Jaime's Life - Do This For You?

It's You

“Noona, are you ready? I’ll take you to work,” Daehyun says calling up to the bedroom.

                “Yeah, I’ll be right down, Daehyunnie,” I tell him as I turn to look at Yongguk.

                “Why can’t I take you to work?” Yongguk asks with a pout.

                “Because you’re still in recovery,” I say sticking my tongue out at him. It’s only been a couple of days since the accident and he wants to go to work and do this or do that. The doctor told him that he shouldn’t be overworking, yet here he is, wanting to do whatever his little heart tells him to do.

                “So? I’m perfectly fine. I’m allowed to walk around the house, so what’s keeping me from being able to do things for you?”

                “Oppa,” I say going over and standing in front of him. “I know how much this probably right now, but you’re injured and I’m not going to let you suddenly die out there if you decide to take me to work. Daehyun is perfectly capable of doing that, alright?” When he’s least expecting it, I kiss him on the lips. “There, now you’re settled. Stay at home and I’m going to go to work, alright?”

                “Fine,” he grumbles.

                “Good, now I’ll be off with Daehyun and I’ll come back later.” I smile to him before I leave the room to go downstairs to see Daehyun leaning up against the front door. “Sorry, you know how he is, he wouldn’t let me leave.”

                “I know, I know,” Daehyun says laughing as he opens the door for me. “He just seems entirely tired of sitting around and doing nothing all day.”

                “I know,” I say as Daehyun and I go into Yongguk’s car. He’s letting us borrow it since he says that he doesn’t want Daehyun and I to walk to my work or get a taxi. He’s so protective sometimes. “But I’m just doing what the doctor advised. He’s allowed to go out of the house, just not overdo himself yet and I think by going to work and stuff he’ll start overdoing it.”

                “Probably, you know how intense it gets with some of those trainees. I just hope that it’s not delaying any of their debuts or comebacks by him not being there.”

                “I’m sure it’ll be fine,” I say as I look out the window while Daehyun drives. “I’m sure there are other people there that are capable of helping him.”

                “Yup,” Daehyun says nodding his head in agreement.

                It doesn’t take long for us to finally arrive at my workplace. People are going in from all over and Daehyun rolls down the window to talk to me. “So, I’ll call you when I’m done,” I tell him.

                “Okay,” he says. “Sounds good. I’ll probably be out and about, but I’ll take the car home because I can walk.”

                “Don’t get in trouble,” I warn him.

                “I won’t, I promise. Do you want me to go to the grocery store or anything?”

                “No, I think we’re good for now,” I say thinking about what food we might have in the fridge. “I might need to go in a couple of days, but we should be good for the time being. Thanks anyway and I should get going.”

                “Alright,” Daehyun says giving me a light wave. “I’ll see you later.” I stand and watch the car drive away before I go into the company.

Entering the company, it seems very different than the normal atmosphere. I’m not sure what is going on, but something seems off, something really seems different. “Hey Jaime,” one of the other workers tells me as soon as I enter.

“Hello,” I say slightly bowing to her since she has been working at the company for longer than me.

                “Did you hear the news?” she asks looking at me.

                “No,” I say shaking my head. “What kind of news?”

                “Well, Himchan, of your department, apparently he and his girlfriend were getting engaged, but he suddenly broke off the engagement.”

                “What?” I ask in shock. I never knew that Himchan was planning on getting married to Jessica, but why did he break it off? Was there something wrong with their relationship? But they seemed so happy; I wonder what happened between them. Should I ask him once I get up to the office or would it seem rude to be prying information out of him about his public life? I guess I’ll just let him talk about it if he needed to talk to someone.

                “Himchan apparently was going to get engaged but he broke off the engagement before they even got engaged,” she explains to me.

                “Oh,” I say nodding my head. “I…I hadn’t heard.”

                “Well it is, so you might want to be wary when you go up there and work with him. I don’t know what happened, but I shouldn’t keep you for much longer. See you later, alright?”

                “Alright,” I say politely waving back to her as I make my way towards the elevator. What happened?

