Wish You Were Not Here

Shim Changmin

I stopped fighting with Yunho when suddenly we heard someone else screamed the kid's name. Both of us turned and saw the kid's best friend was kneeling beside the brick wall. I just noticed then the kid was lying on the floor. It was dark so I didn't know whether he was conscious or not.

"Jaejoong!" Yunho was the first to react after we stopped. He kneeled down beside the young boys. He held Jaejoong's head and we were surprised to see he was bleeding. He patted Jaejoong's face and leant down to hear his breath. Jaejoong was not moving.

"Hey! Hey! Wake up, Jaejoong!" his best friend shook his fragile little body but he was already limp. I gasped, and put my hand on my mouth. Was it because of me? Did I do this to him?

Yunho didn't wait any longer. He scooped Jaejoong's body and the next thing I knew the three of us had gone into Yunho's car. He put Jaejoong's on the best friend's lap and he dashed to the driver seat. I ran and sat beside Yunho and then I experienced Yunho's driving. It wasn't pleasant.

"Why did you attack him?" Yunho raged.


"Yes, attack. You jumped on him." he accused me.

"Did you follow me?" I scoffed and saw him clutched tighter to the wheel. He didn't answer but he was obviously angry. "Did you..."

"I was concerned!"

"What concern do you have in you?" I found it funny because Yunho never cared for anyone except for himself and Grandmother. "Do you want to lose this bet?"

"I will win this bet!"

"You're not doing any effort at all,"

"What effort that would define what you did to him?!"

"It was unintentional!" I defended myself only to found that my voice shrieked a bit higher. Yunho knew me. He knew I was lying. I gritted my teeth and watched him drove.

Then we heard the groan from the back. Yunho pressed on the gas even more and the car accelerated. I looked at both of them. It looked like the kid had regained consciousness.

"Jaejoong, Jaejoong-ah!" he moved a bit to give Jaejoong space. Jaejoong looked confused. "Hey, don't move. You're bleeding."

"But...urgh..." he fell back to his position on his best friend's lap. "Junsu..." oh hey, his name is Junsu!


"What happened? It's painful,"

That stung my heart to hear him whimper in pain. I glanced at Yunho and he looked like he was slapped in the face.

"Stay still, Jae-hyung." Junsu said soothingly. "We are going to get you treated,"


"Shh..." Junsu caressed Jaejoong's hair. And then I heard Jaejoong moaned because of the pain. After few excruciating minutes, eventually we arrived at our destination.

Yunho insisted on carrying Jaejoong inside.

"I can walk by myself!" Jaejoong cried out as he pushed Yunho's hands. I grinned subconsciously. Yunho looked dejected but he didn't budge. He put a hand behind Jaejoong's tiny waist and led him to the emergency department. The staffs there quickly managed his condition and told us to wait at an appropriate place. Junsu didn't come with us to the waiting room, he stayed with Jaejoong.

There was me and Yunho only there. And it was dead silence before I heard him slammed the chair in front of him with his fist.

"Are you going to pay for that if it breaks?" I couldn't help but be sarcastic. Yunho glared at me.

"What do you know, you bully?!"

"Stop calling me that. You bullied me when I was a kid, remember?"

"Yah! Since when? You had been attempting your entire evil plan on me since you were born!"

"Oh, were you scarred?"

" you."

" you too." we were silent again because we were busy making holes at each other with our eyes. We didn't move an inch.

It was starting to get old, this childish fights.

We waited a bit while when finally the door opened. Jaejoong's head was bandaged and he looked gloomy. He caught me staring at him and he quickly turned away. He grasped Junsu's thin arms and linked it with his.

"Thank you for sending me here," he was talking to Yunho. His face was stoic because all of us knew what made him like that and we were forced to just close our mouths. Yunho was concerned, it was evident.

"Are you okay?" Jaejoong didn't answer it. "Is it painful?" he didn't speak; he just glared at Yunho before he sighed. Yunho tried to take his hand but Jaejoong screamed.


"Jaejoong-ah..." Junsu looked at Yunho then at me. I didn't do anything. I was just a viewer here.

"Let's go home." Jaejoong said as he dragged Junsu together.

"Let me take you home." Yunho offered but Jaejoong ignored him. Both the young boys walked past him, and I quickly blocked their way.

