
World's Collide ~ Sequel to Captured ~

“!” Kangin cried out in anguish as Rain had his middle finger on his left hand broken, Kyuhyun struggled against the rope around his wrist and the gag at his mouth.

Rain smirked and yanked Kangin’s head up by his hair, Kangin was getting paler every minute. He was sweating profusely and his eyes kept on drooping shut but he would open them on the last second, his chest was heaving from his heavy breathing.

“Tell me where Hero is,” Rain demanded again. Kangin spat up at Rain, who wiped his cheek in disgust. Kangin grinned tiredly.

“You’ll have to kill me first.”

“That can be arranged,” Rain said tetchily. Kangin laughed and this time, it was a mocking, throaty laugh. Rain frowned. “What the are you laughing at?”

“Oh nothing, the fact that you think you can outsmart Hero is just ing hilarious. Do you honestly think you can find him?”

Rain punched Kangin in the jaw, his head whipped to the side and he let out a pained groan.

“Don’t talk to me like that,” Rain hissed then a smirk fell on his face. “Besides, you two aren’t here just as my punch bags. You two heads actually have a purpose.”

Kangin glared up at Rain. “Then kill me now, because there is no way in hell I’m helping you find Hero and ~~~~~~.”




“Morning Agent Jang,” a junior Agent greeted Geun Suk happily, Geun Suk bowed and went straight to his office.

He’d brought Jang Woo’s laptop with him and the moment he was safely inside his office, he pulled his blinds shut and fished out the laptop from his laptop bag.

A knock sounded at the door, Geun Suk cursed and hid Jang Woo’s laptop before answering, “Come in,” briskly.

The door opened and HaeJin stepped inside, he took one look at Geun Suk and frowned.

“Mate, you look like .”

“Well, I do try,” Geun Suk replied sarcastically. “What’s up?”

“I just wanted to see how far you’ve gotten on The Ring Leader case. Any luck?”

Geun Suk swallowed and did his best to stay calm, he hadn’t any luck because he rarely worked on the case. He’d been so focused on the connection between Hero, Jaejoong and you that he almost forgot about The Ring Leader.

“No. We’re doing our best but this guy is covering his tracks.”

HaeJin nodded slowly, he noticed how Geun Suk looked somewhat edgy but he put that down to not getting very far with the case. Geun Suk loved you therefore he thought it was his duty to keep you and SangHee safe, and HaeJin guessed that Geun Suk looked edgy because he hadn’t achieved very much with the case.

“Don’t worry, they can’t hide forever,” HaeJin began to walk back to the door, but he turned around. “Oh, the post is going out to ~~~~~ and Jang Woo today, it’s all been building up. Some post for Jaejoong his team too.”

Geun Suk struggled to keep his face blank; he didn’t know Jaejoong received post too.

*If I had known! I could have searched it before it went to Jaejoong.*

“What time is it being sent to the Mail Room?” Geun Suk enquired with desperate interest, he needed to know the connection. Even if it meant losing your trust, if the connection was dangerous then he needed to find out what it was at all cost.

HaeJin checked his watch. “It went out to the Mail Room 10 minutes ago. It would be going into lock down now, but Blimey, who knew that ~~~~~ and that Jaejoong guy got a lot of post?”

Post being sent from Special Ops was different; it goes through a minimum of 7 checks and those 7 checks were extremely thorough and took a very long time. Security scans were essential, especially on packages. Letters and packages weren’t opened but they were checked for bombs and electrical devices only.

Also the addresses were analysed by specialists, to see if they meant anything. Once post has entered the Mail Room, which is supervised with highly security cleared Supervisors wearing white overalls, no one else is permitted to enter the room. Not even the Chairman of Special Ops, it was out of bounds except for the Supervisors who have the security clearance and actually sort the post and check it.

The post wouldn’t actually be sent out to the village for at least another 4 hours or more depending on the amount of post and the security checks.

Geun Suk swallowed the string of curses the threatened to spill out from his mouth, so instead he smiled at HaeJin.

“Oh, I was going to send ~~~~~ and SangHee a letter.”

“Well, you have the phone number to the cottage. Just call them on a secure line so it can’t  be traced. Heck, you can even go out there if you’re up for the road trip.”

“I know, it’s just…work is piling up,” Geun Suk said and yawned; he took out a flask of coffee from his bag and took large gulps.

HaeJin eyed him warily. “How much coffee have you been drinking lately?”

Geun Suk shrugged. “Not a lot, maybe two flasks depending on how late I’m working.”