                Slowly, I walk through the hallway of the office to go to Himchan’s door. There are only a couple of more days left in the training before I’m not under Himchan anymore. After that, I’m pretty sure I’ll be a part of the company and I don’t know if I’ll see Himchan a lot after that.

                “Oh, Jaime, you’re here,” Himchan says looking at me and giving a smile. It seems like nothing is wrong with him and that he might be taking this well. “Sit, sit, we have a lot of work to do today. I only have you for a couple of more days and we have to make the most out of it.”

                “Um…yeah,” I say looking at him strangely and for lack of better words since they all seem to escape from my head. Is what my coworker said earlier just a rumor and Himchan and Jessica are in fact engaged and about to get married? I’m not sure. I’m not sure of anything, really.

                “Is there something wrong?” Himchan asks looking at me. “Is Yongguk alright?”

                “Yeah, Yongguk-oppa is perfectly fine, a bit restless about being in the house and other than complaining a whole lot, he’s fine.”

                “It seems like it would be boring in the house,” he says with a light laugh as he sifts through some paper. “So, getting to work, we have to go through some idols today and match them to some of our up-and-coming products.”

                “Okay,” I say grabbing a seat in front of Himchan’s desk.

                Throughout the time that Himchan is talking to me and saying things about the idols that he thinks are fine and when we should meet them to offer them a position, I keep thinking about what I was told. He seems perfectly fine for a person who’s engagement just got broken off. I don’t know who was the one that decided to break it off, whether it be Jessica or Himchan, but…he seems perfectly fine…even if happy.

                I don’t even know why I’m so curious in Himchan’s personal life, though. But Himchan is my friend and he will always be one of my good friends, despite not seeing each other for a while, I still consider him as one of my friends.

                “Are you staring at my good looks?” he randomly asks in the silence making me jump a little by his sudden voice.

                “What did you say?”

                “My good looks, they’re just too much for you to resist, right?” he asks with a smirk. “I know that they are, no need to deny it.”

                “Hey, I have Yongguk-oppa so I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say sticking my tongue out.

                “Right,” he says as he sifts through some more paper and then looking at me.

                “What has gotten into you?” I ask.

                “What do you mean?”

                “I mean what has gotten into your attitude?” I ask him as I place my hands on my hips.

                “I’m the same Himchan as always, I see no difference.”

                “There is a difference. You weren’t acting like this before. I would say that you went back to your old high school self, conceited and unconcerned about anyone.”

                “Can you be so sure?” Himchan asks with a serious face.

                “So sure?” I ask. “What do you mean?”

                “I mean,” he says standing up and looking at me. “Are you so sure that I’ve changed? Haven’t I always been the same person from before? Haven’t I always been the guy that was silently by your side throughout our middle school and high school years? You’ve never noticed me, never, did you ever think about what I was feeling before?”

                “Himchan,” I say looking at him. “What are you talking about?” I don’t know what Himchan is talking about, but something deep inside of me says that I know the reason why. Is he the one that changed or am I the one that changed? It’s been seven years since we last saw each other, surely things were going to change in the seven years. Things happen, life happens, and then here we are.

                “Nothing,” he says shaking his head as he sits back down in his desk. “Nothing, just ignore my last statement.”

                “Okay,” I say nodding my head as I begin to go through some more papers. I wonder what’s going on through Himchan’s mind right now. I mean, if everything is happening as everyone says it is happening, then it must be a very difficult time he is going through right now. I would understand it to be, if he’s the one that got broken up with. If he were the one to do the breaking up, then I wonder how Jessica is feeling right now.

                As if on cue, Jessica comes into the office. I hear her high heels more than anything and I figure that it’s her because of the way that people are looking at the person that is approaching and then looking at Himchan who knows nothing and is doing his work. I can only believe that it is Jessica. I look at her standing at the door and then back to Himchan. Her eyes look puffy and red, so I’m betting that he’s the one that broke the engagement off before it even happened, but why.

                “Um…hello,” I politely say standing up and bowing causing Himchan to look up and Jessica and then immediately down at his work. “I…I should leave.”

