Hearts Across The Ocean

My Date's The Beginning~ [APPLY CLOSED!]


Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLgJQukoFFk
Let me hear your voice- BigBang
Name (Optional: Age)Ahn Eunmi 19
Bias/Partner (Optional: Age) Son Dongwoon 20
Type Of Story/Genre: romance, musical, sad but a VERY happy ending :D
Setting: music room, airport, a hillside with a beautiful view
Plot/ Summary: Eunmi would be singing a song while playing the piano. She always do, during lunch when no one is present in the music room. But during that day, Dongwoon accidentally heard her singing. He was curious on who is singing such a sad song, even though the voice is sweet and calming. They become friends even though Eunmi knows that she'll leave soon. Her mother and her would be moving to America in three weeks. Eunmi would ask Dongwoon to sing his original composition for her, the next day Eunmi was nowhere to be found. Instead she left a note and the musical sheet for the song that made the two of them meet. She confessed in the note that during those three weeks, she fell in love with him.Dongwoon too wanted to say his feelings for her but it was too late. Years later, Dongwoon would come arrive back to Korea from a tour, he would bump to a girl and they were both surprised to see each other after all those years. They decided to catch up on things and Eunmi told him the real reason of her departure and it was because she was sick. Knowing the real reason, feelings start to unveil again and they went to the hillside, there they made a promise with each other that they would not leave one another again.
Title: Hearts across the Ocean
Extra: surprise me with how they'll end up together.. :D hehe! thank you and good luck!    


Song for story: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLgJQukoFFk

Dongwoon’s POV~

I was mindlessly exploring the school grounds, not really sure what part of it I was in when a voice caught my attention. At first it sounded so sweet and calming, yet when my attention grew to the lyrics, I thought otherwise.

The rain just now has stopped
The smell of asphalt is floating around the city
Hey, over there too, the weather is fine already right?
For the weather has cleared up from the west
Since you're not a morning person
Every day, will you be able to wake up properly?
I'm still worried about things like that

I made my way to the almost abandoned music room to find a girl playing the piano, singing the saddening song.

Eunmi’s POV~

The song was finished and as I hit the last piano key and held my last note, I could only smile at myself. I heard the door opening and I quickly jumped up to meet the eyes of a handsome stranger.

“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I just, I heard your voice and piano playing and you’re amazing.” He praised me while giving me a shy smile.

“Oh, th-thank you.” I replied returning the smile. He held out a hand and greeted,

“Nice to meet you, I’m Dongwoon.” I shook his big warm hand and replied,

“I’m Eunmi.”

What are you doing Eunmi? You’re leaving to America in 3 weeks and you’re trying to make friends? What’s the use of this?

I decided to ignore my conscience and continued to chat with Dongwoon. If I hadn’t done so, I probably wouldn’t have been such fast friends with him in the first place. Heck, I probably could have avoided myself from falling for him as well.

Dongwoon’s POV~

“Ne Dongwoon, please?” Eunmi begged, giving me her irresistible puppy dog pout. I quickly looked away, hoping she didn’t see my blushing face.

“A-arasso, but you can’t laugh if it .” I stuttered out in defeat. She clapped her hands in excitement and sat beside me.

“On one condition.” I interrupted. She pouted but asked me,

“What is it?” I took her hand and told her,

“You have to promise me you’ll never leave me.” She seemed hesitant at first and nodded. Something didn’t feel right, yet I just chose to ignore it and continue with the music piece.

Eunmi’s POV~

I was so entranced by his music. It was the sweetest melody my ears had ever come across. When I heard nothing but silence, I opened my eyes to find him staring at me. At first I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks so I tried to turn away, yet to no avail, he turned my chin so our noses would be touching. I felt him slowly leaning in and I found myself doing the same. I felt his breath tickling my bottom lip before we quickly broke apart when we heard the school bell ring.

“I-I have to go.” I muttered and ran out. I was about to tell him that I’ll see him tomorrow, yet I knew that wouldn’t be true. I was probably not even get a chance to come back ever again to this music room.

Dongwoon’s POV~

“Eunmi!~” I song-sang when I opened the door to the music room. She was usually the first one to get there yet I was greeted by an eerie silence. I looked down at the piano and saw several sheets of music papers, sitting there as if waiting for me. I picked it up and saw that they were addressed to me. At first I saw that they were music sheets for the song that we both met upon, yet as I looked closer, it was in fact a letter.

