Crossing The Line

Yeobo, I Think I Love Your Brother


Without a second thought, I quickly dug my head under water and swam to the canoe. The knocking was getting louder and I could hear Jonghyun shouting my name.

I desperately tried to tip over the canoe. But the canoe was heavy and my weak tries didn’t even make a difference.

Jonghyun’s knocks got more desperate and he yelled, “Mi-Na help!”

“I’m trying!” I yelled back. The panic grew in my body, as the canoe wouldn’t move at all. No matter how much I pushed it only made a few waves.

I swam a little away from the canoe and then used all my strength to push the canoe. But it only resolved in the canoe making really big waves.

I could hear Jonghyun trying to shout to me, but his words drowned in water. While I still struggled to turn the canoe around, Jonghyun’s knocks died out and he got silent.

The tears started to run down my cheeks of fear, but my hands kept fighting against the canoe.

I dove under the water to tip the canoe from there, but then I saw Jonghyun’s legs. And I realized how stupid I was.

I quickly swam up under the canoe too. My eyes widened when I saw that Jonghyun’s head was laidback and his eyes were closed.

I tried to shake him awake bit till no use. I dove further down in the water, and pulled in Jonghyun’s leg. With some struggling I finally pulled Jonghyun’s body out of the canoe.

As we hit the surface of the water again, Jonghyun still didn’t open his eyes. His face was pale and his lips blue.

I need to get him on shore, I thought.

I placed his head on my chest and wrapped my arm around his neck. I kicked my legs, doing the stroke with my legs.

While I struggled to get Jonghyun onshore, the tears streamed down my face. Jonghyun had still closed eyes and he looked incredible sick.

In that moment, I was glad we didn’t reach that far out on the lake. I finally reached the shore and placed Jonghyun on the ground.

“O-oppa! Wake up!” I loudly said and clapped his cheeks to make him wake me up. He made a small reaction but not much.

“W-wake up”, I whispered to him, while I begged he was in a good state.

But Jonghyun didn’t show any more reactions. The tears, I had managed to hold back for a moment, started to flow again. My body shook with fear.

It was getting dark already and the rain had started to pour down. A lightning struck down. The sound of thunder only came a second later.

A screamed in fear and hid my face in Jonghyun’s chest. If I was scared of something, it was lightning. My body shook with fear.

Next to me, Jonghyun started to move and sat up. “Mi-Na? Aish”, he muttered when he saw me crying. With a swift move he pulled me nearer into his embrace.

“Hush, it’s okay”, he comforted me, while slightly rocked me from side to side in his embrace. “It’s okay”, he repeated. I wasn’t sure if he comforted be because of our accident or the lightning, but to me, it didn’t matter. As long as Jonghyun was with me.

I could feel his warmth and his heart beating a calming solid rhythm. I cried into his chest, making his shirt even wetter that it was, if possible.  

Jonghyun kept my hair and rocking me from side to side, as I was a little child crying. Jonghyun started to hum a little melody that sounded like a lullaby.

Despite my tears, a small smile crept upon my face. There was something so sweet and golden about Jonghyun’s voice, that it was impossible not to feel a tiny glimpse of joy.

I knew we shouldn’t act like this, Jonghyun acting like he comforted his very own girlfriend. But some part of me didn’t give a , I felt safe in Jonghyun’s embrace. Safer than ever before.

My tears slowly stopped falling but my body didn’t stop shaking. But my body wasn’t the only one shaking. Jonghyun’s did too.

I realized we probably shook from coldness. Jonghyun’s lips were still blue and icy. “Your lips are so blue”, I blurted. I quickly covered my mouth and blushed with embarrassment.

“N-not that I looked at them… Or you know, I did… But not that way”, I stuttering excused myself. Jonghyun chuckled slightly and loosened his grip around me.

I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed without Jonghyun to warm my body. He got up from the ground and offered me his hand.

“Just to keep our hands warm”, Jonghyun excused us, so neither of us would get the wrong idea of us two, holding hands, as we walked home.

Jonghyun’s hand felt warm and safe, like his embrace, and I couldn’t help but to wish he never let go again.

“The others probably already ate, so would you like to join me for a cup of soup?” Jonghyun asked me. I smiled a little and nodded, still looking at out intertwined fingers.

Jonghyun let me to his room. He looked at our soaking clothes. “Um… You can borrow some clothes if you want?” he suggested.