“That’s not good mate,” HaeJin said in a disapproving tone. “You’re overworking yourself, how much sleep did you get last night?”

“Less than 8 hours,” Geun Suk said vaguely but gave a more detailed answer when he received a look from HaeJin. “Okay…maybe a little less than 4 hours but a little higher than 2 hours.”

“3 hours sleep is not healthy, go take time off. I give you permission too.”

Geun Suk shot up and slammed his palms on the table. “You can’t do that! I’m working on a case!”

“You’re working yourself to death!” HaeJin exclaimed. “You can’t catch The Ring Leader if you’re dead. Now go home and get some sleep before I drag you out by the neck.” HaeJin looked deadly serious.

Geun Suk sighed and nodded reluctantly. “Okay, fine. I’ll go in a minute.”

HaeJin bid him goodbye and left his office. Geun Suk let out sigh of relief and pulled out Jang Woo’s laptop from under the table, he stowed it back into the laptop bag and made his way out of the Special Ops building.

HaeJin was right, he did need some sleep. Maybe if he went home and took a nap, he could wake up and do some work on the connection between Hero, Jaejoong and you. And if he made progress, he’d come back to work to continue with The Ring Leader case.

“Sounds like a plan,” Geun Suk mumbled as he started his car and sped off to his flat. Geun Suk was so tired and so out of it, that he didn’t realise that his GPS Sat NAV built into his car had been taken out and put back in lazily…obviously…it had been tampered with.




“Appa!” SangHee called, Jaejoong lifted his head up from his book and smiled at his daughter. SangHee was working on her homework set by Onew on the living room coffee table, he set his book aside.

“What’s up Princess?”

“I’m stuck,” she admitted with a pout, Jaejoong laughed and kissed the top of her head before sliding off the couch and down onto the floor beside her.

“What are you stuck on Princess?” Jaejoong took a look at her homework. “Ugh, Literature? Your mother would be better at this. ~~~~~~~!”

You were busy in the kitchen making lunch when you heard Jaejoong loudly call for you, you turned the heat on the stove down and wiped your hands on the front of your apron before heading out to the living room.

“What’s up sweetie?” you asked SangHee as you sat down on her other side, you felt Jaejoong take your hand behind SangHee and gently began to it. You cast him a sideways glare but you didn’t mean it, you didn’t even pull away.

“I’m stuck,” she said and pointed down to the book. “I’m supposed to write down what this makes me feel.”

You kissed her cheek and put an around her, then Jaejoong put an arm around you both.

“Let’s see shall we?”

And then you read the passage out loud, both Jaejoong and SangHee looked up at you. SangHee looked awed and excited that you were reading to her, Jaejoong looked like a lovesick fool. If possible, he fell in love with you even more. He’d always pictured a moment like this, to be with his child and the love of his life, just sitting here enjoying each other’s company.

“So, what do you feel when you read this Princess?” Jaejoong asked SangHee, she furrowed her brows but she smiled suddenly.

“I feel happy!”

“What words make you happy?”you asked.

SangHee’s brows furrowed again and she put her finger to her lip. “Mmm, ah! It says ‘the boy laughs’. I laugh when I’m happy I laugh too Mummy! So the passage makes me feel happy.”

Jaejoong gave a proud smile. “Our daughter’s a genius.”

You laughed and her hair. “Brilliant sweetie, now what else?”

SangHee’s thinking face appeared again. “Well, it says ‘blue sky’. I like the colour blue so does that mean it makes me like the passage?”

“But why do you like the colour blue Princess?” Jaejoong asked.

“I like the colour blue because it reminds me of a nice day, when the wind is calm. Appa! The passage makes me feel calm.”

Jaejoong gave a throaty laugh and kissed her hair. “Amazing Princess, Onew would be pleased with your homework.”

You and Jaejoong helped her write her answer and when she was done you packed her books away whilst Jaejoong held her up above his head and played the ‘airplane’ game.

“Mummy! I’m flying!” SangHee squealed. You smiled and blew her a kiss before going back into the kitchen to check on lunch.

“Hey, babe?!” you called at Jaejoong. “Want to call Big Bang, to see if they want to come over for dinner. I’ve made enough.”

Jaejoong came in after a minute and leaned against the kitchen counter. “How about us three being alone?”

You pondered for a moment before nodding. “Okay! Lunch will be ready soon. Oh and HaeJin called me earlier saying that our post will be arriving sometime today. He said it should be late afternoon.”

“Why later in the afternoon? Why not this morning or now?”

