Chapter one

To Live for Something


“Ok kids” Minho clapped his hands together and everyone stopped and looked up at him “that’s all, go get a drink, go home and rest” he smiled.]

All the kids relaxed and started chatting as they wandered over tho their bags to grab their bottles of water.

“Excuse me Mr Choi” minho felt small hands tugging on his shirt, he looked behind him and saw a little girl, with bright green eyes looking up at him. He frowned when he saw tears in her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” he turned around and kneeled down in front of her. The child put her small pink flip phone in his hand and pressed her lips together and looked down. Minho looked at the phone then flipped it open to find a message from ‘mummy’:

Sorry Anna, me and your father had an important meeting come up, im sure your teacher will be able to drive you home ok – love mum

He sighed and looked up at Anna, and ruffled her short blond hair. “its okay, I can give you a ride ok” he smiled warmly and Anna smiled back with thankful eyes.


“So Anna, you’re clearly not Korean, where are you from?” minho asked while he drove her home from the karate studio. He was always happy to help; this isn’t the first time he has had to drive a kid home.

“I was born in Australia, but daddy is from here, so mum thought we should move over” Anna smiled “that one that one” she jumped when she saw her street sign.

“Really?” minho asked and turned down her road, Anna nodded happily.

“Number seven” she said and pointed out a big house with a well-kept garden, minho pulled up in front of it and smiled at her.

“You ok, will your parents be back sometime tonight?” he asked, though the neighbourhood looked more than safe, he was just making sure, in case he needed to check up on her.

“Yea, I think Maria is home, he light is on” Anna pointed to the second floor window and then waved “thankyou Mr Choi, see you next week”

Minho waved as she ran inside. He knew Maria, but not that she was Annas older sister, Maria was in his Tuesday class.  Once she was inside he turned the car around and headed home.

.   .   .

“Will there be anything else?” the cashier asked handing the plastic bag to the Key

Key smiled and shook his head

“Okay, be safe” she smiled, key bowed and left the store. It was dark but he knew his way home well. He walked along the path and smiled up at the moon, it was full tonight. He wasn’t one of those people who saw the full moon as a spooky thing, a sign for vampires and werewolves, he took it as a sign of something more romantic, and something good would happen to someone, he knew that somewhere, someone was meeting their true love tonight.

‘Please, please, please’ key wished to himself, he wanted to find someone, someone who he connected to, a hopeless romantic people would call him.

Key was too busy looking up at the moon and wishing he didn’t notice the branch lying across the path. Suddenly key found himself tripping over something, and falling onto the road. He dropped his bag, hearing the jars of drink smash, and he put his hands out to catch himself as he fell onto the road.

Suddenly key heard tires and saw headlights coming towards him; he turned his head and opened his mouth to scream, but nothing came out as he heard screeching and the lights stopped less than a foot in front of him.

Everything stopped his eyes wide as he starred at the headlights and felt his heart beating at a hundred miles a minute. The lights turned off and he heard the car door open, then footsteps.

“Oh my god! I am so sorry” key heard a man’s voice and he started breathing again, still looking straight ahead “are you okay?” the man said again.

‘I was- I could have- oh god’

Key tried to think as he looked up at the man, he had big eyes and wavy brown hair, key nodded, still in shock.

“I am so sorry, I didn’t see you, im so glad you’re ok” he man helped key up “im minho”

Key looked up at him and searched minhos eyes, dispite having almost died he still knew about the full moon, and his wish. He frowned when he saw nothing in them he looked down at his bag and smashed bottles and bent down to pick it up.

“no please” minho said and went to pick up the bag, he stopped and stood up “just leave it, its no good”

Key looked down again

“here” minho handed him some money “this should cover what broke, it’s the least I can do”

‘he is nice’ key thought and smiled as he took the money ‘but he isn’t the one, no spark in his eyes’

“are you sure you’re ok, you haven’t spoken” minho asked worried

Key lifted his hands and signed ‘I don’t speak’, but minho pressed his lips together

“sorry, I don’t understand sign language, but im guessing you don’t speak right?” key nodded then signed ‘thankyou’ then bowed

“no, no I should be the one apologizing” minho bowed and key smiled “well im glad you are ok, I need to be going but again I am so sorry” minho bowed again then waved as he got in his car and drove off.

