Chapter 28

To Live for Something


Onew was at the bakery working after it had closed when someone knocked on the window, he looked up and saw changmin standing out in the cold dark night air smiling in at him.

He smiled at the randomness of it but took out his headphones and walked over to let him in

“geez” changmin breathed into his hands “it can get cold out there at night”

“yea it can” onew chuckled at him, picked up his mop again

“so…” changmin came up behind him “this is where you work huh?”

“y-yeah” onew blushed when changmin wrapped his hands around his waist and gave him a back hug.

“you know-“ changmin put his chin on onews shoulder and looked around the dark bakery “this place can be pretty romantic at night”

“I know”

“where’d you get the ipod?” changmin lifted the headphone that were hanging from onews neck and looked over at him questioningly

“I borrowed one of jonghyuns” onew explained. Changmin smiled at him and put one of the buds in his ear and listened to the song, it was a sweet song but he didn’t know the name of it “what are you doing?” onew laughed as he turned around to face changmin with raised brows

“dance with me?” changmin put out his hand

Onew blushed and gripped the mop tighter and he laughed nervously

Changmin stayed still, looking at onew until he stopped “im serious”

Onew leant the mop up against a table and took changmins hand. Changmin smiled and put the other earphone bud in onews ear so they could both hear the music.

“I like this song” onew mumbled as changmin pulled him close to him

“me too” changmin whispered in his ear

Changmin put his hands on onews waist and onew put his on changmins shoulders then rested his head on changmins chest, he could hear changmins racing heart.

“why is your heart beating so fast?” onew asked quietly

“because I really like you” changmin breathed then started humming along to the song softly

They both closed their eyes and started moving their feet slowly, swaying side to side in the dark bakery to music only they could hear.

Suddenly a clap of thunder rolled across the sky and they both opened their eyes and looked out the windows to see rain starting to pour down.

“well that was-“

“unexpected” onew finished his sentence and smiled gently as he and changmin watched the rain

“what that smile for?” changmin caught sight of him

“nothing- just…” onew kept looking into the rain “key thinks that thunderstorms bring bad luck, but I actually think they are rather romantic”

Changmin ew face to him and they shared a warm smile

“me too” they locked eyes but onew stepped back and held changmins hands with a wide smile “what?”

“kiss me in the rain” onew asked hopefully “ive always wanted to”

Onew started walking backwards to the door, towing changmin along. Changmin nodded and followed onew out into the rain.

They got out there and were instantly soaked by the pouring rain. They stopped and onew spun around and kissed changmin with his face in his hands.

They broke apart from the kiss and just watched each other as the song happened to have a piano solo.

Onew opened his mouth to tell changmin that he loved him but he stopped, not wanting to speak at such an intense moment.

So he just settled his kissing him again before the rain passed.

.  .  .

Taemin was still at the alley in the morning, warren gave him and yunho a task that took all night. Yunho had already left and taemin was grabbing his jacket off the table when something fell onto the floor.

Taemin stopped and looked at it, it was a phone, warrens phone, it must have been under his jacket since last night.

Taemin blinked a few times before the situation settled on him and his eyes widened.

‘the pictures!’

Taemin snatched up the phone and looked around to make sure warren wasn’t there. When he was sure he was safe he flipped it open and went straight to the pictures. There was only four of them, but they still had enough content to get taemin into jail.

Taemin frowned when he saw the pictures, trying to remember when he could have taken them, but he couldn’t so just ignored it and tried to find the delete button.

When he found it he smiled and started deleting the pictures.

One, done

Two, done


Taemin spun around to see warren stalking up to him with a death glare and balled fists

“n-nothing-“ taemin tried to hide the phone

“give it to me” warren said through his teeth “now!”

Taemin jumped at his tone and pulled the phone out from behind him, warren snatched it from his hands and smirked

“thought you could delete them huh?” warren stepped closer “thought you could just get out of this, just like that?!”

