled at keys reaction.

“do I need to go back and stay with changmin so you two can be ‘alone’?” onew asked

“w-what?” key looked up at him

“YAH!” jonghyun came running out, still in a towel, and hit onew over the head “stop being so embarrassing!” both jonghyun and key were bright red

“jonghyun go get dressed” key said looking away blushing, jonghyun looked down and remembered he was still in a towel and went even redder

“ah crap, sorry, sorry” he repeated the apology as he ran into his room.

“you two are ridiculous…” onew sighed

“shut up” key pouted


teehee jongkey are moving!!!! YAY

and dont worry for all those people who are ready with pitchforks and torches so they can kill warren, im going to sort it out.... ;)

no silent readers <3

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Chapter 32: what ever happened to this story... I followed it all the way to the end but you never did post the last chapter...
Omigosh this is so amazing!!! Will there be a sequel? Waaahhh I love this story!
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 32: Second last chapter D': I'm gonna miss this fic, and Jongkey is so cute omggggg
Chapter 32: d'aweeeeeeeeeeee onew and changmin r so cute...
Chapter 32: what this is the ending one more chapter?.... but... this came out of nowhere T__T I feel like so much will be left unresolved... T_T I don't want it to end!!
vieroeclipse #7
Chapter 32: This is cute chapter!!! Glad Changnew stay together!!! ;___;
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 31: I just love this fic, it's amazing! *~*
shineeshipper #9