
World's Collide ~ Sequel to Captured ~

“This place is so boring!” Seung Ri wailed loudly, as you all passed by buildings that were already closing down.

“It’s a small village, so I guess they shut earlier than shops and restaurants in Seoul,” you guessed.

Since it was a small village, everyone stared at all of you with judging eyes. Jaejoong stared an old man down, and when the old man finally looked away Jaejoong sighed irritably. *We weren’t supposed to be drawing attention to ourselves like this.*

TOP nudged Jaejoon’g side. “Dude chill. They’re staring because we’re new to the village, tomorrow they’d probably forget about us.”

Jaejoong snorted sarcastically. “That’ll never happen, they live in a village and we’ve come from a city. We’re going to be like celebrities to them.”

Ki Nam joined in. “What’s this? Oppa, are you being cocky again?”

“What?! Cocky, I am never cocky!” Jaejoong protested, huffing like a girl. “Just because I’m the best looking out of everyone, doesn’t make me cocky.”

“Ew, who says you’re good looking hyung?” Max added. Xiah smirked.

“Yeah, who? I’ve never heard anyone say that.”

“Girls don’t think you’re attractive,” Micky said. That was such a lie. All girls found Jaejoong attractive, even those who weren’t attracted to guys…

“What do you think ~~~~?” Yunho slung his arm around your shoulders. “Do you think Jaejoong’s attractive?”

You looked at SangHee. “Do you think he’s good looking sweetie?”

SangHee nodded shyly, you smiled. “Then yes, I think he’s good looking too.”

You shrugged off Yunho’s arm and walked further on ahead with SangHee, Han Bi and Jungmin. Jaejoong’s steps became heavy as your words sank in.

*Omo! Both of them think I’m good looking! The love of my life and my daughter!*

TOP rolled his eyes. “I don’t why you’re so happy, SangHee’s your daughter and ~~~~~ and you had a thing.”

Ki Nam grinned. “But it’s the fact that SangHee doesn’t know oppa’s her Appa but still thinks he’s good looking, the same for ~~~~~.”

Jaejoong wasn’t even paying attention to them, he just strolled along happily. He’d been told all his life how ‘hot’ he was, he used to have women come into his bed all the time and tell him how good looking he was. Yet, those compliments didn’t mean as to much to him as yours and SangHee’s did.




After a long search, you all managed to find a small cafe. Since it was so small, some had to go outside and eat.

“I’m going to stay inside with ~~~~~~,” Han Bi said to GD. “We don’t want the kids getting colds.”

Jungmin began to cry when his father began to walk away, GD sighed but he was beaming.

“The little tyke knows who his papa is,” he took Jungmin from Han Bi. “I’m sure he’s going to be okay, he’s a strong little guy.”

Han Bi looked back at you. “You don’t mind if I go outside do you?”

You sat down on a seat. “Not at all, go and be with your family unnie.”

Han Bi blew you a kiss and went outside, Jaejoong had come out of the toilets and sat down opposite you. You stared at him and he looked back at you innocently.



You careful sat SangHee in a high chair. “Don’t you want to go outside? With the others?”

Jaejoong took a deep breath in, your sweet fragrant enveloping him.

“I want to stay here, with you and SangHee.”

Your insides melted at his soft gaze, SangHee held her hands out.

“Chingu! Want to play pat-a-cake with me?”

Jaejoong laughed. “Sure sweetheart.”

Big Bang and DBSK laughed at how bad Jaejoong was at pat-a-cake.

“Someone should stop him,” Yunho cackled in hysterics as he watched SangHee scold Jaejoong for getting it wrong again.

Micky shook his head. “Why? It’s brilliant.”

“The only person who isn’t laughing is ~~~~~,” Ki Nam pointed out.

“She is SangHee’s mother and Jaejoong hyung is her father,” Max said. “She probably thinks it’s cute.”

TOP pulled a face. “It’s far from cute.”

You laughed when SangHee screamed in frustration.

“No Chingu!”

Jaejoong actually looked flustered. “Sorry SangHee.”

You tapped his shoulder. “Here, let me teach Chingu baby.”

You slowly taught him pat-a-cake. “See, it’s not hard.”

Jaejoong snorted. “You probably think I’m terrible with children, nothing like Geun Suk,” he almost sneered Geun Suk’s name.