Dear Dongwoon,

I’ve moved to America. I’m sorry that this was probably short notice, but I wasn’t planning on getting so close to you. Let alone fall in love. Yes, you read that correctly, I fell in love with you during those three weeks we’ve spent together. Three weeks of memories I’ll cherish forever.

I stopped reading after that because my own tears blurred my vision, making it impossible to decipher the rest of the words.

“Pabo, you didn’t give me a chance to tell you how much I loved you.” I muttered under my breath.

Eunmi’s POV~

I was sitting at the airport; I just got past security as I was simply waiting for my ride to come. The airport was extremely crowded, as if they were expecting some famous celebrity to show up. I felt the bench I was sitting on, give in and I looked to my right to see a man take a seat.

“Sorry, there aren’t any other seats available.” He commented and I simply nodded. The people waiting by the gate looked around eagerly and I decided to make a conversation considering I had some time to kill.

“Wonder what’s got them all hyped up.” He gave me a small chuckle before gently sliding down his sunglasses, revealing a familiar yet extremely handsome face. He too seemed to come across my own discovery and whispered for me to hear,


Dongwoon’s POV~

We both probably looked like idiots, grinning from each other before I decided to embrace her.

“Eunmi how are you! I’ve missed you so much! When did you come back?” I asked, ignoring the tingle of pain I felt from remembrance.

“Actually I just got back. I’m truly sorry for leaving you years before.” She said giving me an apologetic smile. I couldn’t help but gently caress her cheek before asking,

“May I ask why you did such a thing?” She tensed up a little before confessing,

“I was sick. I needed to go back to the states as soon as possible.”

Eunmi’s POV~

I was too shy to look into his face. What would he think of me? Yet I felt him tilt my chin so I would look into his brown orbs. He gave me such a genuine smile and commented,

“I’m just glad you’re back and healthier.” Before I could reply, he suddenly brightened up and took my hand, dragging me away.

“Wh-where are we going Dongwoon?” I asked holding onto my hat before it flew off. He gave me a wink and replied,

“I want to show you something that you’ll only find here in Seoul.”

Dongwoon’s POV~

“Ok, we’re here. You can open your eyes.” I said and saw her face brighten up. She looked over the hillside and couldn’t help but be in awe at the view surrounding us.

“It’s beautiful Dongwoon.” She commented before giving me one of her radiant smiles, something that never left my memory. I took a step closer to her and found us face to face.

“Ne Eunmi, promise me something?” She nodded, fully confident this time. I laced my hands with her own and whispered,

“Promise me you’ll never leave my side.”

“Neh, I promise.” She said a little too quickly. I kissed her forehead and asked,

“Why should I believe you this time? You broke our promise last time.” She gave me a smirk at my childish memory and placed her hand stealthily behind my neck.

“I’ll seal it with a kiss.” She whispered before her soft lips came onto my own.

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radiant #1
LoveLikeChocolate #2
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! ^//-//^ That was so adorable!!!!! x33333 It had me smiling since the beginning! :DD THANK YOU, AUTHOR-NIM! *bows 1930107638281 times*
oh i enjoyed my time here...all 3 of my requested were done greatly n i adored it...XDD...thanx..
Waaaa...seunghyun ah...u r really crazy in love with her...love the fic...huhuhu
OMg...that was GREAT! you really are an amazing writer!!!!!!
Yea!!u did well..hehehe...i loved it...hehehe..thanx so much..da rest of da fics for da othersmrmcute as well..hehehehe
i. LOVED. that. so. much <3<br />
i have tears in my eyes!!!!!<br />
this was amazing~<br />
i can stop smiling <3<br />
your writing is amazing and that was just perfect <3<br />
i loved it! <3333333<br />
good luck to the rest of your fics! <3<br />
and thank you SO MUCH <3
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so cute ♥♥♥<br />
I LOVE IT !! I read it several times, I can't help smiling like an idiot at the end x) Thanks a looot *-* <br />
Love it, love it, love it ♥<br />
Fighting for your other one-shots !
sujujasmine13 #9
OMG! its already finished! :D<br />
Gosh! I love it soooo much!<br />
its so cute! it turns out great! :))<br />
More Oneshots to come! ^_^<br />
wow you work rele fast! mine is the next up!<br />
yay so excited <3