Auntie Awkward

Yeobo, I Think I Love Your Brother


We could finally continue our drive, when we succeed in convincing Taemin that keeping the squirrel as a pet wasn’t such a great idea. Key was unbelievable quiet, while Taemin, on the other hand, had a blast commenting on Key’s little accident.

“You know, it’s totally funny, hyung. It’s like, if we were going to die in that moment, you at least wanted to squeeze one last pair of s before you left this world”, Taemin joked. I actually admire you for that, hyung.”

Key scoffed and rolled his eyes. “You know, it’s totally funny, how you stay respectful to me even though you’re obviously mocking me”, Key grumbled.

Taemin just grinned and continued telling every possible joke about the episode. I’ll admit that his jokes were pretty funny. Key got a deeper and deeper frown on his face.

“I know it, I know it”, Taemin said, ready with a new joke. He must have thought this was really good, because he jumped up and down from excitement in his seat.

Key sighed. “Just bring it already. I can’t stand your doped face any longer”, he muttered.

Taemin took a deep breath, as he was about to tell the cure of cancer. “You used them as airbags!” Taemin shouted and laughed way too much of his own joked.

“Seriously, this one was a masterpiece”, Taemin admired his own joke. I giggled but got the laser glare from Key, so I quickly stopped.

“We weren’t even involved in an accident”, Key defended himself. “So how could I use them as airbags?”

“We weren’t involved in an accident because the airbags saved you”, Taemin kindly explained to Key, as he was some sort of stupid child. Which he somehow was.

“Her name is Mi-Na, not ‘Airbags’”, Key corrected Taemin. “And besides, I had the situation under control”, Key claimed.

Taemin and I automatically exchanged looks in the mirror and cracked up. That was the biggest lie ever told.

But Key’s mood was bad enough, and there was no reason to pull the limit further. So Taemin stayed with the old joke for safety reasons. “That doesn’t matter. Airbag fits her better anyway”, Taemin decided.

“Yah Taemin!” I shouted and turned around in my seat. I tried to give Taemin the angriest glare ever, but I failed to do Key after, and chuckled when I saw Taemin doing aigo to me.

“You know you love it”, Taemin jokingly winked at me, and copied Key.

“Hey! Don’t take my lines!” Key protested when he immediately noticed Taemin using his words.

Taemin rolled his eyes. “Yeh, Yeh, Key. Just keep your eyes on the road… Wait - Is that a squirrel!?”

After a very long ride with a sullen Key and a mocking Taemin, we finally arrived in front of an enormous mansion. The yard was incredible, decorated with various fruit trees and huge flowers. You could faintly see the tennis and golf courses behind the big house.

“Your parents live here?” I gaped. I had no idea Key’s parents was that rich. He mentioned before that his family wasn’t weak on money, but honestly I only suspected him for bragging.

Key nodded as an answer. “But it looks like a 5 star hotel or something. Why on earth did you move away from here?” I asked Key. To me, in that situation, it seemed like the stupidest thing on earth you could do.

But Key seemed sure on his answer. “You wouldn’t say that if you knew my parents. Plus, I’m sure you wouldn’t find it very funny to live with your parents-in-law, right?” Key asked me with a teasing spark in his eyes.

“I would find it hilarious, if it was taking place here!” I claimed. I already felt the blood pumping through my veins, excited to seeing the rest of the house.

“Isn’t this place awesome, Airbag?” Taemin casually asked me and slung his arm around my shoulder. Somehow we ended up being best buddies after our adventurous car ride.  I eagerly nodded.

Without me noticing, a group of ladies had attacked us with warm hugs. Even me, though none of them knew me.

“You must be Key’s pretty lady?” A lady suggested and warmly smiled at me. I nodded. As long as it stayed that way, only with Key’s lady, nothing more.

Lately Key had seemed suspicious. He had suddenly started to talk about our relationship should get more serious. Even I knew what that meant.

The other night I actually found a website open at his computer. To my fear, he was scanning through wedding rings. Somehow I didn’t feel ready to marry him yet. Not at all.

Sure, I loved Key but sometimes I couldn’t help but doubt. I wondered if Key really was the one I was going spend all my life with. When other people described their biggest love, they said it was wild, rushing, happy and spontaneous. I’ll admit that Key and I had to go on several dates before I even started to find him alright.

My mum used to tell me that if I guy ever paused his videogames for me, he was the right one. Key never paused his videogames for me.

However I nodded and told the lady yes. The lady smiled and pulled me in for a bear hug.

“Nice to finally meet you, Mi-Na. I’m Key’s mum, Sang Hee”, she introduced herself.

“I thought you said your family was snobby?” I whispered to Key. “Well it’s mostly the men”, Key whispered back. Well I didn’t see nay males attacking us with hugs either.

“SO”, a chubby lady almost shouted, to break Key and I apart. Her strict look disappeared when she noticed Key’s and my attention. Instead she smiled a smile that could reach the sky.

“Loveydovies, come with me and I’ll show you your room”, she said and spun her heel around and started to march away.  Key and I hurriedly followed her.

Key ran up to the lady and tried to chat with her on the way. “Um… Auntie, why aren’t we sleeping in my old room?” Key confused asked the lady.

The lady patted Key on his head. “I didn’t think you wanted your lady to see your embarrassing past. Like your silly love for Madonna or your pink skirts you always wore at home”, the lady happily rambled.

Key loudly cleared his throat. “Just quickly take us to the other room”, he ordered with blushing cheeks while I tried to picture me Key in a pink skirt dancing to Madonna. Believe me, that was a funny thought.

“That’s Aunt Sam”, Key told me on the way to our room.

After we walked through the giant house we reached a big bedroom. No seriously, not just big, it looked like the wedding suite at luxurious hotels.

The lady fondly smiled and patted the king-size bed. “And this…” she made a dramatic pause. “Is the baby maker”, she declared.

“So have fun kids. Don’t hold you back”, she winked at us, as she knew a big secret. “I already brought earplugs”, she whispered in my ear. My face turned red as a tomato and Key awkwardly cleared his throat.

Right before she left, she turned around and added something even more embarrassing. “Oh! Btw, I want a girl. Boys are not good in the kitchen”, she ordered. I breathed a sigh of relief when she closed the door.

This was going to be one heck of a weekend.


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Chapter 1: Please read this comment! Okay, I've been reading this fanfic since last year, and it was one of my firsts. Now I've probably read 100+, and still, this is one of my favorites! I didn't have an account before, but now I do. When you announced this story would be discontinued, I REALLY felt saaaaaad! I wish this story was still being updated.. I wished that I was able to be one of those people who requested you to finish this! But because of reading so many others, I forgot the title so I couldn't find it. I really love this storyyy ;~;
ChocoPandaa #2
Chapter 25: ooh you so nasty =_=
..well what's done's done.. :/ Gonna wait for your Burning Snowflake story to be updated now.. >>
Chapter 25: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooo! T.T
ChocoPandaa #5
Chapter 22: Whaaa she crawled in the wrong tent..?! xD
Chapter 21: This is too complicated my mind is so uncomfortable...
Chapter 19: uptade more soon! Can't wait for the next chapter! :D