You met eyes with him. “I think you treat SangHee wonderfully.”

When you went to hit Jaejoong’s hand for another roud of pat-a-cake, he quickly wove his fingers through yours and held your hand in place. This time, you didn’t shy away from him. You stayed exactly where you were.

Everyone was watching with anticipation and bulging eyes.

“They’re gonna kiss, they’re gonna kiss,” Daesung and Max chanted together. Han Bi rolled her eyes.

“Not in front of SangHee they’re not, she doesn’t even know Jaejoong is her father.”

GD laughed and put his arm around her. “Baby, look at those two. They’re so in love, but they’re both so stubborn. If they do kiss, maybe ~~~~~~ will realise that a girl needs her father. SangHee needs Jaejoong, who else will beat up the guy that breaks SangHee’s heart?”

“We’ll help!” Xiah piped in excitedly. “She’s family to us too.”

Jaejoong whispered your name, like a sweet caress, “~~~~~~.”

Just as you were about to respond, the waitress came and laid out the food on the table. You pulled your hands out of Jaejoong’s grasp and began putting food into a small bowl for SangHee, Jaejoong sulked back in his seat.

*Damnit! I didn’t get to kiss her again!*

He looked to see you helping SangHee with her food. *Then again…would she let me kiss her with SangHee here? Would she let me kiss her at all.*

You poked his arm and pushed a plate of food in front of him. “Eat oppa.”

Jaejoong quickly hid his smile. You hadn’t called him oppa since he’d been here, he felt butterflies fluttering in his stomach.

You watched with a soft gaze at how Jaejoong wiped the food from SangHee’s mouth, constantly chatted and laughed with her and how patient  he was when he fed her. You leant on your hand, sighing wistfully.

*If only I was sure, that no harm would come to SangHee. I would be with you Jaejoong oppa, you can be the father to a daughter you’d always dreamed of having.*

“Mummy!” SangHee said loudly, calling your attention.

“Yes sweetie?”

“Chingu and me have finished!”

Jaejoong chuckled and tapped her on the nose. “It’s ‘Chingu and I’.”

SangHee blinked, you rolled your eyes and flicked Jaejoong on the side of the head. “No need to teach her grammar at 5 years old oppa!”

“Hyung! ~~~~~~!” Micky shouted from outside. “Let’s pay and explore more.”

“Yeah! I hear this place has an amazing diving site,” GD said enthusiastically, his excited expression faded when he saw Han Bi’s questioning arched brow. “I-I was researching before we came here, I didn’t tell anyone we were coming here babe.”

Jungmin clapped. “Umma’s angry with Appa! Ooooh!”

TOP high fived Jungmin. “You’re more like me than I thought.”

GD shoved TOP away. “Don’t brain wash my son.”

Han Bi laughed. “Please, if there’s anyone to blame, it’s you! You make him watch those violent cartoons at home.”

GD scoffed. “Tom and Jerry is not violent.”

“So a cat beating up a poor and innocent mouse is not violent?” Han Bi challenged, crossing her arms.

Tom has to suffer because of Jerry,” GD argued back. Yunho leaned into to Taeyang’s side.  

“Are they seriously arguing over a kids cartoon?”

Taeyang sighed. “This is nothing. Wait till they start competing on which is the better cartoon show.”

“You are all so loud,” you said as you came out from inside of the cafe. You were holding SangHee’s right hand whilst Jaejoong held her left.

SangHee grinned. “So loud!” she repeated. Everyone cooed at how cute she was.

Jungmin pouted. “I don’t like girls.”

TOP smirked. “Trust me kid, they’re the best thing in this world.”

GD glared at him. “I told you to not brain wash my son.”

“Let’s go to the dive site!” Seung Ri squealed.

You warily looked at SangHee and Jungmin. “I don’t know, we have the children.”

“And it’s getting dark,” Ki Nam added. Xiah put his jacket over her shoulders, Jaejoong approved of that. He was glad Ki Nam had married Xiah, though he could be an idiot, Xiah loved Ki Nam and Jaejoong wouldn’t have approved of any other guy.

“How about just playing around the woods by the cottage?” you suggested. “There’s the river, so you can play around there.”




