Mad Bird Disease

Yeobo, I Think I Love Your Brother

 I spent the entire morning worrying about facing Jonghyun again. The thought of how awkward we would turn out wasn’t exactly attractive.

But by a little hope about keeping my dignity (and some pushing from Key, who had no clue why I suddenly didn’t want to face his brother), I found my legs moving towards him. Jonghyun greeted me with a big smile as always, and acted like nothing ever happened.

I was very relieved by his act and decided to play that game too. If we both silently made this agreement to forget about it, all would turn back to normal right? I hoped so.

Jonghyun announced we were going canoeing today. Just the thought was terrifying. I was not good at any sports or outdoor activities, so risking my own life for one, seemed ridiculous.

However, Jonghyun convinced my despite my arguments for not going. I suspected him for preparing his in advance.

So here I was, in a canoe on some lake, with Jonghyun in the other end of the canoe. I was hopelessly trying to even make a tiny difference, while Jonghyun did all the work. Psh, it was his idea anyway.

Jonghyun looked up at me, and sent me a panting smile. “So Mi-Na, are you excited for the wedding?” Jonghyun asked me.

“Ne”, I replied as it was an order. I didn’t want to waste anymore thoughts on my stupid doubts about Key. I knew he loved me, and I love him. I shouldn’t need more.

“When is the wedding preparations starting? I mean, you haven’t planned anything yet, have you?” Jonghyun asked me while he ran the paddle through the water. I had placed mine across my legs. I wasn’t helping in the water anyway.

“Are you trying to stress me out?” I smirked at Jonghyun. “I’m counting on Key to take the lead. He is the type to do stuff like that, right?”

Jonghyun nodded and chuckled a bit. “Yeah, now that you’re saying it. He started out planning his wedding when he was like four.”

I raised my brows, while I changed my position a little. A canoe never gets comfortable. They should add pillows. “Really? What is he planning?” I asked him wanting to be prepared for my own wedding.

Jonghyun shrugged his shoulders. “LOTS of pink things! And flowers, and you may have to turn into a Barbie doll”, Jonghyun snickered.

I banged my head against the canoe, not wanting to face my own wedding.

Jonghyun was about to say something again, when a bird landed on his head. Jonghyun made himself cross-eyed and looked up at the bird, ducking its feed in Jonghyun’s head.

Jonghyun’s eyes widened when he realized, that it was an actual bird on the top of his head. “Oh my god!” he shrieked. He started to jerk his head forward to make the bird fly away. But the bird seemed to enjoy Jonghyun’s scalp and stayed where it was.

I tried to prevent myself for laughing. “Um… Just sit still and it will probably go away”, I adviced Jonghyun while I drowned a laugh in my mouth.

Jonghyun sat there, frozen, looking up at the bird. The bird suddenly started to peck into Jonghyun’s head. “It’s eating me up!” Jonghyun yelped.

I was lost in what to do. “Just… Stay were you are”, I hopelessly said. Jonghyun rolled his eyes at me. “You don’t say?”

Jonghyun remained calm. But when the bird started to peck at his eyelids Jonghyun couldn’t hold the fear away from him.

“I’m getting a mad cow disease if it keeps eating me!” Jonghyun screamed with one eye closed, as the bird was pecking in it.

“Jonghyun, it’s a bird!” Jonghyun waved his hands over his head and desperately tried to get the bird away from his head.

“I’m getting a mad bird disease then!” Jonghyun panicked. The canoe started to get more and more unconscious as Jonghyun made big movements with his arms. With that, I started to get a little scared to. I did not feel like falling in the water.

Jonghyun glared at the bird. “Yeah that’s right bird, you’re MAD!” he shouted at it.

As the bird kept eating Jonghyun, I realized how serious this situation was. So I grabbed my paddle and tried to hit the bird with it.

I swung the paddle through the air and slammed it against the bird. I hit Jonghyun’s head to with the paddle several times too, but he had to suffer for our survival.

  Finally I hit the bird right and it fly away while it still lived. Jonghyun and I pointed our arms into the air and made a victory shout. But my paddle made the canoe become overbalanced and our canoe tipped over.

I closed my eyes when I hit the water and reached for the surface at the water. I spat the water out when I finally could breathe again.

I loud laugh escaped my mouth when I realized how comical this situation was. Jonghyun getting attacked by a bird and us tipping over.

But as I wasn’t joined with laughter, I looked around for Jonghyun. He was no were in sight.

“Jonghyun!” I shouted. No answer came, only the sound of water was heard.

“JONGHYUN!” I screamed starting to panic. Then I heard a knocking sound coming from the inside of our tipped over canoe.

I gasper when I realized what that meant.  Jonghyun was under the canoe, not able to  breathe.


Sorry for the wait guys! :(

So, I made a trailer! Yeah I know, I should’ve been writing but…

(Does anyone know how to directly paste the video in here? Like without the link, only the vid? :))

It’s not really that good because I’m far from pro but yeah… :) 

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Updating ^^


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Chapter 1: Please read this comment! Okay, I've been reading this fanfic since last year, and it was one of my firsts. Now I've probably read 100+, and still, this is one of my favorites! I didn't have an account before, but now I do. When you announced this story would be discontinued, I REALLY felt saaaaaad! I wish this story was still being updated.. I wished that I was able to be one of those people who requested you to finish this! But because of reading so many others, I forgot the title so I couldn't find it. I really love this storyyy ;~;
ChocoPandaa #2
Chapter 25: ooh you so nasty =_=
..well what's done's done.. :/ Gonna wait for your Burning Snowflake story to be updated now.. >>
Chapter 25: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooo! T.T
ChocoPandaa #5
Chapter 22: Whaaa she crawled in the wrong tent..?! xD
Chapter 21: This is too complicated my mind is so uncomfortable...
Chapter 19: uptade more soon! Can't wait for the next chapter! :D