“Because of how many checks post sent from Special Ops goes through, all the post gets locked into a room that only the supervisors of the mailing room can go into. It’s locked down to everyone else, even the Chairman. At least we know there won’t be any bombs or anything electrical in our post.”

Jaejoong raised an eyebrow. “Hang on…wouldn’t the people in the Mail room know the address of the cottage, what if they accidentally let it slip and Rain finds us?”

“Not possible. You see, the people in the Mail room sorting the post only check and sort the post. HaeJin is the one sending the address to the Special Ops agent the post via a device that has an encrypted code and can only be read by that Special Ops agent. The Special Ops agent sending the post is a good friend of mine, she was the one that drove my father and Mi Sook to their village. She’s driving it to the Post box here in the village.”

“What is it with you Special Ops people and encrypted things?” then Jaejoong found another fault. “Do they open our post? Isn’t that a bit rude? Not that I have anything to hide.”

You giggled and moved around him to the chopping board.

“They don’t open it, the post and the packages go through a scanner. The scanner checks for electrical devices, so our post should be safe.”

Jaejoong grabbed your waist and pulled you against him. “That’s good. Now, how till lunch?”

“An hour, I told you! Why?”

“So I can do this.”

Jaejoong bent his head to place a kiss at the juncture of your neck, you bit your lip in pleasure.


“And this.”

Jaejoong gave one long at your neck, making you shiver.  Thank goodness you were leaning against him! You were sure you would have collapsed onto the floor if you hadn’t due to your weak knees.

“Not here, SangHee-…”

“She’s in her room, playing The Sims,” Jaejoong whispered before placing a kiss on your lips. You couldn’t resist Jaejoong, you never could in the past so you were hopeless now.

Letting a sigh of content escape your lips, you melted into him. You wound your arms around his neck, kissing him hungrily.

Jaejoong hoisted you and sat you down on the kitchen counter, parting your legs to move in between them, his hand rested on your beck and the other rested on your thigh. You resented the fact that you’d worn jeans rather than a skirt, you wanted to feel his warm, knee weakening touch.

You wrapped your legs around his waist and arched into him as he moved from your lips to your neck, his tongue doing wonders.

“You’re so…” you gasped in sheer bliss. “…bad.”

Jaejoong lifted his head so he could meet your gaze, he smirked and placed a softer less passionate kiss on your lips but it was still a sweet kiss.

“Well then, I guess we should stop.”

And he left…he freaking left you. You grumpily huffed and ground your teeth together in frustration.

“Bloody horn dog, comes in here distracts me w hen I’m cooking and then leaves me like…like that!” you whispered to yourself in exasperation. You felt a gently tugging at your apron, you looked down to see SangHee staring up at you.

“Mummy, can I have some orange juice?”

“Of course sweetie.”

“Why is Mummy dirty?” SangHee suddenly asked.

“I am? Where sweetheart?”

“On your neck, Mummy has purple dirt on her neck!”

Your hand flew to the spot where Jaejoong had been nibbling on, you hissed and frowned. The idiot gave you a freaking love bite!

Flustered and annoyed, you patted your daughter’s head. “I’ll go wash it off later sweetie, here’s your orange juice.”

SangHee happily took it and as she left Jaejoong popped in giving her a high five on the way out, he was smiling but he ducked as he narrowly missed getting hit by an apple square in the face.

“What was that for?” he yelped and looked over his shoulder to see the apple roll down the hall.

You threw the tea towel down and glared at him. “You gave me a hickey! You better not have told our daughter what a hickey is and how to get one.”

Jaejoong chuckled and wrapped his arms around your waist. “I’m sorry.”

You shook your head and twisted away from him. “Oh no mister, you are not doing that. You are not going to earn my forgiveness by being affectionate.”

You had to admit thought…it felt nice being this close to his strong and warm body. Jaejoong smirked and ran his along your cheek.

“But it’s working isn’t it?”

You rolled your eyes. “Yes, yes it is! Now get out and let me make lunch!”





Kang SooMin, the female Special Ops agent who was delivering the post was sitting in her inconspicuous, tiny and quite frankly…crappy car. However, that’s what it looked like on the outside. Inside, the boot had been modified and could fit several large suitcases and 2 people. Freaky, right? , the car was parked in the Special Ops' own private depot

She took a sip of her coffee and checked her watch. Another 15 minutes and the post would be ready for loading.

“Oh, here we go,” she said and fished out a very complex looking pager. She looked at the screen and nothing but a string of numbers appeared, SooMin quickly typed in an even more complex password that had been given specifically to her 2 hours ago. And that password could only access the device today.

