
The Chaser

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SHINee - Aside:



*Time Skip: Graduation Day*

*Taemin's POV*

It's time. It's time, come on, TVXQ. LOL, Humanoids by TVXQ :P Today was the day we were all graduating high school. I was walking around the school, gathering and remembering the last few memories I had. I knew every way in the school, and all the classrooms.

It only felt like it was yesterday that we were all meeting each other for the first time. We were all six years old. Heeyoung transferred to our school from America when we were in the second grade, so we met her later.


"Rin! Sooyeon! I want you guys to meet my best friends! Their names are Jinki, Jonghyun, Kibum, and Minho! We always call Jinki Onew and we always call Kibum Key." Taemin said and grabbed their hands, dragging them around the sidewalk.

"Do you and your friends live in the same street, oppa?" Rin asked him.

"Yeah! That's how we met!" Taemin eagerly nodded and smiled. Soon they all reached a specific backyard. Taemin got a small stone and threw it at the tree house that stood high above them. "Hyungs!" he shouted.

In less than five seconds, four other boys came down quickly.

They started introducing themselves. The first one stood up straighter. "Annyeong, Lee Jinki imnida! Call me Onew! I lurve chicken! :D" he smiled widely.

"Annyeong, Kim Jonghyun imnida!"

"Annyeong, Kim Kibum imnida! Call me the Almighty Key or just Key would be fine."

"Annyeong, Choi Minho imnida!"

"Annyeong, Matsumoto Rin imnida!"

Key gasped. "Are you Japanese, Rin? I've never heard a Korean name like that!"

Rin smiled. "Yeah, and I'm proud! Half Japanese half Korean." she confirmed.

"Wah, daebak!" Onew smiled, as if it couldn't get any wider.

It was silent for a while. Rin nudged Sooyeon. "Oh! Right. Park Sooyeon imnida!" she introduced herself.

For the rest of the day they played many games and enjoyed themselves. On look at them, you would think they were like a small inseperable family. In reality, they just met and were enjoying every second they had with each other.

End of Flashback

I smiled at the memory. It seemed like it happened a thousand years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday. I heard a knock at the classroom door. I turned around and saw Key.

"Hey." he waved. "Remember this room?" 

"Yeah." I chuckled. "Chemistry lab. Remember when Sooyeon almost blew up the school because she mixed some weird stuff together with her perfume? The dare Jonghyun gave her?"

Key laughed. "That girl is so crazy. Sometimes I wonder how I still manage to be one of her best friends and still manage her high level of craziness."

Heeyoung folllowed behind him, and eventually she came in, too. "Oppas, its almost time." she said with a small smile and left. Key nodded and almost left with her. She was getting emotional because she thought we all wouldn't be going to the same university, which was true, but at least all of them were in South Korea.

"Go. She's about to let all her feels out." I said, and Key nodded.

*Hour or Two Later*

"Choi Minho." the principal read aloud. Minho was a bit uncomfortable because he sat nowhere near us, but at least one of our friends sat close to him. He was seated around Choi Jinri, a girl who we call Sulli, (who used to have a thing for him. She even confessed to him when we were in our second year of high school. He turned her down. We found out she was a bit upset when Heeyoung and Minho started dating, but now she's cool with it. Now they're not awkward with each other at all.)

Minho's parents stood up clapping, proud of him. "Minho-ah! Congratulations!" his parents cried. A thousand camera flashes hit him, and he even had to blink a few times. Looks like somebody's gonna have their derp face in the newspaper tomorrow morning in the news...

He called a few more people. Most of us were seated around each other, which was good.

"Kim Jonghyun."

"Kim Kibum."

"Kim Heeyoung."

"Lee JInki."

"Jinki! Congratulations! Umma and appa love you!" the voice of a middle aged woman squealed. We looked and saw it was Onew's parents. He smiled real big and laughed a bit. He didn't look embarrased one bit, considering his parents just screamed they loved him in front of the entire senior class. He probably didn't care about anything else right now. He was just happy his parents finally made it.

"YEAH! :D!" Onew cried, jumping up with his diploma in the air like he just don't care.

"Lee Taemin."

YEAH I walked up and got my diploma with a huge grin on my face. My parents were proud of me, and they took a bunch of pictures. A few more people. 

"Park Sooyeon." It was the same situation with Sooyeon. She was seated right next to a guy named Park Sang Hyun, but everyone calls him Cheondung. He liked her and told her that last year. However, she must have been crushing on Jonghyun, because she rejected him. Now they occasionally talk every now and then, but are still a bit awkward with each other. After Onew, Sooyeon is the most awkward person.

*Another Hour Later*

By now, all of our parents stopped squeezing us and we all had chances for our goodbyes. At least...that's what they thought we were doing.

Sooyeon and Heeyoung were still crying like babies when we met up, but they soon calmed down.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" Minho wanted to know.

"We have our parents think we're going on vacation for a while, you know, to celebrate graduation, and we secretly go to America to stop the wedding." I explained. Our parents have previously agreed to let us go on vacation by ourselves because they thought we would officially be adults and on our own, to see how it was like. 

"You really think we should? Besides, I'm not sure if I can go, because my dad doesn't let me go." Heeyoung sighed.

"We'll sneak you out, and positive. The priests don't ask if anybody objects for nothing."

"More like, the priest can't say anything if the bride isn't there." Sooyeon smirked. Whenever she did that and said something in that tone, we all knew she had something up her sleeve.

We all listened closely as she explained her plan.

*Five Minutes Later*

"That's really smart, Sooyeon!" Key complimented her with a smile and thumbs up.

She smiled. "Thanks, I've been planning it since last week." she smirked again.

Minho slightly puffed out his cheeks. "As long as we're here, let's all take one last picture together." he said, and we all nodded while he took out his phone.

"Shining SHINee!" we all said as he snapped the picture.

"Plus two." Sooyeon pouted.

"Plus two." we all repeated.

"SHINee, plus two, yongwonhi!" I practically shouted.

"SHINee, plus two, yongwonhi!" they all repreated. (A/N: Yongwonhi = forever)

"Hazah!" I yelled.

"HAZAH! :D" they all yelled.

"What time is it?" I asked. *Holds up imaginery sword*

"ADVENTURE TIME! :D" everybody chorused.

"Yunho time." Heeyoung said.

"Yeah, Yunho time." Sooyeon answered.

"You know what time it is?" she asked.



"I'll send it to you guys." Minho said, and we nodded. Right now, we were all in front of the school. 

"Well...this is it." I said. Even I myself was starting to tear up a bit.

"We'll be seeing this for the last time..." Onew said, gesturing to the school.

All of us took a deep breath and smiled. Ever so slowly, we walked away from the school.

Minho stopped all of a sudden. "You guys go ahead. Heeyoung and I are gonna go to the soccer field one last time." he said, wrapping an arm protectively around her shoulders.

"Oh, we should all go!" Sooyeon said. We had a lot of great memories there, so we nodded. We walked to the soccer field, and when we reached it, Sooyeon, Heeyoung and Onew started running around crazily doing some weird dance.

"DO THE HARLEM SHAKE!" all three of them yelled. A smirk grew on my face. "Guys! I have a great idea!" I called after everybody. They looked in my direction. "Let's do the Harlem shake when we land tomorrow!" I said.

Sooyeon immediately started jumping around excited. "OMFGGUISEWESHOULDDEFSDOITITSGONNABESOFUN!" she yelled. Since we knew her so well and for more than half of of our lives, we fully understood her language of cray. GET YOUR CRAYON, CRAYON :P 

"Remember this place, guys? Its where oppa won our championship game, the state one. Oppa is so athletic!" Heeyoung squealed and went on her tippy toes to kiss Minho's cheek. He looked at her and smiled.

"Haha, and this is where we had those school olympics!" Jonghyun reminded us.

