Party Crashing and Spending a Night in Jail

The Chaser

*Taemin's POV*

After Rin took off running she left us confused. How come she didn't want us to stay? Maybe it was my confession...I'm positively sure it was because of that.

"So...I guess we should start packing." Heeyoung sighed. She puffed out her cheeks.

"Ani! We can't give up that easily!" Key stood up.

"Wae? She obviously doesn't want us there." Onew said.

"You really are dumb, dubu. Because I, Almighty Key, has a plan which is going to solve this. Leeteuk isn't busy, is he?" Key asked.

"No, he just lays in bed all day." Onew answered.

"Perfect!" Key smiled.

"Umma..." me and Heeyoung started. "What are you thinking?"

"We'll have Rin think we're going to the airport but then we come back. We'll stay at Leeteuk's place overnight. Then the next day we crash the party! Perfect!" Key explained and proudly raised his arms.

"I have to say though, that sounds pretty good." Minho agreed. After a while, all of us eventually did. Plan Have-Rin-Think-We're-Going-To-Seoul-When-We're-Really-Staying-At-Leeteuk's-Place-So-We-Could-Crash-The-Party-The-Next-Day was officially a go. Onew came up with the name since we couldn't think of anything better.

"Alright! Its official! I'll call hyung!" Onew grinned and whipped pout his cell phone. After two minutes Onew reported back to us and Leeteuk said we could stay overnight. Key, Sooyeon and Heeyoung called Rin. They told her we were leaving tonight so we could be in Seoul by the morning or some like that and she agreed. Rin also said that when she left her mom "suddenly" called her and they had to do some wedding stuff so we all said goodbye over Google Talk. It made it all easier for us. We all really knew that she was hanging out with Junie and Subin because when Rin lies, she looks down, scratches her cheek, wiggles her nose a bit, rubs her eye, takes a deep breath and plays with her fingers. 

A quarter to 9, Leeteuk came to pick us up in his white Mercedes and took us to his place. He helped us unload our things.

"Thanks so much, oppa." Heeyoung thanked him and bowed, smiling.

"You're welcome, dongsaeng." he responded. In no time we were already fast asleep.

*The Next Day*

*Five Hours Later*

"Thank you, oppa!" Sooyeon and Heeyoung bowed and thanked Leeteuk. I think that was the millionth time they said that today. We still left our luggage there at his place just in case. We knew the proposal party was at Minhyun's parent's house, and Rin's cousin gave Onew the address to there too. Leeteuk dropped us off after we all dressed formally. Sooyeon and Heeyoung took forever to get ready. SHINee, including me just fixed up our hair a bit and wore tuxedos.

Sooyeon curled a few inches off the bottom of her hair and and pulled it to the side. She wore black eyeliner and lipstick which made her lips a red/pink color. She wore a simple blue dress:


Heeyoung wore a black strapeless dress that went a few inches above her knees. It had a white sash wrapped around her waist. She was also going to bring a silk sweater and she also straightened her hair:


"Who's ready to crash a party?" Key eagerly asked as he opened the car door. We didn't even get a chance to respond and we were outside. We sneaked inside, successfully avoiding security.

"Any of you guys see Rin?" I asked. Everybody shook their head.

"OMG HEEYOUNG THERE IS A FREAKING CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN!" Sooyeon gasped and pulled Heeyoung with her, who was staring around in amazement.

"There goes Sooyeon and Heeyoung." Jonghyun sighed.

"Sometimes I wonder if you care for Sooyeon like a boyfriend or a dad." I rolled my eyes.

"A little bit of both. Sometimes she acts like a mom." he responded.

"YAH! That's my job!" Key sassed. For a while we just ate and talked about random . Then Rin's mom picked up the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the proposal of Hwang Minhyun and Matsumoto Rin!" she happily announced, and everyone applauded.

Minhyun and Rin came on the stage. He wore a tuxedo and she wore a beautiful dress.

"Taemin, go. Now. Fast. Run." Minho whispered and I ran.

Minhyun was already on one knee taking out a red velvet box from his pocket. "Rin, will you marry-" 

By that time I had already reached the stage. "Rin!" I screamed.

"Taemin? I thought you were in Seoul..." she answered.

"We lied. Rin, I'm so sorry. you, and can't stand to see you get married to Minhyun." I said, catching my breath. I heard a couple of "Awws" from the onlookers.

"Taemin, I...I have to." Rin whispered.

"But he almost hit you!" 

I could already imagine everyone's eyes widening and their mouths dropping open, gasping. I saw Rin's mom from the corner of my eye, and for a second I thought she should put her hand on her forehead and stumble back, doing a fake Hollywood fainting scene. I could also see Minhyun, and he did not look happy. His fists were balled up until they were as white as snow, and his teeth were clenched. He stomped over to me and...

Punched me in the face.

As if on cue, NU'EST all ganged up together. A few of the last things I remember was them beating me up.

Kry stepped up and went on the stage. "YAH! What gives you the right ti-"

Pretty boy punched Key.

"Ooh, pretty boy vs. diva. Interesting." I whispered.

