The Best Men

Yeobo, I Think I Love Your Brother


Normal P.O.V

The chilly April breeze was replaced by the mild May wind. The sun stood higher on the sky and the silence was filled by a constant, humming laughter.

The flowers started to bloom and the kids overtook the streets. The parents happily watched their children play from the benches in the parks. The newly made, young couples overtook the love benches.

In the middle of this chaos of spring and happiness, were Key and Mi-Na. They were buried in irrelevant-but-yet-so-important papers, hideous bride dresses, uneatable cakes, wailing grandparents and most of all, stress.

Their wedding date was set to late June. But before that, they’d bring both families together for a vacation. The final night would be the wedding night. After that, Mi-Na and Key would leave for honeymoon.

Even though everything was set and planned, there was still so much to do. The stack of paper jobs on Mi-Na’s desk seemed never ending.

But the constant occupations did something good for Mi-na. Mi-Na’s mind used to be a chaos, considering Jonghyun, but she was way too busy to even think of him. Another fact was that she didn’t want to either.

Eventually the thought, about her and Jonghyun together, was pushed so far back into her mind, that she almost forgot it. Mi-Na liked it.

She hadn’t seen Jonghyun since that day in the café with Key. Mi-Na was happy, that she didn’t. This was her and Key’s time to shine. She told herself, that Jonghyun was a simple distraction, maybe a symptom of cold feet.

Key sat in the middle of a coffee shop, letting Mi-Na and him take a break from the wedding stuff. Accordingly, she was out with her friends.

Key rested his head on his hands, while he waited for the best men, to come and help him out. It was Jonghyun, Taemin, Onew and Minho.

He smiled a sweet smile, thinking of Mi-Na. Lately they seemed that they were finally great together again. Key was still unsure about what happened some time ago, but he was glad it was over now.

Mi-Na was present again and despite her business, she always found the time to kiss Key. They were happy together, and that was how it was supposed to be.

“Booh!” a voice yelled behind Key and made him jump up in surprise. Key turned around and found Taemin grinning at him.

“Hi!” He innocently smiled. Key narrowed his eyes and glared at Taemin.

“What was that?” He demanded to know. Taemin shook his shoulders. “A conversation starter?” he suggested.

Key snorted. “That was the most y conversation starter ever.”

Taemin smirked. “Well we’re talking now. Who’s y now?” He triumphed. “Dang”, key cursed as he realized Taemin was the winner.

 “Hey guys!” Minho said as he entered the shop with Jonghyun walking behind him. “Howdy!” Jonghyun joked.

Just then, a bump was heard from the door. “I guess Onew’s here”, Taemin laughed and pointed at Onew lying on the floor.

Onew raised his hand, still with the head faced to the floor. “I’m okay”, he announced.

Key shook his head, and wondered why he chose such retards as his best men. Next time, he’d rent some.

The guys sat down as the same table as Key. Key folded his hands and stared at the guys importantly.

“Okay guys. We have important things to talk about today”, Key told the guys.

“I wonder if the banana pie is delicious,” Taemin said with his head buried in the menu card.

Onew shook his head. “No-no, the double chocolate one is much better”, he advised. Jonghyun violently shook his head. “Hell to the no! That one is the best”, he said and pointed at another pie.

Key cleared my throat. “We didn’t come here to get pie, for god’s sake!” I yelled.

The guys hastily dropped the menu and looked a bit embarrassed. “Okay then, speak now”, Jonghyun told him.

“Actually, I just wanted to hang out…” Key admitted. Minho growled. “Of course. As soon as the attention isn’t on you anymore, even if it’s just a pie, you make up a stupid excuse.”

“Hey!” Key protested. “I actually wanted to know if anyone of you were going to be lonely when we go to Jeju Island?”

“Are you talking about dates now?” Minho asked. Key nodded.

Minho smirked. “Well since Mi-Na brings her cousins, I’ll just run the playboy style”, he grinned. Key furrowed his eyebrows and turned to Onew.

“Eh… I’m running single I guess. Hana’s still in Japan”, Onew said. “Oh right”, Key nodded. Onew had actually managed somehow to get himself a girl. It was a mystery to everyone how that happened, but it did. And she wasn’t even mental or blind.

Taemin almost spoke up, but Key interrupted him. “Mum’s going to cry if you show up with a girl. She still believes you’re 5.”

Taemin pouted. “But it’s so unfair!” he whined.

Jonghyun snorted. “No wonder she thinks you’re 5.”

“Whatever, I’ll just date crazily before we go”, Taemin smirked and flipped his hair.

“What about you, Jonghyun?”

Jonghyun shifted uncomfortably on his chair. “Um… I’ll bring one”, he mumbled.

Within a second, all the guys’ heads was up in Jonghyun’s face. “Who!?” They shouted.

“Eh… You’ve seen her before though.” Jonghyun hesitated by telling her name. He knew that Key and Hwa-Young couldn’t stand each other.

Key widened his eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re back with…”

“Hwa-Young!?” Onew gaped. Jonghyun nodded, guilty. Minho laughed. “This is going to be World War 3!”

Jonghyun avoided Key’s mad glare. “You’re not going to take that ”, Key decided.

Jonghyun sighed. He wasn’t even sure why they hated each other that much. “Come one Key, I know you don’t like her but —”

Key interrupted. “Don’t exactly like her? I hate her. In fact, I marked the day you decided not to see her anymore, in my calendar. Every march the 5th I celebrate Hwalloween. It’s just like Halloween, except the reason you dress up is to Hwa-Young away from your home.”

“Besides, she’s really ugly”, Key growled.

“I don’t get why you say she’s so ugly all the time, hyung. Honestly, she’s totally hot”, Taemin dared to state.

“Yeah, hyung. Have you seen her s?” Minho asked Key.

“They’re probably fake anyway”, Key scowled.

“So is your , Key”, Jonghyun said. “I’m going to take her anyway”, he decided.

Long chapter to make up for yesterday :) Besides, I made a dummy last night. You couldn’t really know when tomorrow afternoon was for me… So someone un-subbed today and that's okay with me. I just wanted to know, is there something I could to better? :9

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Chapter 1: Please read this comment! Okay, I've been reading this fanfic since last year, and it was one of my firsts. Now I've probably read 100+, and still, this is one of my favorites! I didn't have an account before, but now I do. When you announced this story would be discontinued, I REALLY felt saaaaaad! I wish this story was still being updated.. I wished that I was able to be one of those people who requested you to finish this! But because of reading so many others, I forgot the title so I couldn't find it. I really love this storyyy ;~;
ChocoPandaa #2
Chapter 25: ooh you so nasty =_=
..well what's done's done.. :/ Gonna wait for your Burning Snowflake story to be updated now.. >>
Chapter 25: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooo! T.T
ChocoPandaa #5
Chapter 22: Whaaa she crawled in the wrong tent..?! xD
Chapter 21: This is too complicated my mind is so uncomfortable...
Chapter 19: uptade more soon! Can't wait for the next chapter! :D