Jaime's Life - Mutual Friends

It's You

“Hey, Jaime,” Yongguk says as he sits down next to me on the couch after our meal.

                “Yeah?” I ask looking at him with wide eyes and wondering why he would be calling me when normally he would just sit down and watch some television with me or we would talk about our day or something like that.

                “My one friend from the agency invited me out and she says that I can bring you along, do you want to come with me? Well, I wouldn’t go if you weren’t going, but do you want to meet some of my friends from the agency?”

                I stare at him for a moment. I guess it wouldn’t hurt anything if I went with him. I don’t know that many people that he works with, I rarely even know anyone, so I guess it would be a good experience to meet some more people that are in the entertainment business since I am part of the department that scouts idols. It doesn’t even bother me that the colleague is a girl that asked him out. Yongguk and I just have that sort of trust with each other.

                “Sure,” I say with a bright smile. “Where are we going?”

                “Just out to have some snacks and things like that. I’ll tell her that we can come,” he says as he gets up and starts dialing her number on his cell phone.

                “Alright,” I say as I get off of the couch, too. “I’ll change into more appropriate clothes.”

                Within no time, Yongguk and I show up at the restaurant together and are being escorted to the back of the room where the people are actually waiting. As soon as I enter the room, my eyes go wide. Why is Himchan here? Does he know this colleague of Yongguk’s too? How small is this world? I look at the girl that’s sitting next to Himchan; I’m guessing that she’s his girlfriend. She’s very pretty.

                “Jessica, Himchan, I’d like for you guys to meet Yongguk and Jaime,” the girl, who I can only presume is Tiffany, introduces us. Yongguk told me a little about her during the drive over here.  Awkwardly, Himchan and I just look at each other for a brief moment during the introductions.

                “Hello,” Jessica says greeting Yongguk and I brightly. “I’m Jessica, Himchan’s girlfriend and a friend of Tiffany.”

                “Hi, I’m Jaime,” I say giving a polite smile without trying to look at Himchan. Yongguk doesn’t even know that I know who he is and I highly doubt that anyone here does, too.

                “I’m Yongguk,” he says introducing himself to Jessica and Himchan.

                “So, how do you and Yongguk here know each other?” Jessica asks looking at Tiffany as we all sit in the back room and get ourselves comfortable, or at least attempt to get ourselves comfortable with the situation that we’re currently placed in.

                “We both work at a company,” Tiffany explains. “I work with the female trainees and also help with learning some English while Yongguk teaches rap and some occasional dancing.”

                “That’s awesome,” Jessica says complimenting him. “Himchan here only works at a company.”

                “It’s not that bad,” Himchan says in an attempt to defend himself. “I have interactions with idols.”

                “Sure you do,” Jessica says rolling her eyes, which I find a little funny. It seems like Himchan is still the same old Himchan and that nothing is going to change.

                When the waiter comes in to order food, I don’t say a word and Yongguk simply shakes his head. “We already ate.”

               “Then just order some drinks,” Tiffany says pushing the menu towards the both of us. “You don’t have to eat; we’ll just get some snacks.”

                The waiter continues to get the orders until everyone is finished and he finally leaves having Jessica start the conversation again. “So, Yongguk, how long have you and Jaime been dating?”

                “Three years,” Yongguk confidently says as he puts his arm around me. I blush a little as he tells them. I don’t know why, but whenever someone asks how long we’ve been dating, I become shy and embarrassed.

                “Three years? That’s quite a long time,” Tiffany comments. “Even I didn’t know that you two have been dating for that long.”

                “You’re really lucky,” Jessica says looking at me which causes me to lower my face even more.

                “Ah, thank you,” I manage to say. I don’t know why I’m nervous, but it just always happens. People would think that after three years the nervousness would go away, but it’s always present, but it seems like it’s worse. Is it because of Himchan being here?

                “Why the awkward atmosphere?” Tiffany asks. “We should be hanging out and acting like we’re good friends with each other, well, or at least get to know each other better. Well, I know Yongguk and I know Jessica, but Yongguk, you and Jaime probably don’t know much about Jessica and Himchan and the same the other way around, right? Himchan, this is different than your usual self, why aren’t you speaking?”

                “Is something wrong?” Jessica asks as she puts her hand to his forehead. I stare at Himchan. I guess things have changed since the last time we saw each other, well, things had to have changed. We were still in high school then and knew nothing of the world. Now, we meet up seven years later and we both have either a boyfriend or a girlfriend and are working and have graduated college. We’re real people in the actual world. Things are bound to be different.

                “I’m perfectly fine,” Himchan says. “I’m just tired from the day of working.”

                “Ah, how is that going?” Tiffany asks him. At the mention of working, I suddenly get tense, but thankfully no one notices anything. I see Yongguk give me a little look out of the corner of his eye, but he probably only figures that I’m nervous being here around all of his friends and would rather not question it in front of everyone for the possibility of making it worse. I’m thankful to him for that.

                “Perfectly fine,” Himchan says.

                “I have to go to the bathroom,” I quickly say standing up from the table.

                “I’ll show you the way,” Himchan immediately offers as he stands up where he’s sitting. I sense an awkward atmosphere growing at his sudden offer as he speaks in an attempt to clear up his intentions. “Because it’s your first time here and that way Jessica can get to know Yongguk more.”

                “You aren’t going to be jealous?” Tiffany asks.

                “Why would I be jealous?” Himchan asks looking at her. “I know that she loves me, right?” He quickly leans down and kisses her on the cheek. “I’ll be right back.”

                At the mention of that, I quickly leave the room and hide around the corner. Since we aren’t going to be in the view of anyone else, might as well do some games that we used to do to each other during high school.

                I hear the door open and Himchan begins calling my name. I hear his footsteps echo through the hallway before I hear him get close enough. “Boo!” I yell as I jump from behind a corner.

                “What was that?” Himchan asks as he stumbles back again. I attempt to stifle my laughter since we’re in a public place and the hallway is already quiet anyway.

                “I just remember how I used to scare you all of the time,” I tell him as we begin walking down the hallway.

                “So, let me show you to the bathroom,” Himchan says.

                “I actually don’t have to go,” I confess to him.

                “You don’t?”

                “I just wanted to get out of there, it seemed totally stuffy.”

                “Well, it was,” Himchan says with a light laugh. “Should we just make it seem like we’re going to the bathroom?”

                I nod my head as silence falls between Himchan and me as we begin walking next to each other. It feels like we haven’t walked next to each other in ages. Are the same thoughts going through Himchan’s mind?

                “So, Jessica’s your girlfriend? She’s pretty,” I comment breaking the silence between us.

                “You could say,” Himchan says with a slightly nervous laugh. Why is he so nervous?

                “I’m serious, you really picked a good one,” I say patting him on the back. I remember the people that he used to date before. Some of them were less than ideal and I think that Jessica is really a good person for him. She seems nice and fun, not to mention that she’s really cute. It’s like all of the qualities that Himchan likes in a person.

                “She sort of picked me,” Himchan says as he looks at the ground.

                “Still, you guys made a good couple.”

                “And so do you and Yongguk,” he tells me as he looks at me. “He seems to make you really happy.”

                “He does,” I say nodding my head as I think of some of the memories between Yongguk and me already. Even those memories that happened during our first month of dating seem just like yesterday to me.

                “Well, here’s the bathroom,” Himchan says as we both look at the sign. “Should we spend a couple of minutes before we had back to the room?”

                “Yeah,” I say nodding my head, once again.

                Again, silence envelops us as we stand near the bathroom and lean up against the wall. People probably think that we’re weirdoes, spending our time near bathrooms. Who would’ve guessed that Himchan and I would have this awkward air between us after meeting for such a long time, but that’s probably the reason why because we did meet after such a long time.

                “Hey,” Himchan says as he starts up the conversation again. “Can you say nothing about knowing me?”

                “Why?” I ask. Honestly, I forgot for a couple of moments that the rest of them in the room had no idea about Himchan and me knowing each other from high school. So does that mean that Jessica doesn’t even know? I mean, sure Yongguk doesn’t really remember who Himchan probably is, but I told him about my past before, but that was a very long time ago. He probably doesn’t remember.

                “Because,” he says as I see his thinking face go into action. He’s probably thinking of an excuse to use. “I just don’t want anyone to get jealous, you know?”

                “Sure,” I say giving him a smile when I know that he’s just lying. Why would someone be jealous of us knowing each other? We both have our respective boyfriend and girlfriend, what would be the harm? “Um…I think we were at the bathroom too long, should we go back?”

                “Yeah,” Himchan says as we start walking side by side again in silence.

                It doesn’t take that long for Himchan and I to make our way back to the room. “Hey, you guys are back,” Yongguk says as he puts his arm around me as I sit down.