“n-no i-i-“ taemin was scared

“well it wont work, because I have copies”

Taemin froze, he wasn’t getting out of this any time soon

“and so does you’re boyfriend” warren flipped open the phone and showed taemin a message he sent to minho that contained all the photos.

“w-what when?!” taemin tried to grab the phone

“when you and yunho were out last night, thought I would try to put him in his place”

Taemin fought back tears and looked away

“aww Minnie” warren made him look up by grabbing his chin “don’t be mad-“

Taemin wacked his hand away and stepped away glaring at warren “don’t touch me!”

“NO! I got here on time, I did what you asked! You cant touch me!”

Warren grabbed his collar and pulled him in close “says who?” he spat

“t-the deal-“

“it just a bunch of words Minnie, I do what I want”

Taemins eyes widened, he thought he was safe, but he was wrong, warren pushed him against the table and taemin yelped out

“stop it!” taemin tried to push him away

Warren ignored him and leant down to kiss his neck, but taemin slammed his knee up and go warren where it hurts

Warren cried out and backed away holding his crotch

“!” warren spat as taemin jumped up and ran for the door, but warren stopped him by grabbing his arm and spinning him around “you will regret that ‘minnie’, those pictures will be at the police station remember” warren griped his hair and taemin cried out.

“ah!” he tried to pry warren away from him “leave me alone!”

“no! Minnie, im not stopping until I have you!” warren pushed him back and taemins head slammed into the ground making him groan.

“now leave and be back tonight, if you’re not then you know what happens” warren smirked as taemin got up

“t-the deal-“

“is done, taemin, you’re mine” warren went to touch him but taemin smacked his hand away and ran.

Taemin got to minhos and slammed the door behind him, heading straight for the kitchen to get ice for his head because it was pounding loudly and hurting a lot.

He got the ice and sat down as he held it to his head and held back the groans of pain.

“tae?” minho said as he walked in, he had heard taemin slam the door, when he walked in and saw taemin with an ice pack he freaked “taemin!”

Minho ran over and looked taemin over “what happened? Did he touch you?”

Taemin wasn’t speaking, he couldn’t or he would cry.

The one thing, the one deal that had made this whole this bearably was gone, there was no more deal, warren had gone too far and taemin was at breaking point.

“taemin did he do this?” minho said again

Taemin just nodded

“that bastard!” minho cursed him “how could he break the deal-“

“there is no deal minho” taemin finally spoke


“its done, the deal is worthless now” taemin looked down

“then you cant go back tae, you cant”

“I have to!” taemin stood up ignoring the pain in his head

“I wont let you!”

“minho! you’ve seen those pictures! Ill go to jail!”

“what are you talking about?”

“he s-sent you the pictures last night, he showed me, I thought I could delete them b-but I couldn’t-“ he sat back down as the tears rolled down his face

“I haven’t checked my phone all morning-“ minho mumbled as he ran and got his phone. He opened a message to see the pictures taemin was talking about. He ran back out and wrapped his arms around taemin.

Minho didn’t know what to do

Taemin didn’t know what to do

They were stuck

“I have to go back minho” taemin whispered “I cant go to jail”

“I know tae I know” minho said as he just held him tighter


so i put some cute changew fluff in there because i missed them and then got onto the 2min :)


its a 2min one, and would love to know what you guys think :)

and sorry about leaving jongkey out, i just ran out of time 

remember to commet and subscribe <3

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Chapter 32: what ever happened to this story... I followed it all the way to the end but you never did post the last chapter...
Omigosh this is so amazing!!! Will there be a sequel? Waaahhh I love this story!
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 32: Second last chapter D': I'm gonna miss this fic, and Jongkey is so cute omggggg
Chapter 32: d'aweeeeeeeeeeee onew and changmin r so cute...
Chapter 32: what this is the ending one more chapter?.... but... this came out of nowhere T__T I feel like so much will be left unresolved... T_T I don't want it to end!!
vieroeclipse #7
Chapter 32: This is cute chapter!!! Glad Changnew stay together!!! ;___;
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 31: I just love this fic, it's amazing! *~*
shineeshipper #9