Seung Ri was lamely paddling around the river. “This is so boring compared to what we could be doing.”

Ki Nam clicked her tongue. “I swear you whine more than a teenage girl.”

Xiah smiled and pulled her close. “That’s my girl.”

“Yah! Hyung!” Seung Ri said.

Xiah glowered at Seung Ri. “My wife is your noona and I’m your hyung, don’t say ‘yah’!”

“Yah!” Max shouted. Xiah sighed hopelessly. *Aish, what do I do to earn some respect around here from my dongsaeng’s?*

“What do you want?”

“Han Bi noona and GD hyung went to take Jungmin home.”

SangHee and you were by the garden, picking up some flowers. You heard what Max said.

“They went home? Aw, they could have slept over. There’s lots of room, there’s a sparring room, a weapons room.”

“Kind of like our old home in West Seoul?” Ki Nam asked teasingly.

Now that she brought the subject up. “So where do you all live now then? If you don’t live in West Seoul anymore?”

“Well me and oppa live in a penthouse, so do Han Bi, GD and Jungmin,” Ki Nam explained. “These 3 live in a 2 bedroom apartment,” she pointed to Max, Micky and Yunho.

Micky frowned. “I’m a hyung too! I should have my own room, instead of sharing.”

“We live in an apartment too, but Daesung has his own room instead of TOP hyung,” Seung Ri explained. You looked at TOP.

“I lost at rock, paper scissors,” TOP grumbled unhappily.

“You know for a moment, I actually thought you were being the kind hyung and letting your dongsaeng take the room instead,” you said with a smirk. Then you remembered one last person. “What about Jaejoong hyung?”

“He has an entire house to himself…no mansion!” Seung Ri wailed.

“To himself?!” you shrieked. “You mean, as big as the one he had in West Seoul?”

“Nope, bigger,” Taeyang emphasised. “Sometimes, we crash over there. Sometimes Kyuhyun and his men stay there too.”

“Kyuhyun? The guy who we saved from being assassinated 5 years ago?” you recalled. Ki Nam nodded.

“That’s the one.”

You tried to stop your brows from pinching together in discontent. *So Jaejoong still keeps in contact with his ‘West Seoul buddies’.*

“Mummy,” SangHee called and ran down to you. “Can we go to the shop and get some cake? Then can we call Geun Suk oppa?”

“Sure sweetie, let me go inside and get my phone and purse.”

You left SangHee with the others, for a 5 year old, she acted much older. Even her posture seemed more mature, Daesung sat beside her.

“Want me to tell a joke?”

“Not really,” SangHee replied.

Seung Ri pulled a funny face, SangHee giggled.

“Oppa, you look better like that,” she told him innocently. Everyone roared with laughter, even Seung Ri.

Ki Nam walked a little away with Xiah, who had his arm around her shoulders. She laughed. “She’s so ~~~~~ah’s and oppa’s daughter.”


Sorry for the late updates again :( But hope you liked this ^^

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Chapter 27: I don't know how many times I read this story. It's so GOOD!!! I LUV IT!!! I'm glad that Jaejoong gets a happy ending. He definitely deserves it. :D :)

And poor Seungri still gets abused by the Big Bang members. Lol! The Big Bang and DBSK interactions are so funny, I just die laughing!
Chapter 48: fave
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 48: Awwwwwwww!! This is such a great story!!!
Chapter 48: Read the Captured and its sequel for the second time~ the plot was so good >.< Great story! :)
Chapter 48: finished reading .... OH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD it's finished :((
i reallllllllllly enjoyed reading it it's amazing and the plot was fantastic author-nim :))
Good job working hard for this $tory ^^ thank you so much for this wonderful story ♥♥
Jackie2012 #6
Chapter 48: Captured and Worlds Collide are one of the fanfics that got my addiction started here in asianfanfics lol
I search all over for this story again and reread it! :D
I loved it and I am still loving it! awesome story!
I am a quiet reader here but i just want to let you know these are one of my favorite stories here in asianfanfics. :)
Chapter 48: So cute! I'm so happy that the dramas are finally over! >.< thank you for the great story ( -_- ) ( _ _ ) ( ^_^ )
Chapter 47: Geun seuk! *sniff sniff
Chapter 48: Aww I can't believe he died ;-; the ending is so cute lol