                “Yup, we successfully found the bathroom,” Himchan announces to everyone.

                “Um…thanks for telling us?” Tiffany asks with a confused face.

                “Everything’s alright, right baby?” Yongguk whispers to me.

                “Of course,” I tell him with a smile. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

                “Just wondering,” he says as he shortens the distance between us and kisses me on top of the head.

                I know what he’s thinking; I just don’t want to voice it aloud. I mean, we’ve been together for three years and three years is a pretty long time when anyone thinks about it. That’s almost how long someone spends in high school or in college. I know that he has the intention of marrying me in the future, he even said it himself and I even picture myself being by Yongguk’s side, so we’re both serious about this. However, he hasn’t asked me yet and I’m not even entirely sure when he will. He probably just wants it to be a surprise and plan it romantically. I’ve never really asked him about the engagement and he never really said anything about it. Sometimes I doubt if it’s even going to happen in the first place, but then I remember that we both love each other so why not?

                But that’s not what he’s talking about. Yongguk is talking about an actual baby. To accompany the random marriage talk sometimes, he always expresses his desire to become a father and although we both agree that we should wait until after we get married to have a child, he sometimes get excited at the thought of me being pregnant at any possible time.

                “So, what were you guys doing here?” Himchan asks gathering the group back for a conversation.

                “Just talking about random things,” Yongguk says.

                “Mostly giving Tiffany some relationship advice,” Jessica giggles. Now that I think about it, she is the only one that’s single at the table. Does she feel left out? Probably not. She probably has a lot of people that are waiting to confess to her or ask her to be their girlfriend, but maybe the right guy hasn’t come along yet. Why am I thinking so much about a person that I barely even know?

                Pretty soon, before anyone realizes, it becomes late. “I guess we should get going first,” Yongguk announces to everyone. “We have work tomorrow morning.”

                “Yeah, I guess so, we all have work,” Tiffany says as we stand up.

                After we bid our goodbyes, Yongguk and I walk to our car together. Silence is between us, but it’s a comfortable silence until Yongguk starts driving home. “So, that Himchan guy in there, you know him, right?”

                “What?” I ask looking right at him as he only keeps his eyes on the road.

                “It’s pretty obvious that you guys know each other,” he says laughing with his deep laugh.

                “Then why didn’t you say anything in there?” I ask. Why wouldn’t Yongguk say anything about Himchan and I knowing each other if he already knew about it?

                “I just thought that if you guys didn’t say anything then either they already know or you didn’t want them to know. Why didn’t you want them to know?”

                “It’s not that I didn’t,” I tell him. “Himchan didn’t.”

                “Oh,” he says nodding his head. “So how do you know Himchan?”

                “Remember how I told you I met one of my old friends today?” Yongguk’s head nods in agreement. “That’s him. It’s Himchan. We were friends in high school.”

                “That’s really something,” he says with a light laugh.


                “I don’t know,” he says shrugging his shoulders. “I think it’s cool that you met him again.”

                “You aren’t jealous?” I worriedly ask.

                “Jealous?” he asks as he parks the car and looks at me. “Why in the world would I be jealous?”

                “I don’t know,” I say shrugging my shoulders. “I just thought that you wouldn’t like the thought about me being friends with him for some reason.”

                “Never think that,” Yongguk says as his hand reaches out to touch my cheek. “Did I do something to you for you to think that?”

                “No.” I quickly shake my head back and forth so he doesn’t get the wrong impression. Why did I think that Yongguk would be jealous?

                “You’re so cute,” he says as he pats me on the top of my head. “But I’ll never be jealous of you. As long as you love me, I’ll never be jealous because I know you love me and I love you.” I feel my cheeks getting redder at his words, even if I have been hearing those words for three years. “Look at you,” Yongguk comments with a big gummy smile. “You still get red at those words.” I hide my face away from him so he can’t make fun of me anymore. “Are you embarrassed?” he asks. “Fine, I won’t make fun of you anymore. Let’s just go get some sleep, alright?”


Are Yongguk and Jaime going to get engaged? Will Yongguk propose? How will work at the company go the following day? Will Jessica and Tiffany ever know that Jaime and Himchan already knew each other?


Here is Chapter 5. Hope you enjoyed :D

Sorry it took so long for me to update. Summer vacation got in the way, but I'll be getting back into the regular swing of things, don't worry :)

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg