Chapter 22

To Live for Something


Key was shocked, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment because something told him this wasn’t forever.

Jonghyun furrowed his brows and pulled away a few centimetres, they both kept their eyes closed, jonghyun connected their foreheads and whispered “thankyou key”

Key didn’t move

“I have to go now” jonghyun said and opened his eyes to see key standing there with his eyes still closed. Key pressed his lips into a line and stayed still as jonghyun walked backwards then walked away.

Key didn’t move, like if he did he would shatter into a million pieces. He could feel that jonghyun had left him. Taking his heart and running. He didn’t dare open his eyes in case he saw jonghyun leave.

Finally key slowly opened his eyes and found himself alone. Tears silently rolled down his cheeks and he made no move to wipe them away. Key took a deep breath and turned to head home.


Jonghyun ran into his house and slammed the door shut then leaned up against it covering his face in shame.

“jonghyun?” he looked up to see minho standing in there.

“minho I screwed up” jonghyun practically sobbed and minho knelt down beside him

“me too” minho comforted him “what happened?”

“I kissed key” jonghyun still had his face covered

“that’s good isn’t it?”

“no!” jonghyun looked right and minho then cried again “I mean I don’t know, im not gay minho, im not”

“then why did you kiss him?”

“b-because…” jonghyun had to think about it, he really didn’t know what had come over him “h-he said things, and told me he loved me… a-and, a-and everything just seemed perfect for that moment so I just did it, but then my stupid brain started working again and I left”

Minho was silent so he just comforted jonghyun

“its okay”

“its not!” jonghyun looked away “he confessed, I kissed him then I ran away!”

.  .  .

Key walked in the door to his home and just kept walking, he still had tears rolling down his face but had forgotten about them completely.

“key?” tamein said when he saw key walk past, key turned to see taemin sitting on the couch waching tv. Taemin muted the tv and stood up when he saw keys face “key!” he ran over

Key was silent and taemin sat him down

“key whats happened?” he wiped his tears away and key just looked at him

‘jonghyun kissed me’ he signed, not using words because he wasn’t able to right now

“and?” taemin knew there was more, key wouldn’t be like this if there wasn’t

‘he left’


‘he kissed me then ran away’

Taemin was speechless “im sorry key”

‘why do I like him?’

“are you really asking that? I don’t know key”

‘why did I chose him? Why?’ key dropped his head

“this will work out, im sure it will, it has to”

‘and if it doesn’t?’

“it will” taemin pulled him in for a hug and key just stayed silent

.  .  .

A few days later onew knocked on keys door and taemin answered, dressed up and ready to go out, he had snother meeting with warren.

“taemin you going out?” onew asked when taemin answered

“uh- yea, keys inside” taemin smiled and gave onew a hug

“ok, have fun” onew ruffled his hair and let him go then wandered inside to see key eating dinner.

“onew!” key ran over and hugged him

“hey” onew laughed

“wheres changmin?”

“on a business trip” onew explained then sat down

“hungry?” key offered him some dinner but he declined

“no thankyou” onew then wondered something he should have earlier “where’s taemin going?

Key froze, he didn’t know what to say

“uh- out I guess” key said in a shaky voice

“you okay?”

Key wasn’t okay, as much as the jonghyun thing still left him practically depressed he was worried about taemin, he had been going out every night and coming back tired and sore from working all night. Key didn’t know exactly but knew enough that he needed help, now.

“no” key hung his head

“is this about taemin or jonghyun”

“taemin” key pressed his lips together

“has something happened?”

“wel…” key then proceeded to tell him taemins situation, and that it was the reason for his and minhos breakup. Onew just listened but when key got to the bit about blackmail onew was fuming.

“he cant do that!” onew stood up

“onew! Wait!” key held him back from walking out

“why? We need to tell the police?”

“onew he will go to jail if those photos are seen! And taemin wont survive in jail!”

Onew stopped and looked at key “then we need a plan! To get the photos back!”

“trust me im thinking about it!”

They both fell silent and looked at eachother with pained expressions. In sure as what to do.

.  .  .

“hey, so I got the first part to the song done” jonghyun smiled up at his mamager

“excellent! Lets hear it!”

Jonghyun took a deep breath, hoping that the past few days of just writing came in handy.

Jonghyun started playing his guitar and began singing softy

“smile, now smile again
never stop smiling because you light up the world,
laugh, now laugh again
never stop laughing because it makes me laugh along with you

Jonghyun stopped, it was all he could do so far, using keys rose messages as the inspiration.

“its good” his manger clapped “what changed?”

“I don’t know” jonghyun shrugged, thinking about key and how he left him in the park. He felt so bad he couldn’t even talk or see key.

.  .  .

The next morning Minho was sitting at home when he got a call from key

“hello?” he answered

“minho, can you do me a favour?”

“sure” minho agreed

“go over to taemins and get his clothes?” minho froze, he didn’t want to go there, it reminded him of just how much he has screwed up


“taemisn sick and im taking care of him, I cant do it” key said and he could hear some coughs from the other end.

“ok, ok ill do it, be there soon” he said and hung up

He took a deep breath and convinced his body that he had to go outside, for taemin.

“for taemin” minho said to himself and walked over to taemins apartment.

He only found a handful of clothes but he shrugged knowing that taemins wasn’t very wealthy at all and put them in a bag and walked out. He closed the door behind him and went to walk down the hall when a tall foreign man stood in his way.

“uh – excuse me” minho tried to say but the man looked at him

“so you’re the boyfriend huh?” the man said and smirked down at minho, minho knew something was wrong that very moment.


sorry for another cliff hanger but i had too


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Chapter 32: what ever happened to this story... I followed it all the way to the end but you never did post the last chapter...
Omigosh this is so amazing!!! Will there be a sequel? Waaahhh I love this story!
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 32: Second last chapter D': I'm gonna miss this fic, and Jongkey is so cute omggggg
Chapter 32: d'aweeeeeeeeeeee onew and changmin r so cute...
Chapter 32: what this is the ending one more chapter?.... but... this came out of nowhere T__T I feel like so much will be left unresolved... T_T I don't want it to end!!
vieroeclipse #7
Chapter 32: This is cute chapter!!! Glad Changnew stay together!!! ;___;
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 31: I just love this fic, it's amazing! *~*
shineeshipper #9