And So It Went

Yeobo, I Think I Love Your Brother


“Mi-Na, are you ready?” Key called out in the apartment. No one responded. Key furrowed his eyebrows and walked further into the apartment. It wasn’t like Mi-Na to not answer him.

Key chuckled when he found Mi-Na. She had collapsed on the floor. Her head was resting on a wedding magazine and there were tons of the kinds spread on the floor, surrounding her.

A small piece of droll ran down her cheek and a slight snore escaped her. The pen under her cheek had left a small drawing on her face.

Key wondered how it could be comfortable to sleep like that. He sat down next to her. His fingers removed a lock of her hair.

“Honey, are you ready to go?” he whispered. Mi-Na started to move and soon after her sleepy eyes looked into his, a bit confused.

“Hm?” she mumbled. Key smiled and kissed her lips. “We have to go to the airport now, remember?”

Mi-Na let out a soft sigh and stumbled up from the floor. “I guess I fell asleep”, she said. Keu laughed and laid a hand around her waist. He followed her to the car waiting for them.

Two hours later, Mi-Na fastened her seatbelt in the plane. Key was to her right side, who demanded to get the window spot. Taemin was to the left.

Half of the plane was filled with Key’s family. Mi-Na only had her parents and they were so alternative. They disliked wedding stuff like this and only showed up for the ceremony. But it was okay, Key’s family was so big anyway.

“I’m glad we have to fly this time to avoid placing Key behind the steering wheel”, Taemin told Mi-Na, exactly loud enough for Key to hear.

“Yah!” Key turned to Taemin. “At least there’s no risk of meeting a squirrel you can pet up here”, Key shot back.

“What? That was cute!” Taemin insisted. “I miss Günther”, he pouted. Key and Mi-Na shook their heads and wondered when that boy was going to grow up.

His pouting soon vanished though. “Hey, Mi-Na-ah”, he excitedly said. “I’m really excited for meeting your family.”

“Yeah”, she mumbled, not that excited herself. She wasn’t really close with her parents. They were alright, they were just very far from Mi-Na’s way of living.

By the mention of Mi-Na’s family Key laughed. Mi-Na once decided that Key should meet her family. Well, that turned out to be a very embarrassing experience.

Apparently they didn’t find it necessary to dress nicely just because Key visited. So they didn’t dress at all.

“What’s so bad about them?” Taemin asked, confused.

Mi-Na cleared my throat. “They’re just a bit… alternative”, she said.

Key snorted. “Alternative? They walk around . Your dad knits while your mum plays the harp.”

Taemin raised his brows at me, waiting for Mi-Na to explain, but she was distracted by something else. She was busy staring at the guy in front of her. Jonghyun. Even from behind she couldn’t take her eyes of him.

Key followed her gaze and realized it was Jonghyun she was staring at. He poked Jonghyun’s shoulder which made him jump in surprise.

“Yah”, he turned around. Key looked at Onew and Minho next to Jonghyun. “Where’s Hwa-Young?” he asked, secretly hoping she had moved to Poland or something.

Mi-Na stiffened by the mention of a girl name. Jonghyun’s eyes met hers before he answered. “Um… She’ll come in a couple of days”, he said and turned around in his seat.

“Who’s she?” Mi-Na whispered to Key, hoping Jonghyun wouldn’t hear. “No one”, Jonghyun coldly answered, who obviously heard he question.

Key looked confused for a second but then he smirked. “He’s right. She’s a no one.”

Mi-Na shrugged her shoulders while she still wondered in her mind. Her eyes burned into the back of Jonghyun’s head. Almost as he could feel it, he turned around

He smiled a polite smile, which confused Mi-Na, and reached his hand forward.

“I’m sorry Mi-Na-sshi, I forgot to say hi again.” Without even giving Mi-Na a chance to react on his weird behavior, he grabbed her hand and shook it.

Mi-Na wanted to know what kind of game Jonghyun was playing, but instead she just blankly stared at him.

At last she decided to join it. If he wanted to pretend like nothing ever happened, then let it be. It was probably for the best.

Mi-Na returned Jonghyun’s polite smile and shook his hand. “Nice to see you again too, Jonghyun-ssshi.”

Jonghyun’s eyes flickered for a second. He didn’t expect her to return his behavior this fast.

“You to always act weird around each other”, Onew commented from the side line. Key looked at Jonghyun, then at Mi-Na. He decided to let it go this time.

Moments after, they packed the cars with their luggage. Somone, who obviously liked to play with fire, had decided that Jonghyun and Mi-Na would be placed in the same car.

Mi-Na was fiddling with her suitcase, trying to make it fit into the back of the car. Even though it didn’t want to team work with her, she refused defeat.

Someone cleared his throat next to her. “Need some help?” Jonghyun asked her.

Without waiting for a respond, he grabbed her bag and, without further trouble, fitted the bag into the room.

“Thank you”, Mi-Na muttered, cursing her suitcase-skills.

Jonghyun turned to Mi-Na and his gaze went serious. “Listen Mi-Na…” He seemed to stop whatever he was going to say.

His brown eyes stared into her. They told her a story she couldn’t read. She wanted to, so badly. He finally broke their gaze. He reached out his hands. “Friends?” he suggested.

Mi-Na looked studied Jonghyun’s face. What this really what she wanted? She asked herself. No it wasn’t. It was far from what she wanted. But not everything in this world that you want is available.

“Friends”, she agreed.


Hey guys. Sorry for not updating… I had to go to London. But I wrote some stuff on the plane so more stuff should be coming.

 Btw, the new downvote comment thingy? I’m not gonna use it unless you write something really rude (which I’m not counting on) but I’m kinda clumsy so if you see your comment downvoted it was an accident.. Just my thumbs hitting wrongly xD

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Chapter 1: Please read this comment! Okay, I've been reading this fanfic since last year, and it was one of my firsts. Now I've probably read 100+, and still, this is one of my favorites! I didn't have an account before, but now I do. When you announced this story would be discontinued, I REALLY felt saaaaaad! I wish this story was still being updated.. I wished that I was able to be one of those people who requested you to finish this! But because of reading so many others, I forgot the title so I couldn't find it. I really love this storyyy ;~;
ChocoPandaa #2
Chapter 25: ooh you so nasty =_=
..well what's done's done.. :/ Gonna wait for your Burning Snowflake story to be updated now.. >>
Chapter 25: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooo! T.T
ChocoPandaa #5
Chapter 22: Whaaa she crawled in the wrong tent..?! xD
Chapter 21: This is too complicated my mind is so uncomfortable...
Chapter 19: uptade more soon! Can't wait for the next chapter! :D