The Biggest Jerk on Earth

Yeobo, I Think I Love Your Brother


Mi-Na had expected the ride to the hotel to be very awkward. Even though they just agreed to be friends it didn’t change in a moment. But Jonghyun surprised her. He was very talkative and he seemed happy.

At first Mi-Na let Jonghyun do the talking while she just looked at the scenery passing by.

But as the threes passed Jonghyun’s mood infected Mi-Na. Soon both of them were laughing and chatting together. As friends though.

When they arrived at the hotel, Key’s aunts announced that the next couple of days would be spend in the nature.

Mi-Na asked Key how they could decide that, since it was their wedding, but Key just shrugged his shoulders. “They always manage to get the power somehow”, he sighed.

The next day there would be an orienteering race and afterwards they’d camp in tents. Mi-Na wanted to cry just by the thought.

The next morning the entire family was gathered outside a small forest. The morning was still cold and people hugged themselves to keep them warm. In the front were two of Key’s aunts.

They clapped their hands and called for attention. “Are you ready to fight today?” One of them shouted.

A few - very few- answered while most people just groaned, wishing they still were in bed.

“Okay, here are the rules for today; you’ll be divided into teams of two persons each. You’ll get a map and the post you have to find will be marked on there- The winner is the team who get their post first and return here”, Key’s aunt explained.

“What does the winner get?” Minho bluntly asked, not hiding why here was here. He came for winning.

“They’ll get a free trip to the city where they can enjoy a drink at Uncle Joe’s. Plus, they get to choose another team to join them.” Everybody seemed to enjoy that part of the deal and they started to chat with each other.

“But! First, let’s get our bodies warm.” Everybody started to weakly follow the aunt’s awkward moves.

Mi-Na spotted Jonghyun and ran to him. She was in a surprising good mood today. “Hi!” She grinned. She actually believed that their friendship would last.

But for some reason, Jonghyun was extremely sour today. Maybe it was the fact, that he dreamt of Mi-Na that night and unfortunately he had woken up again. That pissed him off.

A sour growl escaped his lips but Mi-Na was too far up in the pink sky to notice.

“Okay, now the teams. Key’s with Onew, and Mi-Na is with Jonghyun. Taemin and Minho together. Uncle Bob and…” the aunt continued to mention the teams.

Key and Mi-Na’s eyes met across the field. It would’ve been fun together but they both knew they would end up quarreling. Instead, they just blew each other a kiss.

Jonghyun snorted besides Mi-Na and rolled his eyes. He was so sick of Mi-Na today. She hadn’t really done him anything but just the fact that she was so irresistible was annoying enough.

“I guess we’re on a team then?” Mi-Na said. She was a bit nervous for spending so long time with Jonghyun alone - she decided to let it go, though.

“Let’s get started”, Jonghyun sighed.

1 hour later:

“How long is there to the next post?” Mi-Na panted. Jonghyun rolled his eyes even though he didn’t have a reason to.

If Jonghyun could have guessed on how long Mi-Na would last, he would’ve said 3 km as a maximum. Now they’d passed 5 km a long time ago but somehow he was still incredible annoyed. Everything she said made him want to scream.

“On the top of that hill”, he muttered, trying to hold in his rage.

Mi-Na sighed and stopped to breathe. “Wait here and I’ll get it”, Jonghyun said and ran without waiting for her response.

In the corner of the eye, he could see Mi-Na nod and drink some of her water. He increased his speed but suddenly he tripped over a root. He fell and screamed in pain by the hurt in his lower leg.


“I don’t think we’ll win this time”, Mi-Na said as she helped Jonghyun lean his weight on her. Jonghyun fell with his face in the bushes and twisted his foot.

“But who cares?” she continued as Jonghyun didn’t reply. “We wouldn’t have won anyway. Minho has always been quite competitive, hasn’t he?”

No answer again.

It’s been 10 minutes since Jonghyun fell. Since then he hadn’t said a single word but Mi-Na kept on talking. Words were better than silence after all.

“This is a bit sad actually. I wasn’t even tired yet”, Mi-Na claimed. “You should’ve just let me take the post. I don’t fall that often.”

Finally Jonghyun had enough.

“Dear  Mi-Na, can’t you just shut the uo for one second? I’m considering committing suicide in your company!” Jonghyun rudely yelled.

Mi-Na’s mouth turned into a straight line. Her fists shut to keep her anger in. She kept carrying Jonghyun though. Despite he was a jerk, he still deserved not to lay on the ground.