‘dammit, back to the shop I guess’ key thought and put the money in his pocket, left the bag of broken bottles there and headed back to the shop.

“ah, back so soon huh?” the cashier smiled as key walked back in.

.  .  .

“no no no!” jonghyuns manager said, ruffling his hair in frustration “you need to sing lower, otherwise it sounds off”

“im the one who sings, I know what sounds good and what doesn’t you know” jonghyun rolled his eyes and adjusted how he was holding his guitar.

“but im just saying-“

“listen its late, and im tired, so maybe we should just give it a rest for tonight, we don’t need to argue again” jonghyun said, they had already argued about the lyrics, cords, theme, feel, and tempo that day, jonghyun was getting sick of it.

“fine” his manager threw his arms up and slumped on a chair “tomorrow afternoon ok” he warned “you better work on those lyrics tomorrow or we are not going to get this done”

“fine” jonghyun spat, he packed up his guitar and slung it over his shoulder then headed out, but his manager caught his arm and turned him around.

“im serious Kim jonghyun” he warned again “those lyrics need work!” jonghyun pulled his arm out of his grasp and huffed, not saying anything as he walked out of the studio.

Jonghyun walked along the street until he passed a shop that sold what he needed right now, alcohol. Relieved he walked in.

“hello” the cashier smiled at him, he smiled back then walked straight for the drinks isle. It was a strange shop, the drinks isle had all drinks from baby milk to alcohol, he laughed to himself as he thought about the type of person who could think that this was a good idea. He stopped In front of the drinks and grabbed a bottle of beer, just one, he didn’t need more, one was enough for tonight.

He jumped when his phone went off, he looked at the ID and saw his managers name. he huffed and looked around.

Maybe if someone else answered he will say sorry and hang up. He smiled when he saw a boy with light brown hair standing in front of the juices section.

“hey you” he said walking over, the boy turned and pointed to himself

“yeah you” he stopped in front of him “do you speak?”

He frowned when the boy shook his head.

“no seriously, can I ask for a favour?”

The boy shook his head and started signing words to jonghyun.

Oh the chances…

Jonghyun sighed and settled with just declining the call and putting his phone away.

“sorry” he bowed, he looked at the boy and they made eye contact, they searched one another’s eyes, suddenly the boys eyes widened and he smiled warmly.

“I am truly sorry for the bother” jonghyun apologized again then went to walk out but the boy caught his hand he turned around to face him again. The boy pulled out a pen and wrote something on his hand then showed him.

‘hi, im Key. Let me buy you a drink?’

Jonghyun looked at him confused, but then key took his drink and walked to the cashier, paying for the juices and the beer bottle. Jonghyun followed him outside and stopped him.

“hey!” he said as he caught up, key smiled and handed him his beer. Jonghyun looked at him, and froze when he saw a ‘spark’ in his eyes, he smiled when he felt warm for a second.

Key smiled and bowed then headed home.

Jonghyun smiled then turned to walk to his house.

Suddenly his phone rang, he pulled it out, saw it was his manager and frowned again. He huffed as he pulled ou the battery and threw the phone into the trees.


.  .  .

Onew sat on the ground with his hands behind his head looking up at the moon. He frowned as the clouds covered it up for a moment. He was homeless, has been since he was ten, he came out as gay and he was kicked out by his family, left on the streets, but they didn’t just let him go, his brother beat him then left him to die in an alley. He shut his eyes and rolled on his side, getting comfortable for another night on the streets. He had shelter, he made a small roof with some scraps he found just lying around, and he found a blanket, so he wasn’t freezing, and he didn’t go hungry much because during the day he had a job, it was a silly job, he was a cleaner at a bakery, he was only paid enough for about one meal a day, but it was enough for food.

When he was kicked out, he thought he was going to die, but he was determined to prove his family wrong, to prove that someone like him, a beaten homeless boy could survive.

Suddenly he heard footsteps, no one came down here, these were the alleys behind the apartment buildings, no one came here, ever.

Maybe it was another homeless?

He opened his eyes and saw a young boy no older than 18 walk cautiously down the back alley, he was in all black and looking awful suspicious.

“hey!” onew called out as he pushed himself up and ran towards to the boy, the boyo turned and looked at him “you lost?”

Onew wanted to kick himself, he sounded like a creeper.

