Bishes Be Crazy

The Chaser

*Taemin's Pov*

Everything and everyone went crazy. All of our parents showed up and were tightly pulling us by the arm as their assistants booked the nearest flight to Seoul. Security guards were all around.

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted your son with my daughter, Myung Dae!" Heeyoung's father screamed to Key's father over the chaos.

"Appa! Key oppa is a great guy and protects me! Let me go!" Heeyoung shouted, trying to break free.

"Aish, shut up! You are in so much trouble, Kim Heeyoung! You are grounded for a full three months and that is final!" her father snapped back and then did the unexpected.

He slapped Heeyoung hard.

This, of course, got Minho angry. He kicked the security guard that grabbed him and was able to break free. He ran over to Heeyoung, who was now whimpering and crying on the floor. He took her in his arms and tried to comfort her. He turned to her dad. "Yah! What gives you the right to slap your own daughter? Eh?!" he screamed. One of Heeyoung's family's guards grabbed Minho and pulled him away.

"Heeyoung-ah!" he screamed as he was brought away.

"Minho oppa!" she shouted, but I doubt he heard her. Within a second her father pushed her in the plane.

"Yah! Choi Minho! Not a word until we get to Seoul!" Minho's mother scolded as he was pushed inside the plane. She sighed and drank her cup of coffee.

"Park Sooyeon! What is this I hear about you getting drunk? My Park Sooyeon getting drunk? What is this? You're not even 21!" her mom said in horror.

" Umma! Please believe me! I didn't, I promise! None of us did!" Sooyeon lied. She was really good at that. If necessary, she would even fake a few tears.

"Thank goodness. But rumors spread fast. You're not even the heir to Park Enterprises and you already have a bad reputation!" her dad scolded.

"Wae? I wasn't drinking!" she asked.

"Rumors of you, a minor, drinking, and beating up the future heir to Hwang Industries and his friends! Don't you know they have high power?!" her mom said.

"But not higher than us!" she shot back.

"Sooyeon, don't talk back to your mother! Come on, let's go! You're grounded for a month! During this time, you can't see Jonghyun outside! You can forget about going to that final Big Bang concert!" her dad said as he gave her a little shove.

 She shot a scared face to Jonghyun, puppy eyes also. "Saranghae." they whispered to each other. Jonghyun looked like he was about to cry.

Key's dad walked up to him, a disapproval look on his face. "I trusted you with Dong Sun's daughter and this is what you do? This much trouble?" he simply asked and sighed. He walked to the airplane and entered, Key's mom scolding him as they followed his dad.

"Kim Jonghyun...I'm even ashamed of myself for raising an idiot son like you." his dad insulted and smacked the back of his head.

"Come, get on." his mom said as they entered the airplane.

"Jinki, what did I tell you about hiding it?! Aish, I'm never supplying you ever again! This was almost a scandal!" Leeteuk said.

"But hyung, we did hide it! You even came with us to the car! And where's my parents?" Onew asked. Leeteuk surprised me, he never called Onew by his real name.

"They're really busy, Jinki. I had to come, and with two of your guards, also. Come on, let's go." he sighed and Onew nodded, following him into the plane.

Onew's parents were also incredibly extremely busy and important. Why? His father's side of the family owned a hotel chain while his mother's side owned a famous airline company. His family is the richest in all of Korea, possibly even Asia. Onew's parents were put together in an arranged marriage but they turned out fine. It made me sad to think that ever since Onew turned 14 his parents weren't there for most of his life. They barely have time for him. That's why he has so many friends, I think. When he's with me and the others, he's always smiling. At this rate, I don't even think they'll make it to see Onew's graduation.

Next there was only one person left. Me.

"Aish, Lee Taemin! You are in so much trouble! First you develop feelings for her, crash Matsumoto's business party, staying in America longer, making your father and I worried sick! Then you go and have the nerve to beat up Hwang Minhyun just because you're jealous! And of course your good for nothing friends helped you beat them up and destroy the entire proposal party! The nerve!" my mom shouted, scolding me. She rubbed her forehead with her fingers.

"Lee Taemin, all of this...just for a girl." my dad sighed, shaking his head.

He got me pissed. "No, no, no, now you listen. Rin isn't just a girl; she's an amazing young woman. She's everything to me. She's friendly, beautiful, elegant, supportive, and everything in between. I'd be willing to do anything for that girl. My friends aren't good for nothing people. They were the ones who knew me and stuck with me though thick and thin. They helped me make all of this possible, and I love them for that. And look on the bright side. If we never came Jinki and Kibum wouldn't have ever found their soulmates. So don't go telling me all these negative things about people who you judged wrong." I snapped right back at them and stomped into the airplane. Oh yeah. This is what I learned from Key umma when he kept sassing us, all feminine diva like.


A/N: I swear, I had this chapter done like, less than a half hour before the last one. But only because I had this one pre-written :3  So yeah, that's all XD

~K-PopFangurl22 ~


Give me cookies...if you give me cookies I'm a good girl! :D but don't give me cookies, I shall turn into a murderer until you do...


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Heeyoung's picture still isn't showing up TT.TT


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Chapter 25: Was nice story! I like it ♥
KpopForever171 #2
Chapter 25: I love it! This was one of the first ones I've read! It was really awesome! I enjoyed it. You guys did a GREAT job.
snshutt #3
Chapter 19: NOOO why are they still getting married Dx! She needs taemin! Dx ughh! XD can't wait for the next chapter! :D
snshutt #4
Chapter 18: Oh Taemin got sass :D! XD I'm so Saaaaad they have to go back D:!!!! No Dx ugh!! Can't wait for next update!!!
snshutt #5
Chapter 17: OMG xD this was so funny xD I was just picturing this and was laughing so hard xD ahh but to bad they had to go to jail and they have to go back to Seoul!! D: but but no!! Tae and Rin.. What's gonna happen!? D;!!
snshutt #6
Chapter 16: OMOOOoOOOOoO~~~~ The real drama beginss!! OOoohooooo!! Poor Tae!! I hope things all work out!! Dx<3
snshutt #7
OMG XDDDD sorry for the late comment! I have had a very hard week D: but anyway OMG xD!! The chocolate.. I died xD!! LOLOL :DD I can't wait for the next update! Woo~!!
Ji-NaNa #8
Chapter 12: So cute(: Thanks so much... I wonder what will happen next...
snshutt #9
Chapter 12: AHHAJDKD!!!!! :DDDDD OHEMGEERRD this was so cute!! I love it! XD Onew and Key are so cute xD ^^ I really loved the flash back :D ahhhh!!!! Oh noo~ Minhyun knows! D: I wonder what is going to happen!! O.O can't wait to see!!!
snshutt #10
Chapter 11: ASAASFJHNTRG sorry for the late comment D; :c But ASDFGHJKLL; Im so glad they are all back together!! <3 :DDDD as always, Love THIS!! :))))) and happy late birthday K-PopFangurl22!! <333 :DD