Instead of yelling back at Jonghyun, she actually chose to shut up. If he wanted silence, he would get it.

The words died and you could only hear the leaves under the feet crack once in a while. The silence grew depressing.

After completely silence, Jonghyun mumbled something really low. “Can you please say something again? It’s really quiet now.”

Mi-Na sighed and even though Jonghyun was being unfair, she thought that he was just sad about not winning. So she followed his ordered. She started to talk about random stuff again but this time with less happiness.

Mi-Na’s words ate up Jonghyun’s head and he felt like it was going to explode. “Wait, shut up again”, he told her.

Mi-Na jerked her head in anger and let her arm disappear from Jonghyun’s reach. He lost balance and fell on his down on the ground. He winced by the pain but Mi-Na had no mercy any longer.

“What the hell!? First you want be to be quiet and I was. Then you wanted me to talk and I did. Now, you’re telling me to shut up again? Can’t you just make a ing decision so I can continue pleasing your orders”, Mi-Na sarcastically yelled.

“He’s ed up.” Jonghyun could guess Mi-Na’s thoughts. And she was right.

Within a short period of time, Jonghyun could mention at least 5different shades of Kim Jonghyun’s personality.

1)      Sweet Jonghyun. (Mi-Na, of course you can learn to play tennis. Just you wait and see!)

2)      Patient Jonghyun. (Yes Mi-Na, it’s totally okay that you hit me in the balls twice.)

3)      Cold Jonghyun. (It’s best to end this thing here. Just pretend we never happened.)

4)      Jonghyun in the pink sky. (Oh my god, did she just smile at me a bit longer than usual?)

5)      And last but not least; Insane Jonghyun. (Be silent, talk, shut up.)

“Congratulations Mi-Na, you’re with a bipolar person”, Jonghyun thought.

Jonghyun kept sitting on the ground, not able to get up due to his bad foot. Mi-Na considered to help him up again, it was her fault he was down there, but was too mad to do so.

She just angrily stared at him, discussing with herself whether to yell at him some more.

“I’m sorry”, Jonghyun finally said. Mi-Na narrowed her eyes at him.

“You’re just saying that to get up from there, aren’t you?” she suspiciously asked him.

“Kinda”, he bluntly admitted. Mi-Na was about to raise her voice again, but Jonghyun stopped her. “But! I’m actually sorry too.”

Jonghyun made puppy eyes. He blinked a few times and showed an aeygo. It must really be important to make Mi-Na happy again, since Kim Jonghyun’s aeygo was rare.

Mi-Na bit her lip to prevent herself from smiling. Jonghyun did look kind of cute like that. But with force, she remained poker faced.

“You are a jerk”, she said.

Jonghyun nodded. “A big jerk”, he agreed.

“A really, really, really big jerk”, Mi-Na continued.

“So big, that I beat all other jerks in this world right?” Jonghyun asked her.

Mi-Na nodded. “So big of a jerk that I still wonder how you fit into this universe.”

“I guess I’m a big jerk”, Jonghyun finished.

Mi-Na looked at him, looking pathetic on the ground. Finally, she sighed and helped him up. They walked a bit in silence, Jonghyun not daring to make her mad again.

After a short while, he couldn’t refrain himself from asking the burning question.

“Mi-Na? I am a sweet jerk too, right?”

Where did the comments go? :( This is because of my evil replies, right? lol jk, just thanks for reading even though most of you don’t say much ;)

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Chapter 1: Please read this comment! Okay, I've been reading this fanfic since last year, and it was one of my firsts. Now I've probably read 100+, and still, this is one of my favorites! I didn't have an account before, but now I do. When you announced this story would be discontinued, I REALLY felt saaaaaad! I wish this story was still being updated.. I wished that I was able to be one of those people who requested you to finish this! But because of reading so many others, I forgot the title so I couldn't find it. I really love this storyyy ;~;
ChocoPandaa #2
Chapter 25: ooh you so nasty =_=
..well what's done's done.. :/ Gonna wait for your Burning Snowflake story to be updated now.. >>
Chapter 25: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooo! T.T
ChocoPandaa #5
Chapter 22: Whaaa she crawled in the wrong tent..?! xD
Chapter 21: This is too complicated my mind is so uncomfortable...
Chapter 19: uptade more soon! Can't wait for the next chapter! :D