"Don't you hear him?" Jaejoong puffed his cheeks and dragged Junsu to the other side but I blocked them again. "Hey," I grabbed his other arm. "You shouldn't do that to him,"

"It's not your business." he wanted to grab his arm back but I held on tighter. Oh jeez, now he's getting mad again.

"Changmin-ah... Don't do that," Yunho's voice was low like he had expected this. Had he accepted defeat? Had he given up?

"What? It's my..."

"No, I don't want you..." Yunho held my hand which was grasping Jaejoong's tiny arm. Junsu was watching the whole time but he looked really scared because both of us towered the two of them. Maybe he thought of me as a monster or something.

"Yah!" Jaejoong pushed my hand. "Don't ever lay a hand on me again! I won't accept what both of you did to me!"

"Jaejoong-ah!" Junsu hushed him. "Let's just go..." Jaejoong didn't want to look at both of us at all. We watched as Jaejoong pulled Junsu out of the hospital without saying anything else.

"Jaejoong!" Yunho chased after him. I didn't want to be left behind so I followed behind them. "Jaejoong! It's already late..." but both of them ignored him. Yunho ran and took Jaejoong's hand.

"Yah! Yah!"

"I'm going to send you home!"

"No!" Jaejoong tried to pull his hand with all his might. Junsu was panicking beside him.

"Sir, please...we can go home by ourselves,"

"You need to come with me!" Yunho forced Jaejoong back to his car. I followed them as Junsu chased behind Jaejoong too. We looked at each other and I almost chuckled by his worried look and our silliness. He was cuter if he smiles.

If only Yunho wasn't this obsessed with Jaejoong. I don't think this had to do with the bet anymore. Yunho really started to care about this boy and he was serious about it.

"What do you want me to do to let me off the hook? You want me to cry?! You want to see me scared less?!"

Both Yunho and I stopped. Junsu gasped, words had left him. Jaejoong stopped right before Yunho's passenger door. He was looking up at Yunho.

"You want me to cry? Do you bet on it? What will I get if I cry?" Jaejoong screamed and suddenly we heard him sobbed.

I froze. Yunho's mouth wide open.

"You want so bad to make me cry, sir? Is that a bet between you and your friend?" he flashed an angry glance at me and I saw the tears were threatening to fall.

"Jaejoong-ah..." Junsu rushed to comfort his friend. Jaejoong pulled his hand back and stepped back. "Hey..."

"I don't think you understand, Jaejoong." Yunho tried to reason but Jaejoong shook his head.

"I don't think you understand my position," he retorted. He was crying but he still wanted to talk. "I don't think you have any pity on me at all. Everything was just a game..."

"Don't talk anymore, Jaejoong." Junsu shook his head, and instinctively he hugged Jaejoong. It was obvious that Jaejoong was trying so hard to act tough but I could see through him. I didn't know about Yunho but he was staring at Jaejoong without blinking at all. Jaejoong was crying and they were holding hands like forever, I knew it would be quite disturbing for Yunho to watch because for me it was. It was like when Junsu was there we couldn't do anything to him. He was his guardian angel, and he wouldn't let us lay our filthy hands on his hyung again.

"Let's give them some space." finally I gave up. Why Yunho would embarrass himself anymore? I could just save his humiliation for later. "Let them go home," upon hearing this, Junsu and Jaejoong didn't wait any longer. Junsu put a hand behind Jaejoong's shaking shoulder and gave us one swift look before he led Jaejoong away. I saw Yunho moved a step but decided against whatever was inside his head and just stood there like an idiot. It was really an embarrassing situation for both of us. I didn't show much like how Yunho did because it was a part of who I am. I'd rather hurt myself that open up my caring side of me, and pop! I could hear the sound of something breaking in my heart, or in my mind. It was what I intended to hide from everyone and this kid slowly called it out from me. I started to listen to my heart, and like a whisper that came briskly to my ear, the door to my cold heart opened little by little.


It was hard to contemplate your day when all that was in your head was one particular person. I found myself day dreaming about this kid and been scolded by Grandma quite a few times because of my ignorance.

I thought Yunho would be a lot worse than me but when it came to work, it didn't quite affect him. He was doing his day job of managing and socialising with people, and he didn't daydream or even lost his focus once in meetings. It was like what happened last night didn't occur at all. It was weird. I didn't know Yunho could be this focus or...he was putting the caring facade last night.

