And Into The Night He Went

Yeobo, I Think I Love Your Brother


The following days passed like any others, and slowly turned into a blur. I went to work, returned and slept. Then repeated the routine.

I pushed the thought of Jonghyun away. No matter if we had a flirt in high school or not, the kiss was a stupid mistake that I shouldn’t have done.  

Key’s charm (?) and self-confidence convinced me that this was where I belonged. In his arms. By his side. No other place. I was ashamed that I even doubted on him.

I was now standing in a crowd of people with my hand buried in my pockets, to protect myself from just a tiny bit of their loudness.

Key had forced me to join another of his fashion shows. He told me that he would meet me here with some other of his friends. The thing was, Key wasn’t here and the show was starting in less than a minute.

The people around me pushed me around, while I desperately checked my watch each second. I looked around in the big room and tried to jump over the strangers to see the top of Key’s hair. But he wasn’t in sight.

“God damn it, Key”, I cursed under my breath, as a loud bell rang as a sign to place on your seat. People stumbled to their places, while they send me weird looks as I kept standing where I was.

I had no idea what my seat number was either. It wouldn’t surprise me if Key had reserved on the front row, even though or money didn’t reach. Food and a place to sleep didn’t matter - as long as he was updated on the newest fashion trends, everything would work out.

I dialed his number and listened to the beeping tone as I waited for him to pick up. “Come on, Key”, I mumbled. “Pick it up.”

But the beeps continued until the answering machine took over. “Hello~ You have called The Almighty Key. I’m busy being awesome right now, so leave a message. I might call you back - well if I feel like it”, Key’s robot voice told me.

I barely stuck my phone in my pocket again as I got a text message from Key:

“Hey Mi-Na sweetie, sorry something came up, I can’t reach our date. Don’t worry I sent a nice replacement. Have fun!”

I grumbled some curses at Key. This was so typical him. He forced me into participating at like this and then he didn’t even show up himself.

A man told me to take seat so I just grabbed one of the few free. I had paid for at least one of them anyway.

10 terrifying skinny models and 50 ugly outfits later, the first part of the show was done. Here came my favorite part; free food in the break.

I aimed directly after the tiny canapés but was stopped by a poke on my shoulder. I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering if Key decided to show up, and turned around.

I was met by Jonghyun who was smiling awkwardly to me. He made a small wave. “Um…” he wondered what to say. “Hi?” he suggested.

A flush of emotions rushed over me. One part of me wondered what he was doing here, another one wished to skip this upcoming awkwardness.

“So… Key told me you needed a partner for this thingy, right?”

So Key was the villain. I awkwardly scratched my scalp. “I guess so, yeah.”

We stood in silence for a while, Jonghyun munching on a canapé. I stood there envying the taste in his mouth, but Jonghyun’s thoughts seemed to be somewhere else that the canapé in his mouth.

He looked around and then leaned closer to my ear. “Do you wanna get out of here?” he asked me.

I sighed a breath of relief. The thought of avoiding another bunch of clothes no one would wear thrilled me. I nodded my head and we rushed out of the building.

Jonghyun called a cap to pic us up. The awkward silence returned again and the only thing that was heard was the cars passing by and the music from the fashion show.

The weather had become colder lately and you could see our cold breath in the air. My gaze slowly followed Jonghyun’s breath to his lips.

Something spontaneous and possibly stupid inside me, took a fast decision. Without a second thought I grabbed Jonghyun’s neck and pulled him nearer.

I planted my ice cold lips on his that somehow had managed to stay warm. Jonghyun didn’t protest by my sudden action. He opened his arms and covered my in his jacket, continuing kissing me.

I stepped upon his shoes to reach him better. Even though Jonghyun was short, I was shorter. His hands travelled down my waist and crawled up under my shirt.

I shuttered by his cold hands on my skin but didn’t stop him. They crawled longer up and the tension rose.

But in a swift move, his hands were out before they even reach my . He almost pushed me out of his jacket and parted our lips harshly.

I looked up at him, knowing that I couldn’t expect otherwise from him. Jonghyun’s eyes were dark and regretful.

“It was mistake to believe that I could come here without ending up doing something wrong”, Jonghyun angrily said, the madness turned towards himself.

Jonghyun turned around and started to get in, in the newly arrived taxi.

“Jonghyun-“ I said, and placed my hand on the car door. This time it was my time to beg him.

“Please forget about it, and never mention it again”, Jonghyun repeated me. The taxi took speed and disappeared out in the dark night.

My own words broke my heart.


Okay so honestly, I died a little in this story already… This might be too much to ask, but comment really do make a huge difference for the author (this case me :P) It gives me inspiration to continue the story and knowing that someone actually reads it, means a lot. So maybe - just maybe- could a few more comment now and then? :) Sorry for partyrockin being annoying. ;)

Anyways, I hope you enoyed reading this chapter. What do you think will happen next? :)

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Chapter 1: Please read this comment! Okay, I've been reading this fanfic since last year, and it was one of my firsts. Now I've probably read 100+, and still, this is one of my favorites! I didn't have an account before, but now I do. When you announced this story would be discontinued, I REALLY felt saaaaaad! I wish this story was still being updated.. I wished that I was able to be one of those people who requested you to finish this! But because of reading so many others, I forgot the title so I couldn't find it. I really love this storyyy ;~;
ChocoPandaa #2
Chapter 25: ooh you so nasty =_=
..well what's done's done.. :/ Gonna wait for your Burning Snowflake story to be updated now.. >>
Chapter 25: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooo! T.T
ChocoPandaa #5
Chapter 22: Whaaa she crawled in the wrong tent..?! xD
Chapter 21: This is too complicated my mind is so uncomfortable...
Chapter 19: uptade more soon! Can't wait for the next chapter! :D