“no” the boy said looking at onew then to where he was living “you’re homeless?” the boy asked

“yea” onew said as if it was nothing and the boy raised his brows “what are you doing back here?”

“going for a walk?”

“in black?”

“yeah? So?” the boy got defensive

“im just asking, no one come back here, except me and thieves” he smirked knowing what this boy was up to, if someone was agile, they could get into any of the apartments and out again without being noticed.

“are you accusing me of being a thief?”

“well why else would you be here?”

“ok seriously, im going for a walk to clear my head, I like that no one is back here” the boy explained “I live in the apartment over there” he pointed to the third story of the building just a few meters away from them.

“oh…” onew said, believing him “sorry I just thought it was weird”

“don’t worry. If I had any coins I would give you some because you seem nice but… sorry” the boy apologized

“I can take care of myself!” onew defended

The boy looked at where he lived then back at onew “okay” he said and turned to walk off.

Onew huffed and went back to his ‘house’, he lied down and rolled to face the wall, he close his eyes and tried to get some sleep.

.  .  .

Taemin smiled to himself and continue walking down the back alley, looking for an apartment with something good in in. then he saw it, second floor apartment, he could tell. He looked back to make sure the homeless boy wasn’t following him, he smiled and back up.

He ran forward and used the first floor window-sill to grab then push himself high enough to grab the send follow ledge. He pulled himself up and opened the window far enough to get though. He slipped into the apartment and looked around quickly.

No one was home.

He smiled at his good choice and looked for things. First he raided the fridge, he needed food. Then he looked for money, he found enough and put it in his pockets. Then he saw something, a picture frame, he picked it up and looked at it, it was a couple, with a child, taemins eyes widened.

They have a child

He put the picture down and looked around again, he always checks if there are children’s things!  He doesn’t steal from families, just couples or singles. He felt his pockets, the food and money he needed was all there, and he didn’t have time to go to another place, he still needed sleep.

Guilt was overwhelming him.

Then he saw the kids bed, I was just a blanket and pillow on the floor.

He wanted to cry with the amount of guilt that was building up, but suddenly he heard the door being unlocked.

He ran for the window, climbed out and shut it, then climbed down, slipping and falling a few meters to the pavement. The bit his lip and stumbled to his feet, then watched the light in the apartment turn on. He was about to cry, mostly because he hurt from the fall, but also because he broke a promise, he would never steal from a family.

Taemin spun around and ran home.

he dint completely lie to the homeless boy, he did live in the third floor apartment, but he did leave out that it was in need for multiple renovations to fix it up, taemin made a deal with the man who owned the building, he would pay him rent every week to stay there, the rent was low because of the state of the apartment but it was all taemin could afford, every night he stole a little money from someone and by the end of the week he would have enough.

Taemin stumbled through his apartment door and fell to the floor in tears. He emptied his pockets and counted the money as he cried. Once he knew he had enough he put it in an envelope with the rest of his rent and sealed it then he wrote ‘rent’ on the front.

Still crying his eyes out he pulled out the food he took and placed it on the table, normally this would be his meal for the day, but he didn’t feel like eating tonight. in fact he felt like curling up and disappearing after what he did.

He sat down on the sofa and wrapped himself in a blanket, he lied down and closed his eyes, still crying.

Im going to take more next week, and I am going to pay that family back eventually.

He decided, he felt a little better, knowing he was going to return what he took eventually, but he still cried till he fell asleep.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .

ok LOOONG first chapter, but i got them all in YAY!!

tell me what you think. this is just a breif intro thing for each character hehe 



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Chapter 32: what ever happened to this story... I followed it all the way to the end but you never did post the last chapter...
Omigosh this is so amazing!!! Will there be a sequel? Waaahhh I love this story!
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 32: Second last chapter D': I'm gonna miss this fic, and Jongkey is so cute omggggg
Chapter 32: d'aweeeeeeeeeeee onew and changmin r so cute...
Chapter 32: what this is the ending one more chapter?.... but... this came out of nowhere T__T I feel like so much will be left unresolved... T_T I don't want it to end!!
vieroeclipse #7
Chapter 32: This is cute chapter!!! Glad Changnew stay together!!! ;___;
shineeshipper #8
Chapter 31: I just love this fic, it's amazing! *~*
shineeshipper #9