
The Chaser

Flashback, 8 Years Ago

"Unnie, let's go to our secret spot!" Sooyeon pleaded to her best friend Rin.

"OK, let's go!"  she squealed in return and both of them held hands. They ran as quickly as they could to the spot in the forest they loved so much.

When they got there, everything was fine but what they didn't expect to see was a boy sitting under their favorite tree.

"Unnie, that boy took our spot!" Sooyeon pouted.

"Chincha.." Rin mumbled and stood in front of the boy with Sooyeon at her side.

"Hi." he cheerfully said and smiled.

"YAH! Our spot! Get out!" Sooyeon yelled. The boy's lip began to quiver, and his eyes softened.

" I'm sorry. Sooyeon can be rude sometimes," Rin apologized, "I'm Rin." she introduced herself.

"Taemin." the boy said and smiled once again. Taemin stared at her facial features; he was instantly attracted to her beauty.

"Say you're sorry." Rin whispered to Sooyeon.

"No!"  she whisper yelled, Rin lightly pinched her arm without Taemin noticing.

"Sorry!" she accidentaly let out.

Taemin smiled. "That's OK." he softly said, and patted the empty grass beside him.

Rin sat in the middle with Sooyeon on her left and Taemin on her right.

"Taemin-ssi, do you like cartoons?" Rin asked.

"Yeah!" he replied with an energetic voice.

All 3 of them sat together and started talking about the variety of cartoons, and soon they all became friends. 

End of Flashback

Present Day

Rin's POV

Today was going to be the day. The day I move to America. I always thought that I would go to America with Sooyeon and Heeyoung and explore with them, but I guess not. I grabbed my carry-on bag and headed out the door, almost entering the car that awaits me. I had already said my goodbyes to my parents.

"Forgetting something?" I heard a voice call out to me.

I turned around. "Sooyeon! Heeyoung!"

I ran to them, only to be pulled into a bear hug. "Think you're leaving without a goodbye? My you're leaving without one!"  Heeyoung pouted.

"I know, I'm sorry! I was just so busy..." I trailed off.

"Unnie, we're going to miss you!" Sooyeon's voice cracked, and I heard her and Heeyoung sniffling. Were they crying?

"I'll visit you guys during Christmas, arrasso?" I comforted them. Oh God, this scene was so emotional I was about to cry myself.

Both of them nodded, and we all hugged each other tighther. The driver honked his horn, and I noticed the look he was giving me. His facial expression signaled that it was time to go, and I nodded in return.

"Guys, I gotta go now. I'll skype with you guys when the plane lands, arrasso?" I informed them. They both lifted their heads to reveal red and puffy eyes. We all gave each other one last tight hug. 

"Please guys, don't tell Taemin anything about me. It's best if he doesn't know, please?" I pleaded. 

"Yes, we won't say anything. Bye, unnie!" they said in unision. Wow, that was kinda weird.

"Bye dongsaengs!" I said to them, and suddednly the watergates let loose. We all cried. But hey, if we cried, we cried together.

We finally broke our embrace and I walked towards the car, waving until we couldn't see each other. 

Finally entering the vehicle, I took out my iPod & earphones. My parents had chosen my fate for me, and I had no choice but to spend the rest of my life with him.

"Hey, you." he said and playfully poked my arm.

I removed one earbud. "Hi, Minhyun." I said rather plainly. I hated how he tried to make small talk with me. I mean, he's a nice guy, sweet and all, but I really really didn't want to marry him. Taemin already has my heart, and I wouldn't mind spending my life with him. I could spend all day with Taemin and not get tired of him. I sighed. There was no way out now.

Woah~ FIRST CHAPTER IS UP! We hope you like this one guys :) Please support us in any way you can ^-^

~Co-Author K-PopFangurl22~ 

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Heeyoung's picture still isn't showing up TT.TT


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Chapter 25: Was nice story! I like it ♥
KpopForever171 #2
Chapter 25: I love it! This was one of the first ones I've read! It was really awesome! I enjoyed it. You guys did a GREAT job.
snshutt #3
Chapter 19: NOOO why are they still getting married Dx! She needs taemin! Dx ughh! XD can't wait for the next chapter! :D
snshutt #4
Chapter 18: Oh Taemin got sass :D! XD I'm so Saaaaad they have to go back D:!!!! No Dx ugh!! Can't wait for next update!!!
snshutt #5
Chapter 17: OMG xD this was so funny xD I was just picturing this and was laughing so hard xD ahh but to bad they had to go to jail and they have to go back to Seoul!! D: but but no!! Tae and Rin.. What's gonna happen!? D;!!
snshutt #6
Chapter 16: OMOOOoOOOOoO~~~~ The real drama beginss!! OOoohooooo!! Poor Tae!! I hope things all work out!! Dx<3
snshutt #7
OMG XDDDD sorry for the late comment! I have had a very hard week D: but anyway OMG xD!! The chocolate.. I died xD!! LOLOL :DD I can't wait for the next update! Woo~!!
Ji-NaNa #8
Chapter 12: So cute(: Thanks so much... I wonder what will happen next...
snshutt #9
Chapter 12: AHHAJDKD!!!!! :DDDDD OHEMGEERRD this was so cute!! I love it! XD Onew and Key are so cute xD ^^ I really loved the flash back :D ahhhh!!!! Oh noo~ Minhyun knows! D: I wonder what is going to happen!! O.O can't wait to see!!!
snshutt #10
Chapter 11: ASAASFJHNTRG sorry for the late comment D; :c But ASDFGHJKLL; Im so glad they are all back together!! <3 :DDDD as always, Love THIS!! :))))) and happy late birthday K-PopFangurl22!! <333 :DD