SooMin quickly read the address and had memorized it, being a Special Ops agent, they would have trained to memorize things quickly and accurately. Some had to memorize pages of passages in 2 hours or less.

Once she had memorized it, SooMin programmed the complex pager to wipe itself completely clean so that the address could not be traced or restored.

She waited till the 15 minutes were up and an additional 10 minute and then she saw the door of the building open, a man in white overalls came out.

“Sorry about the long wait, Supervisor Lee misplaced his overalls. We had to get him a new one.”

“It’s okay, at least you are here.”

SooMin helped load the boot of the car with the post that was to be taken to the village where you, DBSK and Big Bang stayed.

“Is that everything?” SooMin asked the man in overalls, she knew him quite well. They’d been on a date twice last year but things didn’t work out.

“Yes. Have a safe drive,” the man bid her goodbye and left.

SooMin sighed and jangled her keys about to step into the car when another man in overalls came from the side, SooMin guessed he’d used a different door.

“Wait! You forgot this!” the man almost shouted, he the package into SooMin’s hand. She read who it was addressed to.

“Oh, Kim Jaejoong. That must be something to do with his work, thanks for this,” she said and put it in the boot before getting into the car and driving off.

The second man in the white overalls smirked as he watched her drive off. If only he had better equipment with him, he could have tried to read the address instead of just sitting in a far corner hiding after having stolen some Supervisor’s white overalls.

The man pulled out a phone from his pocket and pressed the number 1, and it began to ring.

“Hello?” a deep, rumbling voice answered.

“Hyung-nim…the woman took the package. Everything is going according to plan.”

*Other line of the phone conversation*

Rain chuckled as he held his phone to his ear using his shoulder whilst his hands were busy sharpening a long blade.

“Good. Very good. Now we just have to wait and see how our dear Hero and his react to our gift.”


Oooh...intense huh? ;) Just kidding haha. Sorry for the long wait! My street had a powercut and when our power came back on my router stopped working :( My parents had to buy a new one and then had to set it was a nightmare but it's working now!

Since I'm from England I used words that some of you might not know, but you probs do but I'm gonna tell you anyway haha:

- Post is like Mail.

- Boot is like Trunk.

I think that's it haha

Oh and I know this is going to sound so Y and MEAN and HORRIBLE but if you think you know what's gonna happen don't say in the comments! Cause it might spoil it for those who don't know :L I'm sorry for sounding horrible but it's to keep the suspense even though there' not a lot haha

OMG! I saw Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows: Part 2 today! OMFG! It was amazing! I'm a big fan of both the books and the films and I cried when it ended, like proper tears! I wasn't too embarrassed, a lot of people in the cinema were crying...even guys! I totally recommend it...even though it has nothing to do with Kpop or the story haha!

OMG! I'm so behind on everything and when I was talking to a friend, she told me that Junhyung from B2ST and Hara from Kara are dating! I was like 0_0 But I'm happy for them, and I hope that they don't get too much harrassment from crazed fans! That's if they are still dating haha :L

Sorry for the long A/N hehe. But I hope you liked the chapter :D Please, please let me know what you thought by leaving a comment! Lurve you all!

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Chapter 27: I don't know how many times I read this story. It's so GOOD!!! I LUV IT!!! I'm glad that Jaejoong gets a happy ending. He definitely deserves it. :D :)

And poor Seungri still gets abused by the Big Bang members. Lol! The Big Bang and DBSK interactions are so funny, I just die laughing!
Chapter 48: fave
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 48: Awwwwwwww!! This is such a great story!!!
Chapter 48: Read the Captured and its sequel for the second time~ the plot was so good >.< Great story! :)
Chapter 48: finished reading .... OH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD it's finished :((
i reallllllllllly enjoyed reading it it's amazing and the plot was fantastic author-nim :))
Good job working hard for this $tory ^^ thank you so much for this wonderful story ♥♥
Jackie2012 #6
Chapter 48: Captured and Worlds Collide are one of the fanfics that got my addiction started here in asianfanfics lol
I search all over for this story again and reread it! :D
I loved it and I am still loving it! awesome story!
I am a quiet reader here but i just want to let you know these are one of my favorite stories here in asianfanfics. :)
Chapter 48: So cute! I'm so happy that the dramas are finally over! >.< thank you for the great story ( -_- ) ( _ _ ) ( ^_^ )
Chapter 47: Geun seuk! *sniff sniff
Chapter 48: Aww I can't believe he died ;-; the ending is so cute lol