Gearing up

World's Collide ~ Sequel to Captured ~

Rain was in a secret hideout, he was by himself in a large mansion on the outskirts of South Korea.

He was on his phone to some of his men. “I don’t give a what you think, I want you to round everyone you know in the business. I want to take them ing down,” he hissed and rudely hung up.

He threw his phone on a nearby couch and looked at the photo’s on his desk with a look of complete and utter disgust.

It was a picture of him and Jaejoong when they were younger. Rain sneered at the photo.

“You have everything don’t you. The crew, the money, the brains…the family,” Rain picked up the photo and ripped it up. “I’ll rip you all apart like this photo.”

Rain threw it in the bin and stalked off to the main office where illegal weapons were strewn all over the room, he passed a mirror and looked at his still bruised face. Rain smirked; every time he looked at his battered face he saw an image of you.

*Girl knows how to throw a punch.*

He logged onto his computer and tried accessing various databases, but it was no use. He didn’t have the brains to do any of this. Rain angrily thumped his fist on the desk. *Where the is that weedy computer whiz when I need him the most?*

He hadn’t stepped in Seoul since his great escape, he’d had newspaper delivered to his mansion every week and so far his great escape was Breaking News. For some unearthly reason, the idea of you chasing him brought a wicked smile to his face.

“It must be killing Jaejoong to know that his girl is spending all her time looking for another guy,” Rain mumbled triumphantly to himself.

He got a call. “What do you want?” Rain spoke demandingly into the line.

One of his men coughed and the spoke. “Hyung-nim, we’re all confused. I thought we were supposed to be taking down Special Ops, what happened?”

Rain smirked. “We will be. First, I have to take down something else. And when our little problem is out of the way, we’ll be back on track. I’ll be getting revenge and we will get rid of that ing Special Ops organisation, which always interfere with our work.”

Rain didn’t bother for the man’s reply, he hung up and leaned back on his chair. Thankfully, he had managed to get some files from Special Ops’ database using the computer whiz’s great idea of putting it on his own server.

Rain grinned darkly at your Special Ops badge picture. “I’m going to tear you apart little girl. And show you how ugly this world really is.”


Bad rain! :P Hope you likey ^^ I'm trying to make up for the lack of updates recently :( :L

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Chapter 27: I don't know how many times I read this story. It's so GOOD!!! I LUV IT!!! I'm glad that Jaejoong gets a happy ending. He definitely deserves it. :D :)

And poor Seungri still gets abused by the Big Bang members. Lol! The Big Bang and DBSK interactions are so funny, I just die laughing!
Chapter 48: fave
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 48: Awwwwwwww!! This is such a great story!!!
Chapter 48: Read the Captured and its sequel for the second time~ the plot was so good >.< Great story! :)
Chapter 48: finished reading .... OH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD it's finished :((
i reallllllllllly enjoyed reading it it's amazing and the plot was fantastic author-nim :))
Good job working hard for this $tory ^^ thank you so much for this wonderful story ♥♥
Jackie2012 #6
Chapter 48: Captured and Worlds Collide are one of the fanfics that got my addiction started here in asianfanfics lol
I search all over for this story again and reread it! :D
I loved it and I am still loving it! awesome story!
I am a quiet reader here but i just want to let you know these are one of my favorite stories here in asianfanfics. :)
Chapter 48: So cute! I'm so happy that the dramas are finally over! >.< thank you for the great story ( -_- ) ( _ _ ) ( ^_^ )
Chapter 47: Geun seuk! *sniff sniff
Chapter 48: Aww I can't believe he died ;-; the ending is so cute lol