I nodded. “If you go in there… and um, change. I can change out here then”, Jonghyun said with slightly red cheeks. I chuckled and nodded. It was funny how Jonghyun got embarrassed at things like this.

Jonghyun handed me a t-shirt and some loose trousers. I got out of my own wet clothes and climbed into Jonghyun’s.

The t-shirt smelled of Jonghyun. I took a long sniff, no one looked anyway. I could use that smell as drugs.

Afterwards he heated up some soup. There was a small mini-kitchen in his room. “You can just sit on the couch while waiting”, Jonghyun told me.

I awkwardly sat on the couch. I didn’t know how ‘at home’ I could feel. So I formally sat down.

Jonghyun threw a look over his shoulder, and chuckled when he saw me. “Make yourself comfortable. That looks kinda uncomfortable”, he laughed.

I smiled and decided to follow his words. So I laid back and placed my legs under my chin. I stared around in Jonghyun’s room.

It was messy, with his suitcases half un-packed. A guitar was thrown on his bed and clothes were thrown everywhere. In fact, a white pair of boxers were thrown besides me.

I blushed and started to feel awkward again. Jonghyun’s eyes widened when he noticed what I was looking at.

He quickly kicked them under the couch. “T-they’re not used”, he assured me. “Here’s your soup”, he said and handed me a cup of hot soup.

I took a sip and so did he. Slowly the heat returned to our faces. “Your lips are not blue any longer”, I commented to fill he silence.

Jonghyun crooked a wry smile. “Yours are not either”, he said as he looked at my lips. My cheeks turned red, when he didn’t remove his gaze from my lips.

“Let me try something, Mi-Na”, Jonghyun suddenly said. Jonghyun placed his cup of soup at the table and took mine away too.

He slowly got nearer me. “W-what are you doing, oppa?” I stuttered, knowing that this was off limit.

Jonghyun didn’t answer. “Just one time”, he mumbled. Then before I could react, Jonghyun slowly neared my face. His lips softly hit mine. They tasted of soup and I could still feel the warmth from it.

Jonghyun was actually kissing me. His soft lips were on mine, slowly moving. Jonghyun’s weak breathing that only made it even more perfect.

It was wrong. I was kissing my fiancé’s brother. But I didn’t pull away. Instead I lifted my body up so I became closer to Jonghyun.

My lips slightly parted. Jonghyun ran the tip of his tongue over my teeth. My tongue touched his tip and they started to intertwine.

Jonghyun pulled away and looked at me. My eyes connected with his golden brown puppy eyes. It felt like our eyes were talking.

My eyelids started to drift and they finally closed.

When I opened my eyes again, Jonghyun’s arms were tangled around me. My head rested on his chest and he breathed heavily. He was sleeping too.

“Wakey, wakey”, I whispered to him and gently shook him.

Jonghyun slowly opened his eyes and smile when he saw me. “You’re so beautiful”, Jonghyun whispered.

In that moment, my alarm bell finally rang. Jonghyun wasn’t supposed to tell me that. Key’s brother wasn’t supposed to tell me that!

I mumbled something non-understandable and removed Jonghyun’s arms around me. I gathered my wet clothes from the floor and quickly escaped out of the door.

I wanted to forget what just happened. I wanted Jonghyun and I to return to our previous relationship again.

But I couldn't. Jonghyun kissed me.

He could never 'just' be my fiancé's brother again.



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Chapter 1: Please read this comment! Okay, I've been reading this fanfic since last year, and it was one of my firsts. Now I've probably read 100+, and still, this is one of my favorites! I didn't have an account before, but now I do. When you announced this story would be discontinued, I REALLY felt saaaaaad! I wish this story was still being updated.. I wished that I was able to be one of those people who requested you to finish this! But because of reading so many others, I forgot the title so I couldn't find it. I really love this storyyy ;~;
ChocoPandaa #2
Chapter 25: ooh you so nasty =_=
..well what's done's done.. :/ Gonna wait for your Burning Snowflake story to be updated now.. >>
Chapter 25: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooo! T.T
ChocoPandaa #5
Chapter 22: Whaaa she crawled in the wrong tent..?! xD
Chapter 21: This is too complicated my mind is so uncomfortable...
Chapter 19: uptade more soon! Can't wait for the next chapter! :D