An Adventurous Ride

Yeobo, I Think I Love Your Brother


”Come on, Mi-Na. It’s taking forever”, Key complained. Mi-Na could hear him sighing from the outside of the door. He harshly knocked on the bathroom door.

“I’m coming”, I sneered like I was a teen talking to my mum. Key was always being unfair when it came to things like this. He took an eternity to get ready while I only needed five minutes.

He expected me to patiently wait for him to get done, but when I - for once- was the last one done, he acted like a little child. So I always made sure I was done before Key, but today that just wasn’t possible. I was meeting his family for the first time and I was about to pee my pants in fear.

Key harshly knocked once more. “Come out now, or I’m going to personally go in there and drag you out of the apartment”, Key threatened. I chose to ignore that. He could drag me as much as he wanted, but no matter how much he denied, I was stronger than him.

“Mi-Na…” Key warned. I knew that voice. If I wasn’t out of here within a second, Key would get a freak attack. He wouldn’t shut up with his nagging until midnight.

So I quickly applied the last eyeliner and hurried out of the bathroom. “Done”, I panted and sent Key a small smile. Key, however, did certainly not respond with a smile.

“Congratz, I have now grown a beard”, he rolled his eyes and grabbed his Louis Vuitton bag. I grabbed my simple black suitcase. Our roles in the relationship were a bit messed up but there was no way Key could resist looking extremely fashionable.

In fact, he was now sending my suitcase laser glares. “Are you really going to bring that?” He asked, obviously disgusted by my choice. He pronounced ‘that’ as it was some sort of animal.

“Yeah, I was planning to”, I shortly answered. Key kept staring at me. “What? It’s not like the rest of your family have a problem with my apparently horrible taste in suitcases”, I defended myself.  It was not said as a question, but actually it was.

If they cared just half as much about fashion as Key did, this long weekend was going to be a nightmare. Then I was going to be forced wearing killer heels and uncomfortable dresses every day. What a nightmare!

“Nah, but I should warn you. They can appear a little snobby. If you don’t play tennis or golf, it’s a dead game”, Key told me.

“What!?” I panicked. “I neither play tennis or golf!” It’s official. This weekend was going to be a nightmare. But Key didn’t look upset at all.

“Don’t worry, my brother will teach you”, Key shrugged. “You have a brother?” I seriously had a lack of information about Key’s family. Key knew everything about my family - also how weird they were- but I didn’t even know the members of his.

“Yeah… Jonghyun. You’ll like him”, Key said. I nodded and tried to calm myself down.

I may have liked him a bit too much.

“We just need to pick Taemin up on the way”, Key said while driving. I was still not comfortable when Key was the chauffeur. He drove like some crazy Italian. Or maybe just as woman.

“Who’s he?” I asked and tried to ignore the fact we were moving dangerously close to the wrong lane.

“My cousin.” Key stopped the car in front of “Seoul Dance College.” “He goes here?” I gaped. I heard it only was the most talented dancers there could attend.

A young skinny boy came walking towards our car. At first look, I almost misjudged him for a girl. But when he came closer, I could see his muscular shape, probably from dancing.

He sent me a shy smile and offered me his hand. “Hi, you must be Mi-Na noona, right?” I nodded. “Nice to meet you, Taemin”, I answered.

Taemin smiled and got into the backseat. “Let’s gooo!” Key cheered and pressed the breaks extra hard. I screamed my heart out while Taemin just laughed. Key finally slowed down and ran his fingers through his hair.

“I just rock this ”, he cockily said. “You sure don’t have a lack of confidence”, I shook my head.

Key did a hand gesture over his body. “How could I with this look?”  I just giggled and kissed his lips.

“Yah! I’m too innocent”, Taemin complained from the back. I turned around and saw he had covered his eyes with his hands.

Okay, what’s with this boy? He’s what 19? And still act like he never someone kissing before? It was only a peck.

Key rolled his eyes. “Psh, Taemin. You can’t fool us. I saw all the ladies you surround yourself with. They aren’t exactly innocent either.”

Taemin was silent for a moment. Then he smirked. “Alright I admit it. I’m the ladies’ man. They’re crazy about their ‘Taeminnie baby’. Now Key, SHOW THE WHO THE BOSS IS!” Taemin screamed.

“He already manages that quite well…” I mumbled to myself. Key laughed and squeezed my thigh. “You know you love it”, he ily whispered in my ear. Key might have been a pain in the most times, but he never failed to give my chills.

“KEY THE ROAD!” Taemin shouted and pointed at the squirrel on the road in front of us. If Key didn’t push the breaks very soon that squirrel would be a very squashed squirrel.

But it didn’t look like Key was planning to. He looked like someone who just saw a ghost, or in Key’s case; someone who just saw his Burberry jacket in the trashcan. Which in Key’s case; was pretty bad.

“Save the squirrel!” Taemin shouted from the backseat like another save-the-world freak. But Key didn’t move an inch. Nor did he lift his feet from the speeder. He just kept turning paler.

“Damnit Key!” I scolded him and took action instead. I turned my body and pushed myself in between Key’s legs. Then I jerked my foot on the breaks and removed Key’s from the speeder. Just a short meter before the squirrel the car stopped.

“You know hyung, another time just wait a second about showing of your boss skills”, Taemin mumbled. Then he jumped out of the car and ran to the squirrel there was frozen in shock.

“I’ll name you Günther”, Taemin said while he petted the poor squirrel. “Oh and by the way Key, if you don’t move your hands very soon that would look awfully a lot like a scene”, Taemin added.

Then I noticed Key and mine position. I was in between Key’s legs and my body was pressed up against his chest. Key’s hands had somehow found the way to both of my s. And after what I felt, Key had squeezed them several times in panic.
Talk about one last wish before dead.

 Key’s face reddened but he didn’t remove his hands. I got myself free from his embrace because a certain thing started to harden. Not the right time, bratwurst.

“ert”, I grumbled. For once Key didn’t have a quick reply ready. Right now, he was busy trying to hide his raised sausage. It didn’t work though.

“Mi-Na, please”, Key begged. He eyed his thing. I admit it was tempting, but no way in hell we were going to do this here.

“Not here, Taemin”, I said and pointed at Taemin there was busy conversing with the squirrel. “But”, Key complained. “It won’t obey my orders.”

He was now trying to knock it down with a water bottle. “Just think of your grandma’s feet”, I advised him. No way, we were going to fix this as Key wanted. And as expected it fell down immediately. “Thanks”, Key murmured.

Hello! So, this was the first chapter. Not very good, but it’s the 1st chapter! ;P I really hope you subscribe/comment and yeah keep on reading :) Thank you! :D

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Chapter 1: Please read this comment! Okay, I've been reading this fanfic since last year, and it was one of my firsts. Now I've probably read 100+, and still, this is one of my favorites! I didn't have an account before, but now I do. When you announced this story would be discontinued, I REALLY felt saaaaaad! I wish this story was still being updated.. I wished that I was able to be one of those people who requested you to finish this! But because of reading so many others, I forgot the title so I couldn't find it. I really love this storyyy ;~;
ChocoPandaa #2
Chapter 25: ooh you so nasty =_=
..well what's done's done.. :/ Gonna wait for your Burning Snowflake story to be updated now.. >>
Chapter 25: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooo! T.T
ChocoPandaa #5
Chapter 22: Whaaa she crawled in the wrong tent..?! xD
Chapter 21: This is too complicated my mind is so uncomfortable...
Chapter 19: uptade more soon! Can't wait for the next chapter! :D