So, who actually wins?

Who actually wins the kid's tears?

I glanced at Yunho and saw him typing messages on his phone. He was standing alone there now with himself and not caring about others who were hovering around him. I wanted to ask about last night but somehow his behaviour today made me changed my mind. He leaned on the wall, sighing to himself after he sent the message. I wondered what he was thinking. Was it the same with me? Did his mind wander around the kid too?

I wanted to talk to him when suddenly there was a woman approaching him. I stopped walking as I saw him smiling at the woman.

I thought I saw her once but I couldn't put my finger where. The memory was like floating in my brain asking me to manually grasp it. I scratched the back of my head and then continued walking to Yunho and the woman. Sure enough, Yunho rolled his eyes when he saw me and the woman, who was stunningly beautiful, was quite surprised to see me.

"What do you want, Changmin?"

"Nothing," I stared at him trying to find any evidence if he still remembers what happened last night. I found nil. He looked away and tried to pull the woman with him away to another place. "Hey, where are you going? I'm not done..."

"I'm done talking to you."

"Yunho-ah...everything that happened..." I didn't mean to say the words out loud but it came out fast. He glared at me and ignored me. "At least, introduce me to the beautiful lady beside you," the woman arched her brows. Yunho couldn't care less but the woman already caught up with him and asked him to wait a bit longer.

I smirked. Women. They would always attracted by the word beautiful.

"What's your name?" I asked her in the kindest voice I could do. She smiled at me before she answered.

"Go Ara," I returned her smile and as I extended my hand, Yunho pushed it away.

"What's your problem?" he was furious by the lights in his eyes.

"What's my problem?" the mockery didn't go quite well, of course. He didn't say anything. He just snatched Go Ara's hand and walked away from me.


After reality had the life out of me, I drove myself to the bar. It was the place where I used to hang out alone. I wasn't keen of celebrating my time out with friends; I'd rather be alone by myself. People might think that I was lonely but it was better this way. I always brush away the girls who came my way, and men didn't really like my vibe. I was here to have some solitude from people, not socialising.

I was drinking my usual order when suddenly I heard people laughing from behind me. I turned my head and was shocked to see the kid. He was drinking (or I thought what he was doing) and laughing at someone's joke. His cute innocent face was shimmering under the dim light. I looked at his companion. It was SeungHyun, Yunho's best friend. I extended my neck a bit to see if Yunho was here too, he wasn't.

He was alone there with SeungHyun. That was...

Suddenly my heart was burned by the sight of it. I instantly stood up from my seat and stormed to where both of them were sitting. I slammed my hand on the table, and as I had expected, they jumped.

"What the...!" SeungHyun was equally shocked as Jaejoong when he saw me. But as a person with a great manner and personality, he was calmer. Jaejoong on the other hand, couldn't move at all.

"Do you bring him here to teach him how to drink his heart out?" I chuckled. SeungHyun who was very careful with his words smiled first at me.

" know I'm not like that. Jaejoong's here because we're friends," SeungHyun gestured at Jaejoong and the kid cowered but his cautious eyes never leave me.

Hmmm...Let's see.

"What about your head, kid?"

"I'm fine."

"You drink alcohol when the wound is still healing?"

"It's none of your business." he detested me; I could see it in his eyes. Well, not for long, kid. Not for long.

"Would you mind leaving? I'm having a private conversation here." SeungHyun touched my arm, implicitly planting the idea in my head. The idea of wanting me to leave.

"Why? I'm your friend. I can stay." I might have second thought on being alone tonight. It's all because of the kid here. "Is it that private? How private was it? erted was it?"

SeungHyun's face instantly became red. I laughed even louder. My playful persona had overtaken me. Jaejoong scooted a bit farther from me.

"Do I scare you, Jaejoong?" he sat there motionless. His face was reddening and I found myself joy watching him.

"Changmin-ah...please," SeungHyun pushed me gently away from them. "Please, we are having a conversation here." he insisted. I groaned. What conversation do they have that SeungHyun didn't want anybody there?

"Okay, fine." I'll try to find out later, I guess. "I'll let you have some alone time,"

"Thank you." I glanced at Jaejoong and he was doodling something on the bottle with his index finger. I walked back to my usual place in frustration. I sat down and I poured another shot down my throat. I turned the chair and sat in a position where I could directly see him. He was talking to SeungHyun in a really serious manner that his brows frowned a few times and Seunghyun chugged down more drinks. I my bottom lip, half-hoping that he would look at my way at least once. But that never happened.