Well, Heeyoung got pissed. She stomped right onto the stage and started beating up pretty boy, and eventually the rest of NU'EST. It got out of hand when they eventually started beating up SHINee, Sooyeon and Heeyoung. Let's just say it was a good thing Minho was on our school's soccer team.

"Mrs. Matsumoto, you have been lied to! Minhyun has no feelings for Rin whatsoever!" I yelled as I began to fight with Minhyun. Rin's mom gasped. That reminded me; Rin must have left, because I didn't see her after the fight started. 

"I have a confession! I've been cheating on my wife with the owner of Samsung's wife!" the owner of Hyundai spoke up. , Samsung and Hyundai were gonna be in deep now.

"You bastard!" the owner of Samsung shouted and threw a punch. Within five minutes, all adults were fighting.

*Half Hour Later*

We were still fighting with each other, only it got less and less every once in a while. This time all of us rotated, so we were beating up different people. However, the adults had started fighting more.

This time I was fighting this guy. JR, I think his name was. Before, someone had even started a food fight that lasted for a few minutes. Sooyeon miraculously caught the food that was being thrown to her in . Jonghyun saw this and cheered.

"That's my girl!" he yelled, smiling and pointing at her. She turned to him and smiled, thumbs up. Then she threw some food at him and he was still smiling, obviously proud of her. We all applauded when she caught food in .

Ladies and gentlemen, my best friends, Park Sooyeon and Kim Jonghyun: the stupid couple that we all love anyways.

Eventually security came. I gave that JR guy one last kick in the feels before I was hauled away with the others, except NU'EST. We were brought to a large police car.

"Are we being arrested?" Key asked.

"Relax, you're not. Not for long, anyways. You just need to spend the night." a nearby police officer said. Key translated what he was saying.

"Overnight? But why? I've never had a criminal record..." Key mumbled.

After a while we all arrived. We were thrown into a jail cell. Key, Sooyeon and Heeyoung talked to the guard and reported back.

"They said we have to stay overnight for 'violating' and 'causing destruction' to 'public property'. That's so stupid." Sooyeon whined, putting up air quotes.

"And we told them about NU'EST but they said they couldn't arrest them for their 'high level in society'!" Key explained, also using air quotes.

"Unbelievable! They said for us to huddle for warmth if we get cold!" Heeyoung added, and Minho immediately went to her side. They cuddled and tell asleep. Heeyoung and Minho were the cute couple that made everyone die from their high amount of cuteness. On the other hand, Sooyeon and Jonghyun were average but a bit  really weird. I mean, they were romantic but with the situation at the party during the food fight, I...I just don't know about those two sometimes.

*The Next Morning*

All of us awoke to the sound of doors opening. Our eyes fluttered open. Our parents were standing in front of us, their arms crossed and a pissednoff expression on their face. Onew's parents weren't there, but Leeteuk was.

Key's mother stepped up. "Care to explain for us why you almost got arrested, crashed a business party, made everyone go mad, and why we had to immediately leave Seoul last night just to come here and bring you home?" she tapped her foot angrily on the ground. Key umma being sassed by his real umma just made you want to say, " just got good."

A/N: Sorry this took long to update~ DX but yeah, we shall leave you with this! To make up for our absence, another update tomorrow! And another one...and another one! :D double update tomorrow! No promises though XD


Hey people! XD enjoy the marshmallows! *hands out free marshmallows*

WAIT *snatches*



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Heeyoung's picture still isn't showing up TT.TT


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Chapter 25: Was nice story! I like it ♥
KpopForever171 #2
Chapter 25: I love it! This was one of the first ones I've read! It was really awesome! I enjoyed it. You guys did a GREAT job.
snshutt #3
Chapter 19: NOOO why are they still getting married Dx! She needs taemin! Dx ughh! XD can't wait for the next chapter! :D
snshutt #4
Chapter 18: Oh Taemin got sass :D! XD I'm so Saaaaad they have to go back D:!!!! No Dx ugh!! Can't wait for next update!!!
snshutt #5
Chapter 17: OMG xD this was so funny xD I was just picturing this and was laughing so hard xD ahh but to bad they had to go to jail and they have to go back to Seoul!! D: but but no!! Tae and Rin.. What's gonna happen!? D;!!
snshutt #6
Chapter 16: OMOOOoOOOOoO~~~~ The real drama beginss!! OOoohooooo!! Poor Tae!! I hope things all work out!! Dx<3
snshutt #7
OMG XDDDD sorry for the late comment! I have had a very hard week D: but anyway OMG xD!! The chocolate.. I died xD!! LOLOL :DD I can't wait for the next update! Woo~!!
Ji-NaNa #8
Chapter 12: So cute(: Thanks so much... I wonder what will happen next...
snshutt #9
Chapter 12: AHHAJDKD!!!!! :DDDDD OHEMGEERRD this was so cute!! I love it! XD Onew and Key are so cute xD ^^ I really loved the flash back :D ahhhh!!!! Oh noo~ Minhyun knows! D: I wonder what is going to happen!! O.O can't wait to see!!!
snshutt #10
Chapter 11: ASAASFJHNTRG sorry for the late comment D; :c But ASDFGHJKLL; Im so glad they are all back together!! <3 :DDDD as always, Love THIS!! :))))) and happy late birthday K-PopFangurl22!! <333 :DD