
The Chaser

Taemin's POV

*The Next Day*

Today was the day. The day I was finally going to confess my feelings to Rin. I gathered up all my courage, and I decided I was going to tell her after the school day finished. Luckily I arrived at school just in time before the gates closed.

*Time Skip: Lunch*

I didn't have any luck finding Rin anywhere. Usually we had most of our classes together but so far we didn't. Could she be absent? No way. Rin would do anything to keep her perfect attendance record. Entering the cafeteria, I headed toward's Rin's two best friend Sooyeon and Heeyoung. Sooyeon has known Rin since they were both in diapers, and Heeyoung has known her since the 2nd grade.

"Annyeong." I greeted them with a small wave and a grin. Girls would kill for me to smile at them.

"Annyeonghaesayo." they greeted with their mouths full.

"Do you guys know where Rin is?" I asked.

Heeyoung's face froze. "N-no! We don't know! We would tell you if we knew! We don't know!" she replied very fast.

Sooyeon put on a straight face. "We don't know." she confirmed.

I knew they were lying to me. "Alright, thanks. Bye." I stated, and waved once again.

"Bye!" they said in unision as they continued to eat.

Walking back to the table where my 4 friends Onew, Jonghyun, Minho, and Key sat, I sighed. Heeyoung was the worst liar ever.

"What happened?" Jonghyun asked, seeing the look on my face.

"Sooyeon and Heeyoung are telling me they don't know where Rin is, but I know they're lying to me. What if...what if she's kidnapped? What if she's dead?" I almost yelled, rising from my seat.

"Taemin, I'm positive she's fine."

"I don't care! I'm coming, future girlfriend!"

Jonghyun and Minho laughed. "You still haven't confessed, Taemin-ah?"

"YAH! I was going to. When are you going to tell Sooyeon, Jonghyun hyung-"

"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UUUUUUUP!!!!!!!" I was cut off by Jonghyun hyung's voice, and his hand over my mouth.

"My dongsaengs are already in love~!" Onew cried, his face looking like an anime character:


"My donsaeng loves Heeyoung-" Onew teased, only to have his mouth covered. Nevertheless, I was determined to find out what happened to Rin.

*             *                 *

It was the end of the day, and I had almost completely forgotten about Rin. That was, until I overheard Sooyeon's conversation with Heeyoung.

"Unnie, I feel really bad about lying to Taemin oppa. I mean, he never did anything to hurt us." Heeyoung pouted, and sighed.

"I know, he's such a good kid. But it was for the best, dongsaeng-ah." Sooyeon answered, and put on  her cute face. It was adorable, like Ouran High School Host Club Hunny-senpai adorable, and nobody could resist it. Especially not Jonghyun. He would always pinch her cheeks, and say she was the cutest in the world in a high voice a parent would use to amuse their child.

"Aish, that cute face!" Heeyoung cried and pinched Sooyeon's cheeks.

"Yah, I gotta go. I'll talk to you on Facebook, arrasso? Bye!" Sooyeon declared and hugged Heeyoung.

"Bye, unnie!" she responded and both of them went their separate ways. Could they know where Rin was?

I dashed out of the school and ran down the streets. I knew where Rin's house was, but that was oonly because Sooyeon, Heeyoung, and I went over to study. Jonghyun came along sometimes.

Finally I arrived and rang the doorbell. A man in his mid-thirties stepped out, who I guessed was a servant.

"Do you know where Rin is?" I asked before he even opened his mouth.

"I'm sorry to say that she no longer lives here, young sir."

"Do you know where she is now?"

"I'm afraid that is confidential information sir, I can't give it away."

"Yes, I understand. Thank you for your time, sir."

Then the door shut in my face. Right then I knew I would never see Rin ever again.

Rin's POV

Wow, this is amazing. Yesterday I was in Seoul, South Korea saying goodbye to Sooyeon and Heeyoung. Today I'm here in Los Angeles, America finishing my last year of high school. I had already moved in with Minhyun, who was starting hid first year of college at a school where only Korean was spoken. I would be married in a couple of months.

All because of money.

Money was the reason I couldn't be with Taemin.

Money was the reason I had to move to America.

Money was the reason I had to leave Sooyeon and Heeyoung.

Money was the reason I had to marry Minhyun.

Money was the reason I had to leave Seoul, South Korea.

I never explained why I was set in an arranged marriage with Minhyun, right? It all started when my parents were going poor. Minhyun's parents offered to financially help my famoly until we got back on out feet if they gave him a bride. Why? I don't know why. That's where I come into this situation.

Basically, my parents sold me so they could have money. Now I was Minhyun's "toy". Yep, I heard him say that to his friend Baekho when I eavesdropped on their conversation.

California was great so far. I already made a fast friend, Lina. Turns out she was a quarter Korean. Hm, she looked a bit Asian. Lucky for me, I already knew English. But the one person I thought about was Taemin oppa.

Did he miss me? Did Sooyeon and Heeyoung tell? Would I ever see him again?

A/N: Woah~ Another chapter. Now you guys know who Jonghyun and Minho like, kekeke~ Anyways, I hope you guys liked this unusual long chapter. Gomawo to patdmblaq93! Subscriber alert~ Anyways, PEACE! See you next time readers! Sayonaura! BTW, if you guys have any questions, don't be afraid to ask! We don't bite xD

~ Co-Author K-PopFangurl22~

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Heeyoung's picture still isn't showing up TT.TT


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Chapter 25: Was nice story! I like it ♥
KpopForever171 #2
Chapter 25: I love it! This was one of the first ones I've read! It was really awesome! I enjoyed it. You guys did a GREAT job.
snshutt #3
Chapter 19: NOOO why are they still getting married Dx! She needs taemin! Dx ughh! XD can't wait for the next chapter! :D
snshutt #4
Chapter 18: Oh Taemin got sass :D! XD I'm so Saaaaad they have to go back D:!!!! No Dx ugh!! Can't wait for next update!!!
snshutt #5
Chapter 17: OMG xD this was so funny xD I was just picturing this and was laughing so hard xD ahh but to bad they had to go to jail and they have to go back to Seoul!! D: but but no!! Tae and Rin.. What's gonna happen!? D;!!
snshutt #6
Chapter 16: OMOOOoOOOOoO~~~~ The real drama beginss!! OOoohooooo!! Poor Tae!! I hope things all work out!! Dx<3
snshutt #7
OMG XDDDD sorry for the late comment! I have had a very hard week D: but anyway OMG xD!! The chocolate.. I died xD!! LOLOL :DD I can't wait for the next update! Woo~!!
Ji-NaNa #8
Chapter 12: So cute(: Thanks so much... I wonder what will happen next...
snshutt #9
Chapter 12: AHHAJDKD!!!!! :DDDDD OHEMGEERRD this was so cute!! I love it! XD Onew and Key are so cute xD ^^ I really loved the flash back :D ahhhh!!!! Oh noo~ Minhyun knows! D: I wonder what is going to happen!! O.O can't wait to see!!!
snshutt #10
Chapter 11: ASAASFJHNTRG sorry for the late comment D; :c But ASDFGHJKLL; Im so glad they are all back together!! <3 :DDDD as always, Love THIS!! :))))) and happy late birthday K-PopFangurl22!! <333 :DD