I maybe had my drinks more than I usually had as the kid wrapped up his conversation by hugging SeungHyun. The older man, I think, gave him words of encouragement or advices because the kid was nodding like a woodpecker when SeungHyun whispered in his ear. The kid was even smiling at him, but it seemed to me that they were going to part.

SeungHyun then patted the kid's head like he had been a good kid. Jaejoong grinned widely and bowed down before he walked out of the bar. I chugged down another glass of drink before I followed him.

He walked quite fast. He wore a baby blue jumper and a bright yellow muffler. It was quite cold outside here. I glanced at the dark sky; there wasn't any stars visible tonight. I continued following him who was shaking both his palms together now. Was he cold? Was it that cold that he needed to do that?

Suddenly I felt my head spun around. I touched my forehead, and I got this urge to vomit.


I ran to the side of the road, and vomited into the bin I first saw. Urgh...I think I had drunk too much alcohol surpassing to the liking of my body. I vomited again, and soon I was drained.

"Are you okay?" I exhaled and I saw him handing me a white handkerchief. The kid! "Here." the kid insisted and I took it and wiped my mouth. I half-smiled at him. We were so awkward then. He waited for me to say something and he looked at me with his big eyes. Kuak, I heard the door to my heart started to waver.

"Thank you," he smiled back even though he was hesitant at first. Maybe he still saw me as a monster that made his head injured just yesterday.

"Alright then," the kid bowed down and started to walk away from me.

"Wait." he did wait and he turned around again.

"You can return it to Mr Choi," who's Mr Choi? Oh, SeungHyun. Choi SeungHyun. I almost forgot his real name.

He then proceeded to walk from me. I watched him swayed his thin legs. I thought about stopping him again but what should I say?

"Hey!" he stopped but this time he didn't turn around. "Do you want to leave a drunk person behind?" he tilted his head to the side but he still didn't turn around. "Oh, I think I'm going to be sick..." I said with the cutest voice ever.

"Hey..." he finally spun against his original direction and headed towards me. I smiled to myself. "Are you really drunk?" I didn't answer. At least by now I had to act like one.

"Arrhhh..." I wailed. Sounded close enough. Ke ke.

I heard he mumbled something but he was nearer to me now, and my head was actually dizzy right now so having him by my side wasn't a bad idea.

"I'll call a taxi for you."

"No, walk me home. My house is near here." he hesitated. "Or do you think I can stay at your home tonight?"

"I can call a taxi for you."

"Do you really want to get rid of me that fast?" he looked at me in disbelief and maybe like Yunho, I was mesmerized by him. "You can befriend SeungHyun but not me,"

I think maybe he wanted to scoff but didn't. He looked at me, and let me walked alongside him.

"I'll bring you home because I'm not really good in remembering roads," I heaved a breath. Really, he was too good to be true. "But, actually..." he watched me for a second, his eyes suddenly were sceptical. "You don't look drunk. People don't..."

I grasped my shirt and groaned. I might as well act drunk. I wanted to act like I wanted to vomit again, so I made a retching sound. I bent down and he quickly my back. It was soothing and I felt like touching him. He looked at me again as I pretended to puke into the bin.

I wiped my mouth with his handkerchief. He held my waist but I pushed it away. It was a reflex. He was astonished as he took a step back away from me.

"You're really drunk," I could hear him mumble. He helped me up again and we walked side by side. I wanted to apologize because of my reflex just now but it was too silent here. No one ever dared to touch me without any reason, let alone behind my waist. I was shocked, that's why I slapped it away.  Even though he was walking alongside me, he didn't even turn to see how I was doing. His hands were in his jacket pocket, and I could see him breathe. I inhaled. Again, I heard my heart fluttering because I was so near him. It wasn't lust, I'm sure of it. It was maybe curiosity.

What would a guy do when he's walking beside him? Could he feel this lightness that the kid brings?

I followed him obediently when suddenly his phone rang. He looked at the caller and he frowned. I watched him, my steps stopped just as he halted to take a deep breath. The phone kept ringing, and his expression turned sour. Why was he acting that way?