                “No, stay,” Himchan says as he slowly looks up. “I want you to stay.”

              “So it’s because of her, huh,” Jessica says scoffing. “You do know that I can get rid of you both in a heartbeat.”

                “Look, Jessica, I don’t care if this isn’t a conversation that we should be having here, but I don’t like you anymore. I’m the one at fault here; my feelings are the one at fault. You can go find someone else and live a happy life,” Himchan says. Am I believing what I’m hearing right now?

                “But Himchannie, we can live a good life together, I promise to always be good,” she says. It looks like she’s already on the verge of tears.

                “No,” he says shaking his head. “I’m sorry, but that’s not going to work with me. I don’t know where you heard of the marriage news…actually…maybe I do, but still, I was never planning on marrying you. You just got that idea in your head and then you ran with it. I’m sorry, but my feelings with you are slowly fading and I think that it’s best for the both of us if I just leave you alone and let you live your life.”

                “Why?” she asks in desperation. Should I really be standing here listening to all of this happen? Himchan told me to stay, but I don’t think I should be listening to their private conversation. “Why are you leaving me alone? I don’t care what your feelings tell you, don’t you know a perfectly good thing in front of you when you have one?”

                “You’re right,” Himchan says scoffing, “I didn’t know a good thing in front of me when I had one. I realized it but I was too much of a coward to do anything about it. Sure you don’t know what I’m talking about, but I do and that’s all that matters. I’m not going to let this opportunity slip in front of me, that’s why I’m letting you go, for both of our sakes.”

                “I hope you know that my father owns this company and you can be fired this instant,” she says as her eyes finally lie on me. I see a hint of realization in her eyes. Does she think that the one Himchan is talking about is me? That’s impossible, I have Yongguk. Himchan is probably talking about someone else. “You, it’s you that did this, right?”

                “Me?” I ask pointing to myself. “I don’t know why you would get such an idea.”

                “Yes,” Himchan says putting his arm around my shoulder and causing me to look at him with shocked eyes. Did he just say yes?

                “I thought you were together with Yongguk,” she says giving me a glare.

                “I…I…” I stutter unable to say anything. What am I supposed to say? I am together with Yongguk but Himchan is my friend? I can’t just lie to a person that I don’t know like that. I’m not like Himchan.

               “Not anymore,” Himchan says. Is he trying to get me in trouble with Yongguk? “She’s together with me now. She’s the one that I like and I discovered that shortly after she came here. I thought I would spare both of us the heartbreak and just break up with you and let us go our separate ways.”

                Jessica looks at the both of us and it seems like she doesn’t believe either of us. I wouldn’t even believe either of us. It’s a fickle story and there are so many loopholes that it’s amazing that she’s even probably considering that this is even the truth.

                Himchan’s grip on my arm gets tighter as Jessica stares at the both of us before sighing. “I don’t know whether I should believe you or not, but I’m going to keep an eye on both of you. Trust me, I have my people around the company.” With that, Jessica leaves and I have the perfect opportunity to turn around and slap Himchan in the shoulder.

                “What was that for?” he asks.

                “What was that for?” I retort back.

                “I just need you to pose as my girlfriend for a while,” he says shrugging his shoulders. “What’s so difficult about that?”

                “Difficult? My boyfriend is Yongguk-oppa, not you, what happens when she finds out or he finds out?”

                “Then tell him. Tell him about this little façade to help me get away from Jessica. He’ll understand, right?”

                “How am I supposed to know?” I ask.

                “Just ask him, please? Do this for me?”

                “And why should I do this for you?”

                “Because we’re awesome friends and because I’m your boss.”

                I roll my eyes and take a seat with a sigh. “You know Kim Himchan, you’re quite something.”


How will Yongguk react with Himchan's plan to fool Jessica? Will the plan to fool Jessica actually work? 


Here is Chapter 15. Hope you enjoyed :D


And this is written from my brand-new laptop! Yay! :)

Plus, I move into my college dorm in 3 days. I guess it hasn't hit me yet...

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg