Jaime's Life - How I Met Yongguk

It's You

“We meet again noona,” Zelo says with a big smile.

                “We do,” I say nodding my head and smiling back at him. “How have you guys been, even though it hasn’t been that long that we last saw each other.”

                “Say noona, you and Yongguk are dating, right?” Jongup asks.

                “Yeah,” I say giving him a strange look. Why is he asking something like that when he already knows the answer? “Why do you want to know that?”

                “We’re curious noona,” Zelo says.

                “Curious about what?”

                “We want to know how to get girlfriends,” Jongup says causing me to laugh.

                “You guys want to know how to get someone’s heart? But aren’t you guys artists?” I ask. “Shouldn’t you guys have a bunch of people’s hearts?”

                “But that’s not the same,” Zelo whines. “We want someone that we can really cherish, so we want to know how Yongguk-hyung and you met.”

                “You want to know the whole backstory?” I ask slightly surprised. “I think it might be long, though.”

                “That’s alright, it looks like Himchan-hyung went somewhere else important,” Zelo says. “You can tell us so we can be more skilled in knowing how the woman mind works.”

                “You guys are very interesting people, did you know that?” I joke.

                “Noona, tell us,” Jongup says as he and Zelo get closer to me. “Tell us how Yongguk-hyung and you met because it seems like Yongguk-hyung wouldn’t be that romantic type of person.”

                “Sometimes he is,” I say thinking about to our memories together. “Believe it or not he does have a romantic side to him.”

                “Really? He does?” Zelo asks in disbelief. Jongup and Zelo stare at me for a while waiting for me to tell the story and finally, I give into them.

                “Okay, okay, I’ll tell you the story of how Yongguk-oppa and I met, alright?”

                “Yes!” Zelo and Jongup cheer as I begin telling them.


“Jaime, let’s hang out tonight,” Aecha, one of my good friends in university, says.

                “Hang out?” I ask as I look at her from the book that I’m reading.

                “All you do is read books,” she complains. “You don’t do anything fun. It’s our first year of college, we should be going out and partying and doing things that we’re not supposed to, it’s complete independence.”

                “Aecha,” I tell her. “I don’t have time to do that stuff.”

                “Well exams are over and it’s time for you to get out of this boring room. You’ve never even dated anyone, how in the world are you going to get married in the future?” she complains.

                “I wasn’t even thinking about getting married,” I tell her.

                “See, that’s why there are people like me,” she says with a big smile. “We have to watch out for you and make sure that you know what you’re doing.”

                “I know what I’m doing,” I say nodding my head.

                “Some people would beg to differ,” she says with a light laugh. “Anyway, I already told some of my other friends that we’re meeting up tonight, so you better get ready.”

                “Aecha,” I complain, but she’s already off in her own world.

                Honestly, I’m not sure how I became friends with a person like her. She’s very outgoing and sociable, everything that I’m basically not. Somehow we met during orientation and we just became best friends ever since, even if she is in a different major than I’m in. Because of that, we don’t really have that many mutual friends with one another, but we do end up meeting each other’s separate friends, which just gives us more people to know while we’re walking around on campus.

                “Aecha,” I say throwing a pillow at her to get her attention.

                “Yeah Jaime?” she asks looking at me with the most innocent face possible. How she can still look at me like that baffles me.

                “Where exactly are we going tonight?”

                “To meet up with some of my friends from the music department,” she says.

                “I got that much, but the location. Where is the location we’re going to,” I say rephrasing the question.

                “Why do you want to know that?” Aecha asks.

                “Because I don’t know if I have anything to wear,” I hesitantly admit.

                “Really?” she asks as she hops down from the bed and makes her way over to my closet and begins rummaging through it. “Jaime, I think we really need to go shopping sometime.”

                “Shopping?” I ask.

                “Yes, shopping,” she emphasizes. “Your wardrobe really needs some rearranging.”

                “Is it really that bad?” I wonder.

                “Bad? You really have no clothes to go out to a club tonight.”

                “A club? We’re going to a club?” I ask as I begin to freak out. “Aecha, I’ve never been to a club before.”

                “That’s alright,” she says with a smile. “I’m sure you’ll love it and I promise that I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

                “I’m not worried about that part; it’s just that…crowds and loud music, it doesn’t seem like my forte.”

                “Just try it out,” she says as she rummages through more of my clothes. “Right now I’m more concerned with finding you the perfect outfit.”

                 Slowly, night falls and Aecha and I make our way to the club that she’s meeting her friends at. In the end, I had to wear some of her clothes because none of my clothes passed her standard. Why must she have a high standard in the types of clothes that she wears?

                “We’re here,” she announces as she looks at a building that has loud music that I can hear from the outside, along with the typical neon lights. “Let’s go, I know the bouncer.”

                Somehow, Aecha and I make our way inside and it’s already crowded with people despite being a bit early for people to go out to the club. I follow behind her like a lost puppy. All of these people and the loud music makes me nervous for no apparent reason. This isn’t my type of lifestyle at all so why would Aecha bring me here?

                After making our way to the back, she stops at a table full of people. “Jaime, there are some of my friends from the music department. Guys, this is my best friend, Jaime.”



                “What’s up?” Are all of the greetings that I hear from around the table.

                “Just make yourself comfortable,” Aecha says as she joins right in the middle of the conversation leaving me to fend for myself. Awkwardly, sit on the edge next to some guy that looks slightly scary. I don’t think I would ever want to run into him in a dark alley. It seems like that would be a completely bad idea.

                “Um, hi,” I awkwardly say to the guy as he looks at me. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t afraid of him.

                “Hello,” he says slightly bowing to me. “So, your name is Jaime?”

                “Yup, Cho Jaime. What’s yours?”

                “Bang Yongguk,” he says giving me a smile that looks completely different than his outward appearance. It’s a big gummy smile and it seems so friendly and nice.

                “It’s nice to meet you.”

                “So, how do you know Aecha?” he asks as he points to her.

                “We met during orientation,” I explain. “We just became friends then, even though we’re not in the same major.”

                “I thought so,” he says as he thinks. “You didn’t look like anyone that I saw in the hallways of our building. What major are you in?”

                “International business,” I tell him. “I hope to join a big company and have the opportunity to travel or at least meet a lot of new people. So, you’re a music major?”

                “I am,” Yongguk says nodding his head. “My specialty is in music and rap making. I like to do it myself, but I’m still learning.”

                “You know how to make it yourself?” I ask surprised.

                “I’m still learning, but I hope to help people that are achieving their dream of entering the entertainment industry.”

                “That’s a nice dream.”

                Yongguk and I spend the whole time talking and we continue to until he suggests that we do something else. “Let’s get out of here.”

                “What?” I ask slightly surprised.

                “You don’t look like the type of person who goes to a club often and you look uncomfortable in here. Honestly, I don’t go to clubs very often either, let’s get out of here.”

                “But your friends,” I say looking at where Aecha and the rest of them are sitting.

                “It’s alright,” he says as he ushers me out of the seat and grabs my hand. “Hold my hand, I’ll get us out of here.”

                Like he said, Yongguk finds our way out of the club and into the fresh night air. It’s already very late and dark outside. “I should text Aecha,” I say taking out my phone and sending her a text telling her that I’m going back to the dorms first. “I guess I’ll get going. It was nice meeting you,” I say as I attempt to leave, but Yongguk holds me back.

                “Spend some more time with me,” he says.

                “Excuse me?” I ask not sure if I heard him correctly.

                “Spend some more time with me,” he says again.

                “Why? I mean, it’s late and what is there to do?”

                “We could just sit and talk. I know this nice spot, but you look uncomfortable, let’s get you changed out of these clothes first, we can go to the dorms.”

                Yongguk and I walk to where the dorms are as we both go to our respective dorms and promise to meet up in the middle section of where all of the dorms are once we’re done. Figuring that it’s late and cold, I put on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt before making my way out of the dorm to see Yongguk already standing there.

                “That looks much more suited on you,” Yongguk says looking at me with a smile. He’s changed out of his clothes into simple jeans and a t-shirt with a jacket, too.

                “Thanks, this is what I normally wear,” I say as I put my hands into my pocket. “Aecha rejects this style most of the time.”

                “Well, she is one for fashion. Sometimes I wonder why she isn’t a fashion major instead,” Yongguk says. “Shall we get going?”

                I follow behind Yongguk and notice that he’s carrying a blanket. Why is he carrying a blanket and where did he get it? I have no idea where he’s taking me and it seems like we’re walking for forever until he finally stops.

                “Where are we?” I ask as I look at him.

                “My favorite spot in the whole wide world,” he says with a smile. “I grew up in this area and I always used to come here whenever I needed to think about things.”

                “What did you need to think about?” I ask. Slowly I find myself getting curious about Yongguk and I don’t know why.

                “Just a bunch of things,” he simply says. “Whenever I would feel stress I would come up here too and gaze at the stars.” Yongguk puts the blanket onto the grass and spreads it out as he sits on it and taps the space right next to him. “Come sit down.”

                “Next to you?”

                “Where else?”

                “Okay,” I hesitantly say as I sit down next to him. Somehow now it feels awkward between the two of us even if it wasn’t before. “Why are you being so nice to me?” I ask him.

                “Hmm?” he asks turning his head to look at me.

                “Why are you being so nice to me despite you only meeting me some mere number of hours ago?”

                “Honestly, I don’t know,” he says shrugging his shoulders. “Why did you agree to come with me?”

                “I don’t know,” I say repeating his answer.

                “I’m glad you decided to come with me, though. I’ve never shared this place with anyone.”

                “So I’m the first?” I ask pointing to myself.

                “You are,” he says with a smile. “And to your question before, I just feel like I should protect you for some reason.”

                “Really?’ I ask. “You think that I need protection?”

                “If you don’t that’s fine, but you seem like you’re someone that does,” he says with a laugh as he looks down at the ground. “But I like spending this time with you, even if it is the first time that we met. I hope we’ll get more chances like this in the future.”

                “I hope so to,” I say turning to look at him as we both smile at each other.


So, not much to ask questions on in this chapter, but now you know how Yongguk and Jaime met. Next chapter is Himchan's chapter, so how will Yongguk react to Himchan's proposal plan?


Here is Chapter 9. Hope you enjoyed :D

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg