
Yeobo, I Think I Love Your Brother


The next morning I walked to the dining hall, to join Key’s family for breakfast. There were at least 50 people. I only knew about 10 of them. So when stranger men suddenly started to joke with me, I just nodded, smiled, and pretended to catch their points. Not that I did.

I took a seat next to Key and Taemin, with Jonghyun in front of us. Minho and Onew sat on that side too. It seemed to be the “youngsters” table.

Jonghyun smirked when he saw Key. “So”, he said in a fierce voice. Apparently he was still mad at Key for his comments last night.

“Did you enjoy your bride last night?” he sarcastically asked Key. Key nodded. “Yes, actually I did. Problem?” He challenging asked, with raised brows.

Jonghyun shrugged his shoulders. “Did you even enjoy it, Mi-Na? I can’t imagine that”, Jonghyun turned to me.

I hurriedly got up from my seat, with red cheeks. “I-I’m just going to catch some more pancakes. W-want some?” I asked them, to escape their quarrel.

“Yes, bring me some so I can throw them in Key’s face”, Jonghyun ordered. Key narrowed his eyes. “Then bring me some syrup too. Jonghyun needs a shower.”

“Just bring the whole buffet, so I can make those two shut up”, Minho grumbled. “Bring me some sugar, so Minho can get a little happier”, Taemin smiled.

I finally turned my head to Onew. He looked up at me from his food, with big eyes. “Uh, I would just like some pancakes, thanks.”

I breathed a sigh of relief when I finally escaped 2. World war. I quickly grabbed the pancakes I needed and returned to the table a while after.

“Pancakes for Onew”, I said and placed a stack in front of him. I chose to not bring for the others. There was no reason to give the competing weapons.

Key and Jonghyun were in a heated fight. I think everybody could hear them bicker. “What happened?” I whispered to Taemin.

Taemin shrugged his shoulders. “I think Jonghyun referred that Key was into boys. And something about his Madonna love”, Taemin told me.

“They are always like this. You’ll get used to it”, Minho told me. I sighed. I wasn’t sure that I could get used to this. I mean, they were almost killing each other.

Everybody seemed to just watch Jonghyun and Key fight, completely silent. “These pancakes are really good”, Onew suddenly said.

I couldn’t help but chuckle. Note to self: remember to bring Onew in pressured situations, I thought.



Jonghyun waved me over, when he saw me coming. He was going to teach me golf today. He claimed that I would be a master afterwards. Good luck with that.

“Ready to get taught by the greatest of the greatest?” Jonghyun asked me, when I was within ears reach.

“Absolutely!” I said and pointed my arm up in the air, as I was Superman. Jonghyun laughed and joined me, pointing his arm up in the air too.

“What the heck are you two doing? Weren’t you supposed to play golf?” Key shouted from a window. Jonghyun and I realized what we were doing, and laughed.

“Ai ai, Sir!” We answered and saluted. Jonghyun started to walk to the golf courses, and I followed him.

In a way I was glad Jonghyun was the one going to teach me, and not Key. Key would probably go crazy when he saw how bad I . Hopefully Jonghyun was a little more patient.

When we reached the course, Jonghyun handed me a golf club.

“You take your arms back like this”, Jonghyun showed me and pretended to hit an invisible ball. I copied his moved as well as I could. Jonghyun approvingly nodded, even though it looked nothing the same.

“Alright.” He walked towards me. “Try to swing a little more like this.” Jonghyun said, and covered my arms with his, to show me the move. I could smell a sweet smell of aftershave mixed with warm cotton.

My heart started to beat faster, when I noticed how close we were. I could feel his breath on my neck. I could feel Jonghyun’s heart beating faster too, and we both pulled away from the forbidden feeling.

Jonghyun cleared his throat, and walked in front of me. I didn’t notice though, my thoughts were somewhere else.

I practiced the , while Jonghyun walked around in front of me. Jonghyun bent down to place a golf ball for me, at exactly the same time I chose to make another . And once again, I hit Jonghyun’s balls.

“AAARGH!” Jonghyun shouted the same as yesterday. “Oh no”, I mumbled and my face heated up with embarrassment. No human being could possibly be this unlucky. Well except me, of course.

“Oh my gosh. I can’t believe I did it again. Are you okay?” I asked. I feared that Jonghyun might have gotten angry this time. He was cool yesterday, but two times in a row was too much. Almost like I did it on purpose.

Key would have gotten angry at me just by the first time. He would have scolded me, and afterwards refused to talk to me.

But Jonghyun looked up from me from his bent down position, and chuckled. “Do you have a thing about my balls or something?” We both reddened, when we realized how wrong that sounded.

“Once again Jonghyun. I’m really sorry”, I apologized while we walked back to the house. Jonghyun decided that we played enough golf for today.

“It’s okay, Mi-Na”, he chuckled because this was at least the 100th time I said that I was sorry.

“Are you sure… You can… Um, have kids?” I asked him. Jonghyun laughed out loud by my question.

“Really Mi-Na, I think it would take more to knock me out of the game”, he assured me.

“Are you referring that I have to hit you harder next time?” I teasingly asked him. “Yeah, you better”, Jonghyun said with sparkly eyes. There it came again. That feeling that I knew Jonghyun from somewhere.

“Are you a master in golf now?” Key asked me and hugged me from behind. Strangely it seemed to bother Jonghyun. Or… he did look away.

“Eh heh… I don’t think that’ s the exact case”, I sheepishly replied. Jonghyun chuckled. “She repeated yesterday”, Jonghyun explained.

Key’s eyes widened and he covered his mouth in shock. “Omo Mi-Na! I didn’t knew you were that big of a monster”, he laughed.

“I’m not. I’m just a bit clumsy, that’s all”, I pouted.

Key dragged me away from Jonghyun into our room. “Now make me some food”, he demanded

“No”, I refused. I hated when he treated me like his personal maid. He could as well had said: Calling all women back to the kitchen.

“Come on, Mi-Na. I’m tired and need food and you won’t even make me some?” He complained.

“Why can’t you just wait for dinner with the others?” I asked him.

“Because, I’m tired”, Key said and pulled the ‘because’ extra-long, so it turned out more annoying.

I raised my brows and crossed my arms. “Oh so you’re tired? I have been playing golf all day”, I defended myself.

Key snorted and rolled his eyes. “Don’t you mean, kicked my brother’s balls all day?” He mocked me.

“And what have you been making?” Key didn’t answer that, so I bet nothing. “Why won’t you just make me that damn food!?” Key shouted.

“Why don’t you make that damn food yourself?” I shouted as well now

“Because it’s your job!” Key screamed. “It’s so simple, just do it!”

“If it’s that simple then make it yourself, because I’m going to bed, chauvinistic jerk!” I yelled and slammed the door shut to our bedroom.

“This early?” Key asked with a little softer voice.

“Rather that, than being with you!” I shouted and buried myself under the sheets.

Not long after, I felt Key lie down next to me and sneak his arms around me. “I’m sorry”, he whispered in my ear and kissed my neckline.

Key and I were always like this. We fought often. This was just a light example of one of our fights. Sometimes they lead to make-up but mostly they just lead to more screaming and then silence.

The next morning we would pretend nothing happened, but we both knew we thought about it. We would pretend that we didn’t get hurt from what the other part called us last night. But honestly, every time Key and I fought it left a bruise in my heart.

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Chapter 1: Please read this comment! Okay, I've been reading this fanfic since last year, and it was one of my firsts. Now I've probably read 100+, and still, this is one of my favorites! I didn't have an account before, but now I do. When you announced this story would be discontinued, I REALLY felt saaaaaad! I wish this story was still being updated.. I wished that I was able to be one of those people who requested you to finish this! But because of reading so many others, I forgot the title so I couldn't find it. I really love this storyyy ;~;
ChocoPandaa #2
Chapter 25: ooh you so nasty =_=
..well what's done's done.. :/ Gonna wait for your Burning Snowflake story to be updated now.. >>
Chapter 25: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooo! T.T
ChocoPandaa #5
Chapter 22: Whaaa she crawled in the wrong tent..?! xD
Chapter 21: This is too complicated my mind is so uncomfortable...
Chapter 19: uptade more soon! Can't wait for the next chapter! :D