"AND WHERE MINHO HAD THAT DERP FACE! XD" all of us cracked up.

"I still have the picture! I even made a compliation!" Key laughed and took out his phone to show us the picture:


"And I made this edit!" Sooyeon laughed and took out her phone to show us the picture:


"BWAHAHAHAHAH SOOYEON, KEY, YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! HIGH FIVE!" I cracked up and we high fived. I'm surprised I even got to finish what I was gonna say befoe cracking up even harder.

Minho looked at us with a death stare. "Well, fu-"

"OKAY! Basically, this is where oppa won the state championship and we went to all his games." Heeyoung summed up, nodding.

"And sometimes we ditched class to come here and hang out because we couldn't see each other after school." Key said.

"By the way, we're still grounded." Sooyeon sighed.

"Although I don't remember seeing Sooyeon and Jonghyun at the second to last soccer game...?" Onew asked, a smirk growing on his face. 

"Ah, the lovey dovey couple~! What could they have been up to...?" Key asked, a mischieveous smile growing on his face.

"We were here, we were just making out under the bleachers." Sooyeon looked down, blushing.


"We were making out under the bleachers."


"We were making out under the bleachers."



"That's all I needed to know." Key smiled, happy with himself.

"Forget you," Sooyeon muttered under her breath.

"Kibum-ah! Come on! We'll be late for the reservations at the restaurant!" Key's mom called after him from the limo window.

"Coming, umma!" he shouted back. He turned back to us. "So...this is goodbye. I mean, for now, anyways." Key said. We nodded, and faced the school.

"Goodbye, Seoul International Private High School." we all chorused. We left to go to our own families. If Key had to leave, we had to leave soon, too.

A/N: Sorry if this took too long to update~ Mianhae~ *bows*

I almost had the feels myself writing this chapter :D

Photos are not ours~


Happy White Day~!! :D happy white day to you, happy white day to you, something something some-thing~!! happy white day to you ^_^ *to the tune of happy birthday with a weird awkward creepy voice*


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Heeyoung's picture still isn't showing up TT.TT


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Chapter 25: Was nice story! I like it ♥
KpopForever171 #2
Chapter 25: I love it! This was one of the first ones I've read! It was really awesome! I enjoyed it. You guys did a GREAT job.
snshutt #3
Chapter 19: NOOO why are they still getting married Dx! She needs taemin! Dx ughh! XD can't wait for the next chapter! :D
snshutt #4
Chapter 18: Oh Taemin got sass :D! XD I'm so Saaaaad they have to go back D:!!!! No Dx ugh!! Can't wait for next update!!!
snshutt #5
Chapter 17: OMG xD this was so funny xD I was just picturing this and was laughing so hard xD ahh but to bad they had to go to jail and they have to go back to Seoul!! D: but but no!! Tae and Rin.. What's gonna happen!? D;!!
snshutt #6
Chapter 16: OMOOOoOOOOoO~~~~ The real drama beginss!! OOoohooooo!! Poor Tae!! I hope things all work out!! Dx<3
snshutt #7
OMG XDDDD sorry for the late comment! I have had a very hard week D: but anyway OMG xD!! The chocolate.. I died xD!! LOLOL :DD I can't wait for the next update! Woo~!!
Ji-NaNa #8
Chapter 12: So cute(: Thanks so much... I wonder what will happen next...
snshutt #9
Chapter 12: AHHAJDKD!!!!! :DDDDD OHEMGEERRD this was so cute!! I love it! XD Onew and Key are so cute xD ^^ I really loved the flash back :D ahhhh!!!! Oh noo~ Minhyun knows! D: I wonder what is going to happen!! O.O can't wait to see!!!
snshutt #10
Chapter 11: ASAASFJHNTRG sorry for the late comment D; :c But ASDFGHJKLL; Im so glad they are all back together!! <3 :DDDD as always, Love THIS!! :))))) and happy late birthday K-PopFangurl22!! <333 :DD