Wish You Were Not Here

Kim Jaejoong

I washed my hands when I got behind the counter. I had done picking up the trash onto the tray. I threw the trash into the dustbin and went to the sink.

Junsu approached me.

"Both of them are here."

"I know." I replied nonchalantly. I dried my hands with a pink towel and pushed my hair back before I wore my working cap.


"Both of them are jerks." I was angry, of course. Who wouldn't?

One of them threw drinks at me and yelled at me in public and the other just kicked my and practically humiliated me in front of the customers. To make things worse, I found out both of them were cousins from my employer, Mr Choi. That would explain why they were born jerks, it was in the genetic.

I should never show them my weak side. I had promised my Appa that I would use my own money for my hobby and he already took away my credit card because of something I didn't want to do.

I actually in need of money right now to buy Junsu a present and I didn't have that much to even get him a cosy scarf for the winter. So, there's no way I could quit this job.

"They were looking for you," Junsu said.

"Do you want me to be humiliated again?"

"No, I just..."

"What can I do, Junsu-ah? I think both of them have grudge against me."

"I know, but..." both of us sighed. Junsu was also terrified with Yunho and his cousin. I didn't even know his name. How could I let him bully me?

I gritted my teeth when I saw the taller man waved his hand at my direction. I looked at my left and right. The other workers were staring at me because it was obvious he was calling for me. I scowled and quickly put on a forceful smile that could only fool a horse. I dragged my feet and faced the two devils.

Yunho was not looking at me; he was busy glaring at the person who called me. He by the way was smiling sweetly and his mismatched eyes the life out of me. If only I was not in desperation to get extra money I would quit this job. But really, I like this work. I could meet and greet people from all walks of life and my boss was great to me.

"Do you know me?" I kept silence as I looked down upon my shoes before I lifted my head to face him. He put a hand on my shoulder when he stood up. I flinched and looked away. I think my eyes gave away because he leaned down and stared straight into my eyes it sent shivers down my spine. I bit the inside of my cheek and tried hard not to let my knees shake.

"Where's my coffee?"

His coffee? When did he order a coffee?

I looked at him questioningly.

"I'm sorry, sir. I might have missed your order. What was it again, sir? I will make it for you now." I said it out like I had rehearsed it before. Well, that was what I always do. Expect the worst and too bad, I'd met the two worst people in life, so far.

He sneered, his face delighted at my reply.

"No. I don't want it anymore. I shall complain to your manager," he said. "Once again, do you know me?" I shook my head. "Well, you should. I want you to..."

"I'm sorry, sir but I have another customer to attend to," I wanted to leave quickly, but he held onto my wrist. I looked at my wrist and then at his devilish face. It reminded me of someone who wanted to dominate the world. Maybe he was a dictator in his past life.

"Let go of me, sir, it's not good for you and my image."

"I don't care about my image. I might as well be known as a monster," he said arrogantly.

"Changmin," I heard Yunho's voice after a while he was silent. I turned and I pulled my hand back. I bowed down and instantly I left to the counter. He could report me to Mr Choi for all I care but he would never go to tear me down like that. I didn't know their hidden agenda and why they wanted so much to piss me off but I wasn't going to let them scare me.

I busied myself with washing the dishes and wiping the glasses behind the counter but not with the task of taking customers' orders. I asked Junsu to do it for me and baited him with new CDs. I knew he loves to sing and that was actually the main reason he agreed to go to the bar last night.

I didn't expect to see Yunho there. It was a shock because he could harass me more openly there than here. I shivered just for the thought.

I heard the person who now I knew the name was Changmin called me several times. I ignored him, and refused to walk pass the counter. It was like I wanted to live and work behind a fort because I despised both of the grown men who were sitting together at a table near the window. My behaviour, my stubbornness and selfishness made my co-workers started to gossip with each other. I didn't know what they said but I actually was used to it. I used to be misunderstood during my high school years because of my sharp tongue and my lack of interest in any relationships. They thought I was gay by the way I look. There were a few attempts too by the gay guys, but I refused and fought with them. I had had my share of pain and bitterness, but because I had a best friend who knew me inside and out I could survive the living hell. He was Park Yoochun, a nice person who had a bright persona and a good natured person with a brilliant sense of humour.

I bit my lips as I reminisced the memory of him. He was kind of angry at first when I told him I would be leaving to Seoul, because he thought we would leave Jeju together when we entered college years.

Junsu put more glasses into the sink and I continued washing.

"The taller man wants you again," he said.

"Let him." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm afraid. Did he like you?"

"I'm not interested in men," I didn't know if I was lying or not. My heart was cold and frozen for so long, so it would be hard to be melt down.

"Well, if you..."

"I'm trying to be professional but he won't let me. I guess I would just ignore him until he got bored at me,"

So the day then ended in a manner that I expected. He left not long after that with Yunho.

I was cleaning the shop when I heard there was a knock on the door.

It was that person named Changmin. I gripped the mop holder, should I open the door or should I ignore him?

He banged the door even louder. I didn't want to open it because I am only with Junsu. Junsu was at the back arranging the stocks.

I hesitantly unlocked the door and he pushed the door with force that knocked me off my feet. I fell first but immediately I stood up again and stared at him.

"You sure have the gut in you." he said sarcastically.

"Do you want coffee? I can only make black ones since it's closing anyway,"

"If you're going to close the shop, why are you letting me in?" his sharp tone was hurting me.

"I don't know if you are actually in need to use the bathroom. Furthermore, you're Mr Choi's friend even though you are a..." I quickly stop and found him towering over me. I wanted to say 'jerk' but how could I?

"You think I'm going to the washroom?"

"I think..."

"Jae-hyung?!" thank God I was saved by Junsu. I ran to the counter and saw Junsu had already changed his working clothes to his shirt and jeans. I saw his questioning look when he saw Changmin who was standing at the front door staring at me. I shrugged and left to the washroom with my sling bag in hand. I was just going to lock the door when the door suddenly was pushed from the outside.

Oh ! My bag fell to the floor. I bent down to pick it up but then I realised there was a person inside here except for me. It was Changmin.


"Did you..." arghh! Never mind! I'll change in the cubicle. I hopped inside and before I could lock the door, the tall man had entered it together with me. I gasped when I found out he was there. "Yah!"

"Oh, come on. I will look," he said and laughed. I pushed him away but he was too tough for me to handle.

"Fine, I'll go to other cubicle." I wanted to walk away but he didn't give me the chance. He stood at the door blocking my way out. "What are you doing?"

"Why do you want to hide? I'm a guy, there shouldn't be any problem, right?"

"You are a erted person. I shall not...ah!" he grabbed my wrist. I pushed him with my other hand. "Are you crazy?"

"Hell. I was crazy enough to win this game," he muttered.


"Cry for me, and then I'll let you go!" I stared at him in disbelief. "Didn't you hear what I just said?"

"Are you insane? Why should I cry for you?!" I yelled, my aim was to make him deaf at once. "Yah, let go of my hand!"

"Cry for me first!"

"What? I'll call the police for you!" I scrambled inside my bag to search for my cell phone. He pushed away my bag harshly to the floor. I gasped as he put a hand on my neck and forced me to back down. I was pinned to the wall. My heart was beating too fast because of his rash reaction. He glared at me with those mismatched eyes that scared me so much.

No, no, I must not show my weakness!

I stepped on his feet as hard as I could and bit his hands which held my wrist. He howled angrily. This is my chance! I pushed him and ran out of the bathroom to the counter. Junsu was waiting after he had done keeping the cleaning mops in the closet. He looked at me who was panting like I had done a 100 meter run.

"What happened...?!"

"Yah! Kim Jaejoong!!!" I jumped at how loud my name sounded out of his mouth. "How dare you..." he was mad. His face was purple. He was holding his hand that was bitten by me. I gripped the hem of my shirt, ready for another flight if the situation needed me to. Junsu stood there, unable to move when he saw Changmin.

"Yah, stay there! Don't move!" he was really angry at me. I shook my head. The hell I would stay here and risk my life?

I ran towards the door and managed to escape. He was chasing me close behind. I ran and ran until I couldn't breathe anymore. My chest was heavy as sweats started to wet my forehead. I hated to sweat. .

He was really close. I forgot the fact that his legs were really long and he could easily catch up with me because he could run faster.

When I was going for a turn to the bigger street, he jumped and knocked me off my feet. I fell to the ground and scrapped my knees. He was on top of me and roughly he turned me around. I wanted to cry because it was really hurting but remembering what Changmin wanted me to do make me held back my own tears.

"What do you want from me?" I hit him in the chest several times. "Get off me!"

"Yah! You bit me and now you're running away! Do you think I'll give you a chance?" of course not. I screamed at the top of my lungs until he had to cover my mouth with his large hand. I struggled underneath him; my legs were kicking the air. "Why don't you cry for me and I'll let you go?"

I shook my head. When I thought I was doom this time suddenly he was lifted off me and I saw him fell to the ground with a loud thud. I pushed myself up, and saw Yunho.

"Yah!" Changmin shouted. He stood up again and pushed Yunho with all his might on his chest. Yunho did the same thing and the next thing I knew they were fighting.

"Hey! Hey! STOPPP!!!" I jumped in between them and trying to force them apart but because I was too weak, they pushed me away. I tried again until suddenly one of them pushed me very forcefully that the back of my head hit the brick wall. I fell to the ground. My head was spinning. I'm getting dizzy; my eyes became blurry all of a sudden before everything faded into black.

A/N aaaah...what happened to uri Jaejoong? well, don't kill me just yet! i'll answer the comments now! and kamsahamnida for reading! ^__^ *bow*

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chu-yunjae #1
Chapter 33: Really liked your story, it was creative. Nice work
Chapter 21: what happened to junsu at SBS ?! :-D
HieuBee #3
Chapter 32: I hate jaejoong
Chapter 18: !!!! Yoochun had seen them?

!!! Poor Chunnie!
Chapter 33: Omooooooooooo so nice i love it , you did a great job , thank you
but you didn't mention yoochun in this last chapter anyway it was perfect .
there is only one thing i didn't get very well , is the relationship between jae and yoochun !! who fall in love with the other ? and who reject the other ?
and yeh the best character i found here where minnie and yoochun .. ohhhhhhhhhhh i like them soo much <3
Chapter 33: ahhhh,,,
i like minsu here,,
actually, i'm a yunja shipper,but i really want to punch yunho in this story...aaaaarrrgghh
uw1m4-weema #7
Chapter 33: finished and satisfying reading... great story... ^.^
Chapter 33: i love you author nim XDDDD TnT so the story has end?? boo...well, thanks for make me smile...sad...and angry when read it XDDDDD

see you again in other story author nim ^^
Carla58 #9
Chapter 33: <3 The story was really good!
I'm glad they all had their happy ending, and it wasn't a lame ending btw :)
Thanks for this story it was an interesting read :D
Chapter 33: kyaaaaaa..
i didnt expect that this story will end this soon u_u
hehe even i still craving of lovey-dovey of yunjae but u have a good story, thanks for sharing. will wait ur other osm story authorssi :