He shoved his phone into his pocket and continued walking.

"Let's go." he said impatiently.

The phone rang again. He didn't stop walking but instead turned at me and tugged my left arm. "I'm going to send you to a hotel." he dragged me, and his steps quickly became small and many. We were practically jogging on our way there. I was supposed to act drunk but decided against it. The phone kept ringing in his pocket and the frown that appeared on his face grew.

The room he checked me in inside this four star hotel was really cosy. He knew what to do with a drunken person because apparently he asked the receptionist about getting the right medications to fight hangover. He pulled me into the room and put me on the bed. He let go of my arm and corrected his muffler position. He was adorable with the yellow thingy.

"Sleep well,"

He walked away, and I quickly snatched his hand. I pushed him to the wall and towered over him.

"You're drunk. Get off me!" he tried to push me away.

"You can't hold a drunken person responsible," he didn't answer because he was working on getting rid of me. I held his face in both my hands and lowered my face, ready to kiss him. He screamed, and I sealed our lips together, muffling his scream. I kissed him passionately; the spirit that was inside me was knocking off the wall that I myself had built a long time ago before I met this kid. Kuak, kuak.

He moaned, he struggled underneath me but I didn't want to let go. I didn't want him to be anyone else's. I wanted him to be mine. Only mine.

I ended the kiss and when I pulled away, he slapped me as hard as he could.

"Bastard!" he was crying. I wanted to kiss him again but he looked away so I kissed his cheek instead. "Let me go!"

"Don't do that. It makes me want more," he shut his mouth. He looked down upon his shoes, both his hands were in mine. He was shaking so hard. "Kiss me." he shook his head, and I saw his tears rolled down a lot more. "Kiss me again, and I'll let you go."

He turned. His face was red. I saw him blinked several times because he couldn't wipe his own tears.

"I'll tell you only once..."

He stood on his toes and I bent down. The next thing I knew he gave me a peck on my lips. I stared at him, and he glared back at me. I couldn't contain my hunger for him, so I pulled his face with my hands and forced him into another kiss, which was passionate enough to make his lips bleed. I nibbled on his closed lips and when I was too greedy, I bit him and he flinched. The kiss was sweet, his mouth was the sweetest thing ever, and the tears that I made him cried even more. His tongue was rigid even when mine dominated it. He couldn't do anything when I harassed him, and I knew it was wrong but his beauty, his perfection had drown me.

I inhaled a deep breath and opened my eyes. His big doe eyes were showing fear again. I let go of his hands slowly.

As soon as I released him, he ran away.

A/N annyeong everyone! thank you for your comments and subscriptions! i felt so happy and loved!

p/s i don't know how a door made a sound, so i just use kuak,kuak. sounded more like ducks yo!

p/p/s well thank you for reading!!! i love you guys!! *bows down*

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chu-yunjae #1
Chapter 33: Really liked your story, it was creative. Nice work
Chapter 21: what happened to junsu at SBS ?! :-D
HieuBee #3
Chapter 32: I hate jaejoong
Chapter 18: !!!! Yoochun had seen them?

!!! Poor Chunnie!
Chapter 33: Omooooooooooo so nice i love it , you did a great job , thank you
but you didn't mention yoochun in this last chapter anyway it was perfect .
there is only one thing i didn't get very well , is the relationship between jae and yoochun !! who fall in love with the other ? and who reject the other ?
and yeh the best character i found here where minnie and yoochun .. ohhhhhhhhhhh i like them soo much <3
Chapter 33: ahhhh,,,
i like minsu here,,
actually, i'm a yunja shipper,but i really want to punch yunho in this story...aaaaarrrgghh
uw1m4-weema #7
Chapter 33: finished and satisfying reading... great story... ^.^
Chapter 33: i love you author nim XDDDD TnT so the story has end?? boo...well, thanks for make me smile...sad...and angry when read it XDDDDD

see you again in other story author nim ^^
Carla58 #9
Chapter 33: <3 The story was really good!
I'm glad they all had their happy ending, and it wasn't a lame ending btw :)
Thanks for this story it was an interesting read :D
Chapter 33: kyaaaaaa..
i didnt expect that this story will end this soon u_u
hehe even i still craving of lovey-dovey of yunjae but u have a good story, thanks for sharing. will